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<br /> �ie�+M it!Y�8�eiqr L�it�■w�t�wit�i�tr�ref.'i'Ue rfks,i�Mf�W�as��er d Ne ei�t to ,
<br /> ' .m�i�Ws aA�r ieaMeati�ri Irs ri�t M ia�t oM�t iefiM M aw�et tMe�o�ta�e al a iefa■It ar�ryr�Hia -
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<br /> .�" � �+MwM1iMe�IMr�s'lri��ie}M��iW4ettii�e. . " ::.:.: :'`::.... .
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<br /> rM w it�t+Mr�i fit 1Me�arM�r�re�lrei b�1/tie�iic Itw.Te��sltM�tie±�4r�o�.8aeerw�e�r�xlt d�' � �� .;�-
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<br /> ;� �7��� • , '.:,�. . , . . ,
<br /> -�` ,� LT�•t+�t�!���at�`fl�e/eks M�.`TrwMe�It�direr to t�e Neel�;r Tn�ed��e�i eon�L�ttie � ��:�' .
<br /> ` !tr/�tyr.TM ntiWt Y dre TnMMw''�MM�dB it�rtr faeie e*iiaee af ei�e tsaii�tie�atea�ab�ie t�erda. `'� � - .
<br /> ,...,�.,
<br /> . � Tr+Mlre��!!ty f1N��eMi e��t rk it tle t�iNw(y o�i�+r:(v to dl e=�a�es att�e�te.hd�ii■R.Mt�et li�[Wi _
<br /> �� .� t�71e�1�'s t�w r�a�il�/�7�j/Na�k�w�i ew�riYle at6ae�e,ps•tee�b)to W�s�c�r�i i'tLb Stearity . ... .. :
<br /> L�tlr��l�i te)s�1!eiert Es f�e/it��r Metw�It�r utitlM te k.
<br /> . .. � t�Nv i�Peer�eMto�.Upon aocdaation w�der patiysrsph !9 or abandmimeat oP the Ptopetiy. L�ender(ia
<br /> . ' Pet�a►.b�►s�a►t ar by j�dicially ap�ainted recciver)ahall be mtitkd to enur upon,ulce possession of and nnu�a the
<br /> Pm�atyr aad W eotlact tJ�e renu a�the Property ineiurd�j lhore p�t dire.Any�rnis calkctM by I.endee or t�e raxiver �
<br /> � : i�i�it be applied�t�'t W pr�t ef tl�cats ca�aaaayanaet of tbe Proper.sy and.edketion oP rrmt�.iacfndin�,but nat
<br /> •'•. 'I�d t0.raoaver's fas.preaalwas oa nr.e�'v�r''�bond��utd rea�onsblc u�:t�t�e.ys'fae��nd thel�to tbe sums secured by �
<br /> ' . tLi�Sec�ttity Iestrumtnt. . . . -
<br /> . 2f.�eane�see.Upon p�t of all sums recared by tbis�ecurity Iastn:a��Lrnder ahall requat Yrusta to • , .�.
<br /> � , � t+aarivey tbe ptopaty and sh�,tl rur�t!e�o�drr t6is Seturity Itutrnment�nd a11 notes evidertcina debt secutdd by tbis Scrvrity . .
<br /> � Iratrument W Trustoa Yrusta sball tocanvey the PrapeRy Mithout wuraaty a�sa witbout charge ta the ptraon or persons
<br /> =--- .:.: --- -k�tllv�titk�At�i�,C�r�}��►rrtwlE►sT._t'!�!�!h�l�►�ny.�g�sinn�vwta • . ;�--
<br /> � 3=.8�Tcwl�e.Lx.r�s,�t its aption,msy ttum rime ta time ranove Tru�zae�nd appaint�succcssor trustae , °
<br /> W iuy Tn�stae sppotatall�eseurjA�'�y an instrument recoraed in the cc�unty in which t'�Socuney Inurumrnt is u+�a�rded.
<br /> ' Witba�t eanveyanes ottbe Praperty.the wrce�or truua ahall succecd to aJl the i�de,�pa�ru and Quti�►conferrad upoa _-
<br /> ,� '�'ru�t�e ha+eia�by�bk ta�v. ' � -
<br /> . Z3.�t�hr fii�do�r.Barsow�er requesls thae capies ot�he noteoe�of aetaalt st�Q s�k be sent to Barrowa'�add�rea�
<br /> . whicJf is I�e Pnopecty Ad�ness.Bnrt��n+pt furthet raryests that cop�es�,f the nc�t�ct of det�utt and notice Qf sate se stnt to eacA �—
<br /> . � penoe�zs a pasy�hento at dt��Jtess of such perrum set t'anh herein. � .
<br /> � �� � i1�Ni'Mr M tiuM S�e�rit�t��Itane or more ridera are etcc�uA by�arrower and�ecarded ccKether witA ,
<br /> t1�a Secw�itr IaNru�Eht covesaet�and ajrae�etnts af ach wch ndes tlWl be incarptxated inW anA shal!art►et�d and
<br /> wpp�a�e+nt tbe oovarrs�t�t u�d a�ramenn u�this Security Instrument u it the riQer(�) �rere a part of this Security
<br /> i��,EChect�pplicabk bos(a)j �
<br /> �] /1tlj�bt��e Rider �4,;.Condomi»iw» RiOer f,;,'. ��4 Famity Ridrr
<br /> ' (] tirbutte0 Paymeat ltidet � Pl�u�nM Unit Ikvelonrr,,ent R�er
<br /> Otliat�) [ ' 1 ' , �
<br /> � ���
<br /> BY StaN�t�ci �c,c►w. 8ottt�ret accRpt� arb �[re� co ttie terrn� nrsd cove�unt� conuincd ie this Security
<br /> teNtrtimdnt�nd in s�rrr�er(sl executad dy Bormwer and racarQed vitA�t.
<br /> ,
<br /> . . .. . . . .. . . ..... ... - -- --- -- - - _. ..... . ... . . . _. .. . . .. . ....
<br /> . . .t;t,,��,....�._.�':�,r.�..�e�i-j.........................(Sea1)
<br /> Ge �ld p. liibbc�l�r -��► •
<br /> , . . . . �� ����e�e%�!�../. ........... ..(5a1) � ,
<br /> .... .... ..... .:.:...... ... .... .. ..
<br /> • . �l.ninc M. iiibbelc:z. -�+� .
<br /> 8rs�t�s o�Ns�aa►u�................�ial]... . .. .........,. .... . ., .. . . .,......,......Cowtity�:� . �
<br /> . � On tbir........?�......... ..... day oi......!`�y.... .... ... ., 1�. 9d,W.�fore me.the undes�igned,�Notary Public
<br /> , fllily opmtt�,iMiG�ed�tul qt�ali8ad fOr.ericl C(�ttatye P�uY c�m� tFer�ld..II....t33b?a�il�x-.�d. ................. ' .
<br /> � ��,l��nc_M.,,tlibbeler,..husbancl,.and wi��, _ . ............... ..... .... ,tu tine 1cao�rn ta be tbe :-_ -�
<br /> _.. . .. ............. ......... .... . ._.
<br /> � idratkai pee�ot�) who�i aamet�f ars wb�b�d ta the toregains iast:umeat�ad aciEao�rtedlad t]�e eu�- � -
<br /> tioa l�tra!to br...........................�h���..............._......._.... ._...._..._...... .v�olurttary ac!t�nd d�d. �
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<br /> datr�ne+e�d. � -
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