, _ . . .. .. . � � A - � < �--- . . . �
<br /> � _ r _ . _ . � _ : . 9p...�� _ � � : -- . _ _
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<br /> �, #. _ , �
<br /> ` , � ' �.It�i�no► hee�y►coYSnams and warr�nh ta ths A�thM {a).As�nor has nct executed�r+y p`rior � .
<br /> - a'ssi�m�nt of Ihe l+�aM or�its ri�t M!e and i�a�t tltKeitti a the ronlels�a accrue 1herN�nder.N)Assi�ar!w not
<br /> ' psrforrrNO�u►y�a�xacuted any lnstrummt which aef�t pteyM�t fhs Assi�nss fran o�etlrg under any o1 t�termt�nd '
<br /> f . cax�Boi»h�raoi.arwhlch.wouldlimitttNAssi�r�inwchop�n�ar.fc)/lal�narhasrtot nnturb�rlMt.�s��etor �
<br /> e�per� lolhsqertstttp�io�lbrwhMfinMAua�r�ybsoomsduee�n¢plar,�t!}����r�r ,- ,
<br /> t1nd�����andtNAa�i�norhasnotsxecuMda�ntedany m��cadanaan�dnMnt tasss
<br /> �itlNr o��My or irt writlrp s�tcept�sN foAh�tn SctNdu[s B►andthat�e Lrel�se is in fuli torce and M[ect �
<br /> � 8� !T IS MUTUAt1.Y At31�ED IMTH RESPECI'TO EACH tEJ15E TH�►T: .
<br /> ' 1. At�iW�hrr�►pnn� bAri�rlorbCOMCtupOt�.butnotpriOrbaCpu�i.ANronb.isauel�
<br /> andprolibhomlhsYidPrMMsM broWR.MduManyMfJoytl»srna`butre�MV�s��1i�ltbrerr0lc��tiahaM� �
<br /> atsnytim�wHhorwitl�o�dcw�. nodcei�writin�bApi�norDycar�lfedm�ilsantbihsaddn�sheroin�IMSPre�c�ibedtar . �
<br /> . se�di�p no�icef tn any e�wiR�p�rmis�km b As�i�nor shaN ps aul�caily reMOtced.upoto d�wft by/lssipnor�n fhe
<br /> paynlentdsny ofthet)bii�tions�scu�edhera6yotintl�p�rto�martc.�o1an�oWigation.cove��nta�'aem�Khero�n.inaaid
<br /> morfps�or d1�d af1n�in IfN L,�as or in any of th�Oblip�fons Nt:ured hsreDy.ar in any iscurkq doC�xnent�iven in �
<br /> oann�clto��wiAh.{aN of wtNch will b�reMrredb fferoinas"DM�u1C'j in tt�weM tl�atlNsAs�iaies Nauld reYOlcsauch ,
<br /> � 'pertMsfioncrafMrM�soccuRa�csofaDe�ul�tl�eAs�i�ne�mtyatiboplian.afiernoBfic;�ionbAsti�nor.bllcar�f�dmaii,b .
<br /> 1hAadA�s hereirlallet prerCribed foreertdinp�a�cea.dirdct ot aN Olihsle�taMsolthe PrM�lhesb paylo Aa3i�nee.i!S .
<br /> �• sQsnK cN Ns wctt nrtls. itM�;DrMifs.ner'irMis�.a�riphfs and bsnpRib usmay otow be dus or aheil �
<br /> heroirwl�bscome andA�i�l�emsycoitectlhs�am�.ThrrNlldavitorvrritlsn�tofano�Ificer.aQsnf,orattomey
<br /> ot/t�raes�tsttnQthat hasbeanaDMauttttrollcons�A�Mcondu�iv�sevidencefheraof.arbanybnaMbotl�erperaons �
<br /> is authorized end dirocted to relytl�ereo�.The.AsNanortu�a�rea►fhat in the eveMthepertni�aion 10 uae a�d retain the
<br /> � renh,incoms.i�ue�depo�ibandProMs.afwuldbe�erminaMdoruponlhsoccucanceof�De�aulttoimmediatetytumover
<br /> to attl�e�meandinthemanner�eq�wtedbyAssl��allsecudtydepositsorothermoniesQepasitedbyl.essees
<br /> of�i�es in accordance with the prov�oions of the Lesse�. ,
<br /> 2 Notwithstandin the provisfons of paragraph t hereinabave.upon or at eny time atber e DNauM,as defined
<br /> hereinabov�theI1�i�nee.at�tsop�on.maydectarealtOblipatlons�ecuredherebyimmedlaleTydusandpayabte.artdmay.at
<br /> its optlon.without not7ce�and if any such Obfi�atlons be sscured by deed ot trust tReapsctive of wAethe►a dedarallon of
<br /> de�ault under saiai deed oifimt has been detivered to T�usleet#wreunder.sxerciseall�hfs and��emedies contained in said
<br /> mo�l�apeor.deedoltrustsndwithoutre�ardtortheadeqwicyofsecuriryforfhsObli�a�onshers0ysecured,eitherin person
<br /> or bye�ent with or withoutlxinsinp any�actlon ot procssdin�.or by e�eceivsrto be eppoiMed by e couA,enterupnn,take .
<br /> posx�sion ot.mansps and operab aaid P�remises or any paR ths�sof.make.enfores.modly�and accapt fhe aurrender of
<br /> L,s�es.obtainandevicttenants.�x ormodify renis.and�oanyaGbwhichtheAssigneedes�tsprope►toprflte�ethe security-
<br /> h�O�arldef�e�wHh awithoutteking posseasionotthe P�emises,i�itaown name.auetororo�e�isecoilectand�eceive .
<br /> . �!!�t�!�l.ro'+l���¢li��M.ln�.���tht�±�atc!lu�ancl�in�k�,An�r�r.:�1y1h�+3nmA+l��astsncter��naesot�erattananA . . _-- --
<br /> coitec�on;inciudi�p,but nct limils�to,paymenb tor wa�s eind payrdl taxes�cortipertsstion af inemagin�a�ern and other
<br /> mana�ement coses and expenses,real eatate taxes and aase�sments,water.aewer.and aimitar charges.�nsutance and
<br /> warkerscompen�atbnpremlu�a„Qroundrenm,customaryrealest��ecommfasi�n.and�easonabteettamey'sfeesandcouA. . . _
<br /> � aosb,uponenyQblipadonssecuredhersby�andinsuchorderasthsAs=ipneemaydets�mi�e.Theenterin uponandtaking +�-
<br /> passession of the Premiaes,ths coifectl�on otauch renb.iswes and pro�ts end tlteapplicatlonthereol as a�esaid,shall not '
<br /> cureorwaiveanydelauKorwaive.modffy.or�fFectno�ceofdMauttu�dersaidmartQaqsordeedoitrostorinvalideteartyect � �
<br /> donepu�suanlWauchnoticeAssipno�herebyreleaae�anyendallciaimswhichithaaormi�hlhaveagafnstAasigneearising �
<br /> out of such coHection�management operaLOn and maintenance.excep�ng the liabiliry af Assignee to account tor amounts t
<br /> CofieCted end expended by(t . ' �
<br /> , 3. The Asai�nee shail not be obtigatea to perform or disct►arge,r.cor does it hereby undertake to pertorm or '
<br /> disct�rr�e�any tlon,duty or lisbitity under the Leeae.or underor by reason of this/1s�ignment/►asl�nor shall end does �
<br /> 1li31
<br /> herebyagrestoin nlytheAssisneeapainstandhotditharmleasfromanyendaitliabillry;tossordamagewhichitmaya �
<br /> � miqht incur under 1hs Lease or under or by reason ot thi�Aasi�ment and ot.end trom any and ali ciaim�ert6 demand �'
<br /> whateosve�whicttm�ybsastateda�atnat(tbyreaaonofanyaOsQedobNgetionorundertakinponibpaAtopertcrm�rinthe � �K` �
<br /> clischa�eatarnotthsle�m�a�ovenarns,ora�reemenb co�Wned In 1he Leaae:shouldthe/1sei�nee lncurany auch f�abilny,
<br /> losa or dama�s under fhs Laase or under or by reaaon ot thia A�nmeat or in the debnae a�ainst any such cfaims or
<br /> , demands.the amouMthereot.inciuding co�b�expen�and reasonable ettomey'sfees,to�e�er with interest therean at the •
<br /> • hlgAesl�ale setlaM in any otthe Oblipatlo�a aeaured h�reby,ahati be aecu�e0 herebyand by the aaid mortgs9e or cteed at
<br /> bust,andAssbnorshail rsimbursstheAss�yneetheretor immediatety upon demand,end�ponthelaifureolAssignor sotado
<br /> the Ast�i�nee mey deClBre ali ObHgadona seCUred hereby immediatety due artd payable
<br /> 1. Unti3theObiiQaUonssecuredherebyshailhavebeen�a,idinfuli,Asstgnorcovenantsandagreestokeapteased
<br /> . at a good and su�icien!�entat the Premisesand upan demand to transteraridassign to theAssi�nea any and afl subsequent
<br /> Leases upon all or any part o�scy�Premise9 upon the same or aubstantia°'.y the same terms and canditions ae are herein
<br /> �corrmiaced,andto make.execE.�e,and deliveriotheAssignee,upondemand.anyandal!instrumenbthatmaybe necessary or
<br /> Qesirabte theretor,but the terms an4 pravisions of this Assignment ahatl appty to any s�rch subsequent Lease or leases
<br /> wriether or not so�assigned end transfirred.
<br /> 2 AssiQnorshall.upon requestofAssignee.turniah ita complete Ilstas ofthedateof the�eg��stof all Leasesa�d . .
<br /> othe�0er•�ancies ot the Premises i�such reaaonable detail ae may be�equested by Assignee Further.�f requested,Assigrtor ____ ___
<br /> shail QdCver to Ass+�rtee executed or certitied copies of all Leases and other written agreements.correspondence,and � ---
<br /> memoranda de�w��Assignorand Lesseesandothertenanissettingtorththecontractualarrangementsbetweenthem.Such '
<br /> requests may be made�t any reasonabte time
<br /> ' 3. The tailure to list any specific Leases under Schedule B he�eto.shali not invalidate or attect in any manner,the !
<br /> general assignment ot rents and leases provided tar herein. �
<br /> • N
<br /> L 4. Upon the payment in futl ot atl Obligations �ecured hereby. as avidenced by the record�ng or filing o1 an �.
<br />, instrument of satlsfaction or fuil retease ot said martgage or deeci of trust,unfess there shall have beerr racorded another
<br /> moKgagear deed ottrustin iavar oltheAssigneecover�ngthewhollaor8ny partof the leased Premises,thisAssignmentshaii n
<br /> become nuii and void and o1 no eifecl. �
<br /> tt�
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