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M n n rn <br />CZ) n cn <br />> Z D (� S I( -► G D O CAD <br />Z r r't <br />rv1 D o W <br />pC� rn Z r <br />pn O o r p- Cn e <br />o� u� (j) C n <br />CIe F� ;K CD <br />d o � U' �. <br />GG N ry Cn rn <br />p <br />COkSIRUbTINILIEN v' o <br />DATE: June 2001 <br />LIEN CLAIMED BY: ZILLER TILE, INC. <br />P. 0. Box 1211 <br />Grand Island, NE 68802 <br />LIEN CLAIMED AGAINST: Omaha Paper Stock Co., Inc. <br />2101 Mercy Road <br />Omaha, NE 68106 <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />) ss : <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />William P. Ziller, duly elected President of Ziller Tile, <br />Inc., being duly sworn upon oath, deposes and states: <br />1. He is the duly elected President of Ziller Tile, Inc., <br />and as said President, verifies this account in writing for and on <br />behalf of Ziller Tile, Inc. <br />2. Ziller Tile, Inc., by and through its duly authorized <br />agents and employees provided goods and materials for work done on <br />the property legally described as follows: <br />Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of the West Half of <br />the Northeast Quarter (W%NEY4) of Section Fifteen (15), <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th <br />P.M. in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly <br />described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of <br />said West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W%NE1 /), thence <br />southerly along the east line of said West Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter (W%NE1 /), a distance of Six Hundred Thirty - <br />two and Three Hundredths (632.03) feet to the southeasterly <br />right -of -way line of U. S. Highway No. 30; thence deflecting <br />right 64 °30'20" and running southwesterly along said right -of- <br />way line, a distance of Eight -eight and Sixty -four Hundredths <br />(88.64) feet to the ACTUAL place of beginning; thence <br />continuing southwesterly along the last described course, a <br />distance of One Hundred Forty -six and Ninety -seven Hundredths <br />(146.97) feet; thence deflecting left 58 008132" and running <br />southwesterly, a distance of One Hundred Fourteen and Four- <br />