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<br /> tl►s P�ope�ty is ao 4ken or damaqad.Le�der shail ha�e the optton,in its soie and al�solute discretion,ta epply af1 auch Prpceeds,
<br /> � , aRer deductlnp Iheretrom alf caata anG expensas irtcurred by it in conneci�on with sach PraceeQs,upon any lndebtedrteas secure0
<br /> he►aby and In sucA otder as Lender may determine,ar to eppiy all such Proveeds�after such deductions,3o the restoraUOn.o!the
<br /> � ` . Propertyt upon aucb conditions as LeriAer may detarmine My apPlication o!proceed�to indebtednes3 shatt nQt ex�nd�r� � �
<br /> Ms dua date at any paymenb under ths Nate,or cure any defeot!thersurtder or hereurttter.Any unapptied tunds shatl he patd to
<br /> , Truator. . � ,
<br /> . 9• PNtonnane�bY l�nd�►Upon the occurrence of an Errent of Defauithereunder,or it any act is taken or fegal proc�din� �
<br /> commenced whi�ctt matedally affects Lendefs interest in the Property,Lender may in its own discretion.but without obligattan totic
<br /> : ao.and wlthout nOtiCe to or demand upan Trustor and withaut teteasing Trusfor from any obligadon,da any act which Trustpr has
<br /> < apreed but tails ta do and may afso do any otRer act it deems neCessary t�protect the securiry herepf.Tr�stor shalt;immediatery
<br /> . :�r . upon Qemand therefor by lender,pay to Lender all costs and expenses incurred artd sums expended by LenQer In consec6on witb
<br /> the exercise by�ender of the foregoirtg rights,together with interest mereon at the default rate provided 1n the Note,whiaA ahail6e
<br /> addeQ to the indebtedness secured hereby_ Lender shall not irtcur any liability because ot anythirtg it may do ar amit ta do
<br /> . hereunder. . .
<br /> 9. Hasardous N/st�fali,Trustor shali keep the Property in compliance wi�h ali applicabte Iaws,prdinances and regutations '
<br /> _ . relating to fndustriai hygiene ar ernirortmentat ptoteciion(collectivety referred to herein as"Environmental Laws'�.Trustor shalt
<br /> , keep the PropBrty free from ali substances desmed to be hazardous or toxic under any Environmentat l,aws(coilectivety,referred to �
<br /> : herein as"Hazardous Maisriats").Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are rto Hazardous Mater+alg on o► �
<br /> • underthe Pro{ferry.Trustor hereby agress to indemnity an�hoid harmiess Lender,its directors,officers,empioyees and agents,and
<br /> • � eny successors to lender's inter�t,from and against any and efl clsims,damages,tosses artd ifabilfties arising in connection wtth
<br /> , � the presence,use,disposai or trz�rsport ot any Hazardaus Materials on, urrder,from or about the Property.THE FOFiEGOINCi
<br /> : . 10. Msipnm�nt at Rtnts.Trustor hereby e`signs to tender the rents,issues and probts at the Property;provided that Trusto� -
<br /> shaU,tsnU!the oCCUrrer�of an Event ot Defau�t�preunder,have the right to collect and rei8in such rents,issues artA profits asthey �
<br /> - • beaome due and payab�e.Upon the occurrence of art Event of Defauft,lender may,either in person or by agen�with or without
<br /> ; 6�inging any action or proceeding,or by a recewer appointed hy a court and without regard ta the adequacy ot its security,enter
<br /> : . upon and take possession ot the Property,or any part mereoi,in its own n8me or in the narue et the TreeslE�s,ar,�-dcy any acts which it -
<br /> � deems necessary o�desirabte to preserve the vatue,marketabiliry or rentabit�ty of the Properry,or any part thereof or intarest therein;
<br /> increa9e the income therefrom or protect the security hareof and,with or withr�ut taking possessian of the Property,sue for or
<br /> otherwise coilect the rents,issues and pro}its thereof,�ncluding those past due and unpa�d,and appty the same.less costs and
<br /> expenses otoperation and collecG4n inctuding attorneys'teea upon any indebtedness spcured hereby,ail in such order as Lender
<br /> may determine.The enter%�c3��.�r��d taking passession c`i'��?roperry,the collect,�:,r;:,°s���+.rents,issues and protits and the � �
<br /> appiicetion thereoi as ate�cs3:�,5`�kt nof cure ar waive ar.•,: s���..:t ar eetice ot defa:�~;�a*3;:r,aa or inVatrdate any act done irs •� �
<br />, response to such defau�t o■pursuanf to such rt�te'�of defau(t ano,r.otw::�-�.a��ding the contrn�,;�:^:;�;�.-:possesSion otthe Prpperty u�
<br /> the Coiteciion,receipt and application M rents.i��ues or profits,and Truscee artd Lender shalt be entitted to exorcise every right � •
<br /> provided for in any ofthe Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrerce ot any Event oi De!ault,including without limitation the right
<br /> to exorcise the power of sale.Further,Lender's rights and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulat�ve with,and in n�way a
<br /> limitation on,Lender's rights and remedies under any assignment o}leases and rents recorded against the Property.Lender,Trustee �
<br /> and the receiver shall be liable to account only Po►those rents actualty received. " • �
<br /> 11. EvNlb ol ONau!!.The toltowing shall constitute an Event o}Oetault urtder th�s Oeed of Trust
<br /> (a) Faiture to pay any instellment of prmcipal or interest at any other sum secured hereby when due:
<br /> (b) A brea�t►of or default c:�der any provision contained in the Note,thi�Deed o1 Trust,any of the Loan Instruments,ar any �
<br /> . • other lien or ertcume�ance ug:�-she Property; ;_�
<br /> (c) A writ of execution or 8�:2Chm8nt or any simitar process shail be entered against Trustor wh�ch shall beCOme a lien qn �,�
<br /> the PropeRy or an y portion t^E;epi pr inter��t h e r e�n, ,�
<br /> (d) There shall be filed by Or agains?����tor or Borrower an actron under any present or future federal,state or C:�:er
<br /> statute,law or regul8tion relaU��g:o banicr�-wy,�nsotvency or other rel�el for dobtors;or there ahalt be appomted any trustee, �
<br /> reCeiver Or(iquidatOr O}'frustor�P 8orrower or qf all o�any part�I the Property,or the rents,�ssues or prol�t9 thereo},ar Trustar
<br /> , or Borrower shall make any general assigrment}or the benef�t ot cred�tors; �t
<br /> ' (e) The sete,tren9fe�,leese,assignment,Conveyance or lurther encumbrence of all or any part Of or any interest in thg `�
<br /> � Property, eith8r voluntarity or invotuntarily, without the express wntten consent ot Lender,prowded that Trustor sha�l be f'
<br /> • permitted to exeCUte a lease of the Property that does not contain an optron to purct�ase and the term ot wi►;ch daes nat exc8ed
<br /> . • one year;
<br /> (� Abandonment oi the Property;or
<br /> �Q'�!..
<br /> (g) ff Trustor is not an individual,the issuance,sale,t��r sfer,assignmcnt,convayance or encumbrance ot more than a total i
<br /> pf--._. yerCent Ot(i1 a CorpOrBUOn)iis ts5ued and uutstandmg stock pr�d�partnership)a tolal of — �._perCent Ot �
<br /> , partnership tnte�est5 during tho period this C_ed ot Trust remains a I�en on the Properry. � '
<br /> � 12. R�In�difs;Aee�t�ratlon Upon O�faull.ln the event ot��;r Event of Dvtault Lender may,,iu�thout notice excapt as required by
<br /> • � law,declare a11 irtdebtedness se�ure�hereGy to be due anQ payabte and tho samo shatl thereupon bocome due and payabte
<br /> withoute�y presentment,demar.�.�srotest or noUCe of any_k,n�,7hereafter.Londer.may�. . . ..-. --.. . .. . . ..- -..-.-.-
<br /> ' - �----... .. .. .
<br /> ...._..-�-� -�-----�—�---- ... . ..--------.._...
<br /> , (a)�" errian4��t1ia1 Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted horo�n, and Trustee shaU thereafter causa Trustois
<br /> iltterest in the Pro��•ty to be sold and ths�rac�ads to be distnbuted.�1!r»the mann�r prov�ded,n fhp Nebraska Trust Oe@09
<br /> . Act
<br />. 4b) Exercise any antl al!ng!+fs provided for in;�ny of th�loan�nstruments or a� 1:,N uAon occunonce of any Event of
<br /> Default;and
<br /> (c} Commonce an acUon to f;,;eciose tr±�s Oeed ot Trust as a mortgage,appo,nt a rece�vpr,o�spec+f�cai ly ento►ce any ot the
<br /> COVenants hereol.
<br /> � NO remedy hereirs Co=.`erred upon ot rese►ti��Fp 7rustee or Lendec�s�atended!o be exclus�vv of�r,r-5ther remedy herHm,in the
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law prov►ded or perm�t���,6ut each shall ba cumulative.shan be�n add�t�on:o avery other remedy 5 :en
<br /> .. f►5ereundor,in the Loan Instrumpntsa-�ow pr he�eafter ea�shng at law or In gqurty nr by stafute.and max bc��xercised concun�r;•ry,
<br /> indepertdently or successiveiy. ___,�_<
<br /> , ' 13. TrwtN. The Trustee may res�gn at a^r !.mo without cause. artd L�nd�r may at any t����e :^ct r��thaut ceu�e apUa:^�a ,
<br /> succ�ssor or substitute*rusteo.Trustee shatt nG:��hable to any parry,irtcludntg wrthout IimrtaUbn L.����er,gorrcrvre►.;rustor or�r;y
<br /> purchasar of the Prop�:�^j,tor any toss a dama��untess due to�eckfess or w0ltul m�sconduct,and snatl not b�reyuired to take any �
<br /> __ aCtlon in Cortnectian with tfiA�r.�.--��p��a}�,�p�a��=�ot����$i��G���s,d,w�i, ;R writirtg,fvr atr�6sts, �6mpensafion or � ' � ��
<br /> , expenses which may 6e associatetl�:K�►ewith.tn addit�on,Trustee may become a purchaser at any saPd ot thQ Property�udic�at or
<br /> undar the power ol sale granted haretn);postpone the selv at all or any porhon ot t►ra property,as prov�ded by law;or se(I the
<br /> P�operiy as a whole,ot In separaf9 parcels or lots at Trustee's d�scretion. �
<br /> �■ 14. FNS ana Ettp�ns�s,ln.th�elent Trustee setls the Pra�erty by o�erCise oi power oi sate.Trusieo s:�alt hd ent�tled to ap�cy •
<br /> any sate praeeeds tust to payment of all costs and expenses oi�+xe►c�s,ng power ot sai�,mclu�anc�al1 Trustee's tees,and�ender's
<br /> and 7rustee'S attorney's fees,aG�ually incurred to extent permltted by appl�cabt�f�v� tn the evant Borrower oc T�ustor exerc�s�,s any p�..
<br /> right provtded by I�w to cure an�vent o4 Delau�t,�gnder shalt bo onliriQd to re�ttrer irorn 7rustor a0 C�sts and eMpenSeS�.tL'tuatly fO
<br /> irtcurred as�result oi Trustor's det�ulL lncluding wdhoui IimitaUorr aN TrustEO's and atior�ey's fees, tv thy�xtent perm�ftvd by �
<br /> " apAticabte faw. - - _: _{,
<br /> f5_ Future Advertceg. Upon request af go�rawer, (.ender m�y, at its opt�on, mJke addiUa��af and tufurt a��,,dR�ES ,ind r!�• k•• °
<br /> advances to Boirowor.Such a�lvancas�nd r�advances,vlilit intarnst tiigrepn 5hall bFi sE:LUre;f by fhrs D�rvd u►'frisst At r,o tirr,f ghalt
<br /> the pnrtclp�l amount otthe indebtodness socared by th�s�eed af'#rust,not�ncludir,q sur�,s�r:iv�r,c:etl tci urotec,i tf�e s�cu�,�y nt rhig
<br /> DUSd ot Trust,axceod the ongina! p�incipgt 2�mount Statg�li�rp�n,or 5 108,Q00�OO_ . , yJi11C�T�JQi �s y�e�uEn
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