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<br /> �.As�t�c!"�y,7Y�uto�hereby�ive�to aad canfaas uyon�BenficiarY��8��.Pa��aut�i�.during the conttnuence t .
<br /> � o�tbe�e Tr�to cotlect the nat�,iMUes and peafita of said pt+opf:;y�.r�serv�in;untn Tsuetar th+e right,Prior to.aay dafiWlt bg Truetar • ,
<br /> � ie p�ynNnt af any indrMrdn� Meuetd I+ereby at ia Pataee�aoc:a�f:�s►Y ment hetewder,to collect and retain wrh:eents,iseuea �
<br /> � .+�ad Psolita d tl��dw{tad D�y�k•Upon say wdi defin'it::�[en�,auy at aay ti��out aotloe,e#thes in.peeson.h9 , . .
<br /> ' • +y�nt:.ar b!�r�oeiwr to b�aq�►iet�d by�oouet.�ed witI�out r�T��he � of. aewri for!he i»de6tedae�s� uecuied, . , ,
<br /> ' �-,..�,, .. .4'� Y
<br /> ; , eriNr woe�nd eat.qoiw�on o�,.id p�op�ecy oe anr part t6erso�ta��l;:#�si��ie;�:�ior or.�vi.e eaulect,ue�:ent�.ii�re..na � . �
<br /> �, � i+�dib,inetadin�thwt p�t due`�nd u�id.�ait�tppt�tbs Nime agor�itn�r.�ae�x+eit�e't�e1tY,an8"in e�ci�4 order ae�eeneficiary - .
<br /> � < msY detaemle�.TMa ent�rinY upon iAd takte�po�fon oteaia peaparty.tht eolfection afaisdi ira�a�and profits aad the`appliaation,. � • .
<br /> : th�nota afore�aid,.ha11�w4 c�tn or w�im ae�y delault a eotice ofd�fauk hene�m�er or iaYalidate any act dane purwant ta eIICii:notice_ . � � � .
<br /> { �- 5.Qpon default b�r Trvtor in tt�e p�yment ot any.indebtedne�e�ecured berebq or in tha peifarcrana of�cy agn+emeat sbatazned i�ef�?i;..
<br /> ' i � all amr�ecured heab�r shal!1mAwdiatrly b�s due md payatsk at tlk aption ef the B4ne�ieiary.I�e1iCI3 EY!!f��11d UpOG 1Pl5LfCII tlfjl{!!!L
<br /> � o[Eti�fxiaqr,'!'ru,tee�ha11 Refl the twt peoperty.in�cmrdance�rith tJu Nebrasica'l5ru�t Deeds Act,at public�audi�to t3�y kigheet �
<br /> ' k . , Sidder.M�r P�swn esoept Tiuotee rnay 6id at Tru�tae'e eak. Tsurtee ahall��pp}p tisc�s nf the sste as foilo�vs:tl�tn�-tFie.e�tpense . . .
<br /> . att6*p1r.ineladin��tt��on�ble Tnuted�N�e;(2 t ta Rhe eAli�tiva setared by ttris I#eed�t3)tt�e surplus,if any.ahalE��s�aLE�6uted
<br /> to the per�oni entitid ttNreto. � � , -
<br /> . 6.'l'eu�t�s aiufl ddiv�to t}re pueotuwr at ths Wr ib deed,without�rarrar�ty;�hic&shall canvey to,the pur�:h�ecF:.�e"i�ere�t in
<br /> tl�e peo�ecty wi�i�elt 7lrurtor had ot hsd the pmrer to oonv�y�t the time of his e:eeatroa af this Deed of Tnt�rt.�nd snch`iii,r 1se.us�y_have
<br /> ' . � �oquirod tF�reat6er.Tnufee's dad ahtll recice the f�t�eW �o�vin� ttiat ti�e e�3e avas condacted 6n compli�r�ee�rfth all tiii raqic�remente
<br /> ot iaw and of'this D�ed at Teu�e.whieh recita!ahall 6e prime facie evtdenoe af snc�►complisnct and oanclusive evidence Ehereuf"irt favar
<br /> ' of boo�fide puetharenr and ericumbraacere for wlue. � . . . • . .
<br /> - 9.Tlse powet of�te conferred by tt�Is Deed of Tsust is not as excivaive remedy;Berieficiary may cause thia Deed of'i`rttet ta be foieclased
<br /> : , as a mortgsge. .
<br /> � , e. [n the event ot the death,incapecity,disnbility or�n,eignatton of Trustee. Beraeficiery may appoint in writing u successcr tsustee. . � �
<br /> ' and upon the recbrding of auch appointmen!in the mortqego recorde of the cauntsr in which thie Deed of'15raat ia remrded,the sucoessae. '
<br /> ' trustee ehAI16e veeted wlth all powere ot the orfginal truatee.The truatee is not ob�Fgat}tu notify any party hereto of pend;ng sale unde.r:
<br /> � eny ot6er Iaeed of Truet or af any eetion or proceeding in which Trustor,Truatee ar Beneficiary el�al)be a party unless t�uch 8dian ur . _
<br /> ' yroeeeding i.�brought bq the Truatee. . . �
<br /> ' 9.Thia Deed of'I�u�et applies to, inurea to the benefit of,ond iA hindin� not anly on the partfea hereto,but on their�eirs,derisees. •
<br /> legatee�,administrawn,eaecuWre, eucce+MOre and assignr�. The tertr►f3�rteficiary ahall mean the holder and uxmer nf the aate aeeutet�.�;:..,': . , ;.
<br /> hereby.whether or not named ae Reneficiery 6orein.
<br /> 1.
<br /> ' 10.Reque�t for Notice of Defautt or Notice oY 9ate. [t iR requeated that a copy of eny Notice Gf Ikfault or Natice o£SaSe lie maited fii
<br /> � each perean wha fs named in this'i'nief Dred ot the mailing eddresy of euch pereon aR set out u4ave. , ; ,
<br /> � NQT'ICE TO CON9UMER:�1. Do not sl thii s
<br /> t ot tbf� s� � P P�r betore you res�d:it 2. You are entitled to a cogy �..�_
<br /> p per.9.You may prepay the uepaid bslpnce at any time wil�ut penalty and may be endttec! .
<br /> ; to nceive a retund ot unearned charqes in secardAnce with l�w. � �
<br /> � . -
<br /> , s��ea chie � day of�__�ur�e. ..n,n. i�_ 90---• . �
<br /> STATE O� NEB$A$KA ► ��` �' -Q-�✓ _ �.�,._ �
<br /> � �as. �` – – —
<br /> � Hal 1 c�vtv�rv r x_ . .�_.._ _. . __ .
<br /> ' On thia 6 ..__._day of ___T_June _._, A.15., 1!� 90 , Gefore me, the undereigne�}.,a Notary P�3sIFe:duly '�
<br /> • commie�i�ned andqu afified far and reeiding in �wid tounty, por�►onally came _�4.�- K?�� �d ��'.�_���.
<br /> hUSbBfld atld M1f2 _ to me known tp tse tho iden¢ical pereon S: whoee name S ei�iaed to the foregoing
<br /> . ' inAtrument ae Truator S --�V.._.. cutd c�cknuwledged lhe same to be_____..����,i r� v�it•
<br /> untary uct and deed. � ,
<br /> , Witneae my hand And NotArial Seul thc day und yrru ln .�, , ..
<br /> My Commiaeion eapirea the .. .. ._8 .. . d:,y �����1 ,�' �,.� ��.
<br /> : ; ot�. _Febr�arY_ _ . , » 91 Mi�I11M1t.w�TSOM � �,r ��_ _._��a.�� �.
<br /> { ���# Pu�lic .
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<br /> ' �ntered in Nurnerical]nd��Y rmd�litrd fur record in tha c��ec�uf'thG ltt�glete�uf Ik�dg of eaid county, tbe . .__._ , �
<br /> ` da of
<br />. , y _—. .__ ...,_ . . .. . 19 . t�t _ c►'clock and _�..________ :_^
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<br /> . MortRaBe�PaEe .._....... . , . �.. � . .__ . .._._ .
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