� � .
<br /> ` .. .� 1 �
<br /> i .
<br /> . . � , . _ �_'_. E. . * .—' __--_ _— �_ �— '
<br /> . � ` ` ` , , , ` , . .
<br /> � � � � - 90--�. �103234
<br /> �'�' . � If�reqnirea ruortgage:insupnce�s conditioa o€maiceng the�ran sxure�b�this sec�uity I�stsumenr, �
<br /> ` Borro�rer shall pay the praniums rcquired to muntain the insurance ia effect unt�sucB,tirat as the requirement fos the`
<br /> ' _ , insurancttaminatesinaccordanceaithHorrower'sandLender's:wriitensgramentorapplicablciaa�. �
<br /> ' . S. I�/ecNoe. Leader or its sgmt ts�sy t�a reasonable eriuies Upoa and inspections af the Property.Lendet
<br /> sbaU Eive Borro�rtt aotice aE�ie�e�orpriar to tn inspection specifyirrg reasoAable cause for tlie inspectioA.
<br /> 9. Caie�na�Uoir. The procads of aay award or cTaim for damages.direct or consoqumtial,in conaectian with .
<br /> any condemaation or other taf�ina of any part o�tbe Pmperty,ar for conveyance in Iieu of coademnation,are hereby
<br /> issi�ned andshsq btpaid to Lender.
<br /> � In the eveni of a totat.taging of the Property,the pracoeds shall be apglied to the sutns sa�red b}�this 5ecurity � .
<br /> Instrumer�t��hetfser ar not then dut.with any excess paid to gorrower.ln thc event af a parti�C e�ficing af�the Property; , .
<br /> . wiless BorroMer and Lender otherwrise ag�ee in writing,tht sums secured by this Se�u�.�u{nstr-��ritt shall be�uced bp
<br /> • tLc unouat of th�praceeds miiltiplied by the follo�ving fraction:(a)the total am¢mst�tbe sntn�secared'arrs�ediateTy
<br /> .. . bd'ore the taking,divided by(b}�e fair market value af the�'raperty immediately b�c��tlse.taki►�&qnY bafa�c�s6all be ,
<br /> qid ta BorroNer. � . � � . . ,
<br /> � ' If t6e Property 3s abandaned by Hotraser,'or if,afier notice by Lendu to Borrowa thae�.condem�r offers to .
<br /> _ , malce aa aw�ard or settte a ciaim for damages,Bonower fails to respand to Lender witbin 30 days afttr the date�e'aatice is � �
<br /> ' • . ; �ven,Lender is suthariud to cotIoct and appty the procads,at iss oplion,either to r�storation or repair of t�.�perty or . '
<br /> to the sums secured by�his Securit�InstrumenY.whether or nat then due: �
<br /> _ Unless Lender and Bortower otherwisc�ret in writing,any application of proeeeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> postpoqe the due dau of the monthly payme���eferred to in paragrtiplis 1 and 2 or change the��i�nt_of sucb payments,
<br /> , 10. $orrowu Not Rel� Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Estension of tfse time for payment or
<br /> madification of araoRization af the sums secured by this Security Instrume�t granted by Lender to ang succ'ssor e� __—
<br /> ' interest of Borrower shall r�o!operate to release thc tiability of the orig�nal Borroaer or Borrower's successors:a interest.
<br /> Leader sE�a!�npt be ret}uired to commence Froceedings agaensi any successor in interest or r�use to extertd timt far .�
<br /> paymeat ot otherwisc modify amortization of cG�sums socured by this Security Instrument by rrs�n of any dernand made .� . �
<br /> � by the origiria!Borrot�er or Horrawer'�su�:essarsin intuest.Any forbearance by Lend�r in eaerci��.g any right ec remedy
<br /> st��ll not be a Naiver ot'or preclude the eaercist ofany right or remedy.
<br /> 11• Suceessoes aed A�i�n Boaud;Jotat and Se�erat i,isbilfty;Casignus. The cAVmants and agreetnenss uP ' � `
<br /> this Security lnstrument shail bind and benefit thesuccess�rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject to the provisions
<br /> � of pusgraph 17.Borrower's covenant�e and agreements shal!bo joint and several. Any'Borrower who casigns this Security ; ,
<br /> Instrument but does nai taecute the Note:(a)is casigning this Securiry Instrument�nty to mortgage.grant and convey
<br /> that Bonowet's interest in the Property unQer the tenns af this Security lnstrumrnt;(b)is nat persanally obligated to pay
<br /> the sums securtd by this Security Instrumrnt:and(c)agrees that Lender and any oiher Barrower may agree to extend. �
<br /> madify,forbe�r or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Sawnty Instrument or the Note without �
<br /> th�t Horrower's consent. . `
<br /> �2. Lan C�ar�es. If the laan secured by this Security Instrum,ent is subject to a!aw which sets maximum loan '�`�:',=
<br /> , � charges. and that law is final9y interpteted so that the interest or other loan charges coltected or ta be eollected in � � -
<br /> conntttion with the laan eaceed c�ptnnitted limits. then: (a)any s�ach loan chac�e sh�ll bq reduced by the amount �,`';:�
<br /> neeessary to roduce the charge to t.e permitted timit;and(b)any sums already collec�ted fram Bonower which eacaded � ��� ��
<br /> permitted limits wi!!be refunded to Borrower. ti.,ender may choase ta make�his refund by reducing the princip�l owed
<br /> e
<br /> ' - under the Note or by making a direct payment:a Borrower.If a refund reduces principai.the reduction wil!be treatcd as a
<br /> ' psrtisl prepsyment with��ut any prcpaymmt charge u»der the Note. :
<br /> ' 13• I�44ttos ARecttng 1.eeder's Rights. If rnactmenl or expirat�on of appticabte laws has the efftce of � �
<br /> ttndering any provision of the Na:eoi tbis Security lnstrument unenfc�rceabte arcording tn rts terms,Lendsr,at its option, �• .
<br /> may tequire immediate payment in full of all sams secured by this Security)n�trument and may invoke any «medie.q � '
<br /> , pertnitted by paragraph 19.If Ler�der taercises this option,Lender shall take�he step�spec�fied�n the tiecond paragraph af '•�
<br /> . ' paragraph 17. - ' �
<br /> 14. Notiees. Any notic�eo Horrower provided for�n�h�s Secun�y In�trument�hall he g�ven by debvesang it or by . }
<br /> •, mailing it by first class mail uniess appiica�e!e.law requ�res use of another meth�xi. The notice shalt be directed tn the •
<br />� • Property Address or anv aihu address 8arro�ucr designates by n�t�re tu i.endrr. Any nauce tcp L4ader shall b�r grven by
<br /> first elus mail to Lend.r'S address 5tuted herein c•rany other addresc l.er.�ir?r deti�gnates by not�ce ru h3orrawer.Any nVt�ce
<br /> provided for in this Seeurity lnstrument shalt�e deemed ta have been g:�:�n t�Nosrnwer i+r Ler,der�Nhen,given as�ravided
<br /> _ in this paragraph_---.... . _ ---._ _.._....----._ .__._...-- ---- ---., .._._. • .
<br /> -- -. ........-� - ----.. _ .-�--�----
<br /> _._... ._....--�- -- ... .----.. ----. .. . ._.._�- - ----.. . .
<br /> � lS. C�erntng 1.sw;5etrenb3lity, Th�s 5ccur�ty]nstrument shall bc g��vernrd hy federai!aw and the►_�aW of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any pr�.:,:.u�n nr rlautie c►F�hiti 5rcunty lnstrument or the �
<br /> Note eonfliets with appiicable law,such e�nfliet shall nat affect�ther�T�;���iun+of this Secunty tn�:trumen!or the Notr �
<br /> which can be given efTect without the conflicUng prov�siun. 1'�this ead the proviyivn.c�i ttu�5ecurity Instrument and the
<br /> Note are dtclarcd to br severabk.
<br /> 16. Hortowtr'd(:oPy. Barrnwer shall be given une cvnfutmrd cupy uf the tivtr and�f thts 5e�unty Instrument.
<br /> 17. Trtnsltr of the Propeny or s 8tneficial tatcrest in Borru�rer. If aU nr any part uf the Prnperty or any
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneEc:r.al interr�t in Horrou•er�<<old nr t ramferred and K�rrower�s nc�t a natural
<br /> ptrson)withoul l.endtr's ptiot wr�iten c�nsent. Lender rnay,a1 itti upt�an, reyu�rr uc�meclwlc{�ayrrent in full of ati sums
<br /> seeured by this Stcurity Instruntent. However. th�s ophi�n sha11 nc+t be exerr�scd by l,endcr �f exerc�rc �+prohib�red by
<br /> federal law as of the dete�f th�s Secunty lnstrument. . .-�---=-
<br /> ItLeRder exercises this�pitan,Lender shal)give$orrower nt►tice nf gGCeleraUO�; "I`he nuttce shall provide a penod '
<br /> ; of rtot Itss than 30 days from tlte date the aol�ce�s delivered or ma�[ed within�xh�ch Iiurruwer must pay al)�ums securec!by
<br /> � - this Seruriii ittstrumertt. if�S6rrc�tT fain tc�pay the5e tt�rrfs p7i�f t�tfiie exp�rnt�c.n oi'ihis perinci,I.ender may invoke aoy' �
<br /> remediesretmitted by this Secunty Instrumenf w�thaut furcheF nut�cti i�r den�and Em Hr�rrE�acr
<br /> 18.Borrowe*.'s Rig�t to Rtiestate. if Hnrrow�er mee�s cenam�•��nd�n�mti,ke�trc�wer�haU.have Ihe nght t��have
<br /> enforcement of thts Securuy Insuument��scc�ratinued�t any,ame pnor�r,the eartser c>f tey 5 d�vs tvr su�h c�ther�►erraf as �
<br /> L applicab{e taw m3y sx►er�fy for reinstatemeritl betore s�le vi the Prc�persy pursuant t<>ar.:p„�ver e�f�ale cutltalpC(�1!1 tF11S �
<br /> Seevrity.lnstrume.nt.�t(b)entry oi'ayudgment enforr�ng thtc Securuy Inserwner�i 7hu�ccm�inu�,ns are that �ic�rr�w•er
<br /> (a) pays I.endec�II sums wh�ch lhen woutd be dae under ehss 5ecunty ln�truinent and the '�e�tr hed n�t acce.letation M
<br /> . accurted; /b)cures any default of any athe: eo�tnant�c�r agreemenr�_ (ct �ay� al�e.+�rrr»cr rncurrrd �n rrifurring th�s �
<br /> Serur'rty instrumen�.inei�idm�. hUt pC�Z Iittili�d tc�.te:isiiti:►i�te 5ttuine}5'f�es.�nJ(dl fst�eti �:.cl:a.itEm ns Lender niar� t�'i�
<br /> � teasanabty require t�accure that the hef►oi ehi+.5ecnr��y lnstrument. l.enurr�ti l��CFllS dti thc f'rurer�� �nd Ik•rr««ce'�
<br /> ' obtigat�on to pay th� �ums secweti by tto�� 5eeunty instrument 4f��i1 L��t�uriur U4Ct1dt�FCiS FEH�ri,rr�n,taterrtct�t h} °°
<br /> � �Borrow•et,t6�s 5eeunty 1i�strumene and ihe r6ligeUons seeured hesrb±.:halt remain iully c�ic�r�::a��f n:�ac�elcrauur�hae�
<br /> � c�ccurred.Nawetie:,thts hght tn rcinstate shali ru,t upply in thc.a.e c�f a�celei,�t�t�tt ttndct j�dt,1{,'id(�F/� I�f�i' �7
<br /> �.
<br /> _ _ , __ =6__ � - — - - -
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