. - - — �
<br /> . .� - I- `. . � ` � . .'� . . �.�' • . . . .. . . . . � .S . .�
<br /> , , \ .
<br /> . , . . < . ' � C .
<br /> ' ' � � � . � . • � . . . � �
<br /> , [ ` ..... _ . � .
<br /> . � . . . 9Q---103Q�� `
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<br /> �` Ii 1.maa�requirad�aorta�e im�rieroe�=ooadieian oe msgiaa tbe taaa sec,area 6Sr t�ix secas;cy.tnacrument, � � � �
<br /> - �rm+�es sh�t�FiY tLir`��n��d�iamiiatam tbe unuranc.�ia e�'ect untit auc6 time u the c+equ�nammt for the -
<br /> iasuEanoe tenainates in�ocord�cie �lor�cieYs i6d I.ender'a wrritteu a�nament or appiicabk ta�r. .
<br /> . ` i. I�e�li�i�r. ��.+edeE�vi�u��peE`ei��mate rn�oaabk antries apon a�inspectioes aE the Fmpeity.Lender �
<br /> slall pre Bate+nRer obtioe at�Lc tir�e dar pria ta ae�peotioa specifyia�rasonabk canse f�r ehe i�spa�ion. .
<br /> � ! �. �Tbe procaeds of aay aMU�d or cLam tar d:ma�es,direct or coo�equential�in connoction.�►ith �
<br /> � aaY ca�dmsn�dian ar otl�er ta'�ina af any part of it�e Pmperty.or fot eoaveyanct in Tieu of condemnation.ue haeby
<br /> < . . ..,;a�*eed tnd�l!be pud to I.cnder.
<br /> : . ��;:�. Iu tbe event a�f s tatal tsking o[tbe Pioperty.tbe pmceeds shall be app1ied w tHe sums securtd�by tbis Security . ~
<br /> r , „`� i,qsttummt,�vhetba or a�tl�an da�rvith any ex�as pasd w Bott+uw�a.In tlu�vent af�putial t�ciag at the prapeiiy.. .
<br /> u�1d�Borrarvet aud IRader othenvi�e asta ia�rritins,the sum�iecwed by this Security Inswment shatl be ttduced by
<br /> ; �.,::. tba s�mount of ths Qraceeds mdtipii�d tsy tbe foliowias fracti�:(s)the toul amount of the sums secdrai immediately .
<br /> : �:;.`beroir tbe hlnn�.divided 6y(b)the fair marfcet valoe of the Property imm�diitely befure-ttce tatcing.Aay batancr shall be .
<br /> , �ta1��.
<br /> ` � If tbe Property u abandaied by Borrowrer.or if,aRer IIatice by Lender to Horro�ver that the condemnor offers to
<br /> aptice u��w�rd or eettk a ctaim f�c�a�a�ea.Horro�rer faih r;�s�.cpond to I.enQer Mahin 30 days aftu the date the naace is
<br /> ,, . giren,Lender is�athorized to orilm��nd appty the pruceeds,�#its aptioa,athtr to restoration or repair of the Fr�ty or - �
<br /> , : � : to tbe wm�secure�by this Sactuiiy Znsttument,whetber or aat then da� � .
<br /> = .� .'�� Ua!!ss[�endtr aad Hatra�verathenoL�e sgnee in�vritia�aay app�iion af arac�eds to pri�.�aaT:s�l!nut aitmd or . , ..�
<br /> ; �;.' po�tpone the due date oFthe moathlY Paxmmts nferral to in p�r�Eraphs 1 aad 2 or chan�e the a�r�t ot'such��yments. � � �.`
<br /> _ , ' . 10, Bonower Not Reia� For6tara�ee By L�ier Not�Wairer. Eatensian of the,�ime far�g-ment or •
<br /> modification of amartiutian of the sums secured 6y t6it Sacurity In�trumrnt grantsd by Lender to any suo�ssar ia �
<br /> ' �• � '� inter+�st o�Boma�rer sh�fl nat opente to alease the liab�lity of ehe ori�inxr�3orroweo or 8orrnMer's successors in interas� �
<br /> - tRnder al�all nat be cr&uirad w comt�nenct proceedinas i�aitut any s�aessor in interest �r refuse to extend time for °. .
<br /> � payment ot othenvise rsodify amortization of the sums secured by this Sacurity lnstrumrnt by reason of any dcmand made �
<br /> � � by the oti�itul8ono�rec or Borra+rcr's euccessors in inter�st.Any torbarance by Lender tn exercising any right or rerseedy .
<br /> ' � . � shall not be s�vaiver afor preclude�ie eaercite of any right or remedy. ' - • � . .
<br /> i!. S�oes a�ri AsdOr Bo��1'�t ws!Se�en!Iiablllt�r;CaslperR. The.cove�ants and agtecments of . . . .
<br /> , � . this Securiry lnattum�:t chsll bind and brnefit tGcc successors snd usigns of Lender and Borro�rer.su�ject ta the provisians
<br /> of par�graph 17.Borrowa'�covenants and agaments shs11 be joint atcd uevrral.Any borrower who casigns this Security
<br /> . �iiSi�ifiiSS'�:�i:L� "'Zi3'.°� !.�!!N�!f:;l���°�.`-�i�."'.3i{p��wi Sw�liii���i�Eiiiiilrrii imi��ti titt/1i�C.�iW1i Yn1j C(7ilYry - ,'':_.___
<br /> that Botrower's intesat in the Property under tt�e terms of cfiJS 5ecurity lnstrument;(b)is nc,t persanaliy ntstigated to pay ,
<br /> the sums secured by tl�is Security lestrumtnt;anA(c�astees that Lender and my otber 13anawer may agree to eatersd,' "'
<br /> ' modify.forbear or rrs�e any accommodatians with agsrd to the terr�a�this Security fnstrument or the Note without --
<br /> thst BotcoMet's consear ;,�,��'••;
<br /> 12. l.o�r GLrra. It the tean soeurod by this Security InStrum�nt i�subject to a taw ahich sets maxima�m toan _
<br /> � chat�a.autd that taw is ftnalty interprete0 so Ihat tht inteast or other lonn ch�t�r�s coltected esr to he ca�lected in ��',�
<br /> . ' eonneetfon aith the lotn eaceed ct:�a pcm�itted limits. t�cn. (�)anY such [aan charse sh�ll be teAucod by ttie amount ' �
<br /> ��?.
<br /> � nocas�ry to reduce tbe char�e t�the permitted limit;and(b)uny suxns airady coltected fr�m lRa,r..cswer which eaceedod � r,
<br /> � permittod limits wili be«fundod t�►Rarrawer. t.ender tn$y choose to make this refustid by teQuarg tke pnncip�l owcd • •;�
<br /> ' utfder tbe Nate or by mtfcing a dircet payment to Borrowu If a�efund rodtices pnncs�:.the�edut+:iUn will be treattd at a ..
<br /> p�rti�l prepaymrnt+vi�hout any prepsyment charge under thar ti�te. �
<br /> � p3s, f�i�tior AReett�i�der's R1�ts. tf e�:,utment or expiratian nf appl�cable laas has tl��efFect c►f .':
<br /> senduirf�sny pto�it�t�otthe Noaeor this Security Instrument unenfarccable acrvrd�rtg t��itr tcrm5�d.ender.at�ts opti�n, � . `����
<br /> m�y requir�e imme�sate paytrent in Eull�f atl�ums secured hy this Sc�urity Ingtrumcnt and mag� �nvoke any remediess '��'�
<br /> . permitted qy para�raph 19. If L.tnder eaercises this opti�n.I.�nder shall take�he steps spec�flcd ro t'.;e second paragraph of ,
<br /> pu�gr�E7.. .a,c .
<br /> . i�. Ndlee�. Any not�cc to Borrower providcA f�r in th�s 5erunty la�trumen[sha11 be g�ven hy deGvrrsng u or by .�r .
<br /> � nqilina it by 6rst e1u�m��t untess appticabtt�ak aqu�res use�f annther methaf. The ac�t�ce�i�all tx d�re��ted ro the �
<br /> Ptoperty Address ot ttny nther address Iianaatr designates by nntice c��[.endcr Any nuttce t�►1�de�ch:�l)he given hy
<br /> . , '8nt¢lass mail tu Leader's address stoted herc�rt ur any�,th�r addres.�txnCrr dc�ignate;by notire tn t3��rrnwer Aay nntice �
<br /> � provided Eor in this Security lnstrument shall be damed ta have betn givrn to 11c�rrnwor��r I,enAtr whcn gi�en ae�:ruvideci
<br /> . ........ . . . ._._..... .. _._ . . . .._..... . --�- ---- . _.. _
<br /> in this g�rayh. . __... ----- .. .. . ..
<br /> 1�; Go�iA��w;4even10iltty. 'f`h�s Serunty tnvtruttitnt�`;all he gi»•etnevl hy federal taw and th:taw oT Ihe
<br /> jurisdiction in whicit.til�e Propeny is tacated. in the rvcnt that any pruvt�sc�n ur rlause uf this 5r�ur�ty Instrunicat c�r�he
<br /> Nute c4nfticts with d;�plicaDfe law,such conliict shafl nos affc�l other provisions uf th�y Secunty tnetrument or the Nnte
<br /> wbicb can be Eiven effect without the conflictin�provisic+n.To this ead the prav�5ians�f thig 5eru'rity Instrument and the
<br /> Note ere tkclarod to be severable.
<br /> Zf. Barro�tt'f(;o�y. !k»towe�:�hu!!be g�ven�ne c�nfi�rmed cnpy u!'th�Nnte and i�t th�5 Secunty Intitrument.
<br /> 11. Tra�fer ottt�Pro'erty or�Be�efttid lettitst id Bortawer. !f nit crr:,�iy p�n uf rhe Yr�►�r:ny c�r ar►y
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or�f n benef�c�al inte�est u�ibrrnwer is cnld tu�ransferrcd�nd liarrowcr,��i��t n na�ura!
<br /> pe(son)withuut LtndtPs priar wriiten canxnt,t.cnder may,at�ts cTptcan,r�yutre�mmedtate p<►yrrrrnt m•futl<�f�ll cums
<br /> seeured by this Seearity Instrument. Howeter.thtS E�ptu�u s1ta11 nt�t be exetr�sed by Lencfer�f exetc�se i�prnhii�;ted Ny =
<br /> fieder�lt�wasofthedateofthisSeFurity tnstrument. � " . -
<br /> � If�.tndtr extrcises this oplinn,l�enQe�sh�ll g�ve Einrraw�et nc�tcce c�f arceterat�Un I he not�ce shaU Eac,v�dc a per��rd
<br /> � � agr�t i�u#t�.�s 34�#a�sfres.�it�rt�atc t3zc s�r�ik::i.;dc�iscFr��r sr�;tc�uiok:z a:hs�s���::...;ns;t�.a;�:3;u�s::r�:r�:±r; -
<br /> this Security tnstrument.lf Hnrrav►er fa�ls ta p�y�hrse sumo pnar tc.the expiraiu+n�f 4h►ti peru�f,l cnder ruay n►���ke any
<br /> � rtmetiies permittcd by this Secunty instrument withnut further nutece'or Jerrian�f tm ttoriu�cr
<br /> Ia.Bwro*t�s Rt�t tn Reteshte. if[iarrUwev meets certa�n conduinns.&�rrvuee�hail tia�e the right te�hatie
<br /> caforeement aF this Sec�inty Inatrument disrantinuect at t+ny tinse pnor ta the eartcer�+t (a�s days(<�r tiuch t�ther�+erc��i a� ��
<br /> � nppticabJe law may specify for reinstatementj btfore saie of the f'rbpt�rty pursuant tu any��wct c�f cale rem,anri�f cn th�ti
<br /> Secutity Insttutnen�.Eu(b)enify af tt�udgtnent enfc�tcmg Ih�s 5ecurity in�Iruisrer�l �i h<�:c cc�r.duseme are�9s.,�Ii��rruuer �
<br /> (e�pays Lender nll sum9 w6ich lhen wriuid be due widet this Serunty Inctrurnent and the 'Vc�te fisd na, ac�rtrr�han n.
<br /> . - E�`utred:@��ures�3riy de€ault ot an�€�th�€ru��ants tst agseements,ic}�k4 a1i=n�±en��sri�:s�rr�!tre ers�"e,rr:tcsg lhi4 � -
<br /> �ecutity Inst�ument, �rtrtud�np,hui R.�i limited tc�, teascmabi���ierneys fea�. ar��i re����t�s w�h�c��.m a� Lc�te�ct ni��
<br /> teasanahly tequ�re en assnre�hat tht tirn etf'th►s Screurity fn�rrume��t, Lc�tdcr'c rrgt�t4 u► ti:c Pr�iFn•r�y axz:l it��cr��titicr': ", ,
<br /> ab�tgnttan�tcr E,ay the surcis ccc�rect by this Scrunty Instturnrnt shali c�mtenue unc.�t;an�e�t t.�}�.�rt rern�tatemerrt h} , '
<br /> [i�rrruar�,th►c Sccur�tr I�,st�urnent nn�3 thee�bSiga��onsse�ured hctrb�shatl.rerna�n fully ef�e�t�tir a��f r�=a�t�.eterahun had �
<br /> c�ccurreQ H��u+c�tt.thi�nghe ta reui�tate sha9t n��t apply�n thet�se��f accdc►ati�•n u►cdtr par.��ir:i��h� t�4�r 1 T .
<br />: - . �
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