.._._......_ _-- �. � f � � - ---- �
<br /> . , � .
<br /> __ _ _._ —. _._ --- ----- . -- -- -- - + -- - --- -- --- - - -
<br /> _ ...
<br /> -.. . .— _ __ _ - - ----- ..-- --- - - - ----
<br /> � � . � . -- - -
<br /> . � . � • ` � , � . ; �oR�c� ; �= 10v241� . _
<br /> ' . `'�tYoet��ed�keeaintob�tw�een� L►rancis G_ S�haa£ and n�+.+��Ca ,R. SC�haeaf• . ' •
<br /> FiniaF��nA anA. f�7if'e . (b!i!�`�@��jOf'jiQ�
<br /> � 3.'i s+�- T1p,i n1-Q a� (b!!li�t"�9tt��Ee.''+k ' '
<br /> �iqRtj�ar is f�tbt�ta Mottp�ee tn the pr�neipil aum oi S 20•n00_00 ,etideneed D3►�Mort�or's nAte
<br /> � . d�ed g_�90 (�•`N�••)l��t tor payments ot psindprl�ad iaterest,wIth tbe batana oi the < .
<br /> ,i�ebt�.ilnoti000Ctptd�dllls�p�yabie� 5�11-2�0� . , ,
<br /> 'ib�eeaeetliep�npento!ths Na�e,�ftb intetrst�c prodded thereiny Lhe prytnent otal!otber wms,with interest„ _ .
<br /> . . ad��pe�t1 by lbetp�e to p[o�ect tbe,uauity of tbts Mort�,�nd tAe pedormmce of t6e cavan�ntc ar�d a�eeements of.
<br /> . _ , tlx b�vilp�er coatd� hat+ebt, �ort�or das hr:eby mattp�e m8 oon�ey to Ma�iptee the fdlawin�desadbed _
<br /> � pto�ertq tad�tsd in pa�1 Caunhi. Nebrntu: ° � � �
<br /> Lot one (l� Mai�n��ns� and Northeast Quarter of Sou�heast Qua�c�er (NEl/4
<br /> ; SEI./4) �except ���:��f!s addition as p�atted sn Book 81, p�ge 4�3, and
<br /> except a tract c��=`�tand. a�i saic] Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter
<br /> ' (NE1/45ei/4� canveyed in Book 34o page 63 described as follaws: r
<br /> , • . . ,
<br /> , Beginning at the��point of intersection of the West line of the county _ .
<br /> road .on the East sectioaa line of said .L�ortheast Quarter of southeast
<br /> . Quaeter (NE1/�lSE1/4) w$� the north lir�� of the county road which runs
<br /> -.__ �erth�ast�*r2�r tY�ro�h said Iand running -t��e along said Wes� line
<br /> 2� 2/3 rods, thence West 12 rods, thence South parallel wik'�:�s�estline
<br /> :. 28 2/3 rods to said Nor�b line of Che second mentionec� coua�F"road, � .
<br /> thence northeaster2y a�.¢�ng safd North line to the pla�e of begir�riing
<br /> • Section twelne �12), Township eleven (��}, Range nine (9) , H�11
<br /> Caunty, Nebraska._ � , � �
<br /> Topether wIth all buildines,Im�avements,tixtures,streets�a11eYs.P�sst�eways, easements�sights,privileges aad
<br /> apputt�naaces located theteon or in an��pertaining thereto,and tbe rents,issues and pmiits,rev,e:sEons utd remaindets
<br /> t6e*_euf;inctudtn�,6ut not limited to,heating aaa coalin�equfpment�d such penonal pmperty 1�it Is attached to ttce ' ..
<br /> . fieage+avements ao as to eaastitute a IIxture;all ot w�6cfi,iaciudlnj replasements and additiona thento.is hereby declared
<br /> to�e a patt ot the re�l ectate seciued by the lien of t3:�44!lortgage and ali oi the fore�oing being refemd W herein u the ,
<br /> "pmP�riY'�•
<br /> � Mort�or ituther convea�fa mnd agrees,wtth Mortg�gee,as follows: , � `
<br /> . '�
<br /> ,..
<br /> 1.Psy�pen� To ps�she indebtedaess�nd the interest thereon as prvvi�ed in thfis Mort�e snd tL�e�tiote. �• ���
<br /> T
<br /> . ' 2. Tltk. Mort�ot is the owtter oi the Properiy.ha�a the rigbt�ttd authority to mortQage the ptopertq,�nd
<br /> ; �varran4 th�t the lien crv�ted benby is s tlrst u�d prlos lien on the Ptoperiy,exeept�msy c*:�errvise be set torth here:a. . ,
<br /> . ' O 1l�e Ytaperty�S subject to s Mort�e wherein ' ; �
<br /> ' U the Mort�aree,tecorded at Book ,Fa�e:_,.�ot the Mort�e Records oi CountY. � r�•
<br /> Nebraslra,whicb Mortp�e ls a lien ptlor 3�ihe Ilen ce�ated hereby. �� �
<br /> O Other prior tlens or encumbrances: :
<br /> 8. Tau�A�menta. To p�y whea due�il taxes;apeci�l assessmenta anQ�tl othrr chuges s�inst the Ptoperiy -------- -- ._... _. . . ........--.--
<br /> and,upoe writlen detrwtd Dy Mart�ee,to add to the�ayments�equired under the Note aecut+ed hereby,such amount as
<br /> tn�y 6e tufQcient to en�Dle the Mort�e to pay such taxes,�siesaments or other chanes as they become due. .
<br /> �. Iohnt�eice. To keep the ita�rovements now or heredter located on the ieal essat+e described herein lnsured
<br /> . spintt d�ta�e by flne'aed�uch othe:t�aaxuds�Mort�qee auy eequfre.�n amounb and.vith comptnies aoaeptable to the
<br /> �ortp�ee,mmd wft�A lae pyabk W tUe Mortp�(ee. In cue ot ta�under wch policies the�otty�ee ir authoriu�io �
<br /> adj�u�� coiiect �nd compra�te�e,ia its dlscreUon,tll cLima th�muader at ita sote optios�, �uthorized to elther iypl�the
<br /> ptoo�eds to t�te restoratios�ot ths Ptoperty or upon the indebtedness secuted hereDy,but paymen4 he�under ahall Gon-
<br /> tlnue�until the wms aeuied henby us ypai�in[uli. - .
<br /> b. 0 F.�crow Fo�TaxK aad Iauuratfee. Notwithsundinj anythln�contained i�putaaphs 3 and 4 hereof to the ,---_---_--
<br /> contrary,Mo�rt{�or�h�l p�y to the Mottplee at tts�time ot p�yiag the monthiy in�tailmenb ot p�incf�l and interest, •
<br /> oeatweltth.oi the yeuty 4xa,�saeuments,h�zud�nsannce pr�mium�,and�round rent�11t �nY1 wh3ch m�y�ttaln a
<br /> . . peioiify over Ebis MoitNje�lII ib(liS�f.i`��EStT�ifkQ Ifbfi tiRf�tb Lttfl!bp th8 MOT��ij�.7�re m►ounb sv Qai�i shalt be
<br /> �, held by the Mottp�e withaut intensS a�d applted ta the piymenL of the ftems Ia respect to wAich such unnunts w�re • �
<br /> � deposited.The aums p�ld tv Mort�s�ee rierennaer ue piea�ed as additioail secuHty for the iRdebtedness secured by��is
<br /> l�ortp�e.Mortp�or�h�ll�y to MariN`ce the una:nt of any deflciency Letwren the ututl taxe9,usessmeats, insuranre ��
<br /> Ftemlunu and�ound rents and ti►e deposits hereunder xithln �0 d�ys atier demand is mtde upon Mos'tgxgor requesting �
<br /> �! payment tAereot.
<br /> �
<br /> 6.Repili,Maintenante and Ute. To ptamptly repait.trstmr or tebaifd any 6uildiegs 6r insprovements ttow at �t��
<br /> � her�atter ae the Property:to keep t6e i�ropetty in good condition ane tepur�wilhau4 wute.and free f:atn meshauic`s ar. . �
<br /> ot!lerliens not exptessly subordinated to the IIen hcredi;not to rts�ke,sutfer or permi!any nuisanre to e�ust,nt�r ta dimin•
<br />_ ish or imp�ir tha value ot the Property by any trt or omission to ect:and ta compfy wiN aIl mquirements af law u•�th , �'
<br /> r�pect tio the Prr,pprty. .
<br /> �
<br /> �-�^�-�;�--r-c-r—�xt-^5� --.-������.g3�,'z_ cr--s--x�ra-��.�c�:cm�«,�,���� _ �w..�, �t_ �a� _
<br /> _.
<br /> —_ .. .,.
<br /> . ., s_ �.:_: "��" .i......" ---.:` , •a!__?'s��T ..: �- �. - =y�.. " .. �t. _. _ _.__... .-r_��4t�- _
<br /> 7^.�.- � S_l,: ' - : - "' ' "- '""`7 -'�"7 �-�� ---s��°�^'j'!" -- _' _ _. .. ...--,+ �.�,__ .. T..
<br /> ?I - L ' .'/ . . . .. � ,i - ��,�.}.9.'�if•l si�" t� x ' '� . ....... ' 4. a�-: � . 5. . " . ... . w� ., . .. .'.'�. Z�_7'�—�"'j-i- 5�}' _
<br />