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<br /> IJKtFORM CovE�►ta1's. Borrawu and Lender coven:at and agm as fol lows: � .
<br /> `� 1. Pa�at of PefociMl asd I�teres�i�re�tyseat�tei I�t�e C'6�s.� .Barrowu shall pramptty p�q when duc
<br /> the ptintiptl ai�nd interat tm the debt Gvidratcod by the Note and any prcpayment aad lat�e c6arga due under tht Notc.
<br /> `` 2. Fiuis Cat Tup s�i�aus�tY.. Subject to appticable law or to a written waiver by l.srtdcr.Borrower shal!pay .
<br /> � ta LmQtt on the day monthly payn�ents ue due under the Note,untit the Note is paid in futl,a sum(•'Funds")equal to
<br /> ase-hvdRh o!: (a}yarly tases and asssssraents which may attain priority over this Security Instrument;(b) yearly '
<br /> lasehold po►ymmts or ground renu on the Prope.ny, it any; (c) ycariy hazard ituurance premiums;and (d) yeariy :
<br /> moRpie iasvrana pmniums,if any.These items are calkd"escrow items"tender may atimatc the Funds due ore the � �
<br /> bais af carrenc dats ar�d•rasombk estimaus of Wtun escrow items. .
<br /> � The Funds shstl be heid in ui insritution thc deposits ot acconnts of�vhicln are insu�al,or guaranteEd by a fdienl or
<br /> � state agenty(irtcluding I.endier if I.tndtr is sucb an institution). Lenda shall appty the Funds to pay the escrow items.
<br /> i.eander msy not chargr for hotding and applying ttie Funds,anilyzing thc accouns or verifying the escraw items,unless .
<br /> Lender pays Bosmwer interest on the Fuads and applicable law permits Lender to make such a charge. Borrowu and
<br /> � Lender may,agrx in writeng that intaest shzll be p�id on t}ie�unds. �7nless an.agtammt is made_or applicabte law �
<br /> requira itttaat to be paid.Leader s6a11 eot be required to pay Borrower any intecest or amings an thc Funds, Lender
<br /> a1taU pve ta�orroxtr,without cbuge,ar►annual sccounting of the Funds showing credits and dtbits to the funds and the
<br /> pttrpose f��aich eub debit to the Funds was made_Tke Funds are plodgod as additional security for the sums secured by `
<br /> , � ttusSau�Insttument. .
<br /> tf'tlte amaunt af the Funds held by Lender.togaher with tdie futute monthly p�yments of Funds paysbte priar to �
<br /> tlic due dates of the escrow items,shsll acceed the amount requirod to pay the escraw items when due,the eacess sha11 be. '
<br /> at Barrawrer's option,either promptly repaid to Bonower or credited[o Borr�+arer on monthly paymmu af Funds.Jf the
<br /> . amonnt of the Funds held by Lender.is nat sutf'ecirnt to pay thr escrow items when due.Borrower Sha11 pay to l.ender any �
<br /> araaunt na�ry to malce up the deficiency in ane oc mare payments as ret�uired by Lender.
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums�secured by this Security lnstrument.Lrnder shall promptly refund to Borrower
<br /> - asrY'Fet�ds hetsl hy Lender.it'und�t paragraph 14 tt�Property is u+ld or acquiree!by Lender.l.cada slrall apply.no later - ---- -- -
<br /> than imme�di�etely priar to the sate of the Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Furtds hrld by Lender at the time of � �
<br /> appli�atian as a credil against tha surre�secured try thi`Security tnstrum..-nt. �
<br /> � 3. A�fiqdo�at Pay�t� 6i�fas applicable Isw provides o�herwise,all payments rccdved by Lende�undrr
<br /> puagtapbs I at�d 2 shall be appiied:fits�,tn iate cha.-ges due under the Note;�cortd,to pfepayment ch�sges due vnder the
<br /> Note;thitd,to amounts pzy�abie under parsgaph 2:€�urth,to interat dne;ac�d iast.to principal due.
<br /> 4. •CYarye�Ife�. Borrow•er shaJ!pay aU t�xes.assessments.charges.fina and impositions attributable to the
<br /> Property which may attain priority over this Secunty lnsarument; and leasehotd p�ymrnts or ground rents, if any. ' �
<br /> Horro�ver shali pay these oblig�tions in the manner provided in paragra�h 2,or�f not pa�d in that manner.Borrower shall i .
<br /> psy than on time dirxtly to the persan awed payment.Barrower shal!pramptly furn�sh co Lender s�ll notices of amounts �
<br /> t�be paid under this paragaph. IP Borrawer makes these payments d'srectly. Borrower sball pramptty fumish to l.ender .
<br /> receiptsevidencingthepsymmu. ,
<br /> Horro+�er s1u11 promptly discharge any fien which has pnority over this Secunc��-utrument unless Borrowa:(a)
<br /> sgras in wrrirng to the payment af the obligation securod by the lien in a manner accepta*�te to Lender;(b)contests in good � ;i
<br /> fsith the lirn by.nr.defends against cnforcement of che lien in,tegat proceedings which�n the Lender's opinion opetate to � ;.�
<br /> grevrnt the rnforeement af chr lien or forfeiture of any part oP the Pro�ercy:c�r(c)secures from the holdtr of the Iten an ' _
<br /> aaramait sstisfaclory to Lestder subord�natiag the lien ta this Secuntp taesarument.If'Lesider detetm�nes that any part o1'
<br /> tbe Property is subject to a lien which may att�in priority o��e�this Secunty Instrumece�, Ltnder may give Bcmower a
<br /> notice identify�ng the lier..Borraw�r s,hall sat�sfy the I�en or take one or mare af the acuans set fartb abave within 10 days
<br /> of the Sivia�oPnotice. �
<br /> S. HaLrd Iia�n�ce. Borrower shall keep tho�mprovements an�r eaisting or he�eafcer erectod on the Propeny �
<br /> . insured a�sinst losg by fire,hazards included withm the term"extended coverage"and eny athtr hazards for wh�ch Lendtr ` �
<br /> roquires insncance. This insurance sL�►�I be main�arned in the amaunts and far thr pereods thst L.ender requires. The ���
<br /> insunnce caraur praviding the�nsus�at:e shall be chogen by Borrower subject to Lertd�*'s appraval which sha!t not be
<br /> unreasonaDly withheld. .
<br /> � A11 insurance polieies and renewals xhall be acceptable tn Lender attd shaU mclude a startd.�ar� murtgage clause. •� �
<br /> Lander ahal)have the rigt►t to hold the palic�es attd renewals. IP l.ertder requires.Borrower shaU prornptly g�ve to Lender
<br /> all receipts of paid premiums and rentw•al nuttces.ln�he event af lass,Barrawer shall g��e prompt nouce tv�he insurancr .
<br /> carrier and Lendtr-Lender may make p7�of oP tvss�i not madr promptly by fbrrnwcr
<br /> � URiess Lender and&rrr�wer otE:erw�se agree i�wnt�ng.�nsurr�nce prnceeds shakt be appl�ed tn restorattun ur tepa�r
<br /> " ot the Property dsm�ged,d Ihe restoratton or rey�asr is eronamtcaUy feas�6le and Lender's 5ecunty is not tessened. li the
<br /> .. . ..._. ._..
<br /> �- - �--�� �restvntton or repair is no3 eranomrr.ally�fra�its[e�cr IznQtt's ucunty wiiutd�tie�Irssened;�ttie insu�a�se pioceedS shall De --
<br /> applied to the sums securetl b�this Secunty lnstrument.whether or nut thrn due.wtth any excess paid to Hc�rrawer. !i
<br /> Bortower ab:ndans the Property,or das not answer wuh�n 33�ays a nat�ce frc►m Le:�d�r that the tnsutance cartser has
<br /> offerod to sr:tte a rlaim.thrn Lender may collect�he�nsurenCe prcxeeQs. I.encier may use the prareeds to repa�r�r restore
<br /> the Prop!eny or to p�y sums scrurrd by this Secunty Instn�ment,whether or rtrn then dut The�0•day per�od wtll beg�n
<br /> when the notice is give�. �
<br /> Unless Lendet and Hotrc�wer otherw�se agree m wnt�ng,any uppl�cauon e�f pruceeds a�principal shal!n�t eatend ar
<br /> ppstpont the due date of the motithly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of the paymtnlg. If
<br /> under paragraph 19 tha PropertK�s acqwrtd by Lertder.Borrower's nght tu eny msurnnce pulic�es and pnxeeds re.ulbng
<br /> ftom damage to Ihe Property prx�r ta the acquis�hon shal}pass us t,ender[r��he extent of the sursy�sec urtd hy sh�s Secunty ,-- -�.
<br /> Instrument immediately pnor t�>the ucqwsiti�n. •
<br /> 6. p'reservitlon u�d Mrintenante of Proper�;Letst6olds. Harrnwer shbl!nat destrny,damage or�uhstanhaJly
<br /> change the Property,allnw the f'�uperty ta cietenorate or comm�t waste li th�s Secunty lnstrument �s cm d lea�ehnld.
<br /> . _ Hottc�wt�sh��!co�tg wit�t the��c�v�sa�s�f l4s:S;s�.e.s:u!st�s:t:es+��t�{usce:�s�r t:tie tc:sls�!'ra�rsy.ttse ka�ct:tstd a�t! -
<br /> fa title shall not ttterge unlas l.ender agrees to t he rrierger m untmg '
<br /> 7. Proteetton ot LenQer's Rig6ts�in the Nrupeny: Nurt�ge /nsur�rtce. 1( �3�rrower fads to perform the 7�
<br /> L eavenants and ngteements conta�ned�n thts 5ecunly Instrumrnt,nr there��a le gal�u:xeed��g that ma y s�gmfrcanN y afiect �
<br /> Lendeis nghts in the Fropetty (such ac a pr«aee�i�ng �r: bantcruptcy, pre�bate. t"�r ctmdemnat��n e�r ro rnfotce IawS z�r
<br /> Eegulnttons),then I,ender may dn and pay f�r�►hate�er��necc��ry tc�pn�te.�thc t�lut uf the Prc•jseny�nd i.ender'�nght� "�
<br /> inthe Property. Lender's acu�y»5 ma� �nclude payingan} sums se�ured Ny a�lten uhtch has�+ru�nt} ���et th�s See:ur�ty ti
<br /> , Instrutnmt,appeanng m couri,pay�ng�easn�::�hle acu�rne}•s'ices an�3 rntcnng�tin!he F'roperty tr�make repa�rr Although �
<br /> Lender may take acuo��unJer th�s rat�gra�t�7.Lcnder d��ae��i�a►e sa s!t=«� _ �
<br /> � /iay amuuM�d�shurseJ by t.ende�under th�s�arag:aph�Shai{tre.,ume adcf�ti!�fwf deht u!fincrc�uer�es:utevi�}thiti �_ - -
<br /> Secunty lrysttument l!nless Hc�ttawes�nd Lender a�rce ta i�l�tet�rra;�t�t p�}rrtet+t.thcst at�c�ur�.s chaM�hc:it�nt�re4t ft��rp
<br /> the date�f�lis�ursemen� ai Iht ti�ttc riltr a��t! chaEl he payahlc. �ith �zitrrest. u,a�n m�tire fr:•m I�titfCF t�+ Ik+�rrc;a:f
<br /> �cyue�sUng paymcn�
<br /> �
<br /> . �
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