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<br /> UtvIFO1tM Oovp+Unr[s- Borroxtr ar�Lender coveaant uid agee as�follows:
<br /> r 1. Pay�at of PriadMti s�L�PreMY��t�M L�te C6�es. �orrower shal!prom�tlY PaY whea due
<br /> f �F�of���taest an the dcbt tvidtnced by the Nate and any prepayment and late chacges dae under the Note. �
<br /> . 2. Faaisfar.?uts a�I�wea�ca Subject to ipplicabte taw or to a writt�n waiver by�Lendu,Borrowu shall pay •
<br /> �O���%��Y���1Y PiY�nt�`ue due�lndu the Note.unti{the Note is paid in futl.a sum(••Funds")equal to . �
<br /> one"t�►dftfi of (s�.Ynr1Y taxes and assasments wrhich may atuin preority ovu this Security Iasuument; tb1 Yearly
<br /> � k�ehold payn�enis or a+round rents on the property, if any; (c) yearty har�trd 'msuranr.c premiums; and (d) yearly � •
<br /> mortp je it�urance premium4,if any.'lUese items are ca!!ed"acraw items."Lender may estimato tbe Fnnds due on the �
<br /> tr�sis of cutreat dats and rasonabk estimues of future escrow items.
<br /> ?be Funds sl�all be 6ek1 ui an institurion tl�e deposits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a federa!or_
<br /> ���lt(inclodin8l.eadei if I.ender is sach an institutioa).Lender sbiaU apply the Funds"to pay the escrow iteans. �
<br /> Laider may not charge far hotd'ms and applying tbe�uuds.analyzing the aocaunt or verifying the escraw itaas.uatess
<br /> � Lender paYs Borrowa iuterest oa the Funds and applicabte laa pumits Lender to mak�such a charga Borrower and
<br /> , '. l.�der m�y aaree in wnitina:tl�at interest shali be paid on tlie Funds. Unless an ageement is made or appJicabte law �
<br /> t raquires inntuat to be paid.Lender shall nat be raquired to piy�orrower any interest ar�ings ote the Fands.Lender
<br /> sbsD Sive to Horro�ver�without chuge,an annual accofinting oFthe Funds s6owing creQits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> parpose for�vliich eacb debit to the Ft�was made.Tbe Fwrds'sre pledged as addiuonat security for We sums securea by .
<br /> � : this Socurity Inaaama��
<br /> ':� � If the unount of the Fivads 6etd by Lender.together witl�the fufun uionthly payments of Funds payable psiot to
<br /> . � ..the cf�dates of the escrow itea�s,sisaIl exceed the amount required to pay thc�crow items whrn due,t6�+�:,ess sts�3�6e,
<br /> u$ortawer's eption,eilther pramptly repaid to 8orrower or credited ta Borrawer on montdly paymeats��un8s.�¢he
<br /> , � �atnount of ttte Ftmds held by Lerider'ts nat suficient to pay tbe escca.w items when due.Barrmwu shal!g�y to Lendcr any �
<br /> ' . � amount necasary to mslce up the de6cieacy in one or m�re paymen¢s�.s required bg Lender. �
<br /> _ Upan psyment in full of�ll suins secured by this Security iastrnment.F.ender st�¢r�mptly reFuad to Borrower �
<br /> any Funds beld by Lender.lf under paragraph 19 the Property is sold or acquir�d by Lendt;Ltnder shall apply;no tater �
<br /> than immedisteJy prior ta the sate of tbe F'r�perty or iu acquisiticacn by Lender,any Funds�d by L�der at the ts�c�r oP
<br /> . agplication ss a crodit agsinst the sums sec��cd by this Security Instrument. ' '
<br /> . � 3. A/�liatioe ot PayisenL�. Unless applicable Jaw provida otherwise.aq�yments received by Lender under
<br /> paraaraphs 1 and 2 shall be apptied:brst.to late charga due under the Note;secend,to prepayment charges dut under the
<br /> Not�third�to amounts psyable under parsgraph 2;fourth,to intrnst due;and Iast,to principal due. �
<br /> 4• Ctir�e�Liee�. Borrower shsl!psy sll t�es.�sessmrnts,charges,fines and impositions attr�'butable t�the
<br /> Property which �y snain priority.over this Security Instrument, and leasehotd payments or ground tmu, f��.y.
<br /> Borro�►er sha11 pay these obligations in the manner providad in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner�Borrowd s.�-.a1)
<br /> pay them on time directly to thc person owad paymer�t.Borrower shall promptly furnisb to Lendtr atl rcuices of amor�nts � �
<br /> to be paid under this pangrs�. If Borrower matces these paytnents directly.Borrower shall promptly firnish to LenQer '
<br /> receipts evidrncing the psymrnts. � �
<br /> Horto�vtrshall prolt�ptly dischuge�.ay Gen which has priority over this Security Iastrument unless Borrower:(a)
<br /> � aaras in MritinE to the paymrnt of the obi.aation securod by tbe Gen in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)cantests in good ��
<br /> faitb the lim by.or defends�gainst enforctment uf the t�in,legal proceedings which in the Lendee's o�ion operate to �� l�
<br /> � ' . prekast the rnforcement of the lien or forfeiture of arsy�art of the Property;ar(c)secures from the hotd¢r of 1he lien an ' "�'
<br /> , agoarient sstisfactory to Lender subordinaiing the lien to this Secudty Instrument.If Lender determines that any pare�f ?•
<br /> the Ptoperty is subjoct to a lirn which���attain priority over ttx�Security Instrument, Lender may give Batrasrer a
<br /> aotice iden6tying the lim 8orrower shaE�ss�isfy the lien or take orsr or mare of the actions set forth above within 10 d�ys ?
<br /> . of the Sivin6 of notice.
<br /> F
<br /> . S• !lstard I�wn�ce. �orro�er s:�all keep the impravements now exisang or hereafter erecta@ c�x the Property + -
<br /> � insured sgsinst loss by 6re.husrds included within the tenn'•eatended coverage�and any other huards f�.�r which l.er,stes !..�:
<br /> requira insarancc. This insurance shatl be m�intained in the amaanu and for the periods that Lender requires. '�S . �;�-
<br /> insurance carrier providing thc insunnce shsll be chosen by BorraR�er subject to I.ender's approval which shall nat 6e
<br /> . u»raaonably wi�hhetd. '.:: �
<br /> ' All insurance policies and renewats shall be acceptable to Lender and s��l! include a standard mortgage clause. �
<br /> � Lender shtll have the righl to hold the poJicies and renewals.li L,ender requires.borrower shall promptly givr to Lender
<br /> dl raceipts of psi�premiums�nd renewal noticts.ln the event of lass.Borrower shal!give prampt notice to the insurarrse
<br /> carrier and Lender.Lender may mstce proo�vf lass iPnot made pramptly by Borrawer.
<br /> Unless 1.,ender artd Borravirer others�tise agree in writing,insuronce procted�shall bt applied to restoration or repair '
<br /> ' ...of the Property dunaged;if tl��e restoratioo or repair is ecanomically feasibte and 1:endcr's security�s not tesserted. lf the � � � ° � �� � --�-��---- �� �
<br /> . restontion or repair is not x�onbmically fieasible or Lender's security would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shall be '
<br /> applied to the sums secured�y this Security lnserumrnt.whether or not then due.with any excess paid to Borrower. lf
<br /> . � Borrowu sb�ndons the Property,or does rsat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender tha�the insurance carner has
<br /> oQ'erod to stttle a claim.thrn Lender may coltect the insurance proceeds.Lender may use the ptoceeds to repair or restore
<br /> the,Property or to psy sums socured by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due. Thc 30-day period will begin
<br /> when the notice isaiven.
<br /> Ualess Lender and Bonower otherwise agree in writing,any applic�t�on vf procceds ta principa!shali not exttrtd or
<br /> postpone�he due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount a!the payments.if
<br /> under psngraph 19 the Prope»y is acqutted by Lender.Bonawer's right tc,bny msurance polrcus a�d prcx:eeds resultmg
<br /> from damsae'to the Proper4y priar ta the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the e�ttent of the sums secured by this 5ecunty -. __—__
<br /> lnstrument immediateiy prior to the acquisit�an. . "
<br /> 6. Presen�tton sed Mdeten�nce of Property;Leasehotds. .Borrower shal}not destroy,damage or substanlially �
<br />' � chan�e the Propaty.allow the P�vperly to detettotate or commit waste. If thtc Secunty lnalnttne�iia oa a 1ea..�eh�1�
<br /> -� Botrowet shait comply with the provistons o4'the tease.and iPHorrnwrr acquires fce title to the Propetty,the(easehold and
<br /> fa titfe shall not merge unless Lender agrees ta the merger�n wntmg. • �
<br /> �. ProtecNon ot Leeder•a Aights i» tht Property; Mortg�ge lnsunRCe. It Hvrrnwer fails to perfarm Ihe � «t
<br /> eovenattts and agrcemeets cantained in this Secunty Instrument,o:therc ic a Ieg�i proceed�ng thet may sigmfirantly alftct �
<br /> L Ltnder's rights in tht Property(such as a prc�ceeQ�ng in bankruptcy, probate, for condcmaattc,ra nr to enforce Iaws«r
<br /> �regula�ions).thtn Lender may do and pay for wbatever is necessary to protect the�alue of the Properry�nd[,ender's nghts �
<br /> in the Ptoperty. Lertder's.artions may include paying any sums secured by a Iren whutr•has pn�ntti otier �hu Seruruy �
<br /> lnstrument,ap�earing in coust,pay�ng tra�sonable attomeys'fees aind enttring on the Prc�p�rcy tc�n�ake te�+a�ts.Allhuugh � H
<br /> Lendtr treay eake acuon undu ihis para�graph 7,Lendet daes noc hati e to do sc� � ��
<br /> Aoy amaurttsdisbursrd by l.ender under th�spatagtaph 7 shaU beeame addittc�nai deE�t of Hvrrc�uer serured bv th�r
<br /> . Stcunty Insiruttie�st.L�'niess$orrawer anA Lender.agter taother terms c�f pa}me«�,ihese atn[�unts shalf hear��derest fr��nt . ----
<br /> fhe date of disbutsement at the Nc�te rate and shall t►e payable, auh mtere�:. uparz not�ce !rom I.ei�der fu H��rruwer
<br /> requesdng�sayment ,
<br /> � � " � � �
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