.. , . . . \ � � . ' '.� ' . . , ' '___" � ` ` � .
<br /> , �� � . . � � . . � �. � . � �4=- 1a318� �
<br /> . UI�IPplttit CovENwt�r�. 9ort�wu itrid Lmder cove�ant and sgrre as foltows: •
<br /> ` �= e ,. . .
<br /> • ,P��t ot�rLdpt ni iahrph Pt�p�a�Lte Cl�a�. Borrower shai!pmmPUY ltaY whcn due
<br /> t1�p�c�Pd afand Mter+�s�on the debt eYidenced b�r th�Nate and�ay pnpayment arid Iate charges due under the Note.
<br /> . , t F'�S foeZ'ua a�i I�e.� Subject to appticabk law ar to a written waiver bq I,tndet.Qarrower sha11 pay � �
<br /> � to Lender on the day montl�iy p�y�tnts are dve umlcr the Nocq uatil the Note is paid in futl�a sum(•`Funds•')equa}to �
<br /> onNt�vdRh of: (a}yariy tues aAd asses�ments which msy attain priarity ovrr tbis Secnrity Instrument; (b)`}eariy � �
<br /> � ��P R Y���g�+n s l t�t t s v s t t i t e F r o p e r t y, i f a n y;�tc j y e a r i y�haz�r d.insn�ance premiu�is; and (d) yealr�Y � ' `
<br /> , � �Pf�msur�not grep�iwns;if any:These items m calla!"escrow itans."Ltnde�may estimate thc Funds dne on the -
<br /> b�sisaEcunentdat��rxireasonabkeatimatesaffut�nacrow items. . .
<br /> Tf�e Fuads shall6e bdd in an institution the deposiu or accounts of wbich a!e insw�ed or guaranterd hy�federal or
<br /> : state aaeiu.y(incttdin�Lender if Lendar is such sn instttution). Lazder shall appiy the Fuads to pay the escrow i�ems. �
<br /> . .�d�t"msy not char�e for Itold'ms and aPPtY�E the P'unds,analyzing the account or verifying th�acrow ittms.unias .
<br /> : ' , . ��W7►s Horro+vet inte�est on the Funds and�pplicabk larv perauts Laidrr to make such�charge.Borrawer uid
<br /> , Lad�,'r may sa[ee in writina ttyt inter�st shall be paid on the�Fnnds. Unless an agreement is�ade o"r appItpble law
<br /> r�eq�interest to be p�id,I ender si�ll nol be required to pay Borrawer any.ii}terest or earniR�s Qn the Funds.Lender .
<br /> . �s�t�ive t°Bo�i'�r.���t�B���nua1 acconnting of the FwnAs showing credits and de6its to the Funds and thq , ,
<br /> -- ,.; Pu�P�fm'�►'1sic6 each debit to tt�e Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as addition�i securety far,=he sams secured by
<br /> ! � llus Secucity Instrumea� , . , �
<br /> ' If the amomu of the Funds hetd by Lender,toget6er with the future manthly paymcnts of Fu�ds payabte prior to
<br /> 'i � tLe due data of the acrow etems,shall exceed the amount required to pay the escrow items when due.the excess shaU 6e, • �
<br /> '. . '� � �at Bo�na+�s option,either p�sptly repasd ta Borro�ver or credited to Borrower an monthlY PaY�nmts oP�unds.If the • .
<br /> sinoant af tl�e Funds`heW by Lender is nat sulltaent to pay the acraw items abm dt�Borrower st�all pay tcr E.tnder any'
<br /> ;� aniount adorsssry to m�!!ce up tfie m uae or more . � .
<br /> ��Y� p�4yments es rbquired by Lectder.
<br /> ' UP��Y��tn fuU of all sums secured by this Security Instrumrnt,Lender shall promptly re�'und to Borrower �
<br /> � , any Funds lkld bY L�der If urtder paragra�h I9 the PropeRy is sold ass�squirad bY i.eader.Leader shaU apPlY+no tat� . '
<br /> � ` tiva imaiediately}xinr to'Etie sale of t�e P'ro�crt�r or its acquisirion irv:li.ehder,any Funds hetd it�I.�rider at che time of � � � .
<br /> � sPPlicatien as a credit against the sums secured by this Security Instrumen�. �
<br /> _ _�•_�of Paymsnb. Uatsss agpli�aDte law provides otherwisG ail payments received by£�der�rzder •
<br /> �graphs 1 aad 2 shatl be appliod;first,to tatc charga due under the t�otr,second,to prepayrrtetst charges due uad�� �
<br /> ...:3VotG tbird,toam��s paysble nnder�mragrag8.2;fburth,to interest du�aissl Iast,taprincipal d� � •. . � � � , .
<br /> �: ��liea�. Borrowar shaJl pay aIl taxes,ass,essments,ci�aarges,fin�a�d impositions attn7���to the
<br /> r
<br /> � p�P'�►'�b �nay attain pric�y over this Sacurity i�rument� and leasehold"�yments or ground re�. if any.
<br /> � Borrower shall pay these obtigations in the mnnner provided Sn paragraph 2,or if aot�id in t�.ar manner,Bort�wrr shall � �
<br /> p�►Y them on time dirextly tu the petson owed paymen�Botrower shatl promptty furnish to LendeF aU notices of amount5. '
<br /> . to 6e paid under this�eragraph.If Borrower.rcraices these payments directly,,Borrawer shall pmmg��y farnish to I.endeit -�
<br /> ' rereipts evidencing tliapayments. � �
<br /> __ Bosrower&hall promptly disCharge any lien wtrich.tr�s gri�r_iy�u�this Se,cusi�J�n;ir'uri�eat untc�$orrower:(a) � =-: - -.�`�-
<br /> :.- - ag�roes in writing to tbc psyment of tt�obtigation secured�It3�e lien in a manner acctptable to Ixnder;(b)contests in good
<br /> fsith the tien by�or d�fends agsinst enforcement of the lien in,legal procudings which in the Lender's opinion operate to �
<br /> prevrnt the enfa�rcemcnt of the lien or forfeiture vF any part of the Property;or{c)secures ffom the holdtr of the tien an ,
<br /> sarament satlsfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any pstrt of -
<br /> the Property is subject to a tien which may att�in priority over this Security lnstrumrnt,Lender may give Borrower a —
<br /> notice ideritifyiag the li�n.Borrower stiall satisfy the lien or take oae or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days -
<br /> of the giving of notica
<br /> 3• Huard Iaao*ao¢e• Borro�uer shalt kcep the improvernents rto�v esisting or hereafter erected on the Property '—
<br /> insured again�t loss bg fce.huards inclu�ted wit&'rn the term"eatended covcrage"and any other harards for which I,cnder
<br /> . roqui�es insurance Ttti}s insurance shall be m�intained in!he amounts and for the periods that Lender roquires. The
<br /> , iasurana carrier p�iding the insurance shall 6e chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's approval which s�all not be
<br /> unreasonablq withhdd:
<br /> ' A�i iasurance�aticies and rrnewals sh�lE be acceptable to Lender and sha!!irtclude a standard mangage clause. �
<br /> Lendes sl�ai�bave tite right to hotd t6e policies and renewais.If Lercder requires,Borrower shall prumptiy give to Lender .
<br /> � a11��A��Psid premiums aQd renewal natica.In the event of loss,Borrower shall gjve prompt natice to the ertsurance
<br /> • carrier aAd II:endet.Lender may muiEe proof oslass if'rtot made promptly by Borrower. .
<br /> Uttiess Lender and Barrower atherwise agra in writing,insurance praceeds sha11 be applied to restoration or rcpair ���
<br /> of the Property damaget},if the astoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not Iessened.If the �
<br /> restoratian or ropa�r i�not economically feasible or L.ender's security would be lessened.the insur�:.�ce proceeds shall be
<br /> applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument.whether or not then due,with ar�y eacess gaid to Burrower. lP
<br /> Borrower at�ndons tbe Propeny,ar daes not answer withia 30 days a notice from I.ender that the insurarcre carrier has
<br /> o�aed to settle a claim,then Lendrr may collect the insurars�e proceeds..Lertder may use the proc�eds to repair or restote�� - �"�""�" "���" -�"�-� ���"� �
<br /> the Proper¢�r or to pay sums secured by this Secucity lnstrument,whether or not then d�e.The 3(T-day period wil!begin
<br />. when the eatia is given.
<br /> Unless I.ender and Borrowt�atherwiseag��e in writing,any application of praceeds to prirtcipal shall not ext�ettd or
<br /> , postponc the due date of the monthty paymeats rePerred to in paragraphs 1 and�2 or c�t.wae the amount�Pthe payments.If
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Propeny is acq�tircd 6y Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance policies and procreds resulting
<br /> Uom damage to tl�e Pcoperty prior to t6e arquisiUon sh�11 pass to Lender to�he eatent of the sums secured by this Secusity
<br /> Instntment immediately prior to the acqaisitios�.
<br /> 6• Presen�tlot+and Mainteaance ot ProAerty;Lease6uid�. Borrower shalt not destroy.damage or substanti�lly
<br /> change the Property,altaw the Property to deterivrate ar commit waste. If this Security lnstrumens is on a feasehotd, �
<br /> Borrowerahall compty witb ihe provisions of the Itase.and if Eorrower acquites fee title to the Pr�perty,the leasehold and - --`
<br /> . fa title sha11 not merge untess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. .
<br /> 9. Pcotecttou of Lender'a Atghts tn the Property; Morigage lnsuraece. If Borrower faits to perform the
<br /> oovenants and agreements contairied in this Security Instrument,or there is a tegal proeeeding Rtr�t rnay s�;ai&eas:tEy s�`�#
<br /> ' � " ��''+'��g���e P�'ope*t�►fsQCh as a proceeding in banlcruptcy.probate, for rondemnation or to enfarce laws ov ' �
<br /> regulatians),then Lender may do and pay for what�ver is rtecessary to protect the value of the Property and Lender's rights
<br /> in the Property. Lendes's aCtions may ittclude p�ying any sums secured by a lien which has pnority over this Security �
<br /> Instrument,appeating in court.paying reasvnable attorncys'fees and entering an the Property ta make repairs.Althvugh
<br /> � Ltnder may taic�action undrr this paragaph 7.Lender does not have fodo so.
<br /> My�matu�ts disbursed by Lender under this paragr�ph 7 shal!bervme additional debt of 8orrower secured 6y this ��
<br /> Socurity tnstrumenE.LJntess Bonowerand l.endesagree to other tem�s of p�yment,these amaunts shaU bear interest irom �
<br /> the date of disbursement at the Note rate ared shall fre payabl�, with interest, uQcm ttotiee f�resm Le�der to ffc�rrvwer , ;�f��
<br /> � sequrstingpayment. .
<br /> . �:
<br /> ,. __�;
<br /> . �
<br /> ,- �--.----_,.,-,_ � _, - --- �
<br /> V�Rt'!Fc` � :f`f ' :Y' # -1+L' v - �" 5�3 -Z y�[.�..�/^RlRli�'�I14'.}f�i -_ _— �II�- - .s�s
<br /> ' t � zi�"�°-35`�� ._ �.� �{ .'.=' ` .'' . ,.,�t�s_y�. z _ -��_�^r�r-�i�rr�r��.�qrx�°�''�� . , ..., . _ . 'r^s.-x'�'s�u ti.r .
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<br />