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<br /> � �� ' (Wltb Po�var df 8ah)_ • ' . � • � . ' .
<br /> � Msomtaf Firr�in�tdo�t i.� Anaoani dOther instaimeat�; 655.00 . ':�"=;:. .
<br /> 1blal aC PeJ�l��t�� Fir�t�imetrt Doe Dah '�1U ,y 11._,l9�Q ;;`f`�,,.` ,
<br /> � .::,., ,, . .
<br /> . , . ..Ntmsber oiltaathi�r Ia�talraents�.._ Fins1 In.�talmeat Du�Dat� �u�te 1 L� `�19.� ' ,
<br /> ���;�' `T`.',("'.�`II$�v a s �.
<br /> -='�<-i-ti�t: _'�,�� r '�T'.made t�ia �i = �y'pf � r � ..�tl� ' � �_9d ,. . . .
<br /> _� --�b��• . �,e.,� _ ' �Janres w. Nelson and Rose M. Nelson. husband and wife - � � �
<br /> � :�: . . . �>�: .
<br /> ! �,,;n,�;���,,,k�, 1039 N. �;��man .Grand Ictand,�braska �� - _ ..
<br /> � � `f` ' :'.as Tnr�oe.. —�hn M. Cunn f nqhan�`. � . . . � ` • �
<br /> �' • ���;�;,;�,�n„�,�;� 222 N. Ced�r .P.O. SQx 228a Grand Is land. Nebra�� � ? ` : - _ -
<br /> . � `'°.`as Tee�br�and Nar�wrt flnaneiat Nebr�a, Ina,«lw�e maiting ad1r�ta �::,':�337 M. ldebb Rfyafl� � , � . ��. .
<br /> ; • P.0_ Bc�x 1373 Grand 'Isla� Net�ra,,��i�_"� .�,ge���;�y � �
<br /> t y eY . �rust:with poRer of sale,the follawing ds • . .
<br /> ' W1TI�TF�3F7rH,'X'rwtose her�by irrevocabl ,grant,bar8ain,selt,and con� ta'��'ia. '
<br /> ; ren'bed ptoperty in _7. , . �$2 l Coimty;Nebras�a: _ ` . . . _
<br /> � �, . • . . ,
<br /> , , � .
<br /> I � Lot Sf�:.,�6) �and the Northe"r.ly Forty-seven (47} feet af Lot Seven (7), i� Block Ten (i0�, - �
<br /> ( . - .#n west Park Addition to the City of Grand Island, .k�all Gounty, Nebraska. . , .
<br /> ; � . " , . � , .
<br /> ' . . : ;-
<br /> . � . . ,� � , .
<br /> Tagether with tenemente,hereditameAte,and appurtenancee thereunto belonging or ia anywiee appertaining and the rente,iasues end �
<br /> . profite thereoP. . i �..
<br /> � Thia conveyanca is iatended fer the purpore oY eeeudng the payment to Heneficiary of 9'wtord pmri�ie�ory.note of even date in the � #=st.
<br /> amount steted above ae'"Potal of Paymente". Bsid'Tota]of Paynsrate"ta repsyable in tAe number of monthtq imtala�rrtts ehud above. ; ::
<br /> The amoUnt of the in�talmeat paymenle due oa asid lwn ie st�tai above.The firet and finsl inetatment due datee an esid loan ue et�ted ,• .�:'
<br /> abova P�yment msy be made in adwance in any amounL et any time. DefauIt in making any peyment ehdl,at the Benefici�ry'e optlon ' .'
<br /> , , a�d without natice or demand,render the entine unyatd bslance of ssid latn st once due an8 pxysble,lese any requirrd rebste oicAarges. �,;,;.
<br />- .—. ,- --� � .1'o p�t2+e securitq of this i)eed of 7'riut,R4ustar covensate and c�grees: . ,
<br /> 1. 7b keep Che.pi»perty in good candition and repeir,ta permit�v waste theteol:to eompte�'.e any building,etruMure or impmvement
<br /> , ' being bniit or about ta be built thereon;to reatore yromytly any buitdinq,etr[icttue or impmvemert thereon which msy be damaged o� _
<br /> :• E deetrayed;and W tamply�viih al!lawe,ordintncts,regu?ations,covenante,conditions und restHctione atlecting the property.
<br /> ,� 2.To pay befoe+e deNnquent all lawful teus and a�ssmente upon the property;w keep the property f�e and clear of all other chargea,
<br /> tieni or enc�mbraaan impairin�the security af this need of TruAt. '
<br /> � ,..•� 3. To keeg�f 6uildings now or heres8er ereeted on the propescy deecnbed herein continuously ineured ageinat to�e fsy fire or othet
<br /> � hazania fA�a...�wtu�t not fe�e than the total de6t secured by t[r.':s Aeea of Truet. All policies ehall be held by the Beneficiary,and be
<br /> in auch camp�niee ru the Beneficiary may spprove nnd huve taea yayeble first ta the Heneficiary ae ite interest may appear ond then
<br /> w the Tewtor.The�maunt oolleeted under any iaaurince policy•m�y be applied npon an�►ind�:btednesa hrreby eecvred in euth order as ' '
<br /> 1 W.ze BeneGciary�hail determine.fiuch apptication by the Beneticiar�r ehali not cause dixanelnuance of ar.g proeeeding�W foreeloee this �
<br /> � �eed oPTnut or cure or aaive any defsult or notice of dePautt or inva,idite any act done pureuant to euch notice.ln the eveat of forecfoeure, .,�,�_
<br /> all right8 otdie Truator in�inaurance poltciea the�t in foroe et►AU ptes tci•the purchaser•at the toreclosum sale. �
<br /> i . 1.To o6t�in the written consent of Beneticlt .. �'i�.,
<br /> q lreForyrtetiit�conwyringor otherwiae t►aneferrinR the propeKy or any yert thereof end �°
<br /> ' .� �,sny sucb eaur,conveyanee ar transfer without the Btn�Aefvy'e,wrltiMf aonNnt eh�ll conetitute a default under tAe terme hereoP. �
<br /> � 6.To de&nd any aMion ce�roceeding purporting ta afteet t}ie eecurlty hereof or tb,e righte or powerA oP i3enefieiary or Truetee. .
<br /> 8: 9huuld'i'ruetor feil ta pay when due ony taxex,aseeeements,ineurnnre premiums,lier.a,encumbr,ances a�other charges ogainat�he
<br /> . propeKy ht�+r:.•astwve deecribed, &nefcisrry may pay the eame. and the amount so paid, ���s1:s �ntcrest ut the rate eet forth in the ooie
<br /> eecvred her�4y,ehsli be adde�d.to ond bee�+r„e e part of the dcDi sec��d in this Ueed of Trugt as permitted by law. - -� � � � � � � � -
<br /> � • IT I9 Ml7r6;ALI.Y AG�tF.F.I)TflAT: ,
<br /> � 1. [e th�.event any portiun of tha property ie taicR.^,. or damaged in nn emi:��rt domain proceeding, the entire emounf of the oward
<br /> , ' .or such parti;�•n thereof as may bo necesnary to ful:,��,tisfy the obligation secured hereby,ehali be paid to t3eneGciaey to be npplied w
<br /> . eaid abligat�:r.�. ,
<br /> . 2. 8y accepting paytaent of any,eum secured heceby atter its d:.�+date.�Ilenefciary does not wnive its right to requir�prompt payment
<br /> when due of ell otAer eums eo secured ar to declare defautt fur fnilure to su pay. '
<br /> 3. The 1Yuetee shat)reronvey all ar any part of thE p►operty coveted by thi� I.feed uf Trust to the pereon entitted thereto,on wiitten
<br /> requee!of the.9'rustbr and the Fknefr.iary,or upon eutisfaction of the obligation secured and written reyuest for reconveyanc� mad�by �
<br />' � the Benefictary o�tt�e person entitled thereto.
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