_ ::i _ . _ . . . ''t:_- .;: .
<br /> � �,4i t , -- , — — — .' –— _ –_– ._ _ . ,c — .- 1. . .. --�- ; �z
<br /> – � _ . �.`' - _
<br /> . , - : . _ z'`� . ' '
<br /> . __ . . . , ' . . . � . ` . . . . ii;,�;ai;• _ _
<br /> . .. ,.,
<br /> . ... . _ _ • _ _ -- —_' __- __ _' '-_ _ ' � __ "�ai:.*'.+���� "
<br /> ' t; � , .. .. � � , � _ ( , ' �' ' ' . _ _ . _ -. . _ __' __ - ' ' ..�.-_.- � ..•"� .
<br /> , . � . ._.._ `___ ,-�. �{ i.
<br /> . ..-..:�, . . ...... -��_ '_`__-- ' - . ._^_�-. -___ -_ ' __.__''- _.: -_ _�_-__—_-r.
<br /> ' � � , � . - � � _ ��3� . � �� `
<br /> ' , , L'�'�lie+�t�t hI�eTM1,I�Me�t s�N�IC " � �� ` �`�'
<br /> � _ ������� L�la Borrower shul paq whea due the prieciDal of,and Iaterest oa,�ei�e d'ebt � � � '
<br /> • , h�rles due nnde�thr Note. . , .
<br /> ��4l4��M Ta�r.ti�wra�ce a■/UIMr�1W� 8orro�ret shtll GacluQe In each nioathly PaYment►to�ether�rltb ... `
<br /> ,.,�� D�1 and i�ata�eq'at id foiih ii►tbe Nae and any late chtr�s��w InuaUmeutof`any tH.taxea aad .
<br /> ` � �����4p�!',t�1 k�hold piq�esenu�or�+'amK1 ceats oa th�Propetty,aad(c�j premu�� • _ ,_ , -- - ... �`.
<br /> t , �`�;_'. :`:
<br /> '� Esch'moatbt�►I�taU�c[cr�taons(al,tb)aad c �biW ' `� . °
<br /> ch ( � c+4qwlone.t,wdRhoi�hcannustanwunta�asrwonabl
<br /> � ; �.dw�pi a�ouat wf�kip�i to tain aa additioos! �l Y atimatcd by � '
<br /> �a� � b�n�e oi rwt tnore tTNUa ont-
<br /> ' .:� tu�ww�f ap�o�mt for acb`itan�be��by���a s�th ot the esdm;ted�aats;The � � . �
<br /> :` �, ���e�da N�LotA tbe amo�mta coGected in trwt to ��iey 0°�moetb befon aa�oie�ri.wmWd . � .
<br /> . W�►1tei�ta).(b)uud(cf brlore t�e.y become
<br /> , �����: :� Ii st+�sf t�tbe wtai�f t6e MYmeua t�dd byr Leader tor iteens(s).tb}.and tc). ��.-�, .�� . - . ,
<br /> ��:- : � -. fors�ttems payaLk to I.seda tW�►1�wjth tbe futute .
<br /> monthtY qyii�(e,t�YS`; :_;�:
<br /> pcior to ttx due data otwcA ita�w,e�eeQa by mor�e than one�sixtli t6e eut�mated amotriit:r���`.'
<br /> , ��:P+►�eab ralu3reQ to pay sucb ite�es w6en due.aed if �
<br /> i :�• a�c�t ova oar-sixth of tbe estim�ted. �Y�ts on tAa Note ue current, thm[.ender ahW eitbes r+efund the ;� , �
<br /> . i . ' PtT�i�y$�p�.SI tl1! P���S Ot CfCQ�t l}!�i7IClSi OY�t OM•E�tI1 Ot(Iilt pt�flitld psyllK71t3 tP Stl6S�t . , ,
<br /> ' ` imufficient ta �ou of Harro�u. If tbe totd of the P�Y�ta madr by Borrower for itan(a).(b),or(c}is
<br /> " , D�Y t1rc item wbpr due.then gorrp�ree s6all psy t��•�y�unt noassary to m�ke up the�dency on ur
<br /> . . beforc the d�te We ftan 6ecoma due.
<br /> . � � , � Jss u�ed.in thls 3acurtty Insuurtieat, ••Sccre��ry,meaas the 3ecraary ot Houxirtf ana'Urban Qe�re ,;:: ., . .�:. ;:� . .
<br /> Sccr t
<br /> `�`�: �•.��Y�umeata ta�ured by tbe Sacretary-ue insured under t �0D1°��ot his or her:;::,:. ,.„.. :.:� �
<br /> P oF�which require advat�ce WYmeni ofthe`:�;:�;.: :
<br /> . � ; sntire mottp�e ins�aoe premium.<If ttis Security tnsfranKnt�S or wu insured under�prv�r�m which did not require sdvance �:,
<br /> ; .. � • -� psyMieat of ti�eatire mortp�e iasuraace Prpnium.thea each mouthl ,
<br /> : . • awewl qto�ti�e inwiarx�e�rernium to be Y P�l�eat shali also 1nclu4e either:Ei)ue YmWlmeoR ofthe . -
<br /> �.,r.'� � p�d bY Lender to tde Serrctary.�or(ii)�monthly c6rtr�e instead of a mortgaae
<br /> � ;F' i�usoo��remtum if thb Securlty Iastrument is beW by the � �
<br /> i � P�mit�e�a11 be in�n itmount stifficKnt to ac;cumu1�te the fuU���h monthty instapmrnt ot the martyqe tnsurance .
<br /> . prbr to tliedate the foD annual tuart date insur�nce prem;um wtth Lender one month
<br /> . .� Secretsry'.eult moetWy clur�e ahW�be�tt��aunrcmium is due to the Secretuy�or If this Security�nstntrnmt is heW by tl�e ': ' . �
<br /> ' balance Qne oo the Note. �4ua1 to one-twelfth of one-halt percent ot the outstaadina principal
<br /> � If.Borro�rer teadera to Lender the full . . � .. � .
<br /> paymeqt uf all surps serured by thls Security Instrument, 8onower`s actount ahall be �
<br /> � eredited wlth the 6a1uu`e retAaining for a11'InstaUments for items (a), (b) and (c) and any mortgage insurance premlum
<br /> � ins�Wneint fl�t Lendet huaot ix�amt obli�ted tu p�y to the Secretary�and Lender sha11 prumptly��fund eny acds funds to
<br /> � $°rm+�er•lmmodtatdy prior W a Eora�osure sak ot the Fropeny ar ita acquLsition by Lcmder� gorrawer's account ahal!be
<br /> + �edit�d+�Ith any balane+e remaininj for W installments for items(a),(b)and(c).
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> � 3•A�/�eMio�ei h�b.All payments under pu�acaphs l end 2 shall t+e�pplied by I.ender as foltowc:
<br /> j �B�T.tc3 the moiipje tnsurance premium to be�d by Lender to the Secretary or to the monthty charye by the Secretaty f'�`j
<br /> ; iastad o!the moathly itrort�e insunace presrsfucn.ualess Horrower paid the entlta mortg�se insur�nce premlum when this
<br /> � Se�,vrlry Itutrument Nas siane0; . ; �.�'•;:
<br /> ���p+u�Y taxes►sDecial assessments,kasehold paymcnts or graund rents.end�re. f1�o�d and other h�zud insurance i,�y '
<br /> �� D�emtums.a r � F.��
<br /> Wuind: � -
<br /> ; T�fi(BQ,to interest due unda the Note; • ' �;�
<br /> � � �8�,W amortiration oP the prirtcipal of the Notr. � � `
<br /> F�j,to late chuses due under the Note. �°
<br /> �S �•�Me.�1��M 01ler HasaN Iwra�es.8ortower ehalllrisure all impravements on the E'ro ,�
<br /> or tub�eq�enqy�te�� perty.whclhe�now tn exiatence ,,
<br /> ���Y�u�trds.casu�lt�e�,�d contin�enCies.includ.itt�fire,tos whjch l.ender requires lnsunnce.
<br /> " ' ����1 be maInt�in�d�n tt�e amounb and tor the periods that I.enQer raqulre�.Sorrower 6hat) atso insure all -'�
<br /> i improvemeats on the Property,whether naw In exlstence or subsequently erected�eg�inst loss dy floods to the extene r�4uirod by
<br /> ����'•��u��hal!be curIed with campuiles approved 6y l.ender.The insunnce pol;cie9 and any renewafs shaU
<br /> : � be heW by Lender�wd ah�il,inciude loss payabk cbuse�in favor of,and ln a torm accept4ble to� t.ender.
<br /> In the event of los��Borraxer ahall Slve l.ender immediate notice by mail.Lenda may mtkc proof of loss if not mAae prompt-
<br /> � ly by Borrower.Each fesuraQa campwy coe�nr�e�is hcreby authoriud and directed to make '
<br /> ( [.ender.lnsiad o!to BorwMer and tp knder 1o�Uy.All ar any part of the insunrtce procads may 6e ppJied by�.�e�n��ot its
<br /> s option,either{n)to the reducdon of the lndebtednes�under the Note and thls Security InsuumenA��st to Any delfiquent �
<br /> f amountt appL'ed in the order�n parajraph 3�and then to prepsyment of principal�or(b)to Ihc re�torati�n or repatr of thc
<br /> ;_ �i�Dr�ttY•MY�DD�p11on oP the praceeds ta the principal shall not extend or' .�.,
<br /> MY�enb wUich are referred to lA Pu�raph 2�or ehan�e the unount of snch yayments.qny exc sshn urance�praceed over o�n
<br /> � amount requ'ued to pay tl!outatanding indeb�adness under the Note and this Security lnstrument shall be paid to thr en�ity tegat• ±��,
<br /> ly entitkd tUereto.
<br /> i . in the aveet ol foreclosure of this Secudty Instrument or other transfer of tltle to tAe Property that c�tinauishes Ihe in-
<br />, t �btednq�.�1!rUht,titk and interat of Borrower 1n and to insurance policus 1n torce shaU pass to,the purchaser.
<br /> � S• !'��Wo��N Mal�knrce ot iie P
<br /> ��f+ 1,enttialtr. Borrowrr shall not commit waste�r drstrcey. ctu�ge or � -�--�. ���-- �
<br /> aubstsntiWy clumje tde Property or allaw the Property to dtttriorate.reasonable we�r and tezr eacepud.Leuder may lnsptct
<br /> , . the propaty 1f the property ie vacant ar abmdoned or the foae!s ln default.Lender msty take reuonable aclion to ptotect a�td
<br />. ��a snch vac�pt or�baadoned ptoperty.lt this Security Instrument ls on a feasehoJd.8orrower shall rompty with the provi• '
<br /> t � sions ot the Ic�se.If Borcower acquires fee title to ihe Propeny,the teasehoid and fee tltte sh�11 not be merged unless l,tnder
<br /> . E �raa to the mer=er in writina.
<br /> ' 4 '
<br /> . , chujp„�������Of�O�o�LeMR'i R�V�1�PfO�y.g�rrower ahall pay�)��vernmentAl or municipal
<br /> 1�paitioes that ue noe included in Paitagraph Z.Borrower sha11 pay these o61i�itin�u on time dirccUy tu Ihe
<br /> E esftlty w1ilch is qwed the psyment.Jf taiiure to pay wouldadvera�ly afteet Etrtder's in►erest in the Propctty.upon Ixnder's re•
<br /> j , . quest 8orrowe�ah�11 promDtly furNsh to l.endec reaipts evidencing these payments. ��
<br /> ; � 1t Barrower fiils to make these Dayments or the payment�rsqulred by Par�raph 2.or fails to '
<br /> + s�rameets coetvned in tbis Secu�ity instrument..oc there is a leaai proceeding that may signf�cantly aff ct'l.enderes�rigtus i� � � �
<br /> � the Property(such As a ptoeeeding in banlcruptcy,Por cvndemnatlon ot to entorce iaws ar reyulations).then t,ender may do and �
<br /> � � �Y��Itever i�necetsary to protect the value of the Prop�rty and l.ender's dghts in the Proper�y,Including p�ymem af i�xcs.
<br /> + harard Insurance and other items mendoned in Paraar�ph 2, ' �
<br /> � ' i. , ...
<br /> - " �'��`�un����Y hrt�er tsffdet this Par�aph shAll become an additioaal Qebt ot Borrower anQ be secured bp this
<br /> . SecuntY I�strument. '1'hese amounts sd�111 bear interest frpm the date ot dlsbursemcmt.at the Note rare,and et�he uprion c�f
<br /> . Lender.ahall be immed;�tely due and payabtr.
<br /> � �•_Co�fesi�fto�.Theproreedy opany awatd or rl�im fpr d�tmages,dirrct or consequential,i�corfnecli �
<br /> � rr�ttoa or othec ttkina o!�nyput of the Pro on wlth�rny condem• " 1
<br /> ' pald to I;ender to the extent pf the full amoun oP the inde��ness th t Pemains unp�'d under jhc Note a d lhig Sev;►mly js�strne
<br /> •� mtt►t.1.enQer ah�ll apply such proreeds to the redaction of thr in8ebtednas under th�Note and thi�Sh-urity Instrumer�t,f7rsa tt. �
<br /> : Any delinquent unounts applied in the order Drovided�r.p • �
<br /> ��i�acteds to th�pNncipal shall noi eatcr�l ur �9ph 3•�d then eu prepayment vi prtncipal.An}applieatir�ft t�t � -
<br /> : Pus3rayb 2,orch ������ �e.due dete of the monthly payYrsems, whi�h are rrPerre�l in in •
<br /> utge the amount oYsuch payments.Any eucess proceeQs over an amuunt requireQ tu pay all nutctanding in �` `'�
<br /> debttdness undet the Note arid this Security Instcument shull be�faid Eo thc enHty legalfy entitted�heretv.
<br /> . .
<br /> � � �A.Fie�.�Lendn may collect fees and charges t�uthatized by the Secretary.
<br /> � ' huge 2 nJ 4 '
<br /> . �.
<br /> -- - _��..�.�__-__---,•-.._-•.,...�,..__..__---
<br /> _..Y.__.._.o_�__ .�r._. *�a.�_. ._ _. . -- --_x*ntr�,.�.�� .------
<br /> _; .- -:^-,.,..
<br /> a° - r=��-a^�:.."���1'st3�lif"' �C'�si _ .s:� ai._a�� �s;:.��.'.�i';1.2a��..� �_'�� _._� i -�_ — _
<br /> . :."___' -.'_ - _ .. . _ ._ .._ . � _ �-.,.
<br /> `.�.+•.:.,"""��"F�°�T�.:. u )- �� �^r�+•"'�,y'�".g"°�-"".�-.°�..�- rr' .. ' -ti-a��"�'i �-»
<br /> , . • • . .. . . , _• �-;'. I,. �!i . �� , ..._ . . ... . � . . . . .. - . � �V. . . � .Y . .. .a, , i �. 9'� —. ..
<br /> F/5 l.i --- 3-'4'f."_
<br />