, A` . �Y .. ` , . � . • _ ,_ �
<br /> �' . . , . ' , '. �..
<br /> , `tJN�P01tt�Cbv�lvAK't5.. 8orr�nrei and Letrder cpvenutt a�ldagree as fofloves: . �-�.0 3 0 l�. � � �..
<br /> 1. Pa�wpM et Pr�1��i I�tee+e�PreM�t Yt�Ctiar�a- Boirower shall pramPtlY�aY whrn dus -`
<br /> �` tlfepr�efp�tlofandinterCstorethtdebtavi�lencedbytheNotttn�anyprepsymentandlatecfiargesdneundertheNotr. � .'
<br /> � , ). Fwi�tar T��s a�i i�a�e�a. Subject to appficabte tsw or to�writttn waiver by Lender,Borrmirer shsll�ay � �
<br /> to Lendu wt tiie diy manthty p�j�menta str due under�tT�e Nqtt;antil ehs N�te is pud in fu!!.a sum('•Fands")equal tu .
<br /> �--� - � one-t�we�t� of:f��Y��t�es a��which majr°attain piiarity ova this S�rity t�sifument, tb)Y�Y ' - '
<br /> � k�ei�oi¢Pay�ntnts ot jtout� rents oot tbe Pruperty. if aey; (c)Yeady hazard insurance pr�cniums; and{d) Y�Y
<br /> : inottp�e i�suntnoe p�emi�aa,if aRy.Their iRMns ue calkd"acr�owr ittms."l.ender may estimate the Funds due ari the � .
<br /> � � 6�efcumait daa a�d cqrsona6ie e�timates of future ssero�r i�a. . <
<br /> .. . 'ibe F�ds��6e 6�ald in an is�stitasic�n the d�posits braccoartts of�rhid�ar�insurod nr guaranteed by afMeral ar
<br /> . � �we a�eecy 4incln�aa Leed�er�t t.rnaer;s such aa;ns�cu�an).Leeder sbali appiy che Funds�o pay che�escro�r irems. , ,
<br /> .. I�eadrr�+ty aat c�r�t[or hol�a�aeQ a�lyie�t1�e Fur�s.analytin�the account ar verifyiAE tUt esc�o�c items.un3ess -
<br /> ; Lraber paps 8arowrr intaeat on tbe Fwids and appticabk 1�►permits t.ende�to�nalce such s chugr.BaxroWer and . .
<br /> ' t.eeder m�y�ia�rritFns tl�tt inttrat shaU be p�id on the Fands. Unlas an aEramrnt is made or applicaWe law �
<br /> �roquires interat ta be p�id.Lender shalt nat be roquired to pay HormMer any interest or easnings on the Funds.Latder � � �
<br /> � vnii�iv�e ta Bom�er,�ithaut c�r�ae tnnual accountina af t6e�unds s6owing credits ind debits to tbe Funds and the �.
<br /> � {wrpo�e for�rhieti ach debit to tbe Funds xu made.The Funds ue pkdEed u additional stcurity for the sums secured by � ,
<br /> . t�s5ecurii�I�strua�a�t. . . . _ �
<br /> �, � • If tl�e an�nf�tht Funds hetd by t.ender,toaether�tb tIie futare moathly psymrnts of Funds payabk�rior to '
<br /> � t�e due d�rs of the acroR items,s6a1�excad the aesount required to psy ilie escrow items v�hen due.the excrss shsi!b� .
<br /> - at Bo�mMer's option,either pramptty repaic!to Borro�rer or credited to Brnro�ver an monthly payaients of Funds.if the .
<br /> � areaant of tbe E�uads heid by Lendor is not sul�cient to�y:ttse escruw ittyns wt�en due,Barrower sha11 pay tb I.ende�any �
<br /> anwunt necaetry to matce up the deficirncy in one 6r marc�:niymrnts as requitod by L.eqda. . � . .
<br /> " , Upan p�ymrnt in fuU of xIl swns aecured by this 5ecurity Instenmen�Lender shall Qramptt�r refund to Bomower
<br /> , any Fueds beld by l�ender.tf unqer p�raanph t9 the Properry is sold or acqu+red by I.ender.Ltnder shall appiy.no�ater . � .
<br /> � than immed'utety prior to the sak oPthe Property or its acquisitiori by�.ender.any Funds hetd by i.ender at the time af
<br /> applicatian�s�ereait asaiast the srsms secured by this Security Ins�rument. , , -
<br /> � � 3. ANliq�tlo�ot P��b. Unless applicable law provides otherwis�aq paymrnts received by Lender uader �
<br /> pat�araphs t�nd 2 s}ull be applied:fnst.to fate cd�u�es due un8tr the Nate;scrand.ta prepayment_charges duc under the
<br /> Natr,third,toar�tr�nts psy�bk under par�iaph 2;fourth.to interest due;and lut.to princi�c�:se. "
<br /> . 4. G�Ile�r. Borrower s�atl�ay dl taxes.usessments.chuges.fines and i�.rp��itians ateributable to the � . ,
<br /> - . Praperty�vhich rruy attsin priariry a.�er. r,rr.is Security Irrstrummt. and leasehold payments or ground rents, iP any.
<br /> . Borrc�vet shall p�y thae obii�t►.i�ns in t�e*�snner provided in paragraph 2,or ii'nat p�id in that manner.Bonower shall - �
<br /> pay them on time directly to the person a�ed paymeni.Borrawer shall promptty fum�sh to t.ender AI!naticgs of amounts �
<br /> to 6e paid u��der tt�is par�araph.If Borra�er makrs these.pay�nonts directty.Batrawer shall ptomptly fumish ta l.ender �
<br /> receiptsevidencfnglkepayments. . '
<br /> w.:L'fJ'�oh3t!y:atiS j.��i�Sn.:�SZ$v�iLj iia".ii tiit{(i,i,i6S�itC.Pi►ji uti2T iriS�:,v{fiii��T.°�tit.'l�.�lL L`A"'°��WT3��^!`:(S� . :_--=
<br /> agreea in writin�to Ibe psymrnt of the obligation securrd by 1he tien in a rt�anrtes�cceptubfe�o I.ender;(b)contests in good '
<br /> ' • Caiih ihe tien by,arddends a�sirtst rnforctmtnt af the lien in,leEal pracading�wh�ch�n the Lcnder'a apinion operate to
<br /> prevrnt the enfor�ement of the lien or foe�'�i:*ure of any part af[he Property;or(c)socures lram[he hotder af the tier�an
<br /> auamrnt satishcxory to Lender subordi��ra�hr tien ta this Securit y Instrument. ti l.ende�determines�hat any pan of • __
<br /> the F'rqpeRy is si:c�jxt to a lirn which may attain prionty aver Ihis Security Inslrument.[�,ter may give 8orrov�er a � � _
<br /> notic�'sifrntif�ing tht lien.Borfower shall satisfy the lien ar wice one at more o�'the uc►iaas srx t;xth abo�e within 10 days ; ��
<br /> o!'tAc�;ivina of n�.tice. .
<br /> S. Har�Iawra�ce. Borrower��.hall ketp the impr�vemenrs now ea�::,;i��or her�.+'�u etected on the Property . i �
<br /> insuted s�inst tos�by 8re,hazards incluC�within the trrm"exten�e,S�avera�:"a:�d any rn::rr harards f��r ahich l.ender � �
<br /> requires insunnce.This insurana shall���maintaincd m the amaunts and f�T�he pencrds that L.ender rcquires. The
<br /> insurance camer providina the insuranee sha11 be chaen E,y 8orrower�uhje:n c+=�.ender's appravai which sAall n�t be �
<br /> onra�son�bly Nithheid. . � ' ,
<br /> 'All iriwratice pollcies afld renewais�t�l!bt acceptable to Lcr..dcr and sT:aJl�nclude a standard martg�ge clause. '
<br /> I.e�xkr�hall h�+�w tF�e ri�ht to hnW the pali�:ies and renewals.If Ler��icr requites.&+trowcr sr,.�!!,pt�mptly give to t.ertdet � '�
<br /> , all rxeipts otpr�c�;ynemiuma ard renewal r.otices.ln the evtnt of toss.�+rrower shall give prpmpt autice to�he insurance
<br /> ' carrier anO Lendet IxnJet may m�ke prooPof 1c�sg if not made pr�mptly hy fWiruwec �,,,
<br /> Unless Lender and Bcar�r�wes otherw�se�gree in wneing,in�ur�nce pra���z shall he appl�ed�n rc�torateon or repa�r � �*'�
<br /> � of the Ptoperty damaaed,if't?►e restaratian or repair is ernnomically feavbte anQ 4cnde�'ti�erunty�s n��tecsened. If the ' �
<br /> restontion or te�it is nat ecanomically fe�tsibt¢or Ltnder't se�uritp'would t+e(estiened,Ihc tr.suraact ptoccttls shat►Ei�e , �
<br /> applied to the eums sc�uted by this Secur�.e}: instrument,whether�r nat then due� with an���:acess paid t�Hc�rrawer_ tP
<br />. Barro�rer absndons the Property,pr doa aa[answet wi�hin 3U dayy n nc►licc frate�.Lcndct�hat �he�muranre carrier !��
<br /> . . . . . _ _.. - �---.. _
<br /> MI'ered to settkr�cl�im.then l,rnder may a�?;cz;.t ihe�;wi;rance prixeeds.l:enQrr rr1;�y u�eihEpr�xerct9 t�+repau o�res[��re �
<br /> the PtopeHy or to p�y sums seeured by 1l.:s�cunty �aStrument,vr•hrther�r nL��.t"tlrn due �'he 30-day peric►d will begin �
<br /> .when the natiee is given. ,
<br /> Unless Lender gnd Borrnwer other�wite agree�a wr�Img;bny�appl�catrnn c:f�roceed�t�,princ�p:d shal)not extead or "
<br /> postpone th�e due d�tt oithe mun�hly paymrnts referret!to�n paragra�hs 1 and►or�:hange�hc amuunt uf the payments.IP
<br /> un4ev p�t�graph 19 the Presperty is acyu�red by Lcnder,f3arrower's right t++an�ai.�:,urance pol�c�es and pr�xeeds rrsulhrtg
<br /> from damage to the Propeny prior to the acquigition shall p:�sy tc�txndcr tv�he c�tent uf the sums sc+:urcd by th�ti 5ec�erity
<br /> lnstrumcnt immcdiatcty pri�r tathe acquisition.
<br /> , 6 PrererviNa��nd Maietentece otPto{�tr1y,t.rnse6olds. Ik�rmwcr tihaU na�t de�troy,damagc ur tiub�tanttally �
<br /> chanae the Propesty,allow ehe Yrnptrty ta deteriurate c,r comm�c ua�tr. If thw Securny In�srumrnt�L on a teasehc�td.
<br /> Bortvwer sh�l)comply with the pr�vitii�ns nf the tease,and i!`finrroaer acyu�reti fee tale tc►the!'rE�perty,thc teasehnld and
<br /> �--------
<br /> foe litk sh�}i not merge unless I.cnde�agrees to the r►urgcr in wnhng. .
<br /> 7. Protectia� ot l,eeder's Rights ie tbe Pra�erty; �forigage lesurance. If Fsc,rn,Ker f'�eils ��►perf��rm the
<br /> ... . . _ �:sssa.�slss.p.�sgs�m€::s.4sx�,ns:in.�rt:r lhiti S.�;sr':ts l�,tru::s:.nl��sz SFt�rr at a S�ga��:rj:�;,�:�E tl��as:�Qy s���if�a�si}a:trs� � -
<br /> L.ender's ngbYs in tht Propert}(such ac n pruceeding in h�nkruptcy, prubatc, fc�r cc+ndemnat�on nr t�� cnf��rre I�as ��r
<br /> . tegulations�,then Lender may do attd p�y fi�t whatevrt ic r�e�ccwry t��pr��trct 11�e�;�tue e�f'the Proprtl}a�i�f I.ertdePti nghts . I
<br /> •in the Proptrty. Lender's setiatu m�y mdude pay�ng any surns sccercd bg a hen whtch has pnuro�� n�ri �h��Sccunty y
<br /> � inslrumeM.�p�earing in rauri.payiag xea�nabto attqrneys fcec aad enteryng�m thr{'ropertq,tt•make rerau� Afth�ugh
<br />: ( L�nder may take s�ctinn under�his paragtaph 7.l.ende�di�c:nut h��c tc9tf�•sU
<br /> �— Any amaunts disbutsed hy Lender under this parnFr�ph�5ltall bece�tr►e�cidit�onal deht E�t H��t�E�uer!�C��ted hy i1��� �
<br /> ' � Se�curity Instrumtnl.l3ntess Qotrowev and[cridea agnce tvuth�r termse�!pa?mert,the�umounts shaSl t+e:�r interc�t i'r�m ' �
<br /> tht(taie nf dis6ursement a! !ht Nnte rate snJ shalt:he�+;i}�hI€.�14lY�! !t!!€fttiZ: J€`t+i: fl1�t1€C fti�:i: �es►�l.: a} iie�e�c.+�see �
<br />. , re�uestinBt�Ymerst: ' , . �
<br /> ,
<br /> �
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