_. . . . . _ , ! . . . _. _ ... -- . -� � -- --- —. -- - - - -- - .
<br /> '�..�.....,,_.�_ `... , . . � . . � . `--"-•-' �_..' � �
<br /> a .. 'c� . \ . •. .
<br /> , , } .
<br /> ` � � � � . � � � � �"`.1�3i32 � _ _ , � __�
<br /> Nb�t•Ux��CovEt��KT6.Barm+va a�ad I.ender furthercuvensnt and�ree as fs�llorvs: • . ' • ° .
<br /> ' �!.Aoe�le�a��Re■�iia.t.e�ee �lf.�fe�ties to Boti+ower /rtor ta s�cekratFa#toUowit�Hoerowei"� ` Y .
<br /> itw�etay►co�t at s�ra�e+�t tri tli�srci�ritg Lstr�t(b�tt�oE�dorto a�o��Mr�p'a�13�i7 _ _ . •
<br /> � r■i��liealie�r/ro�Wa ot�er+el�e)�Tie�otiee�tt�eett�.(il tre iet�al+�(6)t�nctta�rs�ired t+a c*r�e Ne , . . .
<br /> id�l�(e)t tiNG�et ler ti�30�qrilha�Hle�t�e�otte�tt�t�t�o Bosrowet.By w0�fek t�e deh�[t Md be cMrtk , . .
<br /> � a�(�,1 t�t b�ist M ar#t!e ielfMlt a�ar,letorc Hc iarte�ed8�!b tl�e�kc�ra�it i�sooelaatto�af t�t ars .
<br /> _ . t�e�r�1 h►ti�S�creity i�tr�a�e�t sMi�ie n�tie Psa�ertr.Tf�i�otiee�M11 l�rt�ee iifcn�Bortowa ot t�e rl�t t�� �- - <- , --_
<br /> � � tei�Me�ilta��a�i tie rt�it to iKi�s co�set[a to areet t!e��ae ot�dNa�it oc ary 6tircr . � .
<br /> . . �Ilewc�t�r�+o+rec�e a�o�ri sdG�f t�e ief�it�b rot cad oa a�efarc tl�e�ate s�Sed i�tl��btiee,i.e�ter • -
<br /> ' at id!Mi�s�1`t'�'e iw��dtMe'.�ii�a�ait i�f'�11 ot sil s�s�t if'�is See�ett3'I�at wit�xt lrrti�er .
<br /> :j,- . ��aytNqr t�ttiiuel4 Ma�ra arWe ai astatks r�eiksPasdtted�7 a�ie law.Lesiar�idd!be e�tlttatto . • ,'
<br /> , �ii�et�es�ei i�rrri i� �t�e �cs �toti�el V N�L Ne�s�ir?!, iacl�;b�t�ot IiwEte�to, . .
<br /> � � .. .e+e�wile�tb�eaa�'l�aa�eas�t�fUt�ee�tie�eG . . • ' _
<br /> ' It fiE�ow�ec of ak is�Tr�stee d�ll rerocd:aoNoe of deGuilt is eacti co�1T ie eUtelr a�Y M�ot t6� ,
<br /> . _ Pt�erty is kea�e�a�d slalt�ail eo�ka otsid��otite i�ttie awa�er�re�crmed hY�ld��law to Borrower a�d to tie . ,
<br /> � nt�p'��qerl�d b7�1ia11e Isw.ARer tlte tiat re�air�by�1�fkabk taw,Tnsta sialI�i�e��lk sot�a of •
<br /> -; ; ��ziie is Ne jKese�s�t�ttit��cribN!�4l1i�+�i�e�crs.Tr�tte.witio�t de�f�d ow Borrawer,�i�all:tU t� ,
<br /> : �. ��t/�Ik aretia�to tt��Mider dtiM�ti�e sei�ia a��uier tie tsr�s aai�uutsd ie tl�e eotice of ssle iu �
<br /> .;>: ` a�e�r fMe+creeeh�ai h sMy ot�rTru�tae rietai�s�a:Tnrt&�ay�a�o�e ale otall ar a�y Nroe1 uttlie Pro�erty by ,
<br /> -,�s`';�°' � sc6ed�led eate.Lesder or ita daI nuY Pare6ue tbe
<br /> :...,._,;.._ �: MWc�t at d�e tlAe aad Olset ot�aY ite�fa�dy� . 8� .
<br /> .�,,_ ,�...., . 1�'�'str7s�k. ' :.
<br /> .:.;,:-.
<br /> :;�,;:;
<br /> .. Upoa recsi/t ot��r�aqit ot tYe�toe bN.7'nstee si�l ddi�e�to He�rcLaer Trn:ta's deed cou�eyieg t6e .
<br /> , .{ . � .Pe�o�eelr.11ie�reettd�ia:;tie Tra:ta'a deed da�t be K[wu ta¢ie e�ide�c+e o!tie tratL of t4e statt�ee�ts eiade tl�ereia. �
<br /> �. '> `�'etuta�W a�ly d���iiocsed�of tie saie in tlie�oftowing order:l�)to aEt�peues o!t6e sate,tncludiaa,bdt uot liutfted
<br /> ,, : ;��p.Te�a�'�:�CSS�s peirtir�itted by_am{Icah�e law aed ra�orabie.sttorneys'tta;tb)to all soms sec�red by this Security
<br /> . .��aard(,e)ny e*cas to t6e peraon or peraon�k�+eietldM to i� ' . •
<br /> � 20.Lladtr i�Poqes�toR. Upon accelera�.wr unc�er�z.agraph 19 ar a6andonmer:t of the Property, Lend�r(in
<br /> - �erson.-6y agent orTiy jtidiciaAy appointed receta��sha�bt entittad ta enter upon,take possessieix tif and manage the �-- � .
<br /> � Property and to coltGCt the rents of the Property ir�.�'�Ming t�kase past due.Any reats coltect�+����nder or the receives .
<br /> shs116e apptied first ta psyinene of the costs uf managertte�z�the Property and w1l�zr.�vn of rents,inaluding,but not
<br /> ' limitod to,receiver's fas,premiums on�eceivet's bonds ar��rr�sonable attorneys'fees.�ad then to ihe sums secured by ...
<br /> ' this Se�urity testrument. � ,
<br /> , � ' M.Reoo��tyaee�.3Jpon payment of all su.�s secured by this�curnt�Instrument,Lendec s�:sl1 request Trusta to , • ' ,.';..�
<br /> � • �.t�eCOnvey the Yroperty sr�d stwll surrender this So�a�'sty[nstrument and aF���ces evidertcing debt se�red by this Security t
<br /> Instrumerit to Trustee.Trustoe shall recanvey the i�perty a�.thout waaraaty"and withaut charge ta ike person ar persans � `' � ���
<br /> i , _'t,_;�-'
<br /> tertall�r.entitled w i�Such txrson nr�ersons shaU pay any rr��ru�atian costs.
<br /> __--- - -------- ._
<br /> � 22.3�MttMe Trntee.Lender,at its option,may from nme to time remove Trustee and appaizc a successar tr�stee --
<br /> � � to Any Trustee appoiated hereunder by an instrur�ert recorded in the county�Es►which this Secarity In�trumem is rewrded. i°.
<br /> ;� Without convey�nca ort the Property,the sueces.c�c�trustee shali suceeod to alt the title.power and duties conferred upan . _
<br /> � _ Trusta heran and by applicable law. -
<br /> � � 23.Re�e�for Notka.8orrowet roquests that copics of ehc notices of dda;:�.t and sale bc scmt to Borrower's � , . ;
<br /> ; . address which is the Property Address. . . • '
<br /> � 24.8tders to t6i4 Setadty tntrua�eat.ff cre or more ridcrs are exar.rc'ed by Borrower and rocnrdcd togethet aith :°�;,�
<br /> , lhis Socurity Itutrument,the rovenants and agrcalzents of each such riQet s�:atl be incorporated into aad shall amertd and .
<br /> � � aupplemrnt the covrnants �td ag,teemeats af this Security lnstrument as if the n�es(s) werc a part of this 5ecurity
<br /> ' Instrument.[Check apRlicsble boa(es)�
<br /> � .,,._ [] Adjusta�le Rate Rider � . '[,_'�,�ondominium Rider [� 2-4 Family [tider �
<br /> , " ' � ;�..
<br /> , � Grsdtuted Payment Rider ��lanned Unit Developssient Rider. .
<br /> . ❑ Othar(s} (specifyj . �
<br /> � � BY SIC,NINCi BELAW. Borrower accept� and ag�as to ehe terms and covenants contained in this Security �..�
<br /> � Ynsirument end in sny rider(s)eaecuted by Hotrawer and recorded with it. � • .
<br /> E �' � ,.. � 1 ~__ �
<br /> ; ....................................:.......................:...:.._....._...:.:......:- -- . ....�......,...,..,.... ..,.....�.��.�._��_...,..::..,..,.._.:...,,..�-Eo.�.�� _ . _.. ....
<br /> . � Brian G:�NtcDowell-��
<br />� � . ....................................:................. .. ............................ ....r�:�l�.a...�....��?�..t��.l..�................... .«��
<br /> '• � Qebra G. McOowe 11 �$°"°"�`
<br /> Stn'rz ar Negansxn, � Hall C��uni>� ti�:
<br /> � On this 30th ��y n�' May � . 19 90� hcf��rc u�c. thr r�udr�ti��.ucd. .� NuF�cy Puhli�
<br />� � duly commissioned and qualified for said coun�y.�crsunall}�camc B�ian G. N1COpwe�l and Debra G. McDowel!
<br /> . : each in his and her own right artd es spouse ,of each other , ru n,�kn��++�����n�•�hc• , i`—-
<br /> . t identical persvn(s) whosc namctsi arc SUh.SCz{hC1I (t� the tc►rcguin� in•truntcnt attd acAn�.�+��lcdgcd thc i•�cciiiwn
<br /> thereof ta be � his/her voluntary ac� a�ic�deca. �
<br /> ° . � . ��iiii�is ii}��fi8i�i�Ftii4rr iitltt�Ft3�s�ci;ii� •.�TBii'if� �$�'8fif�� ��UT�.;JF� f(�Ti��t�Ctf�IFi��.iEli ' .
<br /> .'
<br /> �iatc aforesaid.. ,
<br /> My Commissia�expires://-�>!-3. ` � �
<br /> L �,�u,,,w,nr,�, . .,. .... . ... ...<..... �.. . �����..-�. . .. . . .. . . ..
<br /> If�11� 'i �..,��„ t•„t.i
<br /> ' ��� ttE=.l1Ut�5t Itilt t�.E�(�t�tiV1:YAtit ! ►�
<br /> �lr`�KU57EL: .
<br /> . . . . . t` _�.-
<br /> The undersignei�ic thc hoider�f the qC�iC(�i 11i�it'r�i��'[FfCil �+t t?iI� lYc�i���� rri1�C. �.it:f I��it; r.i �t��i��, ���Pit�i<< F
<br /> r. �
<br /> ►vithallotheriedebtcdncstsccurcdh�thitincrelot 1ru,€,li�nch�'i•�tk�EF�►Et� ttill `��„t.t�:inrtf�•. if���iicJ1��._.e�!��� ..��:J
<br /> note ar notes a�td[hi; l).:ed �rf �Itu�t. �tti<<h arc �i�{i4CCt(I Ii,rci��,,it=iE t„ i.,��•r;e�;�, asr!u��i' �•�r•�.rir�., a#i +h, � .r,;•:,. .
<br /> noti�� hcl�i hy .��U u�ider thi4 I7�e'ti t�i ltu�t P�r the �'�t'rs.+u ��i ���i�.un, tif•.i1t4 intitf��f th:i�•�,
<br /> � Uate: , . . . - �
<br /> � . _ _
<br /> �,..�;.�.z�;� � > > - - � _.�_�� _
<br /> -,-�- � -
<br /> =- - ,��_._ _,� - - � �s -- -- -- — _ _ --
<br /> ' , _ < < < - - -_ - _ - _ _--
<br /> . ... _ . ..riLu� ._. . .._.. � � . . . f.:���r.... . _ux�._..... — .,._.
<br />