.....e.. -- . ' < ' __ , . ! . � - . ' ' , .. . � � �
<br /> `��f ' : ' . . . ` . .
<br /> �
<br /> ` ' = ' . -, ` , ' ` `
<br /> � . . , . 94�- t4�0�4 _ .
<br /> ` • ' , !.t��e�t a1 T�irclwi.iMe��t!■/Laie G1i��e.Sorrower shW pty when dne the princ�Da1 of,and interest¢n,thc dcht . `
<br /> `, , . ev�ldeared by the Note ud late cbu�a due under tfie Nae: , � ' . ,
<br /> . , , , � . .
<br /> � ` �-MMIYf iq�ealt�T�n�es.id�aioe a�O�er C�ea.Borrower sh�lt inciude ia ac6 maat6JY wY�b totether MIth ` � "
<br /> � ; the p�i�eipi au�d�t at ret foM Ya ebe Idote aad aaY tate chv�es.aa tcualtmmt ot ae�(a}t�xa and speriat r«�*ts � , .
<br /> ieriqd.ot ta bt k+�Iat a�aiast the Property.(b)k�ehaid psya�eets or aoand reats on the Prapa�tY.a�d tr)praniums for
<br /> –- . Msnranc�rtqtdca�bf►�?tpl��. , ; __
<br /> . 6�d�q�tYY iifral�pe�fa item�ta.(b)aed(c)tb�ll aqual one-tMditlt o!th��nnual unounts.as rGUOnab}y estimsted by
<br /> : L1ladet.pbtf a0 im01f0��t t0�ia id�i1 biYit[ot of nat iDOie ili�tf one-silNl oE t11�CStimsied atltouAts.The • "
<br /> fl�1!u�aW amomt for ach hem�aH be aecumuLied 6i►LenQer witt�ia s per�od end'ms one manth b�ion an item wrould
<br /> . becq�ne�.L�der�bolA t!k�mouats colta�ted�ttust to pay iteeu t�a).[D)and(c)beforc tsey Daome ddinquen� .
<br /> :� � � if�t aaT t&�tbe toal of tbe payma�ts I�eW by Lenaer for itmis(af.Eb).and(c).totetber with the�utnre moat�iy ptymeats ,
<br /> , - Fat s�lt itelos p�ri6k td t�eader pir�a�r w the due dates of auch items.e�[cuds bg mae thu�qee-sixth tde eatimated amoune of
<br /> � , pslaeats rawiced w pay snc6 ke�ru w�ee due.and if Pa}m�tt on the Note sre curreat.then Lender shali�itber sefand the
<br /> vra�:r ova oae-ai:tl�oi�e at�matod psy�enu or crcdit ti�e exaas ava ane-siufi of tDe estimuai paymeuts to su6seqnrnt
<br /> - � paysunrs bY Borrc�wa.u the optioa of Bon�vrer.![ihe total of the payments msde tsy 8attow�a far item(a),ib).or fN�
<br /> � iawf}�ciant to qy the item whea due.sl�en Borranra sh�lt pay to Lcndes�u►y smouat rteoasary to mate up the defiaencyr aa or
<br /> ° , befaa the date ihe item bec�omes dut: .
<br /> � ' A�wed in this Saviity lnsttumeat. `•5earetary' sneans the Seccetuy oi Housina anQ Urban Desrelopmeat or[us:sa�.#er ' •
<br /> ° , da�et.Moft SCCtlYity Ina*s...�•�+w•+ts iIISUftd by tht SeCiei�}ue insuted undQ p�oaam3 wdiCh[tquiTt sdvince¢aymt�t��:'ihe �
<br /> . ` entire ewrt�e insurincr ptemium.lf ehis Saurity[nsirnment is or wu insured unda a pro�am which diQ c�t reQuire ad'vance � ,
<br /> p�yamnt of the ent3re arortp�e insvrsaae�emiuut,ti�ac6 mont�ly psymeat sh W stso include tither:(i}ut.iitttaltment ofthe
<br /> . aaaual iaeortta�e itwuance premipm to iu p�id by t.eader to ehe S�crdary.or('u7 s monthly chu�e insteaQ of�mert�e
<br /> i�sur�noe pcemium ii thi.e Security instrumeat a hetct 6Y the Sectauy. Each montNy iastailment gf the�o�rtgaae in�ce
<br /> �re�nium s�,tii be in an amouat sulfkieat to sxumulate the Ee�l!ane�us[mort=a�e insurance prtmium with L.enda ont�nih
<br /> pfa ta tbe date tbq fall aanual enortp�e tnsunwce premium is due to ihe Secrtruy.or iY tt�is 5ecarity[nstrument is held t=-�the
<br /> Seetetary.ae1�monthiy chsr�e shal�be in an amount equal m nne-tv�,eifth of nne-half peccent of the putstancfit�priACip11 '
<br /> , �:;:��tyaa duc on the No[t. , � . '
<br /> ' � • tt&srraxtr trnders to Leader the fuil paymsnt of oll sums secured by chis Security lastrument.Baaower•s aecoune shall be
<br /> , etedit�d vrith tht balu�et remunina far�il installments tot items (a), {b)jtnd(c1 aad eny mottgttg¢insuraace premium
<br /> . iastallment that l.ender hu noi beeame obl}aated to pay to the Secretary.and l.ender shall pro��tly refund any exc�ss funds to
<br /> .�otrowes. 1mre�ediatefy rrior to a�oreciosute sale of the Property er its acqui.sitian by Lenct�,8anav�er's.sccous�t st�ll br
<br />,,. :.'y�tetiited�rith�ny Odu�ar�si��ininj lor�ti installme�ts for itemg fa).lb}ond tc1• .
<br />� • ' 3.ANtcWM d hy�ir.Ali paymrn�s under parQ�raphs 1 and 2 shall be applird by Lender a�foDaws: .
<br /> � �$$j+CoT't�r mortpt!Insa�rance premium[0 6e paid 6y l.endn to tht Sctiretary ar ta thr rtoathly ct�avge by the Sa..�-�tuy � �
<br /> , ira�ad of tae ewnthly monpYc insur�nce prcrctium, untess Bonawer�rrid tht entirc mortgage iasurance premivm wt�zhis
<br /> � Securtry fnstrumem Mu sisnod: �. .
<br /> � �(' j�.to�ny taxes.special assessment�.Ieasehotd paymem+or grounA rents,and fire.Qt+nd and c+ther haratd incuranct .
<br /> nrem�um.,�:�1lr:.�; _ . __. . --- -
<br /> � jd�Q.ta interest due under the Note; _-
<br /> ' �,to itaottiution of the pnnc�psl of the Note; �
<br /> : �.to tate charaes due uader the Nate. --
<br /> ' 1.E7ee.i7Ni Y�011iu Hari�+/IMisra�e�.Barrower�hall insurC all��tnptovements os�he Property.whaher naw in existence -
<br /> � or Nbseguentiy erecttd.�ain�e any hararQs.cssualties�and cantingeneie+i,inctuQin=fire,for�hech I,asder tequires insurance.
<br /> TAis inautance sAall�oe maintained io the amnunts�nd fnr the y�e►icbs that l.enaer ceQuircw. 9onower shap aiw insure ali
<br /> , improvemear�an iAe Propeny.whdher rtow in eR�strncc�r subsc;�ucntfy ercctea.J�(S1�I05S II}!FIP�Qi�A�hC C�IC�t flQf117 Ct��lY s
<br /> , the Sxret�s,.Ap insatance shal!be c�rrses!vkitA comppnies approit�!by l.ettCet. 7 he tnsura�Ao;rcen and uny renerrai�s�;�tl —
<br /> � . '� 6e�feld dy l:ender and shai)inctude k�rayable cll::aes in favnr�f,artd�n a�,;�n wceptatrie ta,t,ender.
<br />� . . in the event of loss.H�rrowet shallpve t.endu i:r.:�¢€feale not�se I�y mwil.l,entter may make proof�t loss if rtot made�,mmpt- �
<br /> , '•F,y by ilcmoxer.Each insuranee eomp�ny coneaned is hereby autAnriacd and d�rected�n make payment(ot sueh to�sr dirr.tly�o
<br /> ' 2.enQer.instad of ta BonaMer and to LrnQer joihtly. �,II ar nnY part of ehe imurancc rroceec!i rr_aY t►e apptfed bY L.en�e�.ai its ' .
<br /> • nptian.eithar(�)to the reQuciipn 4t .Ps�ndeAtecinrx�under the l�i�te an8 this tiecurity Ir.��svmo�t, fir�t to nr�y ddirtryutnt
<br /> • amaunt�applied in tAe order ia Paryraph �.mct Ihen to arep�yment of pr�nc�pal,or �b)to the ctsturuion�sr teptir c,t Ihe
<br /> , Ostnqed property.Any appluatian ot tRe procerdt��3�fie�►rincipal�hall no1 eatend or postpuse�Re da�c Qau pf the montAly ��
<br /> - �symrnts which are refared to in f'ata�r�ph 2,c�t .tsa:sge�he amount ot cuch pa3:mtnt�. Any exceu insurance procads aver an ' �'�'`
<br /> � ' s � Us�ount teQuired to pay al!uut�tandirt�mdcbtedricc�undcr thr Note and th�s Scs-ur.ty inctrornent shzll fre paid to the entity teg�b ,��!•
<br /> ly tntitkd thrreto. •�
<br /> � In the eYent of fureclosurt ot thi� �L;�ty Inain.mcm or o�hcr [ransfer of attt to the f'wperty tha!ex��ngu�9he+the in-
<br /> . � ... de�talnes�,ItI1 ri�ht�.tilk and intemt,e;A��nowes�n and ta�n�urance puluiei u�Iorce +hall pu�to the purcl��ser. ,
<br /> ' � , S. h�rN��M IIt�Yikwte ut tMe tr�1y,.'I.er��etb, tiotruMer sAnll nal comm�t �astc or C�troy. dam�ge ar
<br /> , �ubst�n�iattf chanse�he Prnprny or ntto.the Pco�enY to de�eric+ra:e,rrnunibte we�r at�d tcar acepted.i ender mny mapect
<br /> ' � ti�e ptoperty st the ptoptrly i�vacant+�s aL�arsdontd or tAe Iwn�s m def�u(�:1 tndu�ma}raY.e rrasi�nablt rctron tu pi«;c�t�ynit� �- � �
<br /> ,. presetve such v�uyt or nbandaned pso�ty.I(�Aa�SECUrity lastrumtnt�.an a lea,ehuld,Hur.c�rrr fihall camply w{th Ihe��svi-
<br /> sioas of the kase. !f�ianower acpuires fee titte t�:he Nruperty,thc tes�ehaid ar.d itt t�tle shalt nnt be merged unie.r�l,tnder
<br /> , �c[s to tht mcr�er tn writing.
<br /> �.t,'Me�lr t0 i�trdwer rN►�ekctiM ot IR�Mr'�Ri�Ms i�t4 tn�My.(lnrmw�r st��1)p�p�II gutiernauntal c�r munt�,{ral
<br /> � charrt�.flnts aad imDosit�un�that ue not indudr�l in Yu�gr�Ph 2.[lurrorer sf�aU ray�hece ubtc�uon�on time.d,rcc�fy�o�he
<br /> ' entity+�hich is awcd the paymec��.If failure t�pay�uutd a�i��erse{y affert 1 ender'��ntete��rr�h�P�c�txny,upun ten�tcE'.rr-
<br /> quetit iiortower<hall brorstpity furnish t�I.rndcr ic:cipts eLt�eac�ng�he�e paymentti �
<br /> . It$�cntowrr fal[s to mako thest pa�mer�ts or!he�+aynttr►ts reyuired by Paragr�ph�2,c+r fa�h tu p�r fortn�r►j c,rher<<��en5nts anif
<br /> a�ament�canitineQ in this 5ecur�ty IRsuument.ot thert�s a ttgaf�sroceedinB tRat map s�gn�k��ntty o(Pe�t 1 e�1Cer�S TI�11�Ui :-_ --= --
<br /> • the Property(sucA as a prncesding in bantraptcy,tur candemna�iu�r c,r tr�rnt�rrcr ta��o-�rgulatc�ro�),t!'ien Lender may du an�f �
<br />, pay whste�tr is necessaty tu pt�xt:t the vsdc�e af the Ptopert}and 1 en�tcr's ragttts�n thr �rui+etty,itt�tudittg�+�ytrtcnt n!taacs,
<br /> h�tatd insuran�Y and o�Rrr iteais meotcuned in Par��a!►2.
<br /> ._. ._:: • Any ttrwun�ts dinburse0 br knctt►ugdsr tt�is Pu�granh sh�11 bccume�a��:,rtf�al de��ef f3cstt�tre: rutd Le�ur�d bM thi� _
<br /> ,�it�cuttty instr�cmem. These amounts sha11 hcu intere3t fipm the c�at�e of d�sbursrment. 3t the,tiutr rate,auJ ai ehc��,ti�•n ut
<br /> • I.cndu.shall 6e itnsncduttly slut aad paytble..
<br /> . �
<br /> � '1.CoMei�atlw.7he praerQs ut any awxrQ�tii sla�ro(or darcoges,di:tY:t��r cc.msct�ucmiaJ,�a connc�tinn wnh any condeln
<br /> na:ioe or other t�Ein�o�nny part af the Pro�erty,�t fur cnn�eyan�e m pf3ce t�f c�nJun�z;►tiorr,ar r hrs,t�v ass,ga:J and�ha11 hr
<br /> pud co t.endet ta thot�teAt ot the tul!aunaunt c�t che irtQebtesine+ti tRa:reinain�un�,a�d e:r.der the yt�cr au�f tt�tc 5ctiuru,r•Ir.�rru '
<br /> . tttent.l,ettQn s!tall apply su:h�rcx:etQs su thr rtdt��t�c�n��t tftE�ndehsrJne=�ur��er tl�r�:nrean�l�hs.ticE+���i�i:��truisirnt.fi:�r t�� �"�
<br /> any deIinyuent a;nc,ums appiicl i�e the c.rder ptuvided en i'aragraph=.�rt�th�7 tc9 firefiavmr;st uE��nn,.,�a! :trtt apj�l«a�n�r:,�t
<br /> „ Ihe proaceQ+ta ihr rnnl�i�+a3 xhA13 ftt�t �tt[?ttf ut�esi�+elfiC the d[tt�aL��f t�:R i::�:iIhiY [`•ByPi:€fiSa: u'i::h a-c :c:trrc.= i.:tin
<br /> � - �i �l�.-�t i�l� - - —�� � _ . , = �.t=
<br /> . J�gfBjf 3TfgC t�SC 87T3�Ili(I��il�jf��1"t1;C�fiF.. IYfi}`izt:Fg�iit'��C:tS tii[I �4.L1:!•ull('[µ::�1C3 tt��3�si,u_i[�t�:l.}it1j:!n
<br /> � ��t1I�d�1C55 U11�Cf 1F{C iVOI!dI:B 1�iS5�tUhlr I�i�S}Uill�!2!�I1g�J hr 4h9[.1 tc� •hC�n?�tti Icga.:ti cn:�tl.c�v rf;err..� � �� �
<br /> � S.iees. t.cn3:s r�:��r,��tlerl�CCS Hftt�EI1��t�diilftitirlCit(�i tl;c v:,r�s::*> .
<br /> ►•�c� � ,.,� � — _,_,_.__....
<br /> . �
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<br /> y,"_ ��1 1 ,�,,._'_ =._s�.•.; 12GL•x3.aZYTR�aJ�.:�� �'•�s .lra_,_v�+..�.. -- --
<br /> �.• .. . . . _ . .. -
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<br />