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<br /> � ; . . ` 9Q-- i�v2,4� . .
<br /> , 16. i1MCMitnlow PnovlMaa. ' , �
<br /> . (a) 1lbrrowM Not RN��.,Extenston of the time for paymant or madlficaticn ot amortizatian af the aum�aecured by tALs: � `
<br /> r Oeed oi Trust gtant�d by lenQerlA�ny auscessor in Interest oi Borrower shatl aot operate to retease in any asanne:.tlse Hal+tt�ty �
<br /> otths oripinai 8ort�wer and HonowePs successo►s in Interest Lendar shalt not tie required to cammersce praceedings agafnst _ ,
<br /> • euM suCCessaror refaseto extendlime tar payment orotherwise modify amortization of ti�e sums secured by this Oeed a1 Tiust .
<br /> " by rd�son of any demands made by the ariginal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest
<br /> (b) �a�dK's Pow�n.Without aHec6ng the llability of any other person liabte for the payment af eny oDliyatian heroin
<br /> memfonad,and without"affecting the iten or charge ot this Deed of Trust upon any portion of the Properry not then or theretafore
<br /> • roteaeed as aecurity forthe fult amount otail unpafid obligations,Len�er may.frot�t time to time and withaut rtatice(i)release any � .
<br /> peraon eo liadte;p�extnnd the maludty or atter any of the terms oi any such obliga�ons,(ii�grant other indutgences,('N)release <
<br /> - or recomrey,or cause to be reteasea or�econveyed at any time at Len6er's option any parcel,portion or$U o1 the Prope►ry, '
<br /> � (v)take or retease any other or addttional securiry for any obiigation herein mentiorted,or(vi)make compositions or other .
<br /> • ,arrengements wittrdebWrs in relation thereto. •
<br /> � � (c) Forb�annc�by LQnda Not a•Wa[rfr.Any forbe$rance by Lender in exercising any rigbt or remedy hereunder,or
<br /> ' , otherwise.atfotded by applicabfe law,s"*�3'.t not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.The
<br /> , procurement of insurance or the payme�::�taz�s c°aher lienaor charges by LenOer shail not be a waiver of Ler►de�s light�o �
<br /> . 8cceterate thB maturiry of the indebtedness sec�:��tcy�his Deed at Trust
<br /> � (d)Succ�s�ors snd Ilssfpns Bound;Jotnt ar��vRrsl LtabNity;Captio!s�.The covenants and agree:nents herein con• � '
<br /> • ' tsined ahall bind,and the rights hereunder shafl inure t�,the resFectsve su=cessors artd assigns of Lender and Trusar.Ati •
<br /> • � cavenants and agreements ot Toustor shall be joint anti several.T��q�ics�s aad headings of the paragrephs af this ffieed oi
<br /> � Trust are far cbnveniencer artty snd are:not to be used ta interpr�l�.ct�'^e t�e provisiens hereo�. � .
<br /> - (e) R�qwst for Noticet w�e parties hereby res�uestthat a co�y of any rai�e ot detault hereurtder anG e capy af any notice .
<br /> of atate hereunder be ma:��cc i�eaCh paRy to this Reed of Trust at the add:c-s�set forth above in the manner prescrlbed by
<br /> � stppitcabla law.ExCept tat a:y othar notice tequired und8r applicebig Iaw ta be gi�ien in another manner,arty notice ptovided . �
<br /> Mrin tfiis Qeed ot Trust shap be given�y r�aiiing such notice by certitied mail addresssd to ttie other parties,at the adffi:�s set ��
<br /> toRh above.Any notice provided for ir..N�i�Oee�i of Trust�hall be eRective upon mailing in the manner designated�ie�in.H ' �
<br /> Trustor Is m4re than one person,noticH seni to the address set torth atsovs sha!!b$r:��r,a.a alt such p2rscns.
<br /> . (� tntp�etion,tender may make or cause to be made reasonable entriesµpart and:nspectfons of the Property,provided
<br /> �tt�t Lender shall give Trustor notice prior to any suc�inspection specitying reasanabte cause therefor;etated t�Lender's -
<br /> i:�rest in the Property. •
<br /> . � (g) R�wnr�yane�.Upon payment oi all sums secured by this Deed ot Trust tersder shaF1 request Trust�to reca�cvey the
<br /> P�4perty an�5't�all sur►ender this Oeed of Trust artd all notes eviearc�rtg inda6tedne�s secured by this Deed of Trust to Truetee. �
<br /> � Trusiee shalt�reconvey the Property without warraniy and withour charge to the person or�sersons iegaliy entitted ttsereto. . �
<br />, 'Trus�or shall pay all costs c�recOrdaUOn,it any. . '
<br /> (h) �N�Onal Prop��ty;Slcurity AyrNment. As additianal seCUrlty for the payment ot the Note. TruStor hereby grants .
<br /> lender under the Nebraska Unibrm Commercial Code a securiry interesi in afl hxtures,equipment,and other personat pr+operty ;
<br /> used In connectlon witA the real estate or improvements lacated therean,and not otherwlsa declared or deemed to 6e a part of .
<br /> the real estat9 seCUred hereby.This in&trument shall be Construed es a Securiry Agreement urtder Sa�d Code,and the Lender
<br /> . shall have ell the rights and remediea of a secured parry under sa�d Code in additian to the rights and remediss creaied under
<br /> ` and aCCOrded the Lender purauant to this Oeed of Trust;prowded that lender'9��ghts and remedies under this paragraph shall �
<br /> be cumulative with,and in no way a limltation on,Lende�'s nghts and remedies under any othes securiry agreement signed by .
<br /> � Borrower or Trustor. —
<br /> � (i� Ll�ns and Encumbqncfs.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no default under the provisions�t 8ny ' —
<br /> moRgage,deed of trust,lease or purchase cont►act descnbing a;�,r any part of the Property,or other contract,instrument or � �
<br /> agreemenf constitutirtg a Isen.or encumbrance aga�n�alf or any qart of the Property(collect�vety,•'Liens"),existing as of the
<br /> date ot thls Oeed of Trust,an�that any and all ex;s*.r��Llens rema,n unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Tcustor's
<br />� wiitten dlsclosure of liers and ancumbrances prov�ded tor here:r� Trustor shall timety perform all of Trustor's ob"��atcons, .
<br /> Covenants,representations artd warranties urtder any and all ex�sifing artd future Liens,sha�t pramptty fQrward to Lendei cOpi�s •
<br /> • of all notices of default sent in Qonnection with any and alt ex�s'�nc�or tutura Liens,and sha11 n�t without Lender's prior written �
<br /> consent in any manner ma�lty the provisions ot or altow any tucu+e a9vances urt�er any ex�sting or tuture Liens. �. •
<br /> � (j) AppNcsfbn ot P�ym�nta.Unless otherwise required by la�r.sums paid to Lender hereunder,inC��.;d�R�without I�mitation
<br /> • ' payments of prinCipal and interest,insurance procee�s,conder.-�nat�on proCeeds and rents and profits,shall be apD��ed by
<br /> , Lende►to the amounts due and owing irom Trustor and Borrower r�'such o�de�as Lender in,rs 5ote discretion deems des�rabte. �',�,
<br /> (k) 8�v�r�bility If any pravision ot this Qeed o1 Trust cont:,c*s w�th appl�cable law or zs declared mvalid or otherwise �
<br /> unenforceabte,suCh Conilicl or invalidity shall not aifect the other prov�sons of this Oeed ot Trust or the Note which can be �
<br /> given eifect wiihout the canTliCting provision,and to th�s end the prov�sions of fhis Oeed at Trust and!he Rlot�are declared to be
<br /> severable.
<br /> (I)T�rms.The term9"Tru5tCr"and"BolrOwer"shall include both singular Hnd ptural,and vrhen the Tru5tor and Borcower
<br /> . are the same pe�son(s),those terms as used in thts Deed of Trust shal� be interchangeable.
<br /> (m) Gov�'t�in�Law.This Deed ot T•ust�hall be governed by the laws ot the 5tate ot Nebraska
<br /> -�-�-- �-�--�� - �Trustorhas executed thig peed of Trust�es otthe dat�"written atiove:�� �� �� � �� � � � � � ! � �- ��-� - �
<br /> ' �WEDGEWOOD, IN .,
<br /> B�L___ :f:��.�C�--�.���-r�.;E_..r�<<-'� . ..___...__. .
<br /> (3an#'Ce Thayes, Trustor President)
<br /> , . . . _ _. _ _. . . . . -- Trus4ar_._. _.�.,,__...�.
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