, . t , � ` . ` � � ` . . � _ ' .-�_� . �:
<br /> ' ' ` � , . _ . . ' .
<br /> � � � . 1 � �. � 94--� iQ3185 � � .
<br /> � � u�� .� .��.��� � �,� � -
<br /> Borrcn�rer sUaII P�Y ti�,'p�rninms��requie�ed,to,taaintai�e the insura�is e�dect�iat�s�ich 'hme u tbe��t�� . �
<br /> , i�lwranaterrninata�` 'ir�tit$or�+ol�!�Plaudl.ender's�►iitienajr�nentor=p�pticabkla�r. � ' .
<br /> �,. •
<br /> i•.I�fiw. `` ataits.�t=.a1�o�aict re�tooable mtries:upan aad iaspxtiv�ns of the Propecty.Leader _ .
<br /> _ . sb�llpveHon+�esnatioeatthetimeuforptiorto�insp�ectioASpaci�rintreasonabkcatsefortbeinapectioo.
<br /> � ' � ! Oe�. T.�e'pr+oceeds oPany a�►ard or claim for d�maEa,direct a con�ec��eeatial.in connaxion with � ,
<br /> � aujt caod�Wiao or otbnr tsidea of aay pttt of the Property,or,for coavrysace in lieu of condemu�itioa,.ue he�eby .
<br /> � . a�i�oad aed si�all be paid to Le�der. � . .
<br /> Ia tLe e�reat ot'a toW takinE of tha Fropar�y.the praceeds sl�ll be applied to the sums sec.nred by this Sacurity .
<br /> ,, ta;ttument,wlktlfet or not tb�u dnea with an�eicess paid to Borro�rer.In the event of:partisi 4alcins oF the Praperty, `
<br /> � uaks�Borro�er and Lender othe�rise agee in ivriting,the sums securod by thi�Security Instrumeat ste�ll bC reducxd by ,
<br /> - tbe aa�owat of the�mnitiptied by t�e follo�ving fractiQa:(a)the tutal amount of ehe sums securod immediateIy -
<br /> � bdon tbe Wciaa,d�vjded b]►N)the fair marl�et e�sIue of the Praperty immadiueIy befort the taTcing.Any bataace sLall be .
<br /> p�idioBocra�►ec � .
<br /> � If tlu proparty is sbaadonad hy Borraiver.or if,after tsoticx 6y Lender to Borroveer tliat the c�ndemnor o�'ecs w �
<br /> `., mdct aa avaM or s�eetttk a ctaim for dan�p.$orsoiver faiIs w rapond to I,ender�vithin 30days9fttt thedate the notice is .
<br /> � ';`,-�� p�'ea.Lendetis�utborized to collect and apply tlie proce�ds,�t its ogtion,either to restoration ar repair of the Properiy or �
<br /> � W the wms sacitnM by tbis Security Inswmmt,vhett�er or not then due.
<br /> , � Unkss L�ender and Horrower otbenvise agree ir�arriting,any application of proce�ds to principal sball noi eatend or � .
<br /> j pnstpone tl�e due dste of the monthiy psymenta referrod to ia pangragLs 1 stud 2 oc ct�ge tho amrwnt of such paymeats .
<br /> , IO Barmwer Not Rskated; Forbean�ce By Le�des Not s Wd�ier. Exteasion of the ti�e for payment os
<br /> modi5cation of amor6ution ot"the sums secured by this Sccurity Instrument grantod Dy I.euder to aay saccessor in
<br /> - - -- - intere�t oi�ormrver sl�alt aot aperate to release tUe tiability of the osiginal8orrower or Borrower's snccessors iii interes� .
<br /> L�uder shsll aot be ra�uired to commeace procadiags against any succr;sor in intsrat or Tefuse to extend time for
<br /> paymmt ar atherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Socurity lnstrument by rrbson of any demaad made
<br /> .' by tbe oripnal BorruMer or Borrower'ssucceasors in intersst.Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy '
<br /> � � ahall aat be a w�iver of or preclude tAe eaercise of any right orremedy. •
<br /> � �``a' 11. Sseceaors atl A�ips 8ae�d:.Joiat a�d Se�enl IJa6ttitY:Co-si�era. The covenants artd agreemcnis of � .
<br /> � thia Security Iratrusnent sh�}I bind and beneHt the succasaors arid assiges of Lender aad Bonower,subject to the provisions �
<br /> af�atsarspt�17.BorroMe�'s coven�nts and agaments shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security ,. -.
<br /> Insuument but does not execute th�Note:(a)is co-si�ing this Security Instrucdent onty to mortAa�e.gran!and convev !.._....:-
<br /> - ,- - � _::t Fw;:.w�:cr s i�erest in tire i�Tapt�ty under the terens of this Sawrity Instrumcnt;(b)�not personally obligated to pay � �'..
<br /> the sums secuted by tttis Security Instrument;and(c)agxs that Lender and any other Bonower may agra to eatend, � -
<br /> modify,forbear or m�tce any accommodations with reg�trd to the teru►s of this Securiry Instrument or tha Note without -
<br /> � that Bor�a�ver'sconsen� -
<br /> � � 32. I.oa Ci�e�e�. Ifi the loan seeurod 6y this Security lastrument is subjtct to a law which sets ma�cimum toan
<br /> . , charges. and'thst ta�v is 8aally interpreted so that the interest ar other tosn charges collected or to be collected in � �.
<br /> connectian with the laaa excood the permitted limits. then.(a)any Euch Ioan charge shail be reduced by the amount -
<br /> ; necesauy tQ re�uce tho chasge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums atready collected from 8orrowcr wfiich excocdod �'i
<br /> ` pennuted�imiis will be refunded to 8orrower.Lender may choase to matce this refund by rodncing the principal owed
<br /> uader the Note or by maicing a diroct payment to Borrower.If a refund re,duces princip�I,the reduction will be treated as a
<br /> . � partiai prepaymtat withouc any prepayment charge undec the Nvte.
<br /> ; 13• � A�'e¢tii� Le�der'a Rigris. If eciactment or expiration of applicable taws has the ef!'e�,^t of t
<br /> rendering any provisiaa of the Note or this Security Instrument uncntorceable according to ita ternis,Lender,at ics option. '
<br /> may require immodiate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invnke any remedies
<br /> penaitted by paragraph t9.If Lender earrcises this option.Lender shall take the steps specified in the sccoad paragraph of
<br /> � WnB�Ph 1T_ . ..��,
<br /> , � 14. 1�Iatiees. Any notice to Borrower ptovided for in�his Sccurity Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> ; mailing it by first class mail unless applicabte!aw requires use of anoiher method. The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> � Praperty Address or any other addras Bonowrr dtsignates by notice to I.ender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> � 6rst clit�mail to I.ender"s address stated hetein aF any Other address l.ender designates by notice to Banower.Any notice
<br /> provided far in this Seeurity Instrument shall be deemed to have t�een given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> � � in this paragra�h.
<br /> �S. Go� �-� ... .. ....... ...._ . _. .
<br /> � -- �- �S V�:Saersbiitry. This Security instrument shall t�e�goverricd by feQeral taw aiid tfie law of tiie
<br /> , jtuisdicdon in which the Property is loc�tod. In the event that any pravision or ctause of this Security Instrument or the
<br /> : Note con8icts with a�sIicable iaw,such conflict shall rtot affect other pro�:s:ons of this Security lnstrument or the Note
<br /> which can be given eQ'ect without the conflicting pravisiart.Tv this end the provisions aF this Sccurity instrvment and 1hr
<br /> Note sre docdared to be sevrrable.
<br /> • 16. 8orrowte's Copy. Horro�►•er shall be given one:zs:2ormed copy oF the�iate and aF this Security Instrument. �
<br /> ' 17. Traa[er ot the ProrertY ot s BeseNci�t ieteres!i.a Bonoxer. lf alJ vr any part crf the Pro�cny or any
<br /> interest in it is soldor transferred(or isa bene&cia;�:�terest in Borrower is snld or transfcrred and tiarrower is nat�nutural
<br /> petson)withoui Lender's prior writtrrt consent,Lender may.u3 its opti�n,reyuire imr,:�:ate payment in full of all sums
<br /> seeured by this Security Instrument Hawever�this opti�n shal3 not be enercised by F.e�c�er if exerrtsc ix prah�b�ted by
<br /> Pedera!!aw u of the date of this Security Instrument. � `-- --��-
<br /> ' IPl,eader exercises this option,Lettder shali give�Botrower notice nPacrelerati�n."fhe notice shall prov►de a perind
<br /> oFnot less than 30 days from the date the notic;e is delivered or mailed within which Bnrrawer must p�y all sums secured by
<br /> this Secutity Instrument.If Bnttower fails to gs�r these suma rri��r tn ehe e�+irat�Qn o�t��eric�,ktite�tet m:sy incrskr as�y ,
<br /> remodies permittal by this Security lnstrument without further noti�e ar dematsd an Ht�rrnwer. �
<br /> IA.Borrawer's pi�#t to Rtfnshh. If Bonower tneets certuin conditu�ns,�orrawer shal)have thc nght t�have �
<br /> enforcement of this 5ecurity Instrument disrontinued at any ti�tae pnar to the earlier of:(a)5 days(c,r such nihcr}x:n�xi a3 �
<br /> � epplicatble law may specify for rcinsiatement)befare satc uf the Praperty puruanl t�any �w�r oP satc amtametl in this �
<br /> _ Security;nsttummt;or(b)eniry oP a judgment enPorcing this Serurity lnstsument.7'hnsc cunciiticros�re that Hvrrciwer: • �
<br /> (a)pays Lendrr al!sums whieh then would be due under this Security Instramcnt an� nc� ;�3ote httd nt� arccterattun �
<br /> oeeurred:(b)rures any defau(t of any�ther covenants ar agreernrnts;(c)pays a!1 eapenres ir�currecl in enfi�rc�ng this �
<br /> Seeurity lostrument,inciudieg,6ut nat ileut•d to.reasnnable attamey�'fees;and[e11 t;�ke�such aclEeui.k4 I,es�sier may -
<br /> teasana�bJy require to assure that th�lien of this 5eeurity trtstrument. l.citdrr's ffghtti tn the �'ruperty attd iJtrttouer`s �:,
<br /> a6tigatian to pay the sums secared by thts 5edutily In�trument sfi�ll c��nt�nuc ur,cti�ngcd. Upon �c�ust�temen� by �
<br /> Horrdwer,thas 5ecunty in�trumcnt and the ahligat��ns s�sured hcreby shaU rema�n ful{y efiecu�e a�if rt��arceler�t�urr had
<br /> erccutted.,Nowever.th'ts right t�r reu�s�ate shall n�t apply�n the cas�of acceleratrun under paragra�h�I}��r 1�
<br /> ' �
<br /> -- -- --- — --_... .--- — -
<br /> --- -� �-- - -
<br /> _ — ;� _ ,� - - �: __ - - - -- - . _
<br /> ...�.� -"_ s ♦' I _t• 1"xt.:� \�'= - � . ��' i��y.S�.�;._.a— .s'�'
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