;_._.. ' . � . ,• • ,�
<br /> _ —_ "— — "'__ __ -___—_ —:_r__ _ _' — ---—_ '__ _ _ �
<br /> � . . .-- iQ3239� � . .
<br /> If L,ender ra�ired mort�r insuranae u s caonditicn of matcina the loan.socured b�jr�this Secusitp Instnuneat,
<br /> r �, . .
<br /> �brmrrei shdi p�y tiu prem�ums required ta msintain the�as�rancc in effect uatif.sucii rin�e as tlie rs�turemaii far the
<br /> ; msurance tumi�ts in�coarcVnce�ritb Burrowar'a and Leoder's wrritten agament or appiicalhie V�v.
<br /> S. I�ijectk�::-'IsnJerarrits'��ent.u�y make reasonibtc entris up�n and in�pectivas of the Prapecty.t�ender
<br /> s1iaU pve Botrowrer aotbe at th`t t}mefot,oc prior to an inspoction spaifying re�sonaWe cause for the inspection. .
<br /> . . ! t'arie�itii�;. '!'Tie prtocads dsay a�►ard or claim for damaaes,dircet ar cansequenti�l.in coemection,with �
<br /> any c4ndannation or other takins of�ay put of tbe Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation.ue hereby
<br /> . � - at�i�ned�nd�laU be paid to i,.en�er.� �
<br /> In the eva�t of•conl Wci�ia of che Prapercy.the pracoeds ah�ll be appiied to the smns secured by this Socurity
<br /> '� tt�stnunent,�rltethet or not tltat dnG aith any excess psid to Horro�ver.in the�vent of a pirdal tsltina c€dte Property. � -
<br /> ��''�' � �s�Botro�ver�!Lestdtt ctket�.'ise�gr�e.in writing,ESt sums secured by this Si.urity Iestrr�ment shs�be tedqc�t by �
<br /> �` �ti�e smpunt of the praceeds aiWtiplipd by E6e`folto�vits�ft�ctioa:(a)the total amount of the•sums secure�imme�tdy � .;. .
<br /> � � � `> >vided �&�t ut g.
<br /> . . .:. . ........bZt'oFetb�et�lcins,d' 6y(b�r.�scfiir�+e�.�uep �rc�peitg�nmed' elybefarett�e�ifs Anybaiactces5�be
<br /> , ���:a6e Pr�patg�s�dacc���Bf�s�ver,or if.,�.�aatia��u�ereder to Bo�rtower tliai tbe condeumor o��e¢�' . � � .
<br /> � " . ;=:`;:'�iGt�e aiint+d or 9EteL'c a cl�iin Fazdae�a�;BonoNer fu`ts to resporid�o Lersder aithin 30 days after fhe date the nut�ee ps � •
<br /> ' � � picp�,�:mder is aottiarized to collect and apgfy the ptoceeds,at its option,either to restonqon or repair of the Property or � .
<br /> to tlie sumsaecuredby thisSecuritylnstrument,�hether or not thendue.
<br /> Unkss�Lender and Porro�rer otherwise sga in writing,any application ofprocecds to principal shall�ot extrnd ar
<br /> . � postpone the due dite of thc.nontbly payments referrod to in paragaphs�and 2 or change the amaunt of auch paymmts. , • �
<br /> • 10. Borsower Not [tekiued; For6eusnce By Leader Not• Wa[ver. Extension of the time for psyma►t or _
<br /> modiBeaCson of amortirstion of tht surafs sxurod by this Secnrity tnstrument granted by Lender to any successor in
<br />; - - interest�f Borrowtr shaiE not operate to rete�se the liability of thc origina!8or�ower or Bonower's successors in interest. �
<br /> Lender aitiill eot be rcquirod to commence proceedings sgainst any succasor in interat or refuse to extmd thne for
<br /> payment�ntothecwise modify amoriization oithe sums secured by this Secwrity Instrument by reason at�ny demand made_ �
<br /> by the otipntf Bortowtr ar Borrotver'p successofa in intareat.Any forbearsnce by Lender in eaercising any riaht or remedy
<br /> shsll not be�+vaivera�for preclude the exercise ofany right or remedy. .
<br /> ii. S�ece�oes aad AutW Bo�ad:Joiwt a�d Se�atl Liatitlity;Co-�ianers. The covenant4 and agreemrnts of ,
<br /> this Security lnstrument aha11 bind and beneQt the auccessors and assigns of Lender and Botrower.subject to the provisions
<br /> �otparasraph 1?.8orrower's covenants and agreemeeits shall be joint and several.Any Borr�wer who co-signs Ihis Security - '
<br /> Instrumrnt but das not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Inst�ument only to mortgage,grant and convcy .
<br /> ih�t Borrowet's interest in 1he Property under the terms of this Securoty Instrumeat;(b)is not personally obligated to pay �
<br /> � the sums secursd Dy this Secwdry lnstrument;snd(ej agas that Lender and any other Borrowet may agra to extend, , :
<br /> modify,forbesr ot make aay 9ceommadations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without -
<br /> � that Borrower's consent. � �
<br /> iZ. Lws A�ar�a. If'the tosn secured by tbis Security lnstrument is subject to s law which sets maximum laan
<br /> � char�es. and that lsw is tMsUy interpreted so ttt�t the interest or �her�loxn charga cotlected or to be collaxed in � =
<br /> � connection with ihe toam excaA the permitted limits, then: (a)any such toan charge shaU be rednced by the amount •` --
<br /> necessvy to reduct the charge to the permitted limit;�nd(b)any sums alrcady colixted from Borrower which excaded ` "
<br /> petmitted fimits aiU be«funded to$orrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principaT owed
<br /> under the Note as 6y msking a direct payment to Borrower.lPa reian�reduces principal,the r�duction will be treata!as a
<br /> . � psrtial prep�yment without any prepayment�:f.arge under the Note. , ��t
<br /> i�. Le�isbt� Afiecti�s I.e+rder's Ri�b. If enactment or expiration af ap�[i�able.laws has the eltect of �
<br /> renderins any provision of the Note or this Security tnstroment unenforceable according to its terms.Lender.at its option. � �
<br /> � may tequire immediate psyment in Pup oP�tll sums securcd by this Security Instr�ment and may invoke any remedies '
<br /> petmitted by par�araph l9.If Lender eaenisa this option,l�ettder shaU take the steps specifie�d in the sacond paragraph of �
<br /> qragnph 17. ' � .
<br /> 14. NoNca. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shal!6e given by detivering it or by '�
<br /> mailina it by 8rat class mail unless applicable law requires use o1'�notber method. The notice shall be directed to�he
<br /> Propeity Address or sny other uldress Botrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by ,
<br /> fint clu�mtil to Lender's address atsted herein or any oiher address Lender designates by notice to$orrower.Any natice
<br /> provided'for in ihisSeeurity lnstrument shall be damed to have 6�h given to&�rrower or l.ender when given as provided
<br /> . . inthispansr�ph. . . .. .. _ .__.. .. .. . ._ .. .... .._.._.._.. ..._. .._....... _ ._.. --�---. _. ...._.. _...._......-------�- �-�----- ---... ---._..__._ . _. ..
<br /> lS. Cpjernt�tew;Serenbilitr. T6is Security lnstrument shall be governed by fedrrAl law and the law of Ihe
<br /> j�risdictian in�vhicb the Pn•�xtty is located.ln thr event eh�t any provision or clause of Ihis Sccurity Instrument or�he ,
<br /> , , Note con!licts vrrith applicable I�w.such ct�nflict shaq not alfect other provisions of this Secu�ity lnstrument or the N�te
<br /> which csn be given effect rvithout the conflicting pravision.7'o this end the prtivisior�s ui this 5ecurity lnstrumenl and the
<br /> Note are dectuod to be severable. �
<br /> l6: Borroner's Cooy. Borrower sh�p be givrn one conformed copy af the Ncste end of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � 37. ?saesfer ot fNe Ptoperty or s BeneAclal latesat ia Horroser. If all nr eny part of the Property or any
<br /> intetest in it is sold or transferad(or if a beneftcial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrnwes is not a natural
<br /> persun)without Lender's prior written consent.4ender may.at its optian,requtre�mmediate payment in full of al1 sums
<br /> secured by lhis Security lnstrumenl. However.this nption sha11 Rot be eaercised by 4ender if exercise is prohibited by � -- --_-_-
<br /> feder�l t�w�s oi'the date of 1hisSecurity lastrument. '
<br /> JP Lender exercises this option,Lt�drr shall give Borrower notice of acceleration:The nolice sha1D�rravide a period
<br /> _ _ �f at�t less than;UcMys frottt ehGdate the aciice isdelivered ar mait�_vvithin which Bormwee mast pay al!sums s�ured bp , . �
<br /> � this Security lnsttument.if Borrawer f�its¢o pay these sums prior to ahe eapiratian ot�his pescad.Lender may invakc any •
<br /> rcmstlies permittedb�thisSecurity InsUument withovt futthtr natice at cfemand nn�prrawer.
<br /> la.Borroxer's Right ta Retest�te. If BotroRrr meets ana;n ec�nditums�Borrowes shap have t�se right to have «
<br /> ` enfarcemtnt vf this 5eeurity Instrumeot t�iscontinued at any time pt�ar to the ear3�hr of:(a)5 days tor such othtr pct�uit as ��r
<br /> (�, applicable!ow may specity for reinstate�ent)before sate of the ProEseny pursuaat.to any pcwer uf sale contaiaed,n this i�
<br />. Security instturrsrnt;os(b)entry af a jvtigment rntorcing this Security Instrument 7'hose canditions are that Barrower: �M1
<br /> , (ay pays Lender aU s:ims whieb then woutd be due under this Security Instromcnt and Ihe (�idte had no aceeleration � �
<br /> _ vccurred;{b)cafes�ny dtfauU of any aiher co�enants vr agreements: (c) payc e11 empense�mcurtetl�n enfirrcmg tfiis t�t
<br /> Sec�ilrity Insltument. irtrlud�ng,bnt n�t limitrd td, teasonable a�torrteys'fees,�nd(d)tekts sueh action ss t.ender may �-
<br /> reasonably requiro tn assure Ihat dic lien of this 5ccurity Insuument, Lcnder's trgl�ts in the Pr��perty and liorrower's � `
<br /> obligatio» to pay tht sums seruted by Ehis 5ecurity Instrument ShaU amUnue unehanged liputt rc�nstatenEeal by
<br /> Borrower.this Security instrument and the obligati�ns secure�!hereby ahal)remam full}r eQec t�ve v�it uo acceleranun h�+d
<br /> occurred.Hawever,this nght tore�nstate shaU not epply in the caie of aecrteeatwn under rara�rarh� I!„r 17
<br /> 1
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