, , . .
<br /> . , � ;' '. . .� ` . ' � ` .. . ' :�..
<br /> , � . - — r�- _-- : . - - - `,. _ ,. __.. . _._` _ .` .. �.`'�_� –
<br /> . � � . � � � � � � � `� � � --9Q-- ia312� � :. � , ,�_ �, -
<br /> :
<br /> L lat�awt�f hYelrl.I�t iN�C�e•.lBo�roR�cr shdl p.r w►1Kn due tA�c tAincipd ot,aod incaaR on,tbe deDC. . � , . .
<br /> . � � evjdeaad by the Nae a�d Iate rhar�,es due unda cbe Note. � , „ ,
<br /> ' ` a.11bW4��f 7't�.iawe�eeN fl�rCY�.Botrow4,sh�lt inalude in a�lt month[Y Mymtat.to�t�et with � . � ; .
<br /> . , tbe p�ind�!aai iataest s��eF foctlt�in the Note aod�r late diu�a,�n ia�t of aaY(y taxes and apecial a�maat: . . •
<br /> � . � � ` te�itd ot to be kvied a�,�iost tLe PrcP�49.(�)�D�l►mm�s a Rouid rats ou the Propaty.aod(c)prrmiums for �'" � � . '
<br /> ��6Y��- � : ,,
<br /> , .._:
<br /> ` - -' --._ �_r�_-.. '---_--:-�--
<br /> ` • FS�ChA�tbly jOff�lltaE.�O!I�lSL1I�)s(���(C}�IIlilliil O�!-lMIrlLth Of thE inIIYi1�p10WltS��i iE�f00iaj�l�ittd�Y � . ' • -
<br /> ' . LlIIOlrs pllii�II�100410t f�CN�f t0 ID�t�IR 1�f�tdOOil bWllCC Of Odt f�0[I�tbiII�OG-flith Of tLt�IC�il00tlritl.�I�it
<br /> ' � rlt��Ol1t{/�ilq0Y4t fOf AiCb�tl�O!=�liQ bt�1t�0���lL�C'i N��t�!]D a QQIOd l�lO=OQC I�tb�0[E a!1�tlm 11�1b T .
<br /> � beoane ddioqua��Lender sh�{t hWd the smouau oolixtai iu tru:t to p�Y jtems.(s)�tb)+�ad tcl befae We!►beoane dd�nqwea� �.
<br /> .. tt a a�tia�e eUe taai of�he p�y�ts Bdd by L�et�der for items(a).(6),and tc)�ca�etl�a•Mi�h�he fucun moatLlS►paymmts . .
<br /> . far a�►itaein pr,�abk w t.eader prioc to tbe dne data di wch itmnsr e�u:eeds bY more tl�a one-r�th tTu�amonat of . .
<br /> � . ' ` 0���4�W 04►�h ite�n wher�due.�ad if'prynnam on the Note are cnrnent.then l.endet s6ap eitba tetimd tLe . . ".
<br /> eacas av�er one-sixW ai tbe atimued psY�ts or c�a�it tLe acoas ova one-siath of the e�ateQ wY�ts ta subnqueat.
<br /> payma�ts b�r Borro�ref.u the option of Borrow�a.If tl�e totat ot the paymmu mde by BeFmwer for it�(a).(b}.or(c)is �
<br /> � fmaf6d�aat�pay tDe itan wbea dne.ttxo Borro+�sr ab�U pY to Lendrr any�maumt neoesp�tc►m�tce W the ddiden�cY on mr ` ` ` �
<br /> ' � fieforc tLe dm the�tam 6eo�ames� . . _� , .
<br /> • � � A��fed ia tbis Sxadty Iastzumeat. "Saa�etarq"meaas the Secretary of Haos�ns a��Jrban Oevebpment or Lis or6er • � .
<br /> , ; �esi�ee.Most Se¢wit'Instruments insure8 p�►tlie Sec�etary ue ir�tursd�utt�er projruns whicb miuire advance DsYmmt of tLe � .
<br /> enti�e mortp�e ins�uaace premium.If t6is Seccurity Insuunxat i�or�wasinseued under a pm��un which did not rcquire adwnoe .
<br /> P�i'�!it oi tl�e entue mortp,�e iasun�oe pnmium.theu each montt�iy MYmeat shaD aiw mclude either.(i�an�t of tbe
<br /> . annwi mortp/e laivato�oe praaium w be paid b�►L,end�er to tbe Se�relasy►,or C��maat6ly c1u�r�e instad at a matp�e , °
<br /> in�uraooe pr�anium ii tLis Seauity Iastniment is 6dd BS►the Secreary.Eacb montbIy instatlmeat of the mart�e�asun�aoe � ' ,
<br /> , pecsmium�hall be jp m smaant aatficjeat to accumuiate t6c full aanual ewrtpqe U�surance premium MIt6�.eoder one month ,
<br /> yrior to tbe date th�full anauai morty�e insutance premium is dve to the Surctary.or if tisis Secudty Instr�ment is heFd by the ,
<br /> Secrtaty,acb moath$r c�ar�e'abaD be ia au imouat aquaE td ane-tvrelfth of one-half pereent of We outatand'mE P�Wi "
<br /> balanoe due oa the Note: � ' � , �
<br /> If Hdrro�r�er ten�dets to Leader the full psymrnt of alt sums secured by this Sccurity Instrumeat,8om�wer's accouat ah�ll be ,
<br /> � cradited �rdth the b�a¢e �em�inina for all installmrnts [o�itee�s��a2. I!r)asid�cj aa�anY mort�age insusr.aeFissa��csae - --- - - - — --
<br /> iastaltment tLat Lendes 6as not become obligated to psy to the Secretary.and Leader sha[I ph�mpUy refund any eacess funds to
<br /> Sonowrcr.Immediauly prior to a�toraclosure sak of the Propaty or its acquisition by�eisder.Borrawu's account shAll be
<br /> ` ereGlted with�ny baLac�remainin�tor all instatimcnts for items(a).(bf and(c). ' '
<br /> � < 3.A�ot la�ab.Aii psyments undtr para�raphs 1 aad 2 shali be appTied by Lender as foUows: "
<br /> � . �,to the tnoct�e insurauc�pranium to be psid by Lender to tde Secretary or to the monlhty chuje by thc Seecetary ..
<br /> . i�twd af c�e maatlily mort�e iasw�nce premium,untess H�srowet paid the rndre nvartgage insurance p[emiuin when thts �
<br /> � ' Securitg isstrumau rvas sfipted: � • ; . .
<br /> '' �.to an�ts�s.s�ecia!assasments.feasehotd payments or gro�eenu,and f�re,ftood and other huud iresurance �
<br /> _._.— -- --.-- aremiams,as rmuiresi�. . _s_:��.
<br /> � THIBQ,to interes�d;�uada the Note; - - :.:,=
<br /> FQUR'i'H,to amottirition ot the pdncipa!of the Note;
<br /> �.to lue clwfa due and+�¢�e Note. _
<br /> 1.t�ie�e,�7oM�M Ofier HaraN la�uce.Bc�nwer shaU L�sure all improvemeats on the Praperty.whether now in e�tlstence --
<br /> ' os aub�oquently era;tea.a=ainst aay huuds.c�:�tiee,aad condn�endes,i�utudisu Fue,tor MhicA 1.enQer reguires insurAne�e. .
<br /> ' Ti�iasuru�ee tbNf be mtiatained in the acnouut�and for the periads that l.cader requires. Borrawer sh�ll atso iruure all �
<br /> � im�rav�neats on the Property.Wheiher now in ws:�nce or sn�sequer�tly erected,ayrinsi toss by Qoais to the extent required by ;�—
<br /> th�Socretssy.All insurmae ahall ba c�rried with c�mpantes a�*roved by Lender.The in.°ar.sace poticies and any rme�r�ls shaU
<br /> , • , be heW.'�y 2.eader and ehaU inciade loss payabie�tstuses in fAVOr of.and in a form acce�catale to,Lender..
<br /> � Ia the erent ot toss.�orroMer shall pve l.ender immediate notice by mail.�er may r.^.ake preof of tuss if not m�de prompt-
<br /> � ty by Aorrwva.F.�clt imurance comytny conareed is hereby authorized an3 c�:�cta1 c�`:�ahe paymcnc fa�such toss directly to �
<br /> . t.ender.lnttqd ot tu Botrower aud to Lender jointly.AU or any put of the insurance pracreds may 6e a�ptied by L;ender,�t its '
<br /> :` ;, � , option,dtha(y to the reductfoa of the lndebtednas under the Note and�his Socu:icy t.astrument. first to any delinqutnt
<br /> ,�, amounts aDpikd in the order irt Pat�raph�,aad then to pse�ymeat of Drincipal�or!�l�o the resiantion ar repair ot the
<br /> • damqed propetty. My apptiqdon of tbe procecds to tht pdaclpal shalt ne�eztenQ or;anpone the due date of the monthty , "��r
<br /> . paymeats whiCh ate referred to in Parwapl�2.oeci+:�nae the�tmount of sactg�a►ymenia.Any tacess insnrance proceeQs over an
<br /> amount roqu9rea to pay ail ouUstanding indebted:r.rs under the Note and this Security Instrumont ah�l!be paid to the entity leaal- ;�;
<br /> ty entitkd thaeto. , � ,.
<br /> In the event of foroclo�ure of this Security lnstnscnent or��cher transfer uf tiele to e�te�roperty that extingulshes the in•
<br /> deMeanesr�a11 rljht.titte and interest of�orrower in and to i,�;z:sance pe'.i�.-�es in force sh�ll pus to the purchaser.
<br /> S.le�e�eeralNt�i'lMahte�+e ot t!e he�aty. Le�e�oiir. Barrawer shall not commit wtste or destroy;damage or �
<br /> substultlally ctunse the Ptoperiy os�itaw the Pr,�peny to Qeteriorste,reas�r,able weu attd tear excepte0. Lender msy in�pect
<br /> .. . the property if the property i�v�ot abaadoncd or the loan ts in default. Leadet m�y ta1�e reasonabie aciion to p�otect aad - • - - � -- � '�
<br /> prexrre such vacant oc abando�d�rayerty.if th1�Sacurity Insirumenai�on�lraxhotd.B�sraKer shall comply witA the provi.
<br /> s[oiu ot tbe leau. li Bonower icquira Pce title to the Proptrty.the tasehotd and fee tc::r shall not tse merged unless l.ender
<br /> � atree�to the muser in wrltia=. ' .
<br /> i.Cwrps t�i�rtrw�r�M Irol�etio�of I.t�'�Rtab 1�tie Pro�ertf.Bnnawer sh�ll pay alf guvanmental or municipal
<br /> c1w�a,fines and impoaitions that ue not included in P�ra�raph t.Borrower shall pay Qhes�e abl�ti�n�on time directty to the
<br /> eetily wAich v awed thq�yment.IY f�iture to pay waild�dversely aticct l.endei'�lnteiest rn the Propeny.upon Lender's re- �
<br /> quest Borrower shall promptly Purnisb fa Lender receipts evidencing these psyments. . . .
<br /> If Bonower tail�to m�ice�hese payntents ar Ihe p�yments aquued by Pataanph 2.or tails to perform any other covenams and
<br /> . a�reemeeu conttined in this Security Instrument.or there is a Ye�tl�roceeding that may si�nificantty atfect.Lendu's rights in ___ - _-
<br /> the Ptopetty(such�c�proce�tfinj in banktuptcy,fot condemnatian or ta entorct laws or regulations).then l.ender may do and , .
<br /> , pay whatever is necessuy to protect th�value ot the Property end 4eader's righu in the Pcopeny,including payment of taas.
<br /> hawd insurance and other items mentioned in Puaaraph 2. '
<br /> , Any unount�disDuraed Dy Itr►�et unQer this Puytaph shtl!bccame an additian�l debi o!Borrawrr end be securcd by this
<br /> _ . 5esarity i�trumir�t.itres��ooms s1r�B�rcar interesc from t�ne�ce of d6fimsemrrtr.a[the i�tace ra[c.art�a[thr o�riun€ri . '
<br /> Lender.sh�ll be immediztety due and paya►bte. ' � �
<br /> ! 7.C�tewtlo�.Tfie proceeds of any award ar ceaim for dama�yes.direct or runsequential.in ranrectinn with any c�ndem-
<br /> Ltsatton ot ather tal�ing of any put of the Property,or fat ronvcpan:e in pface af cbndemnatiaa,are hereby ass�g��r�i and ahati h�
<br /> paid ta I.eadtr to ltte eMtent of Ihe fuli amount of the indebtedness thal remains unpvd ur.der the Nute and eh;a Srcuriiy inctru.
<br /> ment.Lender shall mqply such ptoceeds to tAs reduction ot Ihe indeb�eQaess undes the lYotr und this Secur�ty Inst►ument,first ec► t�
<br /> any deW►qae�t amounts applied i�the order projided in Paragrs�h 3,and ehen tu prepaymeue uf ptinesraL Any applicatinn c�i
<br /> Ihe ptoeeed.s tc►the prittcit+al shall not t!etehd or(.wstpone the due dnte a.*the manthly �aynients, titt„�.t�are re:crred tn in .
<br /> Parageagh x,,vr caange thr amvani ot sach paymeats.Anp excrss�+:v:�eeds a+�es sn s�snunt ar�yuire�!t�=�+ay all�uE�t:u.:#fn�irs,- _•' f}-
<br /> - � debteQness uttQtt t�r tYuic.�tnd this 5rurity tnstrumcnf�hati ise paid tt�the eatity tegatiy er�citteJ�licrct�•. • '~
<br /> . . S,ite�.Leader tt�ay cult�ct fets unA charge�authvri�rci by�he Secretar�.
<br /> � f'age Z u/I
<br /> .. . , �
<br /> _ . .. _ - ., .
<br /> .. � ss_� � .�:���,e,�,
<br /> � , __ . . - — =+
<br /> -, -—�=.s.-.._— . -a,i �t .' . .- . t -_ ,` � -�' - - - .
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<br /> � ��._. -:_ y,..- -_— -�- �--- ..- "_ _ . ___ . _ L '.'�!°`- �j�^ _ . "- __ '__ .
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<br /> -.. c : - .�f: .. �..._ � n :: . �. .. , . . . . ��. .. � `;i. .. . , . � . , _a_-. ,��..�� . .. . . �.
<br />- ,... .. . . � . i. . . . .. . .. . .. � � - . .. . � � . . . . . . . .
<br />