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<br /> _ . _ , , � . . . '. _ � � . .
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<br /> , � _. � r , .
<br /> A . . � � . . � . .. - .
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<br /> _ , � , . . _ �o--- ��0��3�,, � . � � � ; : �; - .
<br /> � � tf Lender tequired'te�ort�t�e�nsurance as s condition of making the loan secnted by this Securiry In3ttument, , + ' �
<br /> I<. . . Borrowrr s?ia�t piy thr pcemiuma ui�+ed co m�iniai�n tke insurance ia e�'�ct unti!such tinte as tbe�cquiremeal for tl�e . � ;�..�_.'.. ..
<br /> �a� re9
<br /> , . insurance tcrminata ie�ccord�tix witli Bor�owa's and Lender's tovritten egirament or applicabk la�v: _ - � . .-
<br /> , . s, ti�jeEfia�. .t,ender or its a�ent ms�m:ice reasonabk en�ries upon and irupections a�tlie Prcperty. Lender_
<br /> � ` sh}U give$orrowa notice at the time of or pcios to�rt insperdon spxifyingreasanable caase for ihc inspection. � � ` ' ' �
<br /> �. , 9. C�wiaw�. 'Ihe procecds of any awud or cliim for damages.direct or consequtntial,in connectian�th . ' � .
<br /> ; ' sny condannation or otber tatcing of any past di the Yraperty.os for convcyunce in liea of caademr�ition,are her�y ` , .
<br /> . Y � aRi�at sr�d ahalt be paid tu Lander. � . � . . . .
<br /> ' ; , In the evtnt of s latal taking_of the Property,the proceods shatl bc ap��ied ta the sums seewed by tlus`Seeurity _ . � .
<br /> � ; In9trumtnt,wlnetltcc or not thm itue,azth any exass paid to Bartower_In the event of s partial taking oFthe Praperty,
<br /> '� : unk�s 8orra�rer and Lender oth,envise sg[x in writing,t&e sums stcured by this Security Instrument shaU be reducod by
<br /> . ��'' t1u smount of tbe proco�da multiplied by the following fraction:(a)tbe tatal amaunt of the sums secured immediately �
<br /> - hefort tiie takiu�di�ided by(6�the fair market vatue otthe.Prc►perty immaiiately before the taking:Any tsaluice shall be : .
<br /> . paid to Barrower.
<br /> r Itthe Property is a6andaned by Borrawer,or if'.aftes notice by I,enc4er to Bonower that the rondrmnor otfers to �
<br /> � m�ice an award or sdtk a cTaim for damages.Borrower fsu�s to respond to Le,nder within 30 days afur the date the notice is �
<br /> � given,Lendtr is authatiied to coltect�and appty the proceeds,at its aption,either tci ressoration qr tepair of the Properiy or . � • �
<br /> E � ta the sums secus+ed by tt�is Serurity Instrument,ahetheror not thea due_ . . • , � - �
<br /> ' " Unless I.ender and Sorrower otherwise agree in writing.any Rpplicgtion of proc«ds to priacipa!shalt not extend er. '
<br /> = postpone the due d�te af the monthly paymentS teferred to in paragsaphs I and 2 ar change th�amount of such payment�. • , �. `.. � •
<br /> i � � 10. Borrowu Not Reka�ei; Forbeanuace By Ltnder Not• W�irer., _Extension of the time for payment ar �� : . _ . � _ � _
<br /> i� modificatioa of amortization of the sams fiecured by this Security tnstrument granted by Lender�to�ny successor in �� " .
<br /> , interest of ibrnn�vet shall not operate to rrlease the tia6ility of tbe ariginal Bunawer or Barrower's suecessors in interest.� � '.
<br /> � Lender shall not be required to rommence praeeedings againsi any successor in-intrr�t or refuse to eatend time far � . � • -
<br /> ' payment or otherwise modify amortiTation pf the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made
<br /> . � � by the original8onowtr or Harrower's surctssars in interest.Any fisr�esrance by I.ender in exercising any right or remaly �
<br /> :. E' ' � shaL t�t be a waiver of or prectudr tke eaercise of any rigfit or remedy. � � �
<br /> : 3! SMCCe�as aMl Aitt�s Bouad;JofA!md Se�eral Lis�illty;CasIgners. The cbvcnants and agreemenu of �
<br /> � this Security Inst�sment shall bind and bentfie ihe succasprs and a,�s;s nf Lender and BorroRer,subject to the pravisi�ts�. �. ' ;.�
<br /> � of p�ragraph t7.l�anower's cuvenants aad agreemenfs shall be,�oint sr�.�3 several.Any Borraw�er who co-signs this Secusitc �
<br /> T fnstrnment but does not extcute�the Notc:(a)is co-signing this Seci:-r��y Instrument only to mortgage.grant and canvey ' �
<br /> � tAat Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instruraze:;(b)is not personally abligated to pay ' '
<br /> � _ �. y,
<br /> ` --- - - _.— -
<br /> . + t C Sums SeCUted by this 3ecurity lnstrum�R�;an�f!�l s�or�i!c 4h�!�.ftl�„!L.��,r.:�ser E:::srs::er;r..�y�bicc�-eMerN.-- -- -- ..;°
<br />: -� � . rnodify,fotbqr or maice an�i accommodations w►th regard to the terms of this Security(nstrument or the Nate without � ` •�
<br /> E that Barrower's c��seni. . �
<br /> � 12. Loar t�r�es. If t'�e loan srcured by this Secqrity Insttument is subj�ect to a law ahich sets maximu�loan
<br /> t char�rs, �nd that 1aw,is gnalfy interpreted so that the interest or ather toan charges caliected or tn be collxted in �
<br /> � � conn�►ian with the toan ezeeed the permitted limits, then: (a)any such toan charge shall be re�duced by the amount �
<br /> , . neressary to redu;.�3ht charge to the permitted limit:and(b)any sums already cc►1lected from itorrowet which exceeded
<br /> ; permittad timits w7T1 be refunded to Borro�es. i,er�der may chaose to make this refund by reducing the prineipal owed
<br /> . � under the Note or 6y making�direct payment to Borr�wer.lf a refund reduces prinqipal,the reductian will be tceatec!as a
<br /> partia!ptepayment without an re a
<br /> � 13. y p p yment charge under the Notr_.
<br /> . � I.ealslatio� A1[i� LeAlkr'� Rtghts. li enactmertt os e�pirutian af applicabic laws has the effect of
<br /> � rendering any provisior�of the:1ote or this Security lnstrument unenforceabte acc�rding ta its terms.L.endu,at its option,
<br /> � ,�m�y require immediate payment in full af 311 sums secured by this Security lnstrument and may'invoke Any rern�fies ' �
<br /> � . permitied by paragraph 19.(f I�der exerc:ses this option,l.ender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph uf.
<br /> ,� . paragraph 1�. ..
<br /> i I�. Notlres. Any notice ta Barrower provide�f.r in�his Securety Instrurnent shap be givcn by de[�a•cring it or by
<br /> j mailing it by flrst cTass mai) unless applicable law requrres use c+f an^ther method. The notic;e 5hall be cuec[cd tu rhe ,���
<br /> { PropeMy Address�cr any olher uddress Borrowcr designate!f by nolrc4:�Lender. Any notice to l,end.r shall he giva�l'�y '
<br /> i first elass mail to Lender's address stated herein ot any rnher addre!�!.[,snder dcKignates by n�tice to Rotrcu•er.Any ttotue • , �
<br /> provic.+ed fot in this Security Instrumeni shall be dc�emed to have heeu given to Bti�rr�:wer ur I.ender when gi:ea as pravided
<br /> ; in this paragraph. •
<br /> , ' 1S. Go�erat�g Law;Sererablllry. This Secunty�n5trument�t�all be g��o rrned by�fcdcral law ar,sf;he law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is Ioeatrd. ln the event that any prnvision orclausc-c�f Ihi.S�crurity lnstiurri"ent i�r th�:� ��-��-���"�� - ��� � � �
<br /> Note canflicts with spplicable law,sueh c�iRflict shaU not aff'ect other provisipns c�f thi5 Sccurc:y Instru►rtent�r the'vLte
<br /> � which ean 6e given eRect without the conflicting pmvisiot�.To this end the pr��vi.*cros nf Ihic 5ecurity iastrc;ment and the
<br /> � � Note are deelared to be severah�e.
<br /> ; 16. Borrower'a Cooy. Bflrrower sha1)be givein a,ne cunfurmed cc�py of tF!e Note and nf thi5 5ecur7ty Instrurr�enl.
<br /> ` l7. Tnn�tfe�ot t6e Property or s BeneBcl�! lnterest in Borrower. lf all��r �ny part �>f the Yruperty dr auy '
<br /> intercst in�t is sodd or ttansferred{or if o beneflcial interpst in Borruwer is sold or transfccred and 13nrrnwer is rrot a nawral
<br /> , person)witht+ut txrtdet's priur written consent.i.ender may.�t its c�ptiun,rryuire imrnediatr pay ment rn fuli�fi aU cutnc
<br /> stcured by this Se�utity lnstrument. Howevcr,this optinn shall nut he exerci5ed by 1.ender iP rxercisc i�pn�hihitcd hy
<br /> federallaw ag of the date nfthis Securily lnstrument.
<br /> If Lender eaercises this option,Lend�r shall give 8orrower notice af ercrleratiu�e. �'he n�tirc chul)prnv�de a pertud '
<br /> of not tess thar�30d:iys fram thedate the notiee is deiivered ur mailed within wiiich Hc�rrc�wer must pay all cums secured by , �
<br /> _ . this Security Instrument. tf Borrnwer fails to pay these sums pruir tc.the exp�r�dicn of th�s penod.I.ender mey invuke any �
<br /> -- � : semedits�er.mittedhythic5ec��titylt�ctrt�tnt�ltw��tottLfi�tEhQrQalieear•±�st�.:fstlusi�i��€r�urr. : _ .
<br /> , 18.Borrower'�Right to Reinstate. If Horrower meets certaln c�nd�t'snns. I3nrcoacr�hall have thc ri�ht tn F�a��e `
<br /> � enforcement of this 5ecunr.y•Irtslrurrtent discuntinued at any time priar tn the earlter af:(a1 S d�+ys(��r such other pen�+d a5
<br /> applicable law may specify for reinstatement)before sate nf the Propetty pursuunt tn anq pc�wer�,i�ale rnntained in thi�
<br /> � Secu�ity Instrunttnh.ar{b)entry uf a jucigment enforeing this 5erari:y �t�slrument.Thc�tie cE,nd�tinnc�re that Horra�vet:
<br /> (�j pays 1,ender till sums which then wnutd be due urtder thic 5ecurit} Instrumc�rt :r��,l tt�c �3utc had n«acceleratiern a
<br /> � oceutred:(b)cures any @efnuit a�'any other covenants or �greem�ntc: fcj rays �It ex�,encec uie:urred iR enforcm� thic 1�
<br /> Serurity Instrument. ittcluding,but nat timited to,reasonable attorney� fees:and(dt tukc4 tiucir actu�n as Lender may
<br /> te'slonably mquitr ta assurc that the lien�if thic Security I«}tfumc�lt. .Lenc�er�s El�IlC.4 �p�f1g P�t��1�ffV yty(� [�i:{it)"�I:Cf`s - •�
<br /> abti�ation ta pat tbe sums secutr� by° th�c 5ecurity Instranrent �ha�T cc�s�ti�yue u►ychan�;cd ['�e��a rrtn�tatetnenE Fry _
<br /> Bosra�er,thi�Securi�}in�trutc�ent and 1he ohl�gatiUns seeurcd herehy sh:�ll rem,uc�i'till+:c�'e�t�te�ti�f t.0 at'CCICf�flil�i?(7S/J �
<br /> o�tutred.Notscvcr,•lhtsrigh!t'Ureihstateshall��nt apply mthee::��r+�f�trrelcr.�tinn undcr��ra�ra�h�t�r�r:�
<br /> � �
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