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200105556 <br />tenths (114.4) feet to a point of curvature; thence running <br />southwesterly along the arc of a curve whose radius is 756 <br />feet (the long chord of which deflects left 0301015411 from the <br />last described course) a long chord distance of Eight -three <br />and Ninety -six Hundredths (83.96) feet; thence deflecting left <br />03 010154" from the long cord of the last described curve and <br />running southerly, a distance of Three Hundred Forty -four and <br />Sixty -two Hundredths (344.62) feet; thence deflecting left <br />90 000' and running easterly, a distance of One Hundred Fifty <br />(150.0) feet; thence deflecting left 90 000' and running <br />northerly, a distance of Six Hundred Five (605.0) feet to the <br />ACTUAL place of beginning and containing 1.930 acres more or <br />less. <br />3. Goods and materials were furnished to said property at <br />the request of Lacy Construction, Inc., 715 South Clark, Grand <br />Island, Nebraska 68801. <br />4. The time the last services or materials were furnished by <br />claimant for the benefit of the property was February 12, 2001. <br />5. There is a balance due and owing claimant for services or <br />materials provided for the property in the sum of Three Thousand <br />Five Hundred Twenty -five and No /100 Dollars ($3,525.00). <br />6. Ziller Tile, Inc. claims a lien on the above - described <br />property in the amount of Three Thousand Five Hundred Twenty -five <br />and No /100 Dollars ($3,525.00) together with interest thereon at <br />the legal rate. <br />2001. <br />FURTHER AFFIANT SAITH NOT. <br />ZILLER TILE, INC. <br />BY: <br />WILLIAM P. ZILLER President <br />SUBSCRIBED and sworn to before me on this day of June, <br />otaty Rublic <br />4 GENERAL NOTARY -Stye M Nebra� <br />RONALD S. DEPUE <br />My Comm. W 8Wt. 28, 20 <br />