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EASEMENT AGREEMENT <br />This Easement Agreement is made and executed this I day of May, 2001, by and <br />between Robert W. Lowry and Iva Lowry, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor ", and Myers & <br />Sons Livestock and Land Company, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation, hereinafter referred to as o <br />"Grantee ". <br />WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee of the real estate legally described as: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WHEREAS, Grantee is currently the tenant under a lease entered into between Grantee <br />and Lucille Myers as fee owner of the real estate legally described as: <br />The Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Twelve (12), West of the Oh P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WHEREAS, Grantee desires to obtain, and Grantor is willing to grant, an easement for a <br />period of five (5) years, with an option to renew for another five (5) years, to the Grantee, its <br />heirs, successors and assigns, for the purpose of establishing drainage cells for feed yard run -off <br />and for allowing rights of ingress and egress for Grantee's care and maintenance of said drainage <br />cells, subject to the condition that all obligations herein required are performed by Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is <br />agreed: <br />1. Conveyance of Easement. The Grantor hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns, an easement for ingress and egress over, through and upon a part of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Twelve <br />(12), West of the Oh P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as: beginning One <br />Hundred and Eighty Feet (180.0') East of the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter, thence <br />running easterly a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Feet (420.0'), thence turning South 90.0 <br />degrees and running southerly a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Feet (450.0'), thence turning <br />West 90.0 degrees and running westerly a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Feet (420.0') ; <br />thence turning North 90.0 degrees and running northerly a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Feet <br />(450.0') to the point of beginning, being approximately 2.5 acres more or less. Said easement shall <br />continue for a period of five (5) years from May 1, 2001. Grantee shall then be given an option to <br />extend the easement by written instrument for an additional five year period. <br />2. Rights of Easement. Grantor further grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors <br />and assigns, full and free right and liberty for Grantee, its employees, visitors and licensees, in <br />common with all others having the like right, for all purposes connected with the use of said land <br />in connection with the installation, establishment, care and maintenance of drainage cells for feed <br />n <br />C) <br />CD <br />C) <br />M <br />x <br />M <br />C) <br />z <br />, <br />z <br />_4 <br />o <br />N <br />� , <br />'er <br />-c <br />('.'> C:> <br />e Air <br />Y" L <br />= <br />e <br />co <br />F--' <br />r r <br />CD <br />rter,^,{ <br />V\ <br />3 <br />UD <br />' <br />r <br />� <br />tai) �(. <br />F_a <br />Co <br />co <br />OT <br />Cil <br />09 <br />N <br />-r- <br />CA <br />EASEMENT AGREEMENT <br />This Easement Agreement is made and executed this I day of May, 2001, by and <br />between Robert W. Lowry and Iva Lowry, hereinafter referred to as "Grantor ", and Myers & <br />Sons Livestock and Land Company, Inc., a Nebraska Corporation, hereinafter referred to as o <br />"Grantee ". <br />WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee of the real estate legally described as: <br />The Southwest Quarter (SW1 /4) of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6' P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WHEREAS, Grantee is currently the tenant under a lease entered into between Grantee <br />and Lucille Myers as fee owner of the real estate legally described as: <br />The Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) <br />North, Range Twelve (12), West of the Oh P.M., Hall County, Nebraska. <br />WHEREAS, Grantee desires to obtain, and Grantor is willing to grant, an easement for a <br />period of five (5) years, with an option to renew for another five (5) years, to the Grantee, its <br />heirs, successors and assigns, for the purpose of establishing drainage cells for feed yard run -off <br />and for allowing rights of ingress and egress for Grantee's care and maintenance of said drainage <br />cells, subject to the condition that all obligations herein required are performed by Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns; <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is <br />agreed: <br />1. Conveyance of Easement. The Grantor hereby grants and conveys unto Grantee, its <br />successors and assigns, an easement for ingress and egress over, through and upon a part of the <br />Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Two (2), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Twelve <br />(12), West of the Oh P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as: beginning One <br />Hundred and Eighty Feet (180.0') East of the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter, thence <br />running easterly a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Feet (420.0'), thence turning South 90.0 <br />degrees and running southerly a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Feet (450.0'), thence turning <br />West 90.0 degrees and running westerly a distance of Four Hundred Twenty Feet (420.0') ; <br />thence turning North 90.0 degrees and running northerly a distance of Four Hundred Fifty Feet <br />(450.0') to the point of beginning, being approximately 2.5 acres more or less. Said easement shall <br />continue for a period of five (5) years from May 1, 2001. Grantee shall then be given an option to <br />extend the easement by written instrument for an additional five year period. <br />2. Rights of Easement. Grantor further grants and conveys unto Grantee, its successors <br />and assigns, full and free right and liberty for Grantee, its employees, visitors and licensees, in <br />common with all others having the like right, for all purposes connected with the use of said land <br />in connection with the installation, establishment, care and maintenance of drainage cells for feed <br />