� , . . �_ — ,
<br /> . � ' �
<br /> � � � ' ` ' , � � � � ' ` . �. --- �
<br /> , , , _ _
<br /> , • .' , . , .
<br /> r� � � , �� . � �o-- io���o � � � � .
<br /> ��1 �� � -. It t,maer�requirei s�roe±�c��_ �•.�eeieia,ot,an�lcia�t tbe to�a,�ree D�►rt��ecuritY tnscrue,rnc, � � . � _
<br /> " Harro�ra stu11 p�Y t�e pr�e�ir rf�WM 1p a�ei�i�imur�nae in e�ec!t+ntD�cl�time as the reyuit�ment fa tbe
<br /> • � ia�wranoe termjn�ta�n�000r�qpgwrit�i i11rlM+�.�'�.�de*'s writtea yreen�ent oR��law. , � <
<br /> � � i�eli�i. ti���i i�1Nt'�ilyAw�ei�a�bie eietri�s Wpon�i in�putfa�ot t1ro Prapeny.l.eeder � .
<br /> : � sWl�iveBorrrr�resnotic��t tl�etim�eoCorPrio�lYb�dt��'iapettia►M�cil�uaon�ble cau�c fcyr theiropextion. .
<br /> ' !. C,a�i�tl�a. T6e pmceecf�of anY�wsrd or cWm for d�nuyts�dinec�a ccxnc�ential.in rnnnactioei�rith .
<br /> ' ; siyr on�Qe�a�tion ot atber takin�ot anr part of tlie troperty.or for tonve�r�i�cs in licu ot ctwidemn�tion.are Atr�► . �
<br /> ,� , �ri�oed add ahall be pid to La�der. . � � '
<br /> _ � . ia tlie avest a[a totsl tatirij of tbe pr�nperty.the proceeds ihall be appii�d ta�Ik eum�,�cured by tha Sxurity .
<br /> ' I�utruiaent,.rbet6er or not tben due.vith my e�paid ta Horro�ver.In the evcnt�t�puti�!takin j qf tl�e property,
<br /> unias 8arrteMa uid Lender at�ise ajrea in+rritini.the wm�securrd by this Saw�rity insttument*luii be rcducod by '
<br /> ; tbe amouut of tbe p�ocea�s malriptied b�the fdturinj Cr�tian: (a3 the totd arn�wnt af the sum��ocurod immedia[ely ,
<br /> � bdcrc tbe taitid�,divided by(b?the fiit tnuket W�tue o[the Propertg immediatety befarc the tikin�.Any b�nce shaA be .
<br /> qid to BoR+o+va. • .
<br /> .I(tLe Pt+opetty is absndaied by 8onawrer.cx if�sRes notice bv Lender m Honowra tlut th�e condemnor bRen to . .
<br /> m�lcea�tarard or�ettk aclairt�ta dam�a,Bnrrawer fub to respo�►d to L.enOer within 30d���Rer ths dste the notice is
<br /> �vm.�.endcr is authoriz�ed to collect�nd�ppty the proceeds.�t ia optic�n.eitlfcr ca rat�tina�or apaie of the Propt»y a ,
<br /> , � to tite wndF�ecured by t6a Security instrument.�hether or not then ctue. . ..
<br /> . . : . Unku L+a�Qer aad 8orro�rer otf�erwise aQee ia�rritins.�ny splslicstion o[proccoQs tc�ptirtcipal sAall nc�t sxtend cx . , �
<br /> � patpone the due date of tbe monthiY p�ymeass aferrrd to in p�apsphs[and 2 or chmte ttie�mount atbuch psymer�tR
<br /> � ' 1A. seeeowa Net Rd��.Forrea�.By t�er Na1� Wditr. E�trnsion of�hc time t'ar,psyment.or
<br /> � �mo0i6cuion of�morti�tion at the�ums eecurad �y this Security instrument SnnteA by Lender to any�u�ce�sor in
<br /> � . intsrat af 8orro�ret sha11 not apeatt to�eka�re the lia6ility a#Ihe oripnal8nrrower or Bcirrawet'�successurs in uetaest.
<br /> � La�1er�a1!itM bo requirod to coa�mencs procaedin�.t�n�t ar►y aucces�or�n�nterest ar refusr to oxcend �ime for
<br /> � pyma�t tx otberaise rtwdify a�ortiutian aPthe wms iocured Qy this Securily[nstcumrne by resMjn c+f any derrund m�de �
<br /> by tbe orijinal&xrnt�ves or 9orrmrer'ssucces�on�n intetat.Any farbauarks by Lenckr in exerc��in�Any r��ht nr art�edy
<br /> . shalf aat be a waiver o[or pr�ctut�e the easrcise of�ny ri�ht or remedy. . . ;
<br /> 1L S�we�s Mi Awi/IS D�Mk�oht aN�eral ILMlitp:Coii� Thc c��vrnsnts anA agrrtment�of
<br /> � this Seeutity Instrumatt el�11 bit�d and bene6t the succ�es�orx atid�uians af l.ender�rsci 8orra�rer,sutsject ta 1 ht pravisions �
<br /> . . otp�rs�raph 17.Banower'd cavenants uxf�retment��1u11 be joint end several.Any Qarrower aho cc�sigrs Ihis 4ccunty
<br /> testrumeat but doa not exxute the Natr.(s)is co-signing this S�cuntq tnstrument�mty tm m�r�g���,grant and convey � • �
<br /> � tl�t 8orrowrer's intere�t in tt�e i'roperty under the terms of this Serumy Instrum�7;(6)n nat petscrngtty cs�tig,ace�u►pay - . .
<br /> . the wms securod by this Security Iastrurtunt;and(c)tEtas that Lrnder utd any othet Borrawer msy ayrot te extana. -
<br /> �' . modity.focbe�r or make�t►y accomtnodations Rith«�ard to the term�ot thi�Sccunty Instrument cir�he Nc�te w��Mwe
<br /> ' thatBorra�ver'scaisent. ;`�
<br /> � 12. t�oM t�riM. Iith�tcan�ecured by thia Security Instrument is subjcrt tn o taw wnrch ict�mas�mum f�+an
<br /> eltu�es,�nd tl�st la+v is Sna�ty intetpretad sa that ehe mterest ar oQur lc�an c�fugca�altcctcri �+r u► ht c��ItateA �n —
<br /> cannection Mitb the loan exceca the petmittod hanits.then: (rt>any such R�an char�e sAall be rectucod by the amcwnt � •
<br /> , norestary to rcduce the chsr�o to the permitteQ limi�;and(h)ony�um�already colfected irc►m Har�owrer�vhrch racttded , �
<br /> � � permitte0 limits�ilt be tefurcdaf to 8orrower.Lender msy choose to make this refund by�cAuc��ig�Ae�Sr�ncipa!ciwed
<br /> undet tbe NMe or by mai�in j�dirace p�ymer�t to Bc,t�roker.l!a atund rtdura pnnsipal,the reduct�on�nfl t+e treatcd as•
<br /> � • qAial prepaymettt without RnY P��Y�t ahsr�e undec the Note.
<br /> • 1�. Ge�Mtio� Al�ettia� t,e�e�'s Ri�b. If enactment �r eapuauun ot appt�csblc luw� has thc cf�ecl ��/
<br /> � rmderin�any pravi�ia�otlhe Note or this Security=nstrument unenforceabic acc�rdmg tn�h term�.i�ender,at its upunrt,
<br /> may requir�e immediate pyment in fult of al!aums becurai by this 5ecur�ty In�ttument�nd may �nvotce u��y remed�es
<br /> permittad by put�r�ph 19.If L,rnder esercises this nptian.l,enAcr SAsll laite the iteps aprr�SeA�n�hr se:und�Syragroph of
<br /> . puajraph 17. r� `# ,
<br /> l�. 1VotjC�r. Any nuticc ic�Horrowes provided f�►in IMs Secur�ty Instrumcnt sA�ll hc gi►en t+y dcl��enng�t��r Ay
<br /> tntitinj it by flnt clac9 miil unkss applicable l�w rcyuire+ ux c�!anather me�lti�u1 `fhc n��1rc�rhult he dur+tnt a��hr '
<br /> ' properfy Addras or�ny ather iddress Horrower daignates by nr���r�a�t.e�uJrr Any nalice tu Is�ideo yhall t►r g�.en hy
<br /> &tt Ctas4►ma�l ta Lcndtr.'�addrsss 54pted here�n ur any o�her ud�lrc4,l�ender dcsign�tc�hy ru��irc��►fi�irr��wrr .A�►y n�+t�,�r. .
<br /> �►tovidM for'tn thit Security Inetrumrnt ah'I!hcdeemaf�o hare hc�a g�reu tr�Ik�rrctiwer ur L.enJcr whrt�gw en ur ptE»�dce!
<br /> - in this paryrapfi. .. .. ... .. ... .... .. .- -� -- - - �--. .. .. . - -- - - - --. .. .... . .. . ..... ... . .
<br /> . 1�3. tiorenl�!�a!�;SevtrtrilitY. 'Chi��unty In�trument�haU he gc+.erncd by ledei�l law�n�1�hc 1�►w��f�he
<br /> jurixdictio�s in whi�h the P�up�ty��tocatod- In the s��ent tRyt any pruv��scm ur c!�use af�h«4n.uruy Ir�trun►cnt E�t the
<br /> Note conAicts with�pplicabk I�w.au�h cunAut shall nu�afiect other pru�i���ins��!th�x 5ecur�tq fn�trurnent��r Ihe tiute
<br /> whieh c�n be sivca rl[ect�ithnut the canAictma pr«�is�oa 'I�o thrs end th�provneon•of iMr tic�ur�ip Imci uu�rnt�uA thc
<br /> iVatc ue declared to be sevcwbk. �
<br /> If. 1101'rOwet'ftCo�. Btntowershall he 6�ven nne cfmf��tn�e�1 cupy��f thc Nutear►cf�ri�h�4�ur�ty tn�tru�r�cnt
<br /> 17. ?ra�tu Qt tl�Pro/erty at a BeueHeW[aterest!s.Barorrer. If all t�r nnr �aRM a�f ehr F'r��l���k'��r,;v�>
<br /> . � i�tetrA in it i+sold or tru�stencd(or iti eerdefirul mtcrest�n Hornjx�er i.�+�ld��r�ran�fc�rrMt c�nA Ik,rr.�wer ic��.�t a na��F�,t
<br /> person)withaut Lrnder's prior�xntten cumeat.I,rn+ter muy.o��rs��C�tu�rr, tcyuue unmediete E�.�y�❑rn�u�t„11�.f e!t�ur�r� _
<br /> , secqted by this Seturity Instrumer�t. Nc,wever,thx.<�pU�f��hali +���t hc�xerkiccc� hy t.ender �t rtrr.w+�i,v�1r��hihued h. ' , , .
<br /> fedetallawas�i�hediteafth�s5c�:erily inst.rumrnt , '
<br /> • ItLcndeteaeercisc�sthisopunn.l.cn�cr4hallg�veHvrr��wcr��uto-:e.�*acccler�ur�n �hen��tu:•th:,ll��r��.���_����r��b1
<br /> �inatltssthan30Qayst��thedasethcnutictitdet►�ere�armaitc�w�thi�rr�hichf�,rc�,wera�use��,,�ull+,un��4r.ui�dtiy '
<br /> .. _....__ � thi�5ccurity lnstrument.If Iiorri�we�fwt�ta�y�hesc�uacs priur w�hc c�piraii�:,�aFthis pcti,ni.i r.nrf��i tu;►� iu���i�i•aiiy - - -
<br /> ��emedies ptrmitted by/Ais 5ecunty tnstrument��thout further arrt ice c�r dgtnand E�n ikira�ar�
<br /> , I�,�w'to�ret's Rtdt to RN�tilte, '�f fiarrav►cr p►eets cctansn c�ucduc+ti�i�,(lotruwcr�h�li h��r ttie r��;ht t��h.i�c�
<br /> � enfotcemen!c�f this 5e�urity tn�trument Qis�ccFntmurd 9t.a�ry tin�e p:��r rr�ehc r�el.�i n! �3f 4�t:�y�r��t�+uete c�sher��ei�yl a4
<br /> � applicabk law m�y speciiy fur�einstoternea►tl hrinr��Ic at�he Nruprny pw.ruac�:�tu c�ny 4h,uer��f�Ic�.k�►�ta�p«.J�i��►ur
<br /> Steurity ln5ttumtnt ut{b)t�►l►y r►f e{ttdgnse��1 et�fE+ti�ng Ih��'�e+-_ut�t}I��Slt�intet�t. 1 t'EVSC 4ot�tl!ttf�viS arc 1tt:�t li+�trt�utr
<br /> {a)pays Ixnder all sum�wn�ch then+�uutd hr due under �hi�, 5e�untq tu�uuutrn! ��n�t th�r !ti��t� hs�t E�.��..�ct�•�.ft„�t� .r*-
<br /> _' • ' t�s�u�ed;(h)CuriS.afty dfCault�rf 3tty �Ihes EFi«et�tr�tc E�r �gr.�rtZtriis i�.r�:ty► s!i rn�ns:z in:.iirr��t s:F enfr�t�in� thi; _ �
<br /> = _.= ae�:u�ity 1n�truaici�t.tr�futlin�,but.tit►6 lirt•titE�!lf�. tra�u�iat!leaEtE����c►4 �'cc!�.at�ft 4i��l:�lcv�u�.tE:ixii��ir,i.{+���d�i �u�r - .,�
<br /> rtasc+nably teyuire tt,ussute that thr. Iccn��Y�h�s Se�urity Ien�ru�tirr�t. i_rr;d�r"� t�bhtv irt thc• Pr����tty an�i {t�•rr.�we�'� ., �
<br /> _ ubligat:Rn to pay �ht �un�• sr�urcd hy: �h,� Secs�eity In�t�uruc��s �h:�it i�,ne��ic�r ur.:.ha��hrci t'p:�n leut�t�temr,nf h} �
<br /> liutrcr�:e�.IhEVSc�ur1!} in5trtrn�ei,t nnd thes�t+i►�stis�ny�r�urr�he�ch4 cf��fi r���ti,;u�+(ut��,rtT�Yn�o a��f n;�.,.�rter�si��=�t�r�i •
<br /> �+ccur�ed Nuwr•et,Iti�s t��ht tc�tcirti��ate�httll nni epply tn thecaueutac�t?etah�rn watcr��,�t�grn{�1ti.11�r•r 1`
<br /> . . � +� ,.�.�
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