� , , . .
<br /> ,-- - -»-.. � . � , � . � _ ' _.___� . f
<br /> ` . . . . gp� � 1�306�� . .
<br /> � !.Gf+�Nw,tR AeodewdM�!DlM. � .
<br /> - {��p�hrll.Leadrr rwy.except u Gmited by re;ula'tlnas issued by tha Secretvy in tRe q�se af payment defaults.require.
<br /> immedLce De�e�a tu11 ot aa atas�a�tted by chis Sy�uri�y lasuum�ni ii: . . .. �
<br /> ` � (i)Ba�ra�ra defwfts b�fa�ia�to qy iu fufl any manthlY paYm�lt rcquited by this Seruritg lastrumeat prior to ot on . .
<br /> ' ' � cbe,du�e d�ta oi the�t monslJ�►o�ment.or ' ' .
<br /> �_ (�}8o[[a�w�[dei�alls Dp fafiin�.fors D��af�Y�Ys.to pertorm any othu obliaaaions conaincd in tAis Security .
<br /> - td�trumpit.
<br /> i Aj e`Cw�w�wtC�t A�e..ai.f.rada eb.D,dP�mi�ed br!ppli�ble 4�,�a witt,�e prior�ppcmra�of t�e secreurr:r�equ�e , . :
<br /> p�yrmmt ie fuii of aU @rc a�sacutad by t1�Sac�uKy I�t�sa�� -
<br /> ; (i)AII ar p�t d�e Penpeccy n a�e�(atba d�n by devne a daaat)bY sbe Aarro�rar.and , ..
<br /> � � •.Cn'�7be ttopatY u not oocupied bY�P���s ba a ber prim�y ar s000ed�ry tesideaoe.a tbe P�a or .
<br /> � p�ee doca toa�ctivpY tAe�i�aty b�t dt ar ha a�dit hs mt be��bd"m�noaed�oce w'th the�o[�e SecRtuy. ` .
<br /> i • (e)Pt��f►tl�ar.ti clrcumst�nca occur thu woWd pnmic I.ender to rcquire immediace PaYmen�in fu]I,but 1.eader does nat �
<br /> � ro4��PR�mts,Lwder does aoe waive its rith���to su6sequea!events. .
<br /> f (4 i�i�M�r si WD SeeM�.[n m�nY cin�uristutca r�ulat�ons Issued bY the�ecretarY w�71 limit Lender's ri�hts,in -- ---
<br /> . � the q�e of�tyment deEauIts.to roquue imakdiate paYmmt in full and foreclose if nat yaid.'idis S�uritY ta�ment do�- .
<br /> � � ppt authoi}te acaektatiOn 8t fateclosurc ii OoE permItted by rtsutstions oi the Secrec�rY. �
<br /> { 1�� S�rowe�::tr.t�a rr�t fo Ee reiaststcd if Lendes has required immediatt paYment ia fuU 6ecause of �., .
<br /> � ; Horro+rer':[�iture to psy an�rimt dut vnQec ihe Naa��his Securiiy lrstsument.This si�ht apQCts even afca faratosure
<br /> � i ' prcoealia�ue iastitated.Ta nrin:tate the Securirir Instrnmrn�.Borrawer sM!{trnder in a twnp snm a{1 amou�n9uired to .
<br /> ecu�
<br /> brie�Brnrawer'a a�asunt c�ment incluQin�.to ihe extent they are obli�ations of Borro+irer unctcr this Securir�![atuumrnt. .
<br /> : ya
<br /> totaelow=e eqsts adc! rwtnntble and eustomuy attorney's fees �d expmses properiy associucd �rith t5e.forectosvre •
<br /> ; � prooeedit�.Upun r�einstatemert 6Y.�n�.��rity instrumcnt nnd[he obliaations that it sc�v�s shail ret.�.i3s effcce as • . ,
<br /> `:�.:' � • • � it t.epder had swt rdqu�ra!ir++�:4��t�yzy�pt in ful!_Ho��+tf�Lender is not requued to permit reinstatemeat if�:(�•'Lmdet h�s ` .
<br /> . soeepteA.refast�tement rRr. tt�e cummenetment of for�toxurc p:oeeediass within two yars immedutety �rbceding the .
<br /> � co�nenc«eeen o�a�,mnt rorec�osu�e aoceea�na. (ii)reinstatement will prectude forectosure oh d3fferent gtounQs in the �
<br /> , � futnte.or(iii}re[tt�tatemmt wiQ advetsely�tftrt the prionty of tAt li�.�Teued by this StttttitY lnstrumtnt. ;
<br /> �`
<br /> ».�rr�wsr NK SNe�+et;;�'oere�w�t�1,eNer Noi�Waher. ��tension of the time af�ayrrtent or madifiearian..�� ,
<br /> ` aaottiz�tion of t6t sums�ors:r+�i�y tAis Security tnsuumc�~�ranted by l.ender ro Any successor in interat ot BoRO�ver shaD not
<br /> '� oper�te to tek�se the fi�bi�.*g�f�.the ocisitaf Borrowei�. �orrower's sacces�ar in interest. Lenda shafl not be required to
<br /> comnsence proceedlnts aqinss�y auccessor in inurtst e*:�:`usc ta rKCend time for paymrnt os atherv;ise madift asnortization . , �
<br /> � %. ot the sums secured by this Sa-urity Icu:r�..�ent by re�� 'nf aoy demand m�de by�he �rigj:�ti Borroxer�,r Borro�a's ;
<br /> • � succxssors in ia�ue�. Any [orbearantt aq Eresder in excr..:�g any right ar rcmeQy sfia11 not t�c.�waivet at o:Qrecluds tke ,
<br /> ' ; e:«cise o!�ay r�s:or reased�. . ,
<br /> � u,g�,�n p��►a�aa�rr�/;joi���sd!�e�ea1 W6Yity;Ca•Slprn.The ccsvenants nnd a�tttments c;E chis Serurity ., _
<br /> � -- � - ItuttUmtflt f1{i0 Dit10 ttW tflRltttT the sIICCes38TS art0 4ssi=ftr ot t.c'tT�ftr�[rt�uOrrasaer,su'nject�a irct qra.ntvns vf vi+:�iYyii�..`,: - -°_
<br /> Bartmirer's covmants�►nd aareemmts shail be ioint and several. Any Barrc�wer wAo ca•s�gns�his Secority tn�trument Dut Qoe4 •
<br /> not execute the Note:(a)is co•ei�ninj Iht�Sc�urity lnstroment onlr ta mnrtg�ge.grant tnd conVcy that Rorrower's interesi in •
<br /> � the Property uudet the terms ot this Security(nstrument;l b)n n+�t pe�xmalty obligated to pay the�ums secured by CAiS Serurity .
<br /> tasuumeet: and tc) rurees tl�t l.enaer ar�0 anY othcr Itorr<�w�er may agrce to c�tend, modi[y. forbeu ar make any
<br /> _ �ceammod�lion�with rt�ud t�'.tte tetm uf thfs Security imtf�ment n; tt.e Nate w�choue that Hanav►er's consent. � _
<br /> !1.NMitrs.Aay notics to Bnrrower provided tm in�h��5eturay lacuumenc ehali be g�ven by C.�::ECSing ie ur bY muling it by •
<br /> first ctus msil u�kss�DDIICabIt IaA RQUIft!USt Of 8R61Att ttidRcK�•TFr.Cp1lCt 5A1IJ bt Glf[C[Cd��t3��p�opc��y wddrus or any
<br /> otha addrsss 8orrawer desian#trs 5y nat�ce to Lrnder.Any noti:e en L e^�cr shal!be gi�rn by firn�:a�:,ma�l cu l.ender's addc�*:� • _
<br /> � sts:�t0 Aerein ut tny aQQtess t.ender des��ntte9 by natise ta E3��rtuwer Any notic�:provided far in�his Secunty tn�a.nimenr sa Li
<br /> • be cicm�ed ta h�tve been�i�en ta Barravr•et or l.enCer ar..:..� �«ta a�prnvidcd in thi��rwgrApt�•
<br /> • W.G�er�f,�r;SnerMiWa.This Secur�y(neirumcn�ch��l bc g,�:5�rnca by Fcdenl laa and the law ot the jurisdut:as���• .
<br /> � wftieh Iht Pro�tRy ic louted•in�ht e�•en�that any pr�v��it•::��r claus:�i.r.his Ser�niy In;trumeni c�r the!V�te conflict�Kith a„^ti
<br /> , plicabk law. sucA cotftliet ih�l)nat affect atArr pr�yv�sions�+f thi�Sctiunty Instrurnen�or the Nnte whish can be g�ven effti.: ,
<br /> � Mi:hout the conAictit�pco��y+,n. To thi�ead the p�ati�s,oas�f this !iecurity Ins:rument and the �iott are Sectared to de � ,
<br /> , ' �everahk. ' .. , •• �;,�.
<br /> � 1S,�mRet'�(;a�►�,Bortnwer �hali be g��en ottt confu:med�upy of th„1c.unty Instrumc^• •��
<br /> �,Af1�l�l�/�f Re�q.8or�awer oncanditicsnalty al.a,�r►s s+�td uan�tcrn t�,t tnder all ihc�enta:s:d r�venucs af the vropetty.
<br /> dorrawer autRo�ia�+l.ende7�yc�.endet's a�enrc u►culteri�:��e rento an�S re�enues end hereby dire:ts tach tenant�i`the F'roperly
<br /> , top�ts thr tentstci t.endtr or 1:�,�ndct'sa�ent�.However,pri��T�u 1_eiidre'+notu�tn Ltnrruwer of Fi.irroarr'.breach of nny cotie�
<br /> ntnt at wstammt m che�.i:i.�y inxuumtnt,t3arcuvrtr shal!co�ln!anc)rc�Htie atl c�ni5and rerenua of the Nr�j►eny at Iru4tre .
<br /> , -� � - tor the bet�e�itcf Lemdet n�id Etf+�ra+�cr .Thi+aFSignment��t ren�e�un+,tautea en a6�utute a.�s�game:�t.end not_en ass�gnrnert fnr , _
<br /> � rQdltionrt aerur�i�9'onfy.
<br /> UI,tRQt'f[il\CS IIU1lCQOl�fl7�A W I{6t«JKE�'I�I�tI/U11t[t�tKCt�I�y�It?�fl7NCf Sh�i I1C Il[Id L�j�OUSfUMtt U9lfUSlft f<�7'I1C(1CP1t
<br /> af Lstu�kr anly,tu be applkd to Ihe�unis x�ure9 hy the SccuaEy Ins�rumrn�:{b�t�.er,�.ar�hall he enlnled!o colle�t and rccuve atl
<br /> of the rrnte uf Ihe 1'rupttty:�ad te 1 t�clS tenin�ut 1hc{'ruperty�hall pay al!rcntr Q,�::.end unpa�d to I.er�Jet v:t.ender's agent
<br /> vt�Leoder'�Mritten Qtmand to the te;unt.
<br /> . � fbrcbwer has nut executed any pnot �ssigttmcnt u[the unis er:d f���ne,t and wilt r,�t perf`�rrn ariy act that uc�i�td p�etitnt
<br /> t.endtt tram eterci�itsg its right,ut�dn �tii+�aruAraph lF. • •
<br /> Ltnder a!►all nv1�e re�ai�cd tv cnter upon.�akc r�nuul e�f o►mauua�n che F'uapecty bcfure ur u.ter gi.trig r�uii.e uf brea:h t�s
<br /> fAnroxer.�tort�•er,l,endn or a.;ud�cittlly�pj+uinttd re:e��er map du��a�an��irt:e there,e a hrea:h- Any appficatian c,t renti�
<br /> shafl aot cure ur wAivt�ny de(autt ur in��l�datr any c�tha n�ht vr cemedy uf t enQrt Ttu:az�ignrcent uf temc of�he E'roperty ,= -__
<br /> ' shall terminate w�co thc Qrbt+c.urr�h.�lcc Ss�ur�iy la�trument ►�p;��d xn lull . �
<br /> L�. ' . .
<br /> . t�
<br />. _.�.,._..._�_....__...�-�—�..�..��.-,, ji-y"F. .r J �
<br /> _�_��__,.__ - — — - __�.a,-. __
<br /> --.-�--_�..=z-._o..__.--.� s . --_ _�-.::—s.-- -. ._.-�._. -..�. .��`_�.._ .. ._-N- i.�-.ti• _. ._.-T. __ — r.�.l��'i '
<br /> _.. - _ _-� . _ _ _ T _ - -- �r . .>v_- _.. ,_ .. :.-.�. _ . ... �- _ _� i � . .. �
<br /> _`L a� �� .�-or.r_. :v��{y-.�er�
<br /> -:��- g����;-'4 ` y' 3'L: s�.. .t L � .
<br /> _ _ . _ �_ . . . _ _
<br /> -�_•- - � -a;�.�. �.��..a�-rr-r�rrs�swrra-... � �J . . .� . . ..
<br /> . �.L'°"`"� ,
<br /> ,.. . . ..t . ��a.sia.:.u-�s-�arw.-...-�-.ar.�R• . . � . , . . .. .r. . �
<br />