„ . . . ir.'t;.?�att`��.;ti.",'r� :i wi\Z :�7'.".:;. -1_ \:n::�;I,AJ.:...;;ti?._. . -r- . . . . . � .
<br /> . . - ; L1 r ; t .. .41,. is ; :fy-y.•;__ z ec '�` � � _ _ •
<br /> � Y� ��.,.. �. at � r ` _,; �_ _ _ . ,
<br /> . . _ .. . . . . �..... . . . � 3 . 'r!t'' _°a'.�%�'��- �cr j 1 .Y.�”4 ?-s� � r� �:.:�,�;;�ii;; sti �3: ' . _ .. � • . . .' " . . " ..
<br /> .' o
<br /> _ .._._"__. ._... ___ � ..._...�__ .". ' ' . ' _ _ ' _ _• ... . .-.- . _.__'_'_ .'__—_ - _ -_ .
<br /> . ', c., `, ``�;.
<br /> � . � . -.Tr--- r �:':'< "` �f t �t�t'. � _C - t� �:i� . ' . . . � . .
<br /> � � - , f� ' 'T: :,rs- � i r :tt� _ � .t ' ;
<br /> . � . �.......__ '; �r `�:'<... . ,.t r...:; � - . - . ' .
<br /> . 1 . 1 ����'fS.ic%;"•�•i;����.' Y{C�ti:�•j,:.S:�ii 2,�)��';`.i;. . _ � . . � .
<br /> � , � l,:.l..�. :'t:, _ .,f'r''C�,,�� _ ' , `
<br /> � ; , - - - - r ---- - ^:._ ,r:Yr __ s_r...:_�; ' — �. . _ - .
<br /> - . :�-"'•:;"` `� < , �`�"=� - . > - -- ` �_
<br /> � ' _ i+� �- - , . ` . . -' ;%"�'',i`*`F" „ 'n,;,.,'c..
<br /> , — .•:.
<br /> . i 'Y` � �'�_^ _- --"" .' . _ ' .
<br /> ___ __ -_' ' • _- - -_�_ .. ;�'^' :`(`_ , ' _ . ' . . . ' . • -. . "
<br /> , = � . � y � ;.,,;::. � , � . �� � 1033�9 � � ° . - �
<br /> : s.c�w.rrR�«�.s..ot�.'��"-,�y ,:.ti.. _ -:����_- �Q� , `: ` �
<br /> . t�}� L,ender msy,a�oept as ii�ic'!ry t�as bsiueRi b9 the SecrietarY in the cast of paymeat delaults.requite , . .
<br /> ` . • im�, te ayidmt tn fall of aIt anass 3�c'ed��=tbis�rity Instrument ii . . �
<br /> .,�:;:.-.,.
<br /> (i�aorm�ret.defat�lts bg faIIins to�a3?�£�.any moptErlg paymeilt requiced bY tLis Saiuity Insttument prior to br on .
<br /> �� tbe due dau oP tba qKxt monthtY�;v�r;'' - ,
<br /> � • -. (�Sartower defi�tta by fa�int,f�;�ria#°���s;�to�erfom��►ather ob1's�ons cantained in t,tus Security � t . . .
<br /> ' t (�)Sde Wlfl�tt Ce+eat A�eoraL I�ao�i si�til3;;x�-N ��,;t�,}, hw utl wqb tbe grior app�mval af tbe Secre�y,rt3�uin . , `
<br /> ' i . immedire pa�rmeM in folt�of a0 die�aee�;�Sea�7��,��Ia�t if.
<br /> ._. ,... . �•,:• �...
<br /> : � � ' - G)Ali ar p�et d d�Peaperty i�a�esvt�e.�f o�t'?�S by der►'sc a ddqeb)by 8�e Bormwet,and, .
<br /> i - '.`:':.. � , . .
<br /> { . (�1'6C'P1ope'dtp is e0t DOC1Ij11�by t6G�l�[.�i,i�0lS.���S at lltt p[�iiJl Of 6b0011�►Ri1dC0lOG.Of dIC p1tIC�SCt oi
<br /> � ' ; ��li s000C1�1�1C�k0�1L71r�blS.Cq�.�,,�5,.7C.��Y70EI!�UY[d 111 i000l�OC Ml�i illE tE�O�IbC$OC�lht}i. .
<br /> _ `; . • , < .
<br /> � i (e�1Vs\Yirer.f�c'ucumstaaces occur t9i����i Lsn3ea�¢ratuire immediau payment jn full,but Lend�r das not . .
<br /> �aquiro weT�pa�nnepts.Lender das not ii�a�ve'irs;ii�ts W3rI�;i�.spec�.to subseqnmt events.
<br /> - � ' • . - `- . . ; ons Issusd by ti�e Sectetul►wIll limit Lendar's cis!►ts.in �
<br /> t�)�fiw N iiUD See�epay.In maii� .�regi�I�ti ,
<br /> the cax oi psjrmeat defiutts,w require im�att�+t�meal#:�1 and farrxlose if aot psid.'fhis So�uity Insuumrnt does
<br /> f `. eot wthvriat�ooder�ian or farecbsure if.�se►�<�?¢3s�i��ations of the Secraary. � -
<br /> . , � .',:�',`;;�:�.' :,..:,•,,, .. _ .
<br /> .. � � 1� �M. BocroNer hu a ri�ht co ir�.�i:�aiod��ri�ci�hit required "nmmaliate psyment in fuU bayuse af
<br /> � Borm�rec'�faiiure to psY+�n�umount due aadet tlx�+iati oi.ti�s�ialtY Ipstrumrnt.This rt�ht apaia evrn after foreclosue �
<br /> . + prooeedinp ue instItutea.'To reiastate t1�e Security�ns�ti���ent;3�:r4rver shait tender in a lum�sum sll amouats reqaired to
<br /> brins Borro�ver's acconnt c�ureat iacludin��to th��nz they a�A1sligidons of Borrowa uader tLis Security Instruaxnt,
<br /> ! ' to[ixlesurs costs and reuoaable and customary $i?�?�Y'S��s���ad acD�a properly associatsd with tQe forectosure � .
<br /> ' i • , prooeedin�:Upon rda�tatatur�t by Bonower,this�I�[s�a�itpc��d t�e obl3ptions thAt It secures shaU remain in effxt.as � ,
<br /> • � it Lender htd not requtraf Imined�ate payment ia full.�a��vr,�t is aot res�uircd to penutt re�nstatement if:(�t.ender has
<br /> # tccepted reiasiatemtnt after the commrncement �f;.�'�o�'�osu�'c��o�dinSs within t�ro yrus immal�te[y preceding th�
<br /> � commencement of a current forsclasure procading,;�'�j�s�e":r:�atA�mt v�n'D pr,e�tude forectosure on ditferent grounds in the
<br /> � ' tutore.at(iii)reinstAtement w3U Qdveraely sttfect the�sfro�►iy o�tte 1im created�y this Security Instrument.
<br /> � _ ; , .; ; :':, . .
<br /> .i 11.�er Net Rtiart�i���S7 �R�h�s�'�`-�xtensIon of the tuae of p�yaaant or moditiqtion of �
<br /> I amonGtatiod of the sums 6aeured by this Secudry Instrument'�ra�5s�Lendrs taany successur in intaest of Borrower shall not
<br /> � � operate to rclease the liability of the orilin�l Borrowa or S�r•;cr�es's sncca.aor in interest. Leader shatl not be required to , . ,
<br /> ; commeaoe prooeodinss a�ait�at any successor in interest or rGfase�s"extend time:f�r payment or otherwise raodify amortization . .
<br /> � � of the suau sec�ured by Ihis Secudty Insuument by reason of a�.y`demaa�:�ado by the original Borrovrer or 8onower's • • � �' '
<br /> � � auceessars�tn interat.Any fot6araace by Lender in eae�cising.ar��igt�t or 7siistdy shaU ttot be a wafver of or proctudt the
<br /> �j � exercise o!aay ri�ht or remedy. • ' � • -
<br /> � LZ.S�aerow w!A�I��w MrM:Joht ua Sertral LhDWiy;�Sipa�.-.'i'fie covenanu and agamenu of this Savrity , ;_'��Y
<br /> ' lnatrument sha11 bind and benefit tda surcessors and assigns of Leau.;z and Bo:ia�,subject to the Drovisioru of paragraph 9.b. _
<br /> ' � Bono�wa's covenauu and�rameets shall be joiat and several.4�g Borrow�s'a�o co-sigas this Security instmment but does <•�_5=
<br /> ( not exxute the Notr.(a)is co•si�ntatthis Sacurity lnstrument o��;to�rtartgagc;grant and convey that Bonower•s interesr in
<br /> the Property under theterms of thia Security instrument;(b),s u?:�usan a l Ey o 6 T igat e d t o paY t he sums secur e d by t h i s S e c uri t y
<br /> ; lnstruraent; and (c) atras th�t Lender and any other I3oTr.�tir+�•�ay agree to excend, madify, forbear or make any '
<br /> �ccommodations witb agard to the tetm oi this Stcurity Inse,ui�.G�t.o:�:ht iV�te withuut that Borrowet's consent.
<br /> ,' � �t.�
<br /> • ' f3.Notka.Aay notice to Borrower provided for in this Security i�.�r�mt�t sfiai�f 6e given by detivedag it or by mailing it by
<br /> � flrat ctaas mail unkss appiiq�bk Isw requ'ues use af another methad,iTL::;atice�ysT1 be d'uected to the Properiy Address or any
<br /> � otha attdress Borrawa desisnates by notice to l.ender.Any notice t�rr C:.-.3er s�ai1 be given by�rst class mail to l.ender's addrcss
<br /> stataf hetefn or nny addras Lender dt�+i{nates by notice so Borraw:.r,>4�yr.e,tice provideei far in this Security tnstrument shall
<br /> , � be deemed to have bar.�iven to 8atrower or Lcnder when given as�.��G.�ia this paragraDh.
<br /> � t4.Go�er�iww;Se�enrYlly.This Stcurity Instrumene sha!!be sove�..e���'Were!taw and the law of the jurisdiction in
<br /> Nhich the Property is lacated.ln the event th�tt any provlsion or ctause of tF.;s�nty Instrumsnt or the Note conflicts with ap-
<br /> • .� D���bk I�w,such conflicl ahall not Aitect other pcovistons of this Security r:�sirument or ihe Note which can be given effect
<br /> � wlthout the cunflictin� ptovision. To this end the provisions of this SecuRaS ��strumeat a�d the Note are�declared to be • ':�c
<br /> � severable. �
<br /> �.
<br /> � . LS.�orrower'�Ca�r.8�rrower shap be given one confc,rmed copy of this Securty instrument. ,
<br /> � if.A�reai ot Re�b.Borrower unconQitiunally aseigr�s and transters to�Ler.=er alD the rents and revenues of the Property. � •
<br /> � Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's a�ents to coltect the ren�s and revenurs a��Aereby d.irects each►enant oi the Property
<br /> � to pay the rents to Lender or Lendar's�ents:llowever.prior to Lender's notice ta Borrower of Bonowsr's breach oF any cove-
<br /> mnt or aYramet�t in the 5ecurity tnsi,�ument.ilorrower ehall cofteet and receive a�l rents and revrnuts of tfi�er Property as trustee -�--- --��--- �-�-� -
<br />� f tor tha benefit of Lender and Borrawe�.Thi9 ussi�nment of rests constitutes an al�satute Assignmeni and hot an assignment f��
<br /> ; �dditiomi security onty.
<br />� if Lender gives notice of bre�ch to Borrower:(o)all.rents�eceived by Botrowee sha]I�c'�et�by Borrowcr as trustee tur benefft
<br /> ; of 1�eAdar oaty,to be applied to the sums secured by,the Security Instrument;(b)Lender shal]�e entitled to coftect and reaive all
<br /> � of the rrnts of the Propqrty:and(c)acb tenant ot the Pwperty shatt pay a11 rents du�an�unpaid[o Lender ar Lender's agent
<br /> . on LendePs written dunand to the tenant. .
<br /> . Borrowe�has not eaecuttd any prinr assianment oE thc rents and has no! and will nas yerform any act that would prevent
<br /> Lender from txercising its righis under this puagr�ph 16.
<br /> ` � Lender shaU not be repuired to eiitet u��o,take cantrul oi or maintain the Property befvre��after giving aptico uf breach to '
<br /> . i Borrowec.Howewet.Lender ar a judicially appnlnted receiv�r may do so at any dme there is a breaeb.Amy applteatton oY rents ►`__—=
<br /> shall no!cure or waive any detauU or invulidatc any�tfier rlgh!or cemedy of Lender.Thls oss�k;nmeni ot rents of the Property �
<br /> ehall tiermtnate when Ihe debt sccnred by the�ccurity tnstsument is paid in fu11. • ,
<br /> .� � • ' . . � •
<br /> -;-. .� . � . . . . _
<br /> � •• � � . . .
<br /> =^- , ' .
<br /> ' .. ' , �
<br /> � _ , . _ , . • �,
<br /> �, y:
<br /> E'u.4e�ui� , �
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