1 � � :— �
<br /> , . , � ' � - ' " -
<br /> � �?. Coad�ma�tiat. intb�ersnttseltoperty,orsnyprttDe�eot,,ahitl be taten by emiaent do�ain,the 11�Iort�a�ee: `
<br /> is empoweted CQdoilect�ad eecei�r�11 cwapen�ttan�icA msy 6e Qaid for�uY proP��3►tateA or for dama�es tc prQPlnY �
<br /> r aot tatea.aad 1�Tott;yee s6�1[�pply aueh oompea�tlon.at its optioa,eithts to s reducti�ot the indebtedne�secand
<br /> i � �< - Leteiry ce t�i e+epdr�aN te�toee�he P�'�R�Y�� . �
<br /> � �htatts�et ti!lfaelppt�taetpree tm9.hut al�al!hsre no o6ifpttaa.to do sDY�ct whid�tbe 1Kort�oc -
<br /> � tr�ad but fii�s to do;�ed Matp�ee mfy�Mo do aay a�t It dcc�r neaitary W protect the lien IIcm+f.ltortp�or
<br /> �����7s�P��d.�iYl�W!YQlndld by/f�!�0lL�!IOt�!aDO�t j161lpOtlf.�llQ�fly!II1lf6 f0llplA�
<br /> b� tbe Kottl�ee.�all be added ta tbe inde6tednES secueed�aieby aad bccome wDiect to tI�tien henwL NottpDee ' .
<br /> • dwU not iecae�y penoev li�bWty becaa�e of anythini tt rn�y do as omtt ta do�ereunder.
<br /> ,
<br /> � 9. 11�fia1�A�ipu�eat ot Reatt `1�me is of the e�enee liereof,wa upon�Ioetp�ot's default in any eo�etwit � �
<br /> . a��emeat oi�lioet�e.MdudU�co�nts to p�y wben dae t6c Rams�ectmd by thh Mottp�e:tbe7[artptee s6tl1
<br /> � ' 6e etit[tkd.at t4`ote option ind wftl�out noiiae.to deelus al1 sum3 e�cured bg thls Mort¢�to 6e fmmedlaWy du�ae� _
<br /> � pnible�mq coaseece toseetoture ot!hM LtoKl�e bY j�kW�oa�n�:wd.Prot[ded ta:t6e�tbst upon'sacb .
<br /> , . aeta�tt t6e Itoeyyee.o�a i.oe�.er appatnsee ty s�o�uc.aosyr at w optEon ana.stbnot espra to the adequ.�y ot tnr
<br /> � . •�semiLy.entss upoa and hlrs Ooradoa ot ttie R�opaty and coilect the�sntr,�md p�oIIts thetetlrom and appiy tbem � . �
<br /> �St to�t6e aoa of e.ouectloa ana opeeatioe or t1�e Prope�ty ana asen upon me inaebcednes��ecnrea by tLLs xo�cp�ee; .
<br /> � tdd tHttt,ist�e�wd peiasts 6eia��1pkd to tht Yo�ttp�ee � Nnlier�ecarity fa the paymtnt of tbe fadebt�dnas
<br /> . � s�coted 6ereby. , - .
<br /> ' � 10. T�anda of lmperty. 1f aI1 or any part of tde Ptoperty is aold or t=ansfemed withoue the expresc written can-
<br /> , sent of the MortpRe,Mo:tp�ee uuy st Its sote ogtion,declare dl aums secured by this Mortpge to be immedtak{y due
<br /> aud psy�tbte. , _ . ,
<br /> . . il. Ftitue� Advaeces Upon nqnest of Mortptor. Mort�e m�Y mate additianv�nd future advaaces to •
<br /> � � Mart;a�or.Sne6 advances.w�iiii interest lf�ettion,sltall bc sc-�3�.�ed-!xy t!�"ss Mort�aQe�6en evtdeaeH!6y�mmissory aotes ..
<br /> datiA�ttttt satd ttotrs are acured heieby. At no time sh�li the princlD�l unount oi the in�lebtedness eecnnd by thls �
<br /> 1KoitP[e.not lndudiet s�ad�anad to p�teci the kcudty oi tbla 1Kort�re;e:ceM the oef�n�l Note.
<br /> • iZ. M�ceUaneous Pro�Won�.�
<br /> (a) Any foe�ebetrance[n exercisin�any rf�ht or iemedy shd!not be s wdver thereof. ,
<br /> (b� All remedIes pravtded herein ue distinct azd cnmulative to sny atJs�r right atforded by taw or equlty,
<br /> and may be exerclsed aancartently,lndependentiy or succesaively. � �
<br /> (c) Z7se.covenants and aQreemenis contained herein sh� bind. �nd the ri�ts inure to, the respecHve �
<br /> sacces�ars and asd�ns of tAe Mort��or and the MortQafee. .
<br /> . (d) Alt covenants and a�eements ot the Mortg�gor ue joint and sevenl. ,
<br /> (e) Zlle headJn�,a of the para�phs of thts Mortaa�e are foT conveplence only and shst�not be used to inter• � }
<br /> cnt ar dettne the provls[ons hereoi. • , �
<br /> , w .
<br /> aa. Rekate. Upon payment oi all svtng securnt!b3� thia Mortgage.Mortgagee s.alt dlscharge this Mortg�ge and '
<br /> - tl►�D�gecnte and deliver a�atisiuWry release therefoi.
<br /> IN WITICESS WHEAEOF.Mortp�c�wu executed this M on the,11,�11day ot ��' _,199.Il.
<br /> ' . r
<br /> . .
<br /> � • . Bofr wrr • ?�-,i
<br /> _ �rancis G. S aaf Husb nc�
<br /> ��
<br /> Horcowes
<br /> (Constance E. Schaaf) . e •
<br /> Sttte of Nebrdta. Hall County ss:
<br /> � On thls ��t h dsy o! �`�Y , 19 90�betor�me.the undeesigned,a Hotuy pu6llc �
<br /> - . . .. . . . . .. ......__....-�-- �---------._ __.. .. . . . . ._.... ._ .._.__..... ._.. _...._.._ .
<br /> dulycommissionedandqualifle�foraaidcounty.pe�aonaltycame Francis Schaaf and 'Constance
<br /> Schaaf. Hust�and and Wi fe � to me knnwn to br the
<br /> identical peison(a) �rhase nune(s)are su6acstbed to the toregoiag instaument artd uknowiedged the execution thereof
<br /> �� h_hpi r valuntary act and deed. . ,. .
<br /> Wltness my hand and notartal seal at �' in sA;d�snty�the
<br /> date aforesatd. �
<br /> My Commisslon ex�res, _ ' _
<br /> .--
<br /> ����� Not�ry trublie '
<br /> �M r.�y�. �
<br /> . ����'^i��� . . . . . �'��„/�"-,
<br />. �'[��\ ---(Saaee 8t20�'�L Lfnt ttrserved F'ar IwnQm�ad 8ecorCn) ��.
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