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<br /> _ _ � _ �
<br /> -- -- - -- -- . � - Y,�:-- , -- . - - . ,
<br /> � _ � .
<br /> � � . - � � �ss���iIIAEWT�F�EI�S AND RENTS ��—' �031'�� .
<br /> r 1't�S AS5IGNMENT.mede thQ� 15th �Y�f April • ' -- 19 9� , .
<br /> } � �anaid b. VoA8e2sren arid �'eddy 8. ii�akstaol as3d Un� i�. VonBeY�ren : . .�
<br /> by - — - - .
<br /> re3idiny flt or hevinp en OifiCe at ��4 West 3rd . Grand Island., NE 68801 ,
<br /> , • � .
<br /> (h�r�in CaN�d"A�i�no!"�.b FirsTier�enk Na�ional/lssoCiation.�inaha.Nebraaka �� '
<br /> � id p�inc�i olfics�On�sNei.Mebraaica(harsin called"I1seiQnee"j. � ,.
<br /> WITNESSETH: _ � . . � . . ` . .
<br /> FOR VALUE RECEiVED.Assignat�yi�x��tr,transiers�nd as�gns M�the Ass�ee aii otlhe�tide and � �
<br /> ' ir�ter�estotAs�ipnOrinendtoanyandailleae8seltdof��brtanciesno�rcKhereeleermadeonorwithrospecttalhefealestslb
<br /> IoCtlpd in Hall County, NeUraska ` ���� .
<br /> inSChsdtilsAhereM,whiChteel8�tesh811bereierredtohereinaftetats"Premise�s".[nCluding.butttotlimibdbthatCet�iR � .
<br /> : l.es�eorlhwece�iLea�e�witl�modiAcBti�ons.ifaay,deacribedinSchedufe8hereai,ca+rorin�ihePremisss►lo�stl�wilh � .
<br /> (1)sny and all�xMnsiona or ner�wals thereof.l2?any and al1�uuarantees of the lesee'a obligaHons under arty thereof and
<br /> � under any and aH eut�enaions or ranewals otany.thereof.and(3jaii rents,issuea,prof�,reivenues,deposits.eemest money
<br /> Pr��s.�'an�y�d al�l�e,xbtena o sf A�h d rensewa,l t�hereo..f Said eases arid�enan ies�r other use ot�em���oge�tlter . . '
<br /> , ,withanyanQeNguarenteea.malfications,extert.4ions,andrenewalsthere�sAaflbesomeGmeshereinai[errelierredtoasf�e . �
<br /> leese ot leases'. �
<br /> � ' FOR'iHE PURPpSE��3EGUAING: .
<br /> . ONE: Paynbntand parformanceof each and everydebt.Ilsbiliryand obtiga�on atevery rypeend description
<br /> which Asai�nor may now ar.anytime hereefler owe to Ilssipnqe.inck�din�.but not limired to,thB�Fnde�e��of�signor . ,
<br /> �ecursd byt ttwt cer�n na�t9sQe or deed d trusf made by the Asaognor to the Ass�nee da�ed �._.:,-19 . ,
<br /> � and�ecordsdortobsrecordsdatorpriortotherecordinSW�isA�sipnment,asn�st�moRyaQeordsedrliftuatheKeafler
<br /> eoverin�thewfwN or eny penolfhe Premises,(whelher such QebL r�bblity.ar oDliga�ion�ow exlsta or is hereefler creeted or �
<br /> , incuned and whether it fs or may ba direct or ind�rec�,due or to become due.absoluie or contingent,primary or sacond�yr.
<br /> ttqtr�atQd or uniiquiCateO, or�aln� s6veraF, or joint and severat,ait such debb, flabtliti9a end abtiga�on� Deing t�ain � - -
<br /> collectivety reM►red to sortretimea as the"Obllgstlons'�:and � � .
<br /> 1W0: Perfamance artd discharge of each end every obtigation, cavenant end agreemen! of Assignor '
<br /> • contained herein or in any such maRQa9e or deed of trust or any note or bond aecured thereby,or in any obtigation or any •
<br /> securing docvment given ln ccnnedion with any of the OWigations aecured hereby.� - _
<br /> : '�
<br /> LEASE: ;� � . � �
<br /> � ;a
<br /> 1. To faithtuttyabide by,perform and diachar�eeach and eve,ry�bii�ation,�ovenent aix!8yreementalthe l.eaw� '
<br /> ; .by L,essorto bsperlormed�toyive promptooticetotheASStpneeof eny noGce ofrefaufs'onthe p�AOf Aaipnor with�espeEtW '
<br />: theLea=srecNvedtromL+N�orguaranta.to�etherwithanatccurateandcempiel��y otanyeuchnatice;atthssolecost �
<br /> a�d expenss ot Assi�nor.b enforce or aecure the perlormance of esch end e+r�y��bll�atlon, cavenant, conditian and � ' r
<br /> � , a�reernentafthsleas6y theLesteetobepeAamad;nottomodityor�naaywayatt�erthetermsptthel,e�tae;nottoterrMnale �'�
<br /> , the te�m ot the Leua and notto accept a aurrender ot ths rents thereunder or to waive,excuae,condone or in any manner
<br /> releese a discharQethe L.e�sae thereurtder trom the obli�ations.covenants,cunditions ana agreements by the Lessee tv be ��.
<br /> peAormed.includin�the obil�ation to psy ths rentat called fOr thereunder in the mar�er and at the place and t�me specified .•
<br /> � Me►ein,end Itssi�rtor does by tf�ase preaants expressty releese.retinquish end succ�der uMo the As�i nee ali Ass;ynar's
<br /> � �i�ht,powarandauthoritytomodifyosina�ywayalbrthetermsorproYisionsolthe�Lea,se.atoterminate�elermaraccepte
<br /> . surrende►tMereof.and any ettempf on the part o1 the As�ignor to exercise any sucn right without the written authoriry and
<br /> _ �, consent ot the Assignee thereto being firot had a,�d obtained shaN c�,nst+tute e�efault of thd terma hereof;as detined
<br /> hereinaRer,entiping the�#ssignee to declare all sums secUr@d hereby�rr�ia'�ry dae and payabfe.
<br /> 2. At Assisnor'e sole Cost and expense to appear in and detend any ac*..�or proceeding arising under.growing
<br /> aut of or in any manner connecte�d with the Lease or the obligat�ons.duties or liab►tities ot t�essor,Lessee or guarantar
<br /> t!ts�eunder�and tb p8y atl cosb and expenses ot the Assignee,irtclud�ng attorney's tees ir�a r�asonabte gum,ln any such
<br /> ,�on or proceeding�ro�rhich fhe Assignee may appear. , �
<br /> . .,
<br /> . �
<br /> 3. That shoutd Assignt�r t�if to make any payrter:f or to do any act ag here�n provided, then the Assignee,but
<br /> without obligation So ta do and w+tis�ut notice to ar demared on Assignor,an�witttout releasing Assignor hom any obtigat�on
<br /> hhel►►eof,may make or d+�t�e same in such manner and to a�cfi extent a�th�Assignee,may Qeem nEicessary to protect the•
<br /> securiry heteot,inctuC,::��g3�c��iCalty.without limiting ib general pawsrs,the right to appear in artd Qetend any gction or
<br /> proCeedinppurportingt�aKeClthesecunryhere0lortherightsorpowersottheAssignee,andalsoth�rightbutnotthedutyto • _ _--_
<br /> pertorm ar�d�ISCharge eac?�and every obltggtion, covenant a�td agreement ot�essor in the Lease contalned: and in �
<br /> , exercisin�ae���SuCh powers to pay necessary�ostS ana expenses,emptoy c4unse�3rd incur nnd pay reasonabte attorney's
<br /> 19es. , .
<br /> � 4.. Topayifnmed�atetyupondemartd�IlsumsexpendedbytReASSIgr�.::^�e�fheauthorityhereot.togetherwith
<br /> . interest thereon at the highest�ate set forth in any of the Obiigations secu�ed here���. anc!the same shall qe add8d to the M�
<br /> Obtigatia►s and SA�11 bg secured hereby and by the said mo�tgage or deed of tr�;�.�* �
<br /> , � 5. That Asst nor will not trgnsfer or conve to the Lessee tlte tee Utte ta th�demised Prvmises,or an
<br /> 9 Y y part lhereol, �
<br /> unlessthe Lesseeassurnes in writing�tnd agrees to pay theQebt secure0 hereby in accurdanca with thoterms.covenants ar�d �
<br /> con�itians pt the said nvte or bond secu►ed by said mortgage or dt�ed ot trust �
<br />: . - -r
<br /> r. .
<br />. e !.! .J
<br /> t . �
<br /> �� �yl�aSY't�*'T - - Fte ,e�e� � ^�--�� "�'
<br /> , � , ��t� , � �`� • " • ., , y ... i i� �a�(� . ._ , � .
<br /> r • � -p- ' . 4 - 'r.-�r�.�/h!'��t4 '.�.. .
<br /> i1l,. � ` . , -(r.'-' :-_ -(-= -- - ,T ._ -c, . , . �. � �Y��tFY�.? ���l,.��� `�. �.}_ — — -- -�- -,- _ _ .
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<br />