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<br /> � � � � ��,� ��:��������fou�: � �p--I03332 - � �. � :
<br /> � , i. �at r�.r r��•�a.�r.�a�.�.. s�►a� ro �►�a� .
<br /> D �PUY P�Y
<br /> � ` - . tb+eprindptt ofariid intere,st vn.�thedebtevidenced bytlK NoteaadanY P�Y�entaad latechugesdueandert6sNote. � . .
<br /> . � 2. PiNi�forTaia aM.it��e. Subject to appticabk ta�v ar to a arrittea waiver by L.ender,Harrower shal!p�y '
<br /> to L+eader on the da�moatl�ly P�ymeat3 sre due unAea tLe Not�uni�the Note is p�id ia�fu11.a sum(•�Funds")eqw!w ' r
<br /> � . ` ������) Y�Y�+���mts�vb�ch may�preority�vu this Soairity�nsti�ent:fb)ytariY . ..
<br /> , . -Idqebokl psyments or aroued nats ori ti�e.Froperty. if aaY. t�)YeartY•t�rd ensurana pmniums; ar;d(d}Yearly , . `. .
<br /> , , . �m�raaa Pr'emiva�s,i�iny:Tbe�e itans�re calted"esem+v items."Leader may aqmate th�s Ftmds due ot�the .
<br /> . bais otcun+mt dsta,md re�aoo�bla es�imates af future escraa�r items.' � � �
<br /> TbeFamdc s�all be hdd�an ia�titutioo tbe deQasits orsaaounts of�►bicb are insured or guata�tad by a faderal or�
<br /> � stat�a�a�cy{�clodia�I�mtler if I.a�der is snch tn institutioaj.I.eader shalt ipply the Funds to pay the esccaw items. • .
<br /> � Leader msy not cbarype for liotdinE��7���F�,anwlyz�g t1u ace�ant ar vecifyiaa the escro�r items,unless , .
<br /> . . . , Leodec pays Borro�et iatasst aa tlit Fmds aad appiicable L�r pamits Lender to m�lte such a char�e. Borro�rer�d
<br /> , I.eackr may,aaree iia�vritin�t1t�t�iater�st sbaU be p�id oa tfie Funds. Unlas aa a�roemeat is made or applicable taw '
<br /> . . �9�u�'e+mte��t to be P�d.I�der s1�al�noE 1�c i�aquired to psy Borirmver su►y interest or earnings an tbe Fwtds.Lender .
<br /> ` sb�U yve to Borro�e4 withnut charge,�a snnvat accountiag of the F�nds shawina credits and de6its to the Funds aad the ,
<br /> ` . � .purpo�e�'or�rhich ac6 debit tb thc Fnnds�vss nvida The Funds are pledged�.s Odditional security for tfie sums secured by
<br /> _ . • . ..this Security Inatrumen� :� . �
<br /> � . f.�tlic�Imou�nt of the Furds heW bY Y.a�der,toaetber�rith�e future monthtY FiY�ts of Fuads payable priar ta . .
<br /> � ; .tbe dne�tes�oF.thc escro�v items,shaU euoeed the unwnt required to pary the escrox items when dne.the excess s6alt bG � � �
<br /> . ± ai Hor�a�er's option;eitl�er P�PUY���o Borrmver or cradited t�Borrower oa monthlY Pa}rments of Funds.If tt�e .
<br /> f anwuait�of the Fuad:beld by I,ender is not susicient�to pay tlte eacro+v items whsn due.�orro�►er shall • .
<br /> P�Y tQ Lender uny
<br /> ' amoua�mecxssary to mulce up the deficiency in oae or more paymeata as required t�y I.ender. � , '
<br /> .. ' Upon payment in faU of dl aums securul by this Security Instn�ment,L.a�r shall promptiy refund to Borrowa
<br /> ...uiy Fwsds beid by Lender.If under p�ra�r�19 tbe Property is aold aa�aaqunre�by Lendcr,Izndu shal!aPplY.no Iater . .
<br /> � � tbpn immaliateiy prior to the s�k of the Rraperty or its acquisition bf�,encler,aay Funds held by Lender at the time af
<br /> . I . ` applicati�as a cradit agAinst the sums sacu�d.by this Security Instrumen� . �
<br /> . �� � �:��'�yl�t�ttos of Payweds, Ualess appticable!aw provides.othenvise,aU payments received by Lender wider
<br /> pua�'1 and 2 shaU be applied:Srst,to tate chasges dzae;under the Notr,secoad,to prepayment charges due under the
<br /> i Notr,t1uM,to amouass psysbk under paragapb 2;faurti�,�o interest�at�d last,to principal due.
<br /> : �• ��. Homawer shall pny al!tues,assessmett�;:�]�uges,fines and impasitions attn'butable to tize
<br /> � Property ahich may attain priority over rt�as Security lnstrument,.ad leasehold paymrnts or graund rents, if any. . -
<br /> � � Boao�res shaU psy these obli�ati�s f:�;he manner provided in paragraph 2.or if�ot paid in that manner,Borrowet shaii ` � ,
<br /> . � pay them on time d'uectly to the�oe�son oaed paymee�Borrowa shall prompily�mish to Lerider all notices of amounts � -
<br /> to be paid under tbis paragRaph.If Borrower makes these payments diroctJy,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender :'
<br /> � , rxeipts evidencing_the payments. i .
<br /> i . Borrower aha11 protnpqy dixharge any lien which has priority ovtr this Security Instrument unless Borrower.(a} � ' �
<br /> : agraes in wtiting to the p�yment of the obligation securod by the lien in a m�nner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good ' y
<br /> � � f�ith thc lien by.or defends s�gainst e�forcement of tbe liea�in,legs!pracxdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to . ' _
<br /> ' prevent the rnt�otcement of the licn ar forfeiture of any part of the Propetty;or(c)socures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> � ageement setisPactory to Lendcr subordinatiag the lien to this Security.�nstrumen�If Lender determines that any part e� . --
<br /> ; the Property is aubiect to a Gen which may attain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument, l,endet may give Borrower� �
<br /> j notice identifying th�tien.Banowcr sha11 satisfy the lien or t�lce one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days . '��
<br /> ; oPthege�Lngofnotice. � . �
<br />: �+. Huard Isrura�ce. Berrower shall keep thc improvements now e�cistiag or hereafter erected on the Property
<br /> insured against loss 1���flre,hazards included a�aihin the term"extertded a�verage"and any other hazards for which Lender . . �
<br /> � requir�insur�nce. 'I'f�is insurance s1uU be rri�iatained in the amour�ts and for the periads that Lender roguires.The
<br /> � ; insurance carsier provid'.ng the insu�nce shall be�chosen by Horrower subjxt to Lender's�pproval which shalt not be
<br /> ' '� unr+ease+��b1y withheld. -
<br /> ' Al.��insurance policies s�nd�renewals shall be acceg�le to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause.
<br /> • f Lender shall have tl�c right to hold the policirs and rrne�vals.tF Lender roquires,Horrower shall promptty give to Lendc�
<br /> I all receipts of paid prtmiums and renewal ndtiees. In the event of toss,Borrawer shaU give prompt notice to the insurance ;:�:�
<br /> 1 curier and Y.�nder.Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Horrower.
<br /> I �.ra�ess Lender and Honower otharwise agree in w�iing,insurance proceeds shall be applied to restorafton ar repuir �
<br /> i . of the Pcciperty damagod,iP the restoration or repait is a�omieally feasibtt and I.snder's security is not i�sened. lf ihe �
<br /> I rqtosation or npair is not economically feasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance praceeds shall be � �
<br /> . , applied to t6G sums seeured isy tAis Security lnstrutnent, whether or r.gi then due,with any txcess paid to Borrower. If
<br /> �� � .. Hofrower abandons the Property.or does not answet a��thin 30 days a natice from Lender that the inss�ance carricr has - � � --�-�--- � � �
<br /> i . olfex+od do aettle a claim.then Lender enay collect the ins�rance proceeAs.Lender may use the praceeds to ge�air or restore
<br /> th�i"ccptrty or to pay sums secured by this Security Instrua�ent.whether or not then ilue.The 30�day pegc�x!wip begin �
<br /> � when the notice is given.
<br />, � Unless Ltn�er and Borrower otherwise agree in wssting.any a�'::cation of proceeds t�principal shall not extersd or � �
<br /> � postpone theduociss�cof themonthiy psyments referred to in qacagraphs 1 and 2 or change Ihe amovnt of thc payments.lP
<br /> , ' under paragtaph 19 Ehe Proptrly'ts acquired by Lender,Bc�nower's right to any i���rance policies and prc�ceecis resulting .
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the eue�t nf the sums se�:ured by this Security `
<br /> Instrument.immediately prior totheacquisition.
<br /> „ 6. Presenahon�nd Maietee:ece ot ProPerty;Lea�eholdf. Borrower shali not destroy.damage�nr substantially
<br /> . change tht Property,allow the Property to deterivrate nr commit waste. lf this Security lnstrument is on a leasehold, r:�--� ---
<br /> Borrower aha11 comply with the provisions of the tease,and if Borrawer acquires fee title to the Property,the leasehnld and �
<br /> , , fa title sha11 not merge unless Lender agrers to the mergcr in writing. ,
<br /> . � 1. Pratecttoe ot.Le�der'� R1g1p in tLe Prup�rty;Mortg,�� lnsueance. If Horrower fzWs to per€orm che . � . •
<br /> . cwenattts'se��grtet�fnis codtained in fhis Security(nstrument,or thete is a legal proceeding that may signifrcamly affect . � i
<br /> Lender's rights in lh�Propetty (such as a proceeding in banlcsuptcy, prabate, for condemnati�n or ta enfarce.laws nr
<br /> �• regulation"s),then Lender may do and p�y for whatever is aecessary to protect the value af the Proxrerty and Lender's rights �
<br /> in the Ptaperty. I,ender's aciions may iaciude paying any sums secured by a tien which has pri�rity over rhis Security �
<br /> L Instrument,appearing in caurt.paying reasonabte attorqeys fees and entering nn the Property te�make repai�.Altt'rough
<br /> Lender may take action under this paragraph 7,i,ender does nat have to do so.
<br />, , Any amounis disbursed by I.ender under this paragtaph 7 shall become additic�n�l debt uf�rrower secured by�his ti
<br /> . Secuxily Instrwnent.Unless Barrower and Lgrsder agrce ta other terms of paytr�ent.these amctiunts shall bear interesf fram ' �
<br /> �, , the date�f disbuf�emen� �t the Nete rate�rid shall be payablc, with interest, upoi� n��tice frem 1_endrr tv-&Trro«�cr , �
<br /> rtquesting payment. ' r �;
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