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<br /> � Ut�tlFO1tM GbvEIV�NTS. Borro�ru aad Ler�der ooveeant artd aara u fulto�rs: 9�-�f 0 3 2�9 �
<br /> � . 1. My�at ot PtlydMt vi Ltaa�PreN7wa�t t�i I.�te Clarses. Borrawer shall pmmpttY PsY wbea d�e �
<br /> E1eePrincipe!ofyud int�a�t�4ihe�t eYideacodl�jr the Nvtc and gny prep�yment and taEe c�earges due under the Niote.
<br /> 2. Fi�r�Y[or?axa ad Iat�rarce. Snbject to tpptica6k!aw or to a arittet�waiver b�Lender.Borsower st�a11 pay �
<br /> • ` to l.ajder oa tbe ttuy moathty paymrnts arc due under tht Nott.•until the Note is paid in fu11.a sam C'Funds'7 equal to � �
<br /> one-t�rd@b of: (��.yarly taats and �uments �phieh may attain priority over this Security Instrument; (6) yearty .
<br /> . kuebald pYaKnts at�rour�d rents od the PropertY. if u�r, (c) Yearly hazard insnrance premiums; and (d) yesdy
<br /> ' : ' awttpje insurarae premiuins�i!'�tny.'Flxse items are calkd••escrow itans."Lender msy estim�te the Fnnds duc on the .
<br /> _ 6uis ot'cnrr�t d�u snd re�sonabk atimstes of future sscroM items.
<br /> � T6e Fund:sha1�be i�dd in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are ins�ned or guaranteed by a federa!or
<br /> ' shte saency(includ'tns Lender if I.ender is such an ir�stitrition). Lender shall appl�+.tho Funds to pay thr escrow items. `
<br /> i- Leader may not chuae for 6oldiaa and applying tl�e Funds.anatyzing the account os verifying the escrow iteeu,t:niess
<br /> . '• ��WYs Borrorver interest oa the Fnnds and sPPficabie ta�r pemzits Lender ta maice such a cbugG Borrower and
<br /> i Lrnder may sga in wriUna thst interest aball be paid on the Funds. Unlas an ageemmt is-madc,����1'�taw ��`� =
<br /> <: . . �,.,,_..,.':�.�, : . , .
<br /> ' , requira i�teresE to be paid,I.ender sba!!not be.rec�,�red to pay Borrower any interest ar earninbs��e:���;:s;��ider . .
<br /> . . shsll aive to Bor�o�ver,rvtthout char6�aet aneena�ara..�aing of the Fands showing credits and debiu ccc e���.ua;���e. � .
<br /> _ :�;�� porp�o�e fos Mhi�a�ch debit to the�d�s+��m�c�Tr.c�Fu��-ptaigai u additionaE sa�ssit f r �b � �
<br /> this Securitg Inr�i, . . y o t�ce s�s ,y . ' .
<br /> � ;:�,_' � If tlu�oUai o�the�imds�8�y�.eader�'�=����;`�e future�t�hty Pa�ts of Funds payable piior to . .
<br /> � . ti�`dtx datea of the escrmv�s,shall eaceed tbe atti::�tt required to pay the a�ow items when due,the excess shall be, �
<br /> . : :`stBc�rro�v�s option,tithet ptompttq rep�aid to Basrawer or credited to Borrower on monthly payments of Fnnds.If the
<br /> � '-'am�Dttqt of the Futlds held by I.ender is not sttlHcient to pay the escrow items whtn due.Borrawtr shal!pay to Lender any
<br /> �amoant n�asssry to.make up the deficicncy in one or more payments�.s required by Lender. �
<br /> � Upon payment in fu13 of ali sums secured by this Security Instrument.LeRdershaii promptly refund to Bonower
<br /> . any Funds held by Lender.lf under puagraph 19 the Property is sold or acquired by Lertder.Lender shal!apply.no later
<br /> tfun immediatety prior to the asle of the Property or its acquisition by l.ender,any Funds held by Lender at the time of •
<br /> � apptiation as a credit sgsinst the sumssesured by this Security lnstrument. _ �
<br /> 3. ApUados ot Payeaeats. Unless applic�ble 18w provides o�henvise,all payments receivrd by�..ender under �
<br /> Qtrssrsphs t snd 2 shall be applied:flrst.to late charges due under the Note:second.to prtp�yment ch�rges due under the . �
<br /> Not�th�rd.to amounts payable under par�gaph 2;fourtb,ta interest due;and last,to principa!due. '
<br /> 4. �Lie��. Borrower shall pay all taaes�sssessments.charga,fincs and impositions attributable to the �
<br /> � Property which may attain priority,over this Security lnstrument. and feasehold payments or g�ound rtnts, it'any.
<br /> Borro�er shall pay thtse obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if aot paid in that manner,Borrower shall i ��
<br /> psy than on time directly to the person owod payment.Borrawer shall promptty turnish to l.ender all notices of amounts • �
<br /> to be p�id under this paragsaph.If Borrawer makes these paymrnts directly,Borrower sha0 promptly fumish to Lender �
<br /> receiptsevidencing the payments.
<br /> HorroMer shsll promptly di�chuge any lien ahi¢h has Rriority over this Security lnstrument unless Bono�vu:(a) ��
<br /> sgaes in�vriting to the ptymrnt of the obligatian seeured by the lien in a m�nner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good � _
<br /> t'aitb the lien by,or defrnds against enforcement of the Iien in,legai proceodings Mhich in the Lended's�pi�ion operate to —
<br /> prevent t l u en forcemmt o f t he lien or forfeitun of ar��part of the Property;mr(c)savres from the t�9der of the lien an ��
<br /> ageement sstisfactary to L'eader subordinating the lien to this Socurity lnstrument.If Lsrd:r dttec�m:es that any part oP
<br /> the Property�S suhject to a iien which may attain priority ovca�fiis Security Instrumec�c.:�.ender may give Borrower a
<br /> - - nocica identiEy6era the lien.Borrower shall sstisfy the lien or tat�e a�nc or more of the actiores sez forth above within 10 days
<br /> ottl�Eivinsoi'notice. �
<br /> S. Hwr�I4wrance. Borrower shall ka�t�e improvements naw eaisting or heresfter erectcd oa the Property �� �
<br /> insared asainat 1ou by fire,haLrds inctudod within the term•'eatrndod caverage"and nny olher fivards fc►r which Lender ',� ,
<br /> requires insurance.This inaurance ahaU be maintained in the utiounts and for the periods that Lender requires. The
<br /> insursnce carrier praviding the insut�nce ahall be chosen by Botrower subje�ct to l.ender's approval which shall not be ;:.�
<br /> unrasonably�ithheld. ;. ,;.
<br /> All inaur�utce polieies and renewafs shall be acceptable to Lender and shaU include a standard mortgage ctause. �
<br /> . l,ender ehall hsve the riaht to hold the policies and nnewals.IP Lender rcquires.Borrower shall promptly give to Lender
<br />, � all receipts of paid pnmiums and renewal notices.ln the event of toss,Honower shall givt prompt notice to the insurance �
<br /> � csrriet and Lender.Lender m�y mske proofof toss itnot inade promptty by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bonower otherwise agrce in writing,insurance proceeds sha1)be applied to restoratian or repair�-------. ��-�� �--�-�- �--� -��� -�
<br /> � of the Properiy d�maaed,if the restoration ur repair is economical(y frasible and Lender's securily is nnt tessened. lf the
<br /> restontion or rep�ir is not economically fasible or Lender's security woutd be lessened.�he insurance proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the suma secured by this Security Instrument.whelher or not thm due,with any eacess paid to Borrawer. lf
<br /> Borrower ab�ndons the Propeny.or Mes not answer within 30 dsys a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> oRered to sN�l�a ch�im,then Lender may coltect the insuranet proceeds.Lender may use the proceais to repair or rostore
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by ihis Security Instrument,whether or no�then due. The 30�day period will begin
<br /> . when the notice is givm. .
<br /> Unless Lender snd Bonower otherwise pgra in writing,any application of praceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br />„ postpone the due d�te of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change Yhe amount of the payments.If
<br /> under p�raaaph 19 the Properly is acquired by Leader.Borrower's tight to ar�y insurance pallcies and proceeds resulting -- --- -
<br /> frntn damage to the Propeny priar to the acquisitimm s0.�lf pass to Lendet to the extent of the sums secc�reei by this Secarity .
<br /> ��sts�ment immediitdy prior to the acquisitioa. . � .
<br /> . _. 6. Ptpe�n�tion�Matntemace o[Pre�er�:Lease� Horrower shall not�esucs�r.,damagG ess suhst�.r�t�y . : .
<br />� � �ge i1�e Prapeify.�allow the Property to deterioratt or commit waste. !s ihis 5ecurity �r.stczs.�rcnt as on a leasehold. ,
<br /> � Bor��wer shall comply wiah tt�e provisions af the tcas�,and if Borrower acq�r�scs fse title ta ti:e Pra�ert y,�E:e�easehotd and `
<br /> fee title shsll not merge unQe�Lender agrees to ihe rmrger in writing. ��
<br /> 7. Pratecltoti ot Leedet's R3gits in the Property; Mos��ge tnsarance. If Surrowe► fails co perfcrrn thr �
<br /> � covenants and agseements contained i»t8�u Securiry Instrume�:rpr iherc is a legal proceed�ng that msy significantiy affect
<br /> Lender's rights�a�th�Property(such as a procetdiag in banktuptcy.probatr. for condemnatidn or to enforce laws or �t
<br /> re�aiatcons),thet�Lendermay do and pay for whatever ps necessary to ptotect ihe valae oTthe Proper�y and Lender's rights � �`'
<br /> tII{�lt I�fOFtfry. Lendes's aetiaas tnay itirJude paying any sums secured bp a lien which has priority over �his Security � -
<br /> - tastsurnent,appearing in cowst.p�ying reastsnable attomeys'ftes and entering on�tttt Properfy tv make repairs.Afthough �
<br /> Lender may take action under this paragraph 7.I,ender does nnt havc to do so. �, .
<br /> . Any amounts disbursed by Ltnder under this paragraph 7 shall become addilianal debt aP Bnr�vwer secured by�his
<br /> 5ecurity Instrument.Unless Borrowe'r attd Lertder agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall beat�nterest from '
<br /> the date of disbursemenf at the Note rate and shatl be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender tv borrnwer
<br /> reqursting payment.
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