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<br /> � � U�oM�.r.�.aaar�a,�r,ac«pe`�bm3ced er rr�du;oas�ed t,p ibe seaeara,in the case at v.ymen�a,:rault�.rc�utr� .
<br /> ' fmm�8tete parmen�in(Wi of alt��anu�ed b�►thfs Savrity Snstts�ment J •, � , ,
<br /> . , � (�aotra+ra deiwJti bY«Y to pay�n fuU sag montLl�r pay�e�lt�e4uired�y tA�s 5eaufty instrument prior to ot m .
<br /> the due¢uE ot tlie na�t monWb►0�7m�t.or , .
<br /> . r � . ` ;C�defaedtf bs►f+ilie�.[oe a paiod�t thitty daY�.to`patarm aay other oblipttoes cocajned in t�is S�curit� . � - ` _ <_ - .
<br /> • �
<br /> � . .' ` (��It W�irt�i[�t A�ew�1.6e�deroh�.i€pe�millie�161►�pi�ie irraed wi1S de P���d��Y.� ` .
<br /> , . im�e�prymst i��i d�Il die�ams xc�ed b�r Ars Sacvrity I�nrat if: � • � ' ' _ .
<br /> . �Ap ar ptt d Bie Pmpdty is a�6afi�e teassfared ta��r by d�ire at daa�at}byr�e Barev�.�sd ,` -
<br /> � (u'�'tlie!'l+apetty is mt ooc�pied b9�W�!�a F�s ds a Set ptimay or�ma�d�y ce�id�raoe.or tbe ptei�e:or '
<br /> � p�dOd qtIOCC�y��f b��Q�!1'C70�d{SOt 6ElO�lOYOd O�OCOI{�C M�t l���t�$OCI� �
<br /> tc)N*�1►�If dr�aaas oowr tbat�vauld pantit I.ender to require fmmediate payment in fuD.6ut Lender doa nat ' �. � . ,
<br /> � t�equire mch O�pm�ts.L�ader das nd�ratvt ica ri�hta��ith respect to aaWeqnent evatts. � .
<br /> :' (�)�r�t H�D B�eeilr�.In m�my dta�msuaoes ce�a3ation:issued 1�y'tbs Sectetatf►w1iil limit I.sr,�fer'�ri�itts.tn .
<br /> tbe cafe of payaieat defmRs.to reqnire immecG�te p�yaieat in tu1!aad foreciose if not g�id.'Ibis Securitp Instrument doa
<br /> aot wtbotiu aocdaratioe or for�closure if not permitud by resnlstloas'of the Sazetary. � �
<br /> ; ' ti tdMM�t.BoRO�rar ha s rij6t�to be rdnstued if Lender hss�quired immediate payment in fvD 6ecause o! �
<br /> . Bara�rtr'�tWa[�to py aa�mount due uader the Nnte or thls Securlty Iastrntaent.This ri�6t applies evar Jter forociosure
<br /> prooaedi,a�s are imtIt�ted.To�tsoe We Saurity►In�tcamant,Horroper�h�lt teader tn s lmmp sum all amannu rcquired to
<br /> fo�raclonae coWs renon�bk t�t1LSTY iLtO11Ky�E �CCS iII���4f Of BORONR pIId![tb15 SC�UI![y IbSa711JiCl1t* ,
<br /> e�cpensa Property sssuciated with the taeclo�vre
<br /> ptooeedtn�.Upon reiattatement by Bortower,t1w Sec�trity InsWmrnt and the obltaations that it secura nhall amaia in effect as
<br /> ii LenAer d�d nat requircd immediue payment in full.Horrever,LetMes is not requiced ta permit rsuut�tement,if:(i}Lendrr hu
<br /> ' ' acc�pted reinstataheat atter the commencem'tnt oi foreciosure proce�edia�s within two yprs immediately preadins the
<br /> � . � commenameat of a curteat[orecbsure procadln�, C�)rcinstatemeat wiU prectude forocWsun on differe6t grouads in the
<br /> - � - tutur�,Qt(iii}re'�st�lt�r�t wI!!�dvetsdy affed tht psiorii�oF tkt lica ereste�by th�Suurity�esstrutn¢nt.
<br /> • U.ie�O+►a�iot Reia�el;Forhars�ee�r LeMe�Ha�Vydra Extsnsion of the tane of paymeat or modificuion of
<br /> ` amoNzatlon of the iumt seou�ed by this Savrity Instrumettt Qranted by Lrnder to anp succes.wr in intaest of Borr�wer shaU not
<br /> � opetate ta teieue the liabil�Qf tht oripna!Borro�rer or Barroxer'a aucceasor in intercst. t.e�der shaU nat 6e�equtrod to
<br />- oomme�oe Praaedin�y�inst aay sucressor ie interat or refuse tm extcad titne for paymerrt or otherwise crtodi�'��amonLratton � .
<br /> ot the sum�aecured by this Secudty Instrumeat by reuon of any demand made by the origina! Borrower or 8orro�rer'a �
<br /> � wcoetfors iri iatertsE.Any tarbeannce b}�fxnda in esercising any right ar rcmedy sh�ll not be a wtiver oi or prtclnde the
<br /> , exercise nf anY c�i or runedy. .
<br /> 1=.Ssean�n�M A�a io��1:loUl�N Serer�i WtiWtp;Co-Si��ee�.The cavenants and i . .;�- ,�
<br /> - .._ Tas�rs.�t:�llbir.Qar.3��:she:uac�acr:znd�. •• .._ .. . �eementsotthaSavrity .. - -- -- -• - — - _-
<br /> �SS G...C�:s s.'td wy.uwe*.euiijcci iv iac pruvisiots of p�apD 4 D. -
<br /> Bonoxer's ooveautts and a:reemrnta shal!6e jaint and sercral.Any Barrower who co-signs this Serurity Insuument Dut Qas
<br /> not aoecute tbe hetr.(a)is co•�ianina this 5ecurity Instrument onfy to.ts�ort=age.grant and convey that Flarrower's interest in � �
<br /> , tDe Property undRSt�e tem�s ot this Sccurtty Instrumeat;(b)is not pe,=.�a�f1y obli�nced to pay the sums acc�red by thi9 Secudty
<br /> Imtrument: and Qc� a�roes tl�at Lender and any ather �arrowrer :^�y �grrce to eatend, modi�y. for��rr Ur make any
<br /> ' accoeunodatloat wlth ce�ard cu tAe term af this Security Inscrument ci the Note without tfiat 8attower's c�aumt. � '
<br /> !3.N�tion.Au�notia to Borrawer rovlded for in this Sccuriryr[asirt;ment ahall be ven by ddic,si it or ' , .��'
<br /> ng� hy m�ilinj it by �
<br /> firtt civa mW ueLess apDticabk!aM requira use of another method.The notice�hall be directed to�1s�Praperty Address or�y � �
<br /> other adQras Borrower Qes i�t utes by notice io Lsnder.My notice to Lender sha!!be given by first d�ss mail ta l.ender'e address � '. �,
<br /> , suted haein or any address I,ertQer desi�nuas by noNce ro Borrower.Any noti�ee proY:ded for in tAis Security�astrument shalE ' '
<br /> bcdaemed ta have been�dvui to Borrawer ar LrnAer when given a9 proviQed in ehis.aaragraph.
<br /> k.C��a�I,aw:9e�er�lAit�.Thi�Security Instrument shail be�avemrd by Federallaw xnd the taw of the jurisdictloa in ��,.
<br /> wticfe the Propat#�is Eocated.ln the event that any provisina or etause of this Security lnsttument or the Note conflicts with ap-
<br /> ` plitubk taw.su�41 6onilict sfu►U not offaq ottttr provisiuns of�his Security Instrument ot the Note which cu�be�iven effeet
<br /> wit!lottl the confiiat}tt�pravisipn. To thi�end the pro�isioa9 ot IAis Security lnsttament ond the Nott are declued to be �
<br /> seveszbk. . . . .` ,
<br /> . , ,�+
<br /> . 1!•S�n+swer'�Co�y 8orrawer eh�lt be givrn one contnrmeA coDY�f tAis 5ecurity Instrument. � ��
<br /> � if.AwlpreM ot Re�b.Boaawer unconditionalty�ssi�ru and trensfcrs to I.ender all the rents and revenua of the Propeny, - � '
<br /> Botraewer autb:otices l,eoder or Lrnder's Agrnts to coliect the renls and revenue�and hereby directs each tenant of the Vroperty �
<br /> , to pay the rents to Lendor or Lender's at�ent�.tiowever,prior to Lender's uotice tn Harrower of Botrr�Mec's bre�ch of any cove-
<br /> . nant or ayeefieet ia the Se�curity/nstniment,BoRawer sh�f)coltect�nd receive all rents and«venues oi the Property as Irusta
<br /> far the Denefit oi Lender�nd Botrower.'1"his assignment af rent�camtitutes�u�abss�lute e�si�rrarnrnt arid nut an Qssignment iw�- � - � � -� - � �
<br /> rQditional�e�curity onty:
<br /> lt 1.tn0er�ivq nolice of brekh to goiruwu:la)all rents received by$ofrawer ah�!!be held by tiairaxa as trustee[or btnefit
<br /> , • of L.ender onty.to be�pplied to the su�ny�ecured by�hr 5ecunry Instrument;(b)l.ender.h�ll be entittcd tc�coltece and rcceive alt
<br /> of Ihe rents of the ProDett�;and�c)cach tenan�ai�he Nropeny shztl pay�11 rents due and unptid to t.en�er w Ler:dc�'s�gcnt
<br /> on I,eeder•e�rritten Oeman�l to the teaant.
<br /> 8orro�ver.ha�not esKUted tny prior usi�nmem of the rents and Nas uo!and will nue prrfarm aciy act tha�rrauW preVOnt .
<br /> LenQer from atercisinj it�riaht�unde� tbis paragraph 16.
<br /> \ .
<br /> . LettCtr shs11 not be«Qulted W enter upcin,take coatrol of or mai�uain Ihe Ytoperty betott�r ufter g�wing nuticr c�f breach tn •
<br /> 9or�owet.Huv►ever.l.tndet at a judirialty appointed rCrtiver m�y Ca so a�sny�ime therc i�u hreach. Any aprtrcac�on of centa
<br /> . sha11 not cure or waiYC any Qef�uit oc invalidate any othcr right or remedy ot Lender. i his asvgnmcm c�t rent.of Rrr V�oper�y ' `
<br /> sha0 tetminate when Ihe debt sttiuted by the Se�urity Ins��ument�a pa�J m fuU. • '
<br /> f-
<br /> ' , .
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