� _ , C � � . � _ . . ._.. _ _._ . .- . . - .. . ____ .
<br /> - ' - . ' ' . . � . y - . � . � ,- � �
<br /> . �l � . . . 5 t . . ' � y ` ' � . � r- - W, .. �
<br /> � � . . . } . � � . � . .
<br /> . . � � � . . . � �._.�a���9�, �� , � . .
<br /> =-. - �.�r,—..��i.-:--�ai:a:.:�C�i��C.aeirr�vr���►.vheo d�rc the�prindpafi of►aad inta�t on.the oeb! - - - — .
<br /> , ev�deeced bY�e`Note�nd�te ciur�s dut uader ibe Note. . • . • � , .
<br /> • r 2.M�M�r!!lrlw�V s47'�,I�aee�M O�e�'Yrsu.Bort�MQ shW inc[ude in eacb monthfY PaYment.to�tth�wnth ' ' .
<br /> ' thie prl�dpal aod fatae�t ai ut forth ir�the Natt and auy tate chtr�a.aa instaUment o!any(a!�+��speci�l assasment� �
<br /> : � ' Oeviea t�to be.inil�td yaiatt tbe Ftap�tq. (�{�el#�!IKY�ta or Qound rents oa tbe Propecty.and(c)PranIums for : ' :.- - `
<br /> #�ao��e�tiind b�Para�r�p6�.
<br /> � ` ' 9 Fach moathiy inuaIIoa�t far iums i�)►tb)�ud[c)shalt aqwl one-t.vdith ot tlx annaal+puounts,�s reawnabiy atimated by ,
<br /> " . � I�eaBer.�Iw�a��owt wtfie�eat to maiauin an additiona3 6�lanoe of not more tdaa bae-sixtb of t6e estiznated ama�nts.The . < �
<br /> fu8�en�t a�rosnd fa e�cb kao�hall be�utaced bY I.eader�riWia a patod eadin�one month betore aa ium would
<br /> _ ' •�b�ecaoe dd�qra�t,I�rder si�boW t6e aaouoc#coiiected in uu:e eo D�y items I�?.tb1�nd(c)betonc ttje!►become deliaqu�t. � � .
<br /> ' It st a�q tlde tLe toW af t1K pipmenv t�etd 6yr I,ender for iteans(y;(bj.aod tc),to�ether evith ttx futute mo�tthiy paymeats _
<br /> . •�,= : tor ac1�it�w�t pqr�bie to Leadet pior to the due d�ta of s�te6 items.e�eieds by taort tban coe-si�h the e�wted aa�ount of - , _
<br /> � D�yea�ts tieq���d ta,y��s�ch item�wrbeo dua.aaQ if Da7afents aa the Nae are carrmt.tben Ln�der shail dtixt refoib.du �
<br /> , ? eaoe�o�rer oat-�th o1 the�te0 p�ymea�ts or�adk the erast�nva aae-�t.6 of the atimaud'WYmwts to subsaqoeint
<br /> , . Oi7�b]►�aro�res.at tlre optlon at Borra�.�f the toW o!the psyma►ts m�de 6y�orro�va for item ta).tb).ar(c)is �
<br /> . , iaat�t Lo p�r ttre.ite�wbea due.tlsen Bo"rrowa abail pay ta Leader aaq amaam ae�ry to make up tY�e d��y an a•
<br /> ' ; � befare lhe dae the itam betomes�Qne. " • .
<br /> • � , As u�ed io tbis Securky Instran�eat, "SeQetuy�•�aeaas the Sectetary of Housins and Urbaa Devdop�sent or'!ds or her .
<br /> dei�e.l�ak Saur�tY fa�nuueaq inst�na3 by tLe Se�stary an iasured uadet p[opams w�hich nQnire advaaoe Da�nent of the �
<br /> p��inen�wM.�um.I[this Socurity tnstcument is or xas insuIad under�pro�an�whicd did na requir�e aQrance
<br /> . G�l��ottLt eat�rs mortp�e iasur�nce premiaw.ttim ach monthif►OrYment abaU vso indude eitber:(�an insta]InKnt oE tfie
<br /> ,� �enwi a�ort�ye inrur�ce�iurt►to be paid byr Leader to t!u 5a�rttuY.w C)s monfhly charte instad of a mat�,ye ` .
<br /> . tn�aesooe p�mierm it thts Seeurity lastrumeet is hdd bY�hr 5ecnetary.Each neonchty iast�liment of tl�e mart�e insuraace '
<br /> premium slul[6e in�n amount sufticieet to accumWus tlie tulf annua!mortpte insnraa�e praatum With L.endta one month
<br /> � ' , pcior to the aai�e the itill annwt martp�e insutance premium is due to the Secrettry.or if this Security iastasuaene ts hdd 6y tde '
<br /> . ��F+�b monWk sbarfa shat!be in aa auwunt�qwtl to one-tweltih oi onah�tf paicrns of the ourstandinE princip�!
<br /> . ' baLac�due on tbe Nott. . .
<br /> � [t 8arrow�a tenQers to Lendtr tAe fu11 payment at a!I sums secured by this Security Inserumeat.Borrowec's account ahyl6e � �
<br /> arcdited �r1tR the balarke �nft� far all instWments far iceau(a). tb)aad(e)aad any marip;e inanrance premium . .
<br /> insttlbment th�t lxnder A�s not become obii�ated to psy to the Secretuy�and Leadtr atul!promDtly refus�d any excess funds to
<br /> • BarrpMee. Immcdiatdp prior[a 4 farocfosure aak of the Proqerty or its acquisition by Lendtr.Bonower's�aunt sh�ll be
<br /> . cr+�dlted rrl�lt any bdance rem�inins for W ins{at�enta for itttas(�1.(b)and(c).
<br /> � 3.A//�e�r��t lr;T�b.A!!payments under para�rsphs i and 2 sh�[1 be applied dy�.a�des as fa�towa: . :
<br /> , Fj�j.to the moctp�e inturance prtmiurn to be paid by l.endes to the Serstt�t:y or to t�,�r rnonehly duse by the Secretary . � �
<br /> i�sta�d at the montltiy mwmt�e insurance premium.unless Borro.�er paid t�e entlre mart�e insuraere promium when this '
<br /> �, Seardty�SUUieent wu s�ed: �
<br /> SEGOI�tD,:Ba anY taxd.apocf�l asses�ments.ieaschold psymeiu�or gtour�d rents.and fir�Siood and other hazud iasurartce � .
<br />' -=-"- D[emft�.�C��ttired: � � - -
<br /> . ����s�etefesi due tleder l6e NoIE: ' ' - - - - -
<br /> $�,to�mortirasion ot the principal ot the Note; �
<br /> . �.to iate thas�es dve uada the Note. �
<br /> +•Fi�t.�i��N Ol�er Hu�ei I�e.Bona�r shW jnsure dl improvements an the Property.whether now in existence }-
<br /> " , ot subleQnentfyr eroeted�yaftut any harard�.cuuilries,and contin�enMd.inciuQins firs,tor�vhicb t.ender rtqut�es insurance. .
<br /> , 't'hb hnsvranoe�hsU�De mafnt�fned in the unouat�ux�!far the periods thae t.ebda requires. Sorraw•er s}uil atso insure all �
<br /> improvemenu on t6e Praprrutty,whcthcr now in e�is•.�r or subsequeariy erecte0,saalnst loss Dy ilooQs to the eatent rtquired by ,��
<br /> the Seccetary.AU iasurattiaeshap be carricd witA c�(�nies approveA by l.ea:�r The insurasice paticies¢s�d sny renewats ahill � `'
<br /> � ' be heid by LenAer ana ehsti inctude loss payabte.�.xrr�.es in favor of.�nd in s:;irtn acapt��e to. l.eader. '
<br /> . ia the evmt ot toss,8otraxtr shsll�ive t.ender immMiate rta�.u.�rtl�y mai1,l,tndu msy make proof of loss if noc rosde prompt•
<br /> Iy►by Barrr�er.Each insw�fes compony corscemed is heresy a��i:.u,TMuea and direettd to m�l�e paymmtfor such toss Qirectly to
<br /> Lender.iatte�d of to Baitalrer and to Lender jointty.Ati or any yasi ot�he insurance proceeds may be applied by Lenda.ot iu �
<br /> optioa.either(�)to ttie eaduction at�he 1nQebtedt�e�under the Nate�nd t&i�5ecurity In�trument. first to any delinqurnt
<br /> , a�nouats�yptkQ in the vrdet tn Pu�paph 3.and then ta ptepryment ot pr:�pal,or 1b)to che restontion or repair ot the �
<br /> • damyed pao�ty.Any applkation of the procerds ta the pdnct�l shdl nai a�tend or postpone tM due date of the mpnthly � �
<br /> p�ynsmts w�[nich ue re[erreQ to�n P�raarapA 2.or cA�nse Ihe ama::�t of sucb payment�.Any eacess insuancs procetds over an
<br /> unount rer„��tited to pay dl outalandinj indeDtedness undet the Note and thi9 Security Instrument�hd)be p�id to tha entity teg,xl• ' �.
<br /> , ly entitkd theroto. •
<br /> In the event oYioreciosure ot t1�is Security In�trucnent or other lra�uler o!tfite to 1he property fhat e+�tinsulsbn the in� �
<br /> ' , : �ebteQness.dl rijht.titk and interest ot Borrawer ia a►b to insurance polkit�irs torce aha11 pa�s to�he purchuer.
<br /> S� !�+►MM!�Y M�ile�YCS sf tre rn/erty. LtnAMi�. 13or�o�er sh�ll not ccrr�^,;, wute or desfray,dar..tgr or
<br /> enb�t�Ut7auy chan�tAe Property or WoM the Ptoperty to detmcrs:e.rasonable wear anC:ru e+�cepted,l,en0er maY�nspect
<br /> she pcopetty it the proprrty 1�vacant or�b�n4uneQ or tht laan is dn Qetauls.Lcr.�ler maq taie rea�on�bk�ction to protect and �
<br /> �irefeive aqCh vacant or�baadOnte!prop�ty.It thls�:arity 1nAltument is an a sczsehol0.$oxtowtt shall campty witA the ptovi• �
<br /> swtl�of L'te kase.1f Bonowa�c�uires fee titk tn;'c 6'rapeicy. ��e teuchold and fee titte�.hatl not be mer�eQ untess Lender
<br /> . t{t'le►:3 cl�e tner�es in vrritjn�.
<br /> i•L�r�s t��ptr�N►trMeliN of I�Ner•��d 1i ai1�e�n/etty,&ircawer ahtfl pay all�overnmentat or municipa) �
<br /> c��r�.fina�n0 imipcs�itioa�that are not inciuded in t�uyraph Z.Botruwer�t.a�psy thex o6ligation�un time ditrcUy to the �
<br /> entity whkb b owed the payment.!f tailure to psy waald odversety aifect Lcc�r;r's interext rn the Pru{xrty.upnn LenQer'�re- '
<br /> quest Borrower�hW prnmpHy lurnlsh ta Lerrder reccipts evidenc�rt�tfiesf p�y�:tntx.
<br /> IP Botro�ver�uis ta m�e theso paymenu or the payments repuicrd:�y Pu�raph 2.or tn�is:'a aertorm eny other ravenar_�s�nct
<br /> wredexets caetained�n this bc�rutity Instru�ent.ar thue is a k�praceedcng 1.hrt maY S��iC:an3ly aifect I.ender'R rights in %=_ __-=`
<br /> the Proptrty(sucb u a pra:ecding in ban�ruptcv,fnr condemnation nr td enforc:taw�Ur rrgWations),then L.ettder m�y dn aszd �
<br /> pay whaterer is necessuy t�n protect tAe va[ue ot the Praperty and t.tnder'o r:�;r.s�n thr p�nye�ty.inciuding paymmt nf caxes.
<br /> . harud insunecr an4 athtr itert�s mentioncd in Para�rnph Z. '
<br /> . _ . ARltimt�f�ttlx(lt�A!!t�I►F�t11+���t�.4�£iP�t3�2!°' � �lCe Js�is'se:.�2�t af 8arrv.:ss e:t��T.�srt3 2ri iS�:s .. � �
<br /> Security inslrument. These�moant�shall beu intrrest from thc datc ut disbursemrnt.at the N�te rate,and at 1he oplion at `
<br /> i,enQtt,a1W!be immediatety Qut and payabk. �
<br /> ' � 1.(:p�1iqlNftM.The pracecds ot any awuQ ur ctaim far.cla�argea.direct or cc►nsequentiai,in runncc�iun with any'cundem-
<br /> aWon as other ialef�otany pu:of�he Propeny,ot for con�•eyanc�in plact ut rondtmna�ion,are hereby ascigne�iand shali tse
<br /> paid td I.ende�t�IAe exttnt uf the full amduat of the indebtetlnesa�bas remains unpatd under�he Nau xnd�his 5nurit f Inctru �
<br /> meftit.!,lattcr 6A9tllspply surh prtxeed�to the rcdaction of the irtdebredness undet rhe(vo.a and thig 5ecuti!y tnsuumenl,(iisi tv �
<br /> nny deliaqurni�mounta aypiied in tht order proridtd in f�aragrobh 3,and then ta prcpayment of p�ir�cipal. Any epplicatian o�
<br /> - tht pro�e�d9 ta t3st a:inripsi sh�11_h.dt.cttcnd or pus!pc►ne the due dste_�E the mantt�Jp p�yments,uhirh are ceferr��t<<� ,►s
<br /> - t'd�gia�li�.ar riiaage thcau6unt u(such payneenis. AIIY C!£C44 p�qL'CC(�G(t�ff H!f HfTibUtl�St{jt11T[(I 1t►f+�Y SI;c�n,a�anctsng tn f� �
<br /> debtedntss undcr the Note nnd this 5ecurity tnsrtumen�stia{�be paid tc*the entit�legally�entrt!rd t�:cretv
<br /> S.i'et�. I.rndcr�ay coitect fecs Qnd chatges�u�horrted 6s-ttcc Se►rctei} ,
<br /> f'dqr t nt I � --�- - - �
<br /> �- -- �'�..--+ ^-
<br /> - - .
<br /> a. � : -.� •,. . , ...�..- -� "rt; - .,..,..._. . . . _ .� . . �.
<br /> . 1 . � - :t , � �.= ���+N��N_.e-�,.-/;: `` ' ,_, •�i°'" �+'',� • , 4 . �'' � , � .,i'. , �� ' � - ' ..
<br />. . ' ��: . ._ ,..� . `t ..� � . � �. _ . } .. - . . . - ' . , , __ .� . .. . . �h�
<br /> . -._ _..:.- -,-_. = — - -
<br /> , .- �. . ` --,- n--: � ---- - ---- .--.-- _ -- -- ;: - .--- --- .-- .--- --- -.- .._
<br /> —�� _ ..
<br /> �,
<br /> :�
<br /> .. y � I � :tf �� - . � .. l' -Y:L . . . . � 'I. , _ . .. . . . .,.,I '
<br /> --.�� �- �� °--- -:- '�rr-
<br /> . .. . ' . '..'v . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .
<br />