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<br /> � � , . - '� � -�,s�st �m�r - �'�~ ��3(�9 � ,
<br /> . 9
<br /> "�THIS ACiR��E!lENT entered i.nto betwe�n RUE$TER L�►KE, INC., � �
<br /> � LESSOtt, sAd DOUGL�3�1�. �iaBL, as sole awner�, LESSEE. � . �
<br /> , . . � � • . . .
<br /> � , _ 1. Lie�eri tion of. Lea`sed Premiaes: A tract ot <land in the . � � � �
<br /> ; - ; South�st Quarter (5[�t ) of Section 13, Township lI North, Ra�qe _ � .
<br /> _ . . 9, West of the 6th P.M., Ha�.1. County, N�braska, being mdre �
<br /> _ . particu3asiy .described as €olidws: With reference to ehe _ _ _ _ -_
<br /> � � Korthea�rt corner o# said SW}, then+ce runninq on an a�ssumed ' . ' �
<br /> . - bearinq I�90•00•QO"t� on the North line of $afd SW�, a dfstance ot - �
<br /> 1,364.33 Feetj thence r�inq SOO•10'16"E a distance of 3'79.4� �
<br /> .� � � Fe�tt thenee runainq S78•3x'31°E, a distance of 1'13.52 Feeti to � �
<br /> _ : tl�:POIKT OF B8�3INNIHGj theaae. contit►uinq on a.�'�resaid line. a:.. � - . '
<br /> _,�-;;�;'{.;. ' H�ance of I66.58 peet= thenae sunninq S33•53.`}��l��W� a 8iataz��:
<br /> - . a� ��.OQ.Ot� �eet; thence r�ning N83•11'47"w a distance af 138:OI �
<br /> .._ .;. ... . _.•.::.:.:...... . . Feet� tl���,�e runni.nq N3�:�33'Sy"E, a. d�.�nce of 10�t..00 Feet to �,.� �
<br /> . � .�i the POIN'�- mF BEt3iNNiNG;�°`�id trac� con�taininq 14;820 aquere feet,
<br /> ,.,;:,.�� � � . mo�e or �,ess, al�cs known as Lot� �I aa� 12, haafng a. lake front
<br /> . - -- - ��q2 a€ �40 Feet s��uat�c� om:��he, t��st side of the West portfon
<br /> � � . of Rueste�t Lake. � .:
<br /> � auch lot ia as showri on a �lat in possession of I�ssor.
<br /> . �
<br /> � � 2. Term of Lea�c: �
<br /> � 35 years, aotcmencinq June_ l, 1990, and termir�ating May 31, -
<br /> - .-i 2L«9. . �. - - -
<br /> i � , . - . , :;;P:
<br /> 't . 3. Option to Extend Term: �
<br /> ' Lessee has the option to extend the term of thfs Lease for an
<br /> ` . additiQnal 3� yeara by qiving Le�sor notice thereof, in writinq, �
<br /> by January 1, .2025.
<br /> ; . r�,� . . �., ---
<br /> � � ° 4. Ri9ht to Assianment of Lease: -
<br /> ; Lessee has the r gbt to assign this bease provfd�ds
<br /> � ta) LBSSee has comg2fed with all terms of this
<br /> Lease.
<br /> � . �bI Lessee transfers to the new awner all �
<br /> . interest aad ownership of the Lessee in the
<br /> �E eomnon stock o€ Kuester Lake, �nc.
<br /> t c I The r►ew Lessee agrees, in wr fting, to abid� '"'`
<br /> ; by �he terms of the Leasa so as�signed, any �.
<br />� � � new Le�se �of tttese premises, and to abide by
<br /> � the l�greement entered into by this Lessee's .
<br /> predecassors in title with Ku�stes Lake, Inc.
<br /> � on or about November A, 1974, the terms of
<br /> w�ich as.e incor . ..-.. ._ ..._--. _.___ ._..- --.. . .. ._
<br /> � � Id� The new Lessee shalleb�hentitled tofarnewe�
<br /> �
<br /> , � � Lease �or a 35-year term. The term may be
<br /> • ' lonqer if consented ta by the Lessor.
<br /> • �e) Any subleasing must have thc Lesaor's
<br /> . � � . �� �PPzav��.. �
<br /> . �� (f! 'T�te Lessee has the absolute rlght tQ
<br /> � �or�di�ionally assign this Lease to any
<br /> mortgaqee for the purpase of furnishyr�q su�h
<br /> , �mortga�c� ad8ftional security. ;=-= ==
<br /> � � ' .
<br /> � � �S. Renti. . , . .
<br /> - ,- -..: . . . �a I� �.e s2�a�t P�Y te �ss��r j as a�r�a� ��ri*�, p�sya?vie in - - . .. .
<br /> adc�ra�nce and on or belore July #trst each year{ such rent as �r�f �
<br /> i��.;�,nnual2y determ�ned by �he i.essor ander the 'followar.� ferrccula:
<br /> The annual rent shall be a» �►ount, each
<br /> L � �. ' year, equal to the result of dividing the
<br /> . total number af resfdentfal ].essee-
<br /> stockholder lots into that �`
<br /> year's an�icipated
<br /> net budg�t neecls o� the Lessar. .
<br /> - - .t
<br /> • * k� ..
<br /> 2
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