, „._w_-�. I. . _ � ,, . �
<br /> , . - . , _ �
<br /> ,�
<br /> -� . � � . � � � � � � �. 9a-;i029'75 . .
<br /> • . ' . ' • ' . , f. ` . � , i . i "
<br /> , � .Uxtt�os�t�btr�rib►�st�. �orto*rer and Lender caven�nt and a�ree u tolbws: �
<br /> j� �• �y���������MJ���M L�pe L1wes. Borrowu shali proniptly FaY�r6eo due
<br /> 1 . t1�t Prs�ciPd�f�d igtenst aa tbe debt evidenced by t6e Not�snd any prepayment and i�te charges due under the Note. . . `
<br /> �. F�tR?u�iaii I�I�tt�ce Stibject to�pplicabie�laMr or to a writtm wsiver by LenQer.Bnnower sfuUl pay
<br /> � . w�.e,nde�s a�e thc�Y m�nthty psyments ue due under tbe Note,urttil the Nate is paid in ful1,s sw;�.("Funds")oqusl co .
<br /> � a�e-t�dltb of• (�)ynrly uxes and a�sacu�a�ts rvl�ich may attair� priority over Ihis Security lnstromatt; (b) y�sriy �
<br /> � �P���a E�d ra�ts on the Pnape[ty..�f auy; fc)Yariy haurd 'msuranr�premium�; u�d(d)`YadY �
<br /> - erortirie insacanoe pr+emiupss,if auy.?hes�itqns ue called"rscro�ite�ma°i.eeder may atimsu ehe Funds due aa tbe � •
<br /> , , bpitafcarr�antdaba�dreito�u6le�aaff�tureacto+vita�s. ' - �
<br /> � Tbe Fw�ls s6atl be hetd i�t an itutitutian tbe deposits ar accounts of rvhicA are insured or gwrantEed!ry A federat or `
<br /> , < <.� +ute ydx.Y�'s�ctadi�I�ender if l.ander is wch an insututia�).I.mder shal!a I [he Fands co . �
<br /> � Lender ti�t not c PP y paY the escro�i[e�s.
<br /> y ���Of�nt��PP�Y�s��u�ds.analyzin;the account ar verityin�the acroM items,unk�u �
<br /> ; - La�de[py►s 8orro�a intarxst cui the Fu'tids u�d appfiabk 1�►permits Lender to maice such s charse.Borrower and �
<br /> Lender auy a�e ia�vritiaa that interan sh�U bc qid on the Funds. Unlcss an agee�t is made ar appticabte fzw �
<br /> . req�mes iataa�t to be paid,Le�der sball not be raquira��co py Borro�er an�intaat uc arninas on the Fonds.�,snder �
<br /> � �ha11�fve to Borrower.�vi@wut charae.aa annaal acc�untins of che Fands showing cred�ts�nd debiu to the Fundq snd the
<br /> p�o�e fo'r wbich e�h de�t to the Ft��ras madr.The Funds ue pkdaed ss�dditiQnal s�curity far the sums secured by
<br /> � t6is5ec�ritytAStrumatt. . �
<br /> tf the amount ar t1u Funds lreta 6�c�I�aider.to:ether�vith the future monthty pabnsents of Funds pay�bk prior to
<br /> � � tbe aue data oi the acrav items.st�E.cuxed the smount requirod to Rsy the acro+v itmr:xhen due,the.excess sh�ll be.
<br /> at BorraMet'a aption.athu pra»ptty:.eqt�cd ta Borroxu br credited tn 8orrawer on monthlY payments af Funds If ch�..
<br /> .. snaount attbe Fimda 6e1d by Lender is t�toc sal6c�a to psy the scraw items whrn due.Borru�ver shafl pay to Lender any
<br /> �a�cwnt nece�ary to maice a�the dd�iency ia one es more p�yment�u requirod D�j l.e�der.
<br /> � Upon payexat in fuit of all sunes secureQ by this Srcuricv Instrumeret,l.ender shalt prampt►y reFund ta B�e�o�ver
<br /> �ry Fur�ds Add by Lender.if e�nder p�ua;rsph 19 the Property�sold or acquired by Lender.I.endtr shall a�Y���r�ater
<br /> [baa�ma�y priar to the ssk c±�r.Itr�ropeny or,its acquisrrion by Lendu,sny Funds hetd by Lrnder ac t�r time of
<br /> � ap�tfcaticn asa credit�aie:st che sums�cured by�;s Securtty tnstrumrnt. � .
<br /> � A!/��of Ps�seNb. �3:'il'as�ppt�rsbk larv provides otherwlse.al!psyments recei���ry l,endes undet �.
<br /> . p�aQaphs 1 saQ 2 shail be�ppiied:frrs�;�o�ate chusa due under�he Note;srcond,to prtpsyment chu�es dut ynder the
<br /> es
<br /> � Natr,third.uo�ouats p�yabte urider�rapA 2;fourth.ta interest due;and lut.to prindpai due. �
<br /> 4� �tie�. Borrowe�'sb�a11 piy all taxes,assessments.chata�,fines aru3�mpositiorts att�butabk to the
<br /> Prope�ty which may attain pnority,aver this Sacunty lnstrument, and leasehuJd paymenta ar graund�rmts. if�ny.
<br /> - . Borro+rer th�ll pay thes�ob�%aations.in rAe manaes p.roviQed ir�p�tr�raPh 2.or d not paid in�hat naar.u.Bonorer shap
<br /> . . p�y thetn un time directty fo tbe petuin o�ra!psymrnt.$orrower ahdl promptly iumRSb to�.ender ail�notices oPamounts - - - -
<br /> tu Se p�id ander this p�raaaph.lt BoaowEr mai�es these p�yments QirecUy.BarraWer shalt prompely fumiah to l.endcr '
<br /> r'eoeipts evidaicie=tbe pymenu. . ` �_
<br /> Borro��Aall ptomptly dischar�e any Iieri�hicb has pr�ionty aver th»Secunty lsr:trument unkss BorroMrr:(a)
<br /> a�rea in w�ritfn j to the pyment of tlit obliption�cuted by tAe Ira��n�manner aeceptabk to Lendcr:�b)contats in aood
<br /> tMt'It t!u lien dy.or defends apinst entarcement pf 1he l�en in.k�al procaed�n�s�rhicb in tbt l.eader's opUion operate to -
<br /> prevau t!x enforcemtnt af the tien ot�vrfeiture oP any patt of the property;ar(r!socures fram the batder of the tien an �� '
<br /> , �r�enie�t atisfattary to Lender suban�rnatin6 the Gen to this Secunty lnstrumeet,lf Lsnder determines tlat any p�re o!
<br /> the Propetty is subjoct [o�fien wAicb may sttain pnonty over this Secunty lnstrumrnt. LenCer m�y�ive BotroMer a �
<br /> natice identifyins tAe lien.Borroiver shatl�ssfy�he licn or tske one or rtore ol the�cucn►s se�ferth abc►ve within!0 dsys �
<br /> ofthe�f�in�ofnatice. ' . . . ,
<br /> S• H��M I�trCe. Botrower slull lccep the qmprove�nent�now e�tstma or htreaftrr erected ati tlEe Ptoperty � � `'�
<br /> insur�ed apinst lat Dy fire.hazards inc1u0e0 witfi�n the tetm'•e�ttendrd coverate"and any other haurds!or Mh�ch E.ender
<br /> requira in�rmce. Thu iewranct alWl be mainta�ned in the amounts and for the periads that Lerxter requ�rts�:3he �
<br /> inwrance eatrier provtdin�Ihe msunna*ha11 be bl�asen by Borrower sutrlact to Lendtr's�ppraval urt7arh shall noi be `.i�►r;,'
<br /> w►rwonaMy xithhekf. , 4 .
<br /> All iesuraace pol�e+es sn0 rrnew#1s shall Oie accepusk co C.rnder�nd shall irrcluAe a stsndud mona,sae clause.
<br /> Leeder t6a1t have the ri�tft to hotd�hr�licies snd rencMds. ([l.�det aquires,Horrqwet shail pramptly aive tu Lender
<br /> u11 reoeipts o�p�id Pretniums and tenrwa!not�ee�.ln the evmt af[�ss.Borrowet stiali��ve promp�nalrce ta the insunnce �
<br /> can'iiet ufd Ltnder.L.ender rptxp mske prnof of toss dnot rtudt promptly Q�v�ar�awrr.
<br /> Ualess Lender and�r�flrver nthttwrse aErae m wnt�nj;insurartce pmc:�xds sh�ll beappUrd ta:�s4ontion or repa�r
<br /> c�t�e Ptopeny dama;ed,d�he ustot�t�on ar rrp��r�s eccmomi�ally fea+at�r and LenQer's secunty is�not tessened.�l'�ihe . . .. .. . . .
<br /> rataition or rep�it�s nat econcxnicaf.r fi Pra�ibk ur l,enQe�'s socunl}would br Irssene0,�he�murancc praecds st�„s�i be
<br /> � applied to�h�sums aecured by th�s Se�cc�nty tmtrumen�,whrt�rer�sr not tl�en due.wich,ucy excess pa�d[o dar�o�r.a. if
<br /> Borr�o+rer atunQotts the Ihoperty,ot dtixs noe an�wer w�thin 3i?days a noucc f�vm L,snder that Ihe insuanee camer has
<br /> of tted to xttk a�clum.tArn Lender may coltect�he insunnce ptucee�s I.er�cfe�may u�se thc proceeds t�rep��r or resture
<br /> ttk Ptoperty or to p�y sum�e�ecurrQ by th�s Secunty fnstrument,whcther rr::otthen due Tfic 3(�day penod wd!bea�n
<br /> . rhen the eol�ee�s�iven. •
<br /> Unkss Lendei and Bona�ru aiherwr�st uaree�n wncing.any appl�c3�iot�of�+ructts#�s tct prmcYpa!shalt noi e�terid or
<br /> • , � postpoue the due d�tr o�the mvnthly paymtnt�,tefttred Io�n naragraphs 1 and 2 or change ihr�mnunt e,f the payments.It
<br /> under par,�r�ah w�he P�operey is acqwrai!ry Ler�aer,&srrawrr's r��ht to any�nsurance pul�cta r+nd praceeds resutt�ng
<br /> froer�cl�mare to�he Property prtat to�he acqui��nnn shall pass tv Lendrr to�he eatcnc uf�he sums se�rured by th�s Secunty r
<br /> instrurne�at�mrtted�atcly pnor ta theacqutunczn.. �
<br /> �• Prs�e►��tlos W htafite��cY of Pro/trty:Lasebt/�, Botruvet shall ne�t de�tr��y,damage or subsuntally '
<br /> - . _ ch�ti�e the Pmpert9.al�ot4�INe Ptopertv ta dtter�atte nr ct�mm�r�t w�e�e. !#*�+.���_���l�tt�t s�€s�� t�ssct.�:�. . - -
<br /> , 8orro+rer sh�li comply wilb the ptav�s�ons otlhe lease,artA�f Hatrdv�e�$cqwres fet tufe tc�the Prapeny,�hc leasehoYd And
<br />' kt titkshsll not met�e unit3s LtJtder agres to[ht merget�n writing.
<br /> � 7• Protecibw ot LrMer'� Rf�AU i� tbs Proreny; !►tarip�e Insnrana. If Borrower fails ta perform the �
<br /> L cavenant3 at►d aareemrnts conta�ned�n th�s Sctiunty 1n9trumrnt.c�t there cs a tegat�rarcedmg�h::may s�gnr5cantly at�ect'
<br /> Lenuet's riEAts�n the Pt�perty (surb as g pructed�ng in banktu�+scy. probate. tur c��ndrmrratcc�rr ortcr enforre tavv.ctr
<br /> te�ulan�),then l.ender d�3y dn anA��for whate�er�s nccrssary tc�p�atert�he�alue ait(te Vroper�y and t,ender'�nghts �
<br /> � in the Ptupetty. Lende►'s acl�r�s rn�y �nclude pay�ng sny sums serured by a tun vrh�ch has pnonty r��er th�s 5rcunty �
<br /> .. . �
<br /> thsir�mtni.apptsnfig i�couri.pa;mg reagnnabte btt�tntMS'fers and ent�nng i�n Ihe PrE�pesE}sc:t�sske re�3en Althe}ugte -
<br /> , I.trt�trxnar take acti4�u!►der�tA���+atagraph'�.L'cndet dc+cs nai ha�r ta�!u sc� ` -
<br /> � �ny amuun�s��sburse�!t►y[�rnder un:�er ih�s Qaregraph 7�hafl he,e•mr a;.i,l�t,anai debt�,t N�,:rawrs sr�ured hy eh�y
<br /> Securuy��5ttutiirnt l�►niesv Horro�rerand Len�9eragree t�nther terms rrf�+a4rttetii,thrsranrs•:,at�..hal!t+�aa interett fr��m
<br /> . Ihe date c�f disbat�srr�ent at the ;�att.rate �rtt� shai! t+e E+aya�le, w�th ►ntereet, ��,C�n rrc�ti:e frr•m {ans.-r r;• t't��rsryttier
<br /> rtqurstin���ymetit
<br /> . �
<br /> - - --- — -
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