. ' ' _ ' '- , . ' . " " - -. . ._ . . tc . . . ` . _ ` ( . . . _ ` . -
<br /> ' ..r..-._,..�- -` . . , -� , . . � � . ` ` <. ` . � ....��.___ " - �
<br /> i' � . � � . . � . . . . ' � ' c
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<br /> _ ��. � �.�...���».,�. � . 90 10279� . � � � .
<br /> - ` (ay Oeli�W.L,eadtr m�Y.���at timitad�►r�ufans.tu�bY��etary m the rast af�9mettr defn�ip,,req�re - - — -_ -;- —�-- -__- -
<br /> � ` immedLie q�nent ia tu1L of�11 eums�at.urrd by this Sacurity last�...*+w^t if: .
<br /> ` � (i)�orca�es defaWts by failis�to�y in tu1)uty montNY b'►;Y��requfrad�y this Security Insuumen�prior to ar aa , . .
<br /> , tbe due d�te ot tbe a�t most�ty�aymcat.cr � .
<br /> : ,� ; �� detaults'b�►f�t.fos a perlOd o�t�irty►days.co periorm any oth�bDII�uions contsined 3n tfiis se�uriry .
<br /> f� •`. f�y�y
<br /> '� � , ������I+Gi/G��u�����wiYUFa������9�� . , i ' '
<br /> . t ` Y��E:�/�11�[��A��fbC a�i0�7�E4�j►f�SEC1I[Yi►�I�C�l�
<br /> (��Of�[C���S►a��L�91�lf1'�(�����if1�Q�.�l�}��C BOrtO�l�.� < .� . `
<br /> ! (p�'j�}�1���OL1L��16E Q�C�C(0�`f�C i�Q L�l�►at SOOOO�S►[lJ14l�OC.O[�C QI�WQ O! '
<br /> ; ' ��O�OC�IOGR'�J��IO�!llrat�Ct�lltClE�����Q9d�iCCa�C1Y�1�tOQl�lOfi�.SO�[ll�y.'
<br /> ' ; . (c1�M�itc�aooes oncnr t�t would�amit I.ender to aq�re imiaediate payment ia fqU.6nt l.a�der doq aot �
<br /> �,e�'uire�palmmts.i.endtr Oats aot�ra[ve its tljhis wiW r�pe�t ta anbseq�t�vptta. • ,
<br /> � t (t)��/AUD Srnedrl•ig�b���at�ed by We SecMary v�n11 limit t�4a'a ri�kts.in
<br /> , ; We ca�oP p4y�t detauk�t�caq�ice imn�odi�te Wyaxat in fall aed forecjose if�at pai4.This SecuritS►Iasuumeat doa ,
<br /> ' ;` aot wthocixt a�skr�•to�a��+'o�ue if�sot permittqd 6Y rquWioas of tlie�. � �
<br /> • ' , , � • . �
<br /> � • 1i.�irMMf�BaRrower I�s a r�ft to 4z��ainststea if Lsnder has seqaircd imaudiue psb�t in fuD 6bcause of , "
<br /> � � : HaroRa•s idh�te W WY sa au�unt due ander tlx Note a this Savrirty Iestrumeat.T63s rif!►t applies even sfter foractosnre ' .
<br /> � procee�iep ue i�tSiuted Ta celnstate tbe Stcurity Itutrument,8orrwva a(�all tender ip a Iump su�st1 amounta requi�ed to
<br /> - . � 6r�#oe�owrer':aocouat curreat anctudins�to the eataii tluy ue Obttpt�oas Of Borroyrcr under this Security Iasttumeui.
<br /> � � [ar�rt co�t� aria ressonabk �ud customary attomeg's_fea and a�pea9es praperly associ;ted witA tAe forecloswe ' .
<br /> _ ` i proceadiia�.Upon relnstatement d�Borro�ra�this Security Iflsuumeat as�d the obii�ttioas thac it secures sball remair►in effcct as
<br /> . if Lslfdi�e hd Qot req�sircd iteencdiue psyment in faU.Horever.L,ender is not nquired to permit r�t if:(i}Lender I�.. - . :
<br /> � scoept,na ain�tement afta the commenvement of toreclosure Pr�� ��n two yrsrs tmme�isteiy Dnccding the '
<br /> coratneaoe�emt ot�.carrmt forocbsure Drocsediaj+t��)rcinstuemeat will prxlude foreclosure oA different�ounds in thr , .
<br /> ' � �futurG os(i�relaautenRmt wiQ a�ver�ety affeu the prior�tx'af tRe tim creatM bY���rity I�strument. ,
<br /> 11.�Net Re1qrM;Fm�ieus�ee�� te�ier Non�Wim. F.�tension oY t��tune af paymene os modification af . • �
<br /> � ' art�4ttizatian of t�e svms 4aursd by ttus SecucitY[nstrument�tatat bY 1.cr'+�ter to�nY s�:�,ressor in ia�r�sof Borrawer ahati aot ', `,
<br /> °, operue to uleafe c�t�iabilitY of the ori�ia�l Bortowa or Borru�a'a��assor i�interrsc. l.rn�der�ss[1 not be required to .
<br /> eAm�eenet pra�lirys a�ainat any auceessot fa intarat os ref�s�e ca e�e�k»for paymrnt or mQer�s�cnodlfY�oriizatioa' . � .:, ��
<br /> � � ` � o�ibe weu tauted bY this Socu�fity insttument by reasaz�f.anY de�aad made ��s mipml�8orrowtr ar�c,rrawet's . ,
<br /> ,. { " auaeawrs in intaest.Any farbaance by l.cadtr in eaerc�g anY R81�t ar remedY'��not be a waiver of or p�sQe the
<br /> • � etercise of aay rijAt or remMq.
<br /> i . .
<br /> 1�.S�oe�wes a�Aal�iwW:J�i�t W 9stenl lf�WllY:Co-51R�en.'i'he cavrnaats aad agteemetus o!tAis SesutitY
<br /> [a�tnsmedi shall Mnd utd bmefit the sucxessors and�ssijn�ot LenQer and 8orrawer.subject to the ptav;sions of pusjnpb 4.6. �- -- __
<br /> � Borrowra's covenant�aad�cernents�haU be jofot�nd several.Any Borrawer who co-sipis this Security Inserumrnt but das
<br /> not�te the Note:(a)is co•aipiit�this Socarity Snstnimeat oNy ta mort�e.rranc and convey thac Borrower's intemt in '
<br /> the PropMy unQer the tertns of this Strurity I�strument;(b)is not person�lty oblipted co pay the sums securcd by this Security �
<br /> tnstrument: and (t) a�rca lhat Lender and any othtr Bottower msy agree to extena. modify. fo�brar or m4ke any , •
<br /> � , , aceammoQatioits with tepr0 to�he trnn ot this Security Instrument ar�he Note without tloa�Bonawtr's cnnsrn� -�;?•:
<br /> `i�•,
<br /> . 1�.NMiCp..Any notice to Borrowtt provided ior in tAi�Security lnstcument skafl be given by dttivtrin�it or by m�ilin�it by =
<br /> ' first c�s maU unia��pplirabk law requires use of anotRer metAod.The notice ahall be c�secte0 cA the Ptoperty Ad�7ass ar any
<br /> • ahet rddras Borrower desi�nates by naiice to l�ender.Any notice ta t.ender shalt bc�ve�by first ciass mail to Ler��'s aQdress
<br /> • 6[�[!d IIlTt�O Of�1iY�QQ�[SS Ll11G[f QC3�jaases by aotice to Barrower.Any natice provided Car in th'ss Security lnsrrument shall .
<br /> ; be deert�d to hare baa pven to Borro�►tr or l.cnQtr when given u provided in this parsaraph. , .
<br /> N.C,��er�Law;SeeerMWry.This Scrutiiy Inst�umeni�sha11 be�overrted by�etferal taw and c�e�aw of Ihe jurisdictian in '�,y ,
<br /> whkh 1he Praperty is locued.In th�e evrnt tlut any pravis�or.��tit clause of th�s Security Insttument ot the hote�onfline with ap- . ;a:
<br /> • . pikaDk tsM.such conttict s14a11 not stfect othrr provis�o�i•rk`this Seturity Instrumrnt or�he Nate which can be givrn etfecr
<br /> � � without the contiktfn� pruvision. To this mG the proviswr»of this �tity lnstrument and �Ypte ue Qerlued to Dr
<br /> � ' sevatble. �
<br /> LS.Mrrower•�C�. Borrowrtr shall bt given onc cc�nformed copy oi cAti:�rcuri�y tastrumcnz, .�
<br /> t�A�eM N Rt�b.[i�rrower uncandiq�an�liy wssi�ns+tn�trznsfen to i,cnder vll tha rtnts and Yevenues of�he ProDeny. •
<br /> . Bonowes authorirxs t.ender or l.ender's ogems eo collect�he«nts and revec�use aad hereby dir�cts e:�;A tenant ot the Property
<br /> to p�r tht rents t��,ender nr Ltnder's�encs,ff�wevrr,pHor to Lender�t f.�°t[t�Y f0 HOTiQW«6f�:'�'i�tl�S b[l�CII A�Otij/CAVG-
<br /> : • nant ot ycetnfent irtf the Securlty Insuuinent.�nowet ehali collect and receive a11 rencs and reveni.r.-�<if the Property u trustce
<br /> for�he benept of I.ender�na Barrc�vet.This assignmen�ot rcnts constitutes an a8sa:u�.:assianmeeat and ttut an as�ignment lar
<br /> �dditivnw!sccurily only.
<br /> . lt Lrnder{tYp notice o!breactt ro[lortr�wer.!a)�rmis c_.eived by 8orroK�rr sball be hetQ by fbrraAes as�trustee for t+rnefit
<br /> af i.et�Ae�on{y.to be�pp7iCA to the sum�steured by ihe 5tcur�ty ln�trunrcnt;(E�)I�lRdPP SF1�7II hC CQUfIKI(U COIICCI aAd fCCQlVO aII
<br /> ' of tht rents of the Property;and ic)ach te�t of the Ptaperty shall p�y a11 rcnts due aind unpaid�o l.enCcr ot I.endcr's styent
<br /> on Lender's written demand to Ihe tentnt.
<br /> Botio�re�r h�nat execa�ted any priar assig�ment of the rents nnd fias nnt anA wili not perfurm any act th�tt wnuid prevent � ' '
<br /> � Lenrtu from e�ucising?ts t�ghts under this paFagraph lb.
<br /> l,endtr shzlt not Ge ttquired ta enter uyun,ralce cantrol of vr maint�un the{'runetty befure ur ufter givirtg natice of breacb ta
<br /> , i3ottor+er.However.l.endet ot a Judicially apgainted[tceivtr may do su at flny ame thete is a brcach.Any applic�tcon uf tents
<br /> shall not cure or wUve any default ar invalidate any ather right or rcmtdy c�f l.ertder. Thia asaignn►ent nt rents ot IhC�'roperty � `- - �--
<br /> shall urminate when the debt sc�uzed by the 5ccuuty lns�rumeat ic paid in lult. '
<br /> �
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