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<br /> ` If Lmdu required raott�aEc insurana u a candition of making tbe loan sxurad by this Secunty Iassrumeat, �
<br /> I - Bono�ra shall psy the prsninms reqnired to maintain tke insvrance in effect unti!such time as the reqitireme�t for the .
<br />_ . ' � .9nsutanee terminstes in accardance with Barrmvsr's and Lende�s�vrittea agament os applicable iaw. � � �
<br /> S. LWeetto�. Lender or its ageat may mtice msona6te entries upon and inspections of che Property.lxnda �
<br /> sha11 give SorroNrt naaix at the time af ac prior to an inspoction spocifying rasonable cause for che inspxuon. �
<br /> 9 CoMe�at�. The proaeds ofu�y a�vud or claim for damages.direct or consoquential.in co�nnection with .
<br /> aay condernnation or osher tatcin�aE any�ui of the Property,or for rnaveyance in lieu of condanAatian,are haeby
<br /> tS51�lICd itl�f�bC pitd t4�.tll�G
<br /> , In ihr event of a total taking of tht Property,the grocads shall be applied`to thc sums socurad by tlus Securiry
<br /> Instrument,Nhether or not theti duG witb sn�r exc�,ss paid to Bortawer. In the evcnt of a par�E taicing af tLe Propertv,
<br /> unleu BorroMer aad Ler�der othet�vise sgrtc��riting.the sums secuied by this Secnrity Instr,..,�ent shaU be reduced�-. . �
<br /> � the anouat of the proceeds multiplier!by t�r fallotiving•fiaction:(a}the tota!amouns of ths su�s secured,immediat�
<br /> beforc"t�ie taluinE,divided by(b)Uee fiir market vituc uf c�rPrdperty immediatety before ehe taf�istg.Any b�e shali De - �
<br /> p�id to B�rsower. �
<br /> I�!he�roperty is abandonad by 8a�er.or if,after notice tiy�I.ender tp Borrower tb�at�se coademnor oRas 6� . � '
<br /> . malce an atvsrd os s�ta a ciaim for damages.�crrower fails to respand to l.ender within 30 da�s 3.�ter the date the notir���� �
<br /> . giva�,Les�er is�r�zed to calltct and a�pif the proceeds,at its option,either to restoratiim Q�tepair of the Property or.."
<br /> 'to the sueas s�ecured b3f chis Seperi�:ti gnsttument;whether er uot then du�. ' ' — ' -. �
<br /> , Ve�ess L�ndti artd Sarr€:�er otherwise agrce in a�riring,any appliration of gz��eeds.to grincipal shall nbt extrn@ es. ,
<br /> postpone the due daceof the monihly paymeats referred to in paragraphs 1 and Z�r�.�iarige th�amoant of such payme�.�:, �
<br /> � 10. Borrosec.Not Reteaud; Fotbeataace By Ltnde� Not a Wairer. Extension of the time fos payment"r.�'.,
<br /> � madifiation o�arst�.niization of the sums secured Dy this Security instrument granted by LenQer to any snccessor iis .
<br /> interat of Borrower shall nQt operate to release the liabilisv of the original Bonower or Barrower's saccessars in interest. '
<br /> --------...__..-_�tie�s�di nut-dr rcquiraf ta rommeiece pro�dings again�t any suer.tssor ia interesfar refuse to extertA time far- - - -
<br /> . �psyment or otherv�ist modify amortization af the sums secured by this S�curity Inctrumertt�+y rcason of any demand made
<br /> , by the original Borrn�rr or Borrawer's sucees�rs in interest.Any f�rL�araACe by Lend�r in taercising any right os amedt
<br /> shall no1 be a Maiver�'or preclude t6r exerc�eofany righ!or romedy. � �
<br /> 1�. S�cca�oetE�ad Astips Baaad;Jai�t�ad SeTeral I3ibility;Casf�ees. The covenants and agreements of
<br /> this Socurity Instrument shall bind and bensfit the successors end ass�gns�f I,ender and Hcsrrower,subjcct to the�rovisions :
<br /> of p�rsgnpb 17.Borrawer's covenants and agtaments shall be jaint and several.Any Borrower who ccrsigns this Security �
<br /> Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a}is casigning this Secunty Instrument only ta moMgage,grant and con�+ev
<br /> that Bonawer's intercst in Ihe PropeRy under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)�s noi persanaliy obligated to pay
<br /> the sums secureA by this Sect�nty Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other&►rrower may agra to estend. �
<br /> modify.forbear or make any accommodations w�th regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or the Note without
<br /> � that Barrowa's consent. • �
<br /> I2. Lo�s Gl�ar�. If ihe losn secured by this Secur�ty lnstrumeat is subject to a law which sets maaimum laatv.
<br />. � chuses. snd that la�v is finaUy interpreted so that the anterest ar other laan charges callected ar w be colfected � :.�
<br /> connectio» with the loan exceed ehe permitted limits,4hen: (a)any such loan charge shall be redueed by the am�s:zt --�
<br /> neressary to reduce the chasge t�the permittcd limu;and(b)a�y sums atready coitecceA fram 13c�rrawcr wh:wh�acee�:d •
<br /> ' � permittpd timits wiU be afundod ta Oosrawer. Lender may chc►ase eo male this refund by reducing the pn:re�pat�a�e� . >
<br /> undet ttie Note or by making�direet payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces pnncipal,the reduction will be treated as:�
<br /> parti�l prepsyment w�lhoui eny prtpayment charge under the Nr�te. '
<br /> 13. I�istloa_Al�ectteg l.ender•s Ri�ts. If rnactment nr exp�ration �f applicuble laws has the effact of �
<br /> � rendermg any provision oithe Note ar th�s Secunty Instrument une�forceable accard�ng to its terms.L.ender.at�ts nption. � .
<br /> m�y require imtned'ute payment in full of all sums secured by thiti Secur�ty Instrument and may mvolce any remedies ' •
<br /> permittod by psragraph 19.If LeRder eaercius this ophon,l.ender sha11 take the steps.rpec�fied�n�he second paragraph oS y�.i'
<br /> paragraph 17. ,
<br /> ' l�. Nodete. Any notice In&�rrower pr��•idcd f�r�n th��Se�un':y Insirument�hall he g���en by debvenng it or by � .
<br /> mailing it by first class mail urslets applicable iaw reyuires uct of anwher methc�d T'he n�uce shall he d�rec[ed ay the �
<br /> Proper.ty Address or any ather address I3orrower des�gnates hy nat��c<<� I.ender. An� nrnice tu l.ender shaA be g�ven hy
<br /> 6rst clus mail to Lender's address stated here�n or any other address Lc^.�ier des��znate�hy nnt�ce to 8urrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in this Sec�nnty Instrument shafl be dcemed to hatc bcen�,:ven tc+Norrvwer�►r L,endcr when given a+�ro���:r•t �
<br /> in this paragtsph.
<br /> iS. G�ernleg 1.aw;Severabllity. Thn 5erunt} 1ns�rument�hall he RF»�enuK!by fedrrai law and�l�r(aw af ehe
<br /> � � -- - -junsdictt�n in which the Pmperty�s located ln the evrr.°'?sat any proti�ston-or clau�e c.i�th�ti Secunty-Inv r.^�ent or the
<br /> Note eanfl�cts w�tt�a�►pficable law.such cunflict shall not aflect othrr. �+rc�tii`inn���f thiti Secutity lmtrunient or the:��::e
<br /> which can t�e gi�err r�'ece w�thout the confltcung ptt�vwror� Tu th��r�•�-a2rr pmvi+wn+uf�hi�Secur�ty Intitrutnrnt and c!:e
<br /> Nate are deelarcd E o�ae severable .
<br /> �6. Borrower's Ca�y. EWttc�wer shall be g��en c,ne couiotmed c<�py uP thc'�utc end c�f th��yecur�ty Ir�strument
<br /> N. Tnnsfer ot fhe Property ar a Neneficial interest in I3orrower. If'aU ��r dny parr ��f the P��}rerty or any
<br /> • tntetest�n tt xs soJd or trAnsferted(or�f a tsenefic�al mterest m Hntrnwrr ic tiuld��r v�n�terrc�and H�•rn+uer i�not a natural
<br /> person)without Lendcr's pniar wt�tten t��ntieut,t,trzder m�y,ac it+.c�G�uE+u,ceyE►tre tu►turti�atc p,Fyn:eF�t it►it�l)t�f ell tum�
<br /> seeured by this Secunty In!,trumenR Nowever, th�ti nptam tihall nnt be exen��e+ci hy I.ender �f eserc��e iti pruh�hUeci by
<br /> federal bw as�f tht datt c�f th�c Scc;uney lnssrunient � ,,_...___.-_
<br /> Ii Lender exerasej this c,pt�an,lxnder shall g�ve f3ormwer natue i�f acreleratrc»► The aouce shaU prnvtde a pennd
<br /> of not[asthan 30days fram the date the nut�ce��cirhvrrai e�r a�a�ted a►th�n whtc;h liurr��uer must pay alt�vmr secured by
<br /> this5ecunt��Instcument.If Harrouer f��ls tc�p�}th�e�ums pnc�r ta th_cxp�ratcnn<�f thiti pencxl.ixnder may��uvoke any
<br /> remedies pertnuted�y this 5eeurjty lnstrutrient w�tho�t furEher nat�ce ot dematici c�n�tc,rrc,wer.
<br /> 18.Horrorrer's Rig6t to Reinstate. If Bcttrua•er meetti certu�n r��ndnmr��, R<�rn�Wer�haN hatic the nght tu ha►e '
<br /> enforeement of th�sSecunty biti[rument dsczonunuecf at any e�me pr�c,r tc�iheearirc�e�6 tat 5 days tur�uch ntl�er per�od as
<br /> � applicnble taw m�y spec:�fy_fc�r rcu►stutement)txfi�re s�le of ihe Prc�periy �ur�ucint et�auy {�nwer nf�ale�t�neamcJ in this ' �
<br /> Secunty instrument,t►r(b)e�itc���f a�t�dgn�ent�nfe�rcmg th��5erur�►y fn«rwncnr f F���te<<�ud�t�r�ni are that florrawer �
<br /> , (a)pays l.enlirs all sum�whsch theo wnuid be due urtder thic Secur►ty Intitr�srnent arui the '�•��te had ni� a�celera�eut� .3
<br /> necutttd:ih►curec any default nf any c�the�ri�venant��r egrcemcrss� €t') (�d}� :1JJ C�re:fl�k� �n�.:�s:ed u: enforc�ng tMti t�•
<br /> Sex;uruy Instturnent. ineiudmg, bu1 n��t hm�te�tv, rea�onahle��atir��ey� ft�es. ;�nd(dj tGke. �u�Pf a:��t�n a� i.enclrr rna} �
<br /> reasana6l} reqa�re to asswe that the tien af th�s Se.unty Instrument. L€nder's n�t�t� �n ti�c..�`r���*ettq arfci ar�tt��wer'S � _ ' �
<br /> �bitgntwn tc, par. the �untis se�ured tsy th:� 5c�tir�ty instrurnent cha!# �c,ntinJr un:�:angcd E��-m sr_cr,e:a�r:��c�r� ht ,.
<br /> Rorrower,t���Securrty�lnstturrte��t ancl the�t�ligat►unsce�urec!he�ehy�hsfi rem�irt tuily efTec'ti�e.ss;�tf���.ttiiCltF.fFli�i�f13(�
<br /> c�ccurred Hc�ue«r,ths4 right tcr ton�tate chaU ne,t ap�+ly m the iatie��t s{ti;:cirratu,-�ur3c#er�.araQra;+t�< 1?��r 1'• .
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