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<br /> ' � [f I�ender req�ired mort�ste�insurince u s coadition of making the loan secured by this Seourity Iasuua�ft, - .
<br /> � � � Btxto+�er sbalt piy the praaiums required to msinuiw the ins�ruice in effsct until such tuae u the rtquirenimt for the . _
<br /> itn�srasstr ttlm':ssatee ie x�rdsaex with Bosre�er'saad t�ssde�s�rstte�s sErc�t ae spptieabk h�r. ,
<br /> � �. i�ctios. Lsader or its a�ent auy mslce reasonable entriss up�n arid iaspecdons of tt�e Prapesty.L�eader
<br /> , � shalt iive 9otro�ra eotirrat the time af oc prior ta aA inspection specifyin�rasoaabk awse for tbe inspectian. . � `� ,
<br /> � ` !. GN�ti� Ttie prac�ed�o�eay a�vard or claim f�damases,dirs+ct or�dnsequmtW:•in oaenection�vitb � "
<br /> u►y eondem�atiai or otlier ta�ias of any pn�f the praperty.ar for co,sveyance in ticu of coa�natioe.ur ixreby . .
<br /> . . ` �ijeedaodi�YaU.Dep�idtal.e+�cler.- .
<br /> . tn t��t evet►t at's tatal talciuj of the Ptoperty.the gxoceeQs s1ull be appticd to the sums sxured by this Security � .
<br /> Ynsttwnait,�rbetber or nat ther►dt�writb stry e�ass.paid�:o Borra�ver.in the event�of a putia!ukin=of the Property, � . � .
<br /> , � tmle�Borraver and I�ender othenvise airae in aritina,the sums secured by this Seeurity Insuutnes�t shall be redueed by � .
<br /> , ' the aasoat�t of tl�e.prataeds tnWtiplied by the fottowiit��frac�iaati:(ay the cotal amowtt uf the snnis tociured imasediudy
<br /> � Gda�e t6e takin j,divided hY�b)t!u ttir muicet value af the 1'rapaty immediaiely befose the tatdn�.Any b�lanoe sbalJ be � ' ..
<br /> ptid W Hotr��+vet. � .
<br /> - . � IE ti�e Prapert�isa6u�do�ad by BaTro+ESS,or�if.after notice by Lender to Borrawer that the r�sndemnor,bRen to .
<br /> tp�ke an awratd or tctsk�claim fo�damates,Horrowrer fiils to respond to L.ender within 30 dsys afte�the date t6t notice is
<br /> � pven,L�et�de�i�wtborEZad to colisxt�d app4y the proc�ds�at its dption.either to ratoruian or re�is of tbe Yrop�rty a
<br /> to tbe iuias savred by lhis Securitg irutrumrn�w�hether or not thrn due. '. �
<br /> , Un]at I.ende�and Qara+��er otberMisa s�ree in wriung.any application of pracocds to principt)shall a�t sater�d ot ,
<br /> postpone ttx due date�f the monthly qyrae��rEferred to in paragrsphs 1 and Z or change the amount af sucb psyments.
<br /> !0. Bo�rs+rer :Vot Ytdea�e� For�tMacie By 1.a�der Not a W�i�cr. Extmsion of�tim�for psyment or
<br /> moQitiwtioe of smorti�titm a€E�t surm see�ired bp this Sxnrisy insErument granted by [.rndrr to any sucoessot in.. - : . �
<br /> , . interest of Bonrorver shsll not o�ecase to release the tiability pt the originai Rorrawrr or Barrower's successors in interat. � � � �
<br /> . � � LenQer shuD not De cequited tQ c-ammrnce ptocxedinss�gainst any 5uccessor in interest or tefuse to extrnd time for �
<br /> � payment or otherwise rt�pdify ambrtiu[ion of che sums secured by this Secariry Inscrumcnt b�reasan of any demmd made;��:��;• ,
<br /> by the oripnat Bo�sc�avr.c�r 8orroRer's suceessors in intcrest.Any for��r�ce by Lertder in e:ercising any�ighi os remafy.�,
<br /> ih�ll not bo�kaiva�';�r�Srcctw��Ae eacrcise nf�ny right or�emcAy. < ,
<br /> � 11.. -S�e�wees�d AMi�Ho�d;Jolwt�N Sere�nllLt�6llit�;Co�stper�. Th�covenant3 snd a�rnts of .
<br /> tha Secprity Instrument alu�l bind and bene�t the succe�,sor�and ass�gns of l.ender ur.0 florrower�subject to tht�yisions.. ` .= ,
<br /> aipiryr�tph N.Borro�vtc's¢ovesan�s and a��xments shal!bs jatnt and setietal.Any&srrowet aha co-signs thu 5tcurit5°
<br /> ' Instrument b�t daes not eaecute the Note:(a�;J.i�casignmg th�s Secunts�n5lrumene csnly to rrt��rtgage.�ant and con��r�,� : ,- _ ..
<br /> . that Batrower's intetest in Ihe Property und�r Yhe trrmc ut this Security 4nstrument;Fb)�s not personaliy abligated to pry� :
<br /> the swns secured by this 5ecurity lns�tumen�:and{c!agrecs ehat l.enQer and any�-:�.zr�rrower may�grce to eatend. - `
<br /> ---- --�- -maiif�,fo►l�rar!u malce uty brca�mmo(fstic+nv w',�h s�ra��i�n�1r�errn+o_Af.��K��;!�re�lncfr,�mM�1,r?�.���s�t!��.t! -- .---- -- • = -
<br /> -. that l�orrower'6 consent. '
<br /> , 12. Lu�u�(.1�r�es. tf the toan secur�by th�s Sccnnty Instrur.:rrit�s subjtrt ta a taw which sets msximum la�n �. .
<br /> chsf�es,and thft la�► is 6n�1ly �nterpttted so that ehe uuerese or ather loan charges collested or t�be co!lected in �,�:._�
<br /> c�onnection with tht Iwn exceed the permrited timus.then� 1a)any such loan charge Shall be redueed by the amount —
<br /> , • naces�ary ta reQuce the chu�e to the permitte�d limit;Qnd(b?any sums alre�dy collerted lrom Aonowet which eacaeQtO "'_
<br /> permitted limits witl be refund�d to Norrower Lentltr may chan5e ta make this�efund by reducing the pnnppsj o�ed r�
<br /> under tAe Note or by R�sk�n�a drrett paymer.r,;�o Einrr�wer If n retund red:�ces pr�ncipal,the reduci�en wdl be treated as a i
<br /> partid prcpsymrnt without any prepaymrrs:.Ja�ir�e unda the!���re '
<br /> . 1�J. LqitlNtlos Af'�ectt�� I.teder"!�.I��hts. If enactment r•i c�p�rat�nn nf applieabte laws has the etiect nf
<br /> � • rendtrin�any p�ovisit�n af tAe Nots�t this�ounty lnstrument unenf�,rcta3�te accnrA�ng tn�tc termti,Lendtr.at itvr.,Duan.
<br /> m�y require immodiate p�yment in futi of sll sums securcd by th�r S:s�rr.i�y tn�e�ument and msy in�c►ke�ny remed�rs , '�
<br /> �
<br /> . perr�itted by paraaraph 19_!f I.enQa exucis�.this opiion.l.tnder shait t�kc the Stt<<9 s�eafitd�n the sriond pate$taph dfi` ,
<br /> , pa»gtph 17. . ,
<br /> . 1+� NotkM. Any nUtsc.�C�:.433t►tr�wt�prcjvtded it�r�n this 5�4unty Instsunitnt cha!!tx g�ven by dclivcring it or by , .
<br /> mailirt�i�by�rst cliss rn�il urtl��applicable taw requr.� �ure c+f ano�he� �ueihc►d The nouce sh�tl be dirccr�! to t';,t "�i
<br /> PrapeRy Ad�rss or sny other acdrrs4�3arrawer des�gnateti b) natire ta t,�ndtr Atiy not�ce to l�ender sha3D L�r gir�r..x��a. ; �
<br /> fitst class mail to Lender's address steted hereta ar r�ny othet�ddre�c t_cncler 8e�ignntrs hy nc�t�re t�+&ftrower Any nc�tscr. � �
<br /> � provided for in this Se�eunt,y ln��rument stta?1 ts�Qrertird io have hcen R��en tc�Hnrr{,wer t�r I.cncfer when gwrn as pro��da�:
<br />� in this para�aph. �
<br /> �3. G�eni�1,w;St�eatl�illry. Thss�cuniy Imtruu�ene shal!nc gcr��erned hy federpl taw snd the 13w uf the
<br /> jurisd+c��on in�vhieh the Yr�er�y�cs ivcated. In the e�ent that any prav�si�n«r r;��zce��f�his 5ccurdy tostrurnent��r%!e�
<br /> . ._.. . . ..._._. .. . . .._. . _ .._ . .. .
<br /> NOte eon}tiees with�pplie�Dla lav�•,euch t�nf!�c1 sh�lt not nflect�ti;her rrou�s�uus c�t this Srcu��fX Inslenment or the'Vr.cr:
<br /> which can be�iven elfect w�thaut the con}lect::�g pr�•ws�nn i c+thic cn�tti��tlf�4lt3��114[��Illli S4'CUT1Iy If111�U1i1CIlI 8f74^.11e� . `
<br /> Note�rc dect�red t:,�+e��eYerable.
<br /> . 16. H4rrotrCr't�Cory. �rr�►w•et shali be gi�en ui�c cunfe,r�,c�•�4<�py��i rire tir,ec and�,f ih�r•Securs�g Ir.>�runteut
<br /> 14. Yn■der at tYe 1'r�eny or s Bteefitia) Intettst in EbrroRer. If al! nr bn� p�rt c�f the Pr�ifsr„*ty c►r eny
<br /> intetest in i1 issoW or transferred(at if a beneficral�ntrrr�t�n li:�rroucr„s��Ed��r trcrosferrrd anc!I3rirruwer�s nut a natutal •
<br /> ptrsc►n}without Lendrr's priar written cansent.!>en:iet rn:�},at N�.c+��t�ur�, rec�u�re u.nmed�ate payment in fuU c�f all sum�
<br /> � seeurtd by this SieCur�ty lnstrumcnt. HoMe�er.�M�ci�►n;�re tih:elt n��t he cierusect h� l.erider et eaercise is proh�b�ted by •
<br /> ledera!I�w ss cf che d,ste nf ttu5 5ccurity Instrumenc.
<br /> ti'l�nderexercisesth,sr�:lnn,Ltitder!+hailgitirl3c�rr��sretncaicenf3cceteratic�n "ihenot�cesh�lt���;fcdeapenrxl
<br /> of not�rss thyn 30daya irom the Qate the notice�s deh�e�er!c�c m��icd w�thu��hirh Hs,rrower must pay aU cums serured by ` �`�
<br /> this Se�cutity lnstrumenf.tf 8orror►er t��Is fo pay�hese surns pnsu tu thc r�pua[r�,n c,f�S�:s peru�cf.Lender mey�nvuke any �
<br /> rtthedtespermttledby 1hisSccunty Instcument w�ehaut furtUet n�U�c ur tletnanc!a+n t4�rrowcr i. i t� ,
<br /> _' � . ' .�Q:�vof�i�wcr`!s�'�t1�f Tv e�`eiiK�tif�: �€�3vi1L11iMC!ti(Lt�S 6=t�Iittt ti+Tiilt�it7is�!lT)t��+�i�ti'7ltOI�itD�i:�ttt��ft�'�er'�i3i� -
<br /> enfarcement af th�s Secuntv�nstrumened�s�nnanued uc«^,1 t�me�ttut tu t�e rattier t�f [a!5 day5([�t sut,h C:'''.i pCttud Ds
<br /> applce�Dle law may spte�fy fsrr reinst�temen�l befnrr.ale�5f the Yro�+erty ��ur;uarit ti�ar:4 peti�er uf cate c�r.iacned tn th�a
<br /> 5�tlttly lrtstrumrel,ur(b�eritr��f a Jud�,ntt��t rnfc�r��n�thu Sei.ui�t�, le��.!ruu�etiE !h:���<<�nQU��ns xte t�at Hc�rruucr
<br /> L (o)pays L.ender all sums v�fiieh then w�ouZd ee clue uridcr tF�n 3�eun�y t�r.�rura,ea� a:«: the tinte frad�t�e�ceteratrcr. �
<br /> ixcutred; ;l�l Cufes�n} dtf3uit E�F ariy pthCt cutien5fltc C�t ag[eetner,e5, i�r {•:�}�. .tli cx,w:,>��, �ncutret3 m enfc�rcm� thrs .•
<br /> . ' ' SeCtlrity Insftum:nt, raclud�ng. but not timtted t�, reasr,rtabic:�ltvr►ie}s' fces, anJ iu� tnkc+ su�►� t�ct��in ad t_:end[t r�a} �,
<br /> ttaWAibly reqwte tn assute that the Iien c�f Ehi� Se�urity tastru�ne��t_L�tactcr'�: ragrt!� +r� tiie Yr���rt� nnd.Qc�trc+wer's !p
<br /> _011�t�affbti icp �3,� t� SUtttS 5t�:tiift� �j� i�+is Sec.uriE} ir,stsvrn.ni 'vi,3ii it�ntlFi:l: titi::�tiii:�S i ����°t� F:t1:s[BSttR�!►L �,`p - k«
<br /> . H(1IIUK�F.ittiSSGCUfIt}�tlSftll(11Cii{t111�tFtCt?t+ttgaie�n�i:Lure�ihereirr5ha4#tema:�itull4effe.t�=C1�:#n�Fd<iC�erati��7tiad `� �
<br /> c�ccnrre� Fl�wever.thi�nght tn re�n�tatcshall rz�t:.���Ft:c i►f�f.e:.��.r r�aic.'�rasfa�,=,�;��rr �.��s�,�:�;,i�;i?a.r t 7 "
<br /> �.
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