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<br /> - - . . . �._ . . . .:;. . ..._ _ . _• . -.- - .- . - .- : .. . . _ . .. . . — _ . . -. . . .
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<br /> �� . � � = � . � � ` 90--. . . . .
<br /> . , , _,�iQ3099 . ,
<br /> � � The canputation .of thc annual rent shall be done by the Lessox,
<br /> �-- � but �hall<b�c ut�i€arm among a�il lessee-Btockhalders �af Ru$ster � �
<br /> �� _i . _ . . _ � , ��t1c�a� Iac. 2n a�y �vent +the annual rent of the Lesate shal� s�ot . . - _ ' , .
<br /> � : exceed Oae fiundr�ed Dollar6 �;1QO:Oa y ual�ss a ina�ority of a�l � -
<br /> � � . lesae�e-stcckt�oldere af Kueater Lakc� Snc. �one vote for each` � � � ' �
<br /> � . share), present and votinq at a. special� meeting aalZed for that
<br /> _ � .' ' _ , � purpose, ahall� approv�e the gam�. : � . � '
<br /> . � . . . _ , . .
<br /> . . 6. acces�. _ . � . .
<br /> � The Lessee shai2 have access fram the leased premises onto the `
<br /> � �_ I;eseor's roads and shal2 also have the right to use the l�ke far � . �
<br /> boating, swimmfnq, �nd fishfnq. These access riqhts are fti � "
<br /> � � �ommon s�ith the other leaseholders at I�uester Lake. � •
<br /> i. , ,
<br /> , ' 6s. Prior Leases. . � . , . .
<br /> •= . � Thie Lesse reglaaes and supersedes any priar i.�ase� for said
<br /> :;`: .
<br /> : • premfses which the Leseee or his predeceasors in title may hav�:;:` . � � . �
<br /> . , . � he2d..:, .. . . , .. .. , .
<br /> � � � ��: :�7. � terenf��ioa of Boundar�es. � ; � �.
<br /> . ` ;�` The Lesso= �s all have the r qht, an a reasonable basis,� tes� � � � "
<br /> • . detert�.s�e th� kfoundariea between the Less�e and hfis neighbors f€�.. .
<br /> , the i.essee aad hfs neighbors caa�aot aqree to such boundar� line. • .
<br /> : `` � .� � . �'h� lake fro� �undary of �e leased premScses shall be t2� the � �
<br /> � '' � water line as .�e same ma�,exist from tfine. :�to time with chanqes �
<br /> `%�-."� • � in the water. Ievel a�f:.�e �.ake. The bound��y line of the leased
<br /> E premiaes abuttinq the �esser's comnon roads shall be reasonably � - ;
<br /> determined by the Lessor. . � ;
<br /> � 8. �eaceful Possession. � �
<br /> As long as Lessee conf orms with the requi rPr�t�Qt c__� � �� �n � --�--�
<br /> -�� - - in this LeaSe 14greement, the Lessee shall enjoy peaceful � k.--=
<br /> ; posse�sion of the leased premises. � .
<br /> � � 9. impravements. �
<br /> � The i,e�see shalf keep the leased premises in a neat and clean � �
<br /> � _ condltion at al2 times.and shall keep all improvements on the -
<br /> . , leased premises in a qood condition of repalr. =—
<br /> - 10. Abandanment. .
<br /> � � ,The Les�ee agrees not to abandon the l�ased premises. � �
<br /> : 11. Access f�s Installin tJtilit Lines.
<br /> � � T'he Leeeor reserves the r qht to come upon the leased premises
<br /> � �, fvr insta3la���n of underground or above-gsound utility lines and � �=
<br /> ' the making a€ necessary repafrs or improvements to or abutting ' "�-
<br /> : the leased p�emises. The Lessor agrees to restore the p=emises � �'
<br /> . to eubstantia�2y the same condition as they were befor� any such
<br /> � i�stall�tion and at the Lessor's expense.
<br /> � ' 22. Rulea� and Ae��latiens. - .... . ... .--- .- . –..---�--�.. ..... ......_._.__. ..-�--- ...- ---�- --... _... _.. .._.. .__ .._.
<br /> ; 7'he Lessee aqseass'to comply with the rules and regulations as
<br /> prepared and furnishe8 by the Lossar to the Lesseo, from tfine to
<br /> time. Such rules arid regu2ationn shall contafn restrfctions and
<br /> limitations, for the mutua2 benefit o£ all Lessecs at Kue¢ter
<br /> � Lake, pertafnf,ng to :rhe use by the several Lessees at Kuester
<br /> � Leke of the �afice itself, sommon roads, and. �t�e leased pz��i,ses.
<br />: �� it is unders�cs�a triat the basic use of thQ Ieased premises shall �
<br />' � � be far� �ceside;tial purpases, but the Lessoz may pe�r�it, frnm ti�e
<br /> , to tic�r, ec,mrc�ercial aetfvities on the 1�ased premfi�ES. Any s�cie . . _. --_
<br /> � .ruless, rcqul��ions.and permits ar� subjec�. �o change by t.�:e �
<br /> � � :�s�or, exc���.f�g that the basic purpase cE the leased �r�fses. �
<br /> -.= �. . •�_:_ as�: r�s�A.��n���? s�� n�� � �r��ged_ -.A.zy- �ha���� ��� �h� r:�2�.�. � � � .
<br /> �nd regulations must b� approved by a, majority of the �
<br /> � • �easeholders present aad voting at a meeting calle� for such �� �;
<br /> � � purpose of which written notice. has been given tv aIl
<br /> � leaseholders tone vote per Lease) .
<br /> 1�. Termination o� LeasE b Dcfau�t of Lessee. �-
<br /> If th� Lessee fails, after n rety (9E�) da�s pri�r yirit.ten noticc ' .
<br />� � . . Z �. <
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