. . _ . � . � . . _ ,.. _ .. � - _ �--
<br /> . , , _ _ � . ` � -`� _ � �
<br /> ,- , � � - � ,
<br /> ;�- � ` , ' � . � , - , � � . , � ' . �
<br />.� � �, � � , � , � ` �4 � � � � . . gp-�027�� � .
<br /> _ � - - . ��,ii�il��� IiATE RI�ER . . - --- --- - .
<br /> � - - ` lt Ye�i Tiea�ry I�a`—iVte fa�t► . , , . <
<br /> � � . . �
<br /> : , . . .. , .... � ' �
<br /> � THlS AQ�USTABLE RAT�RI�ER�i:made this. �$l��day of........MB�►..:..........:.......:.....:... 19.g�.„ aed is . � ` - _
<br /> inco�paratcd i�ta��si�sit be dnmed to amend and wppknrent tt�e Mart�asc.tieed oi T�st or Seqttity tkpf(�ht
<br /> � "S e c upty t�tnrtnent'►o f the�ame d�te Siveti by the undenianed (the"Bor�awer")to se¢ure$ottower`�Adj�subk
<br /> � Ratr Nc�e t�He'Note"1 to..Nv�rest..8aA1c.Hebr.as:�*..Dtar.�,una1..A�so.ci.acioa......:.................................... - .
<br /> .�..............................;.................„..:.........:.,.....,...»(ehe"Lender')ot the ssme date u�d c,arerinj tAe property dessribed in ,
<br /> � � the Secstiric�r initrunient aad Wated at: ` < ,
<br /> < . , . , :.�.����..Sx.ageccacl�..x�ac3...&raad..�s3.aud;:.�T�ebrr�ska..b88a1...... .....................................�....
<br /> . � �►ruRqY AOdrtss} � •-...........».... ' .
<br /> - � . �ND TNE MGNTHLY�AAYMENT. T!!E tiCl�'�E LII�TS THE �MOUNT THE 8011ROM/Ep�S ` . . � '
<br /> , • 11dYYER MUffiT�!MY. � , , � � .
<br />� ApMT1ow��CorE��vTS:, En additioA to!he covenanls anA agreements made irt tht�ecurity Insttumetlt.Borrower
<br /> . and Lender fnrttser ca`enant aed asree as folbws: � -
<br /> � : , ` . The Noc�provides fqr an initiai in�erest.�ate at:....�,5t�..��. The Notc pFOVides tor chanse�in thcinterest ntesnd the� � �
<br /> ' monthly payments.as�foltow�s: '
<br /> ' _, 1. �NTERES7 ttATE ANO MONTHLY PAYM�KP CHANG�.S . � � . '
<br /> � 1 A►C�a�e Dites , : '
<br /> �. ; � TL�t interest ratc 1 wilt pay may chartge on the first day of..........Txute...l......................... 19.9�.....an�ae that dap , .
<br /> every 12th month there.tifter. Eacb date an which my intcrest rate could chan�e is rallcd a•Chan�e Oste'
<br /> il11 7'Me IMsx � , �
<br /> i
<br /> $esinnin� with thc first Ch�nge Date. my ialerest rate wiQ be bssed aR an Indes. The"Inde�" is._�he weekly �
<br /> avers�e yield oa United St�tes Treasury securities adjusced to a cnnuant_anatun[y of i year,os made as�i::a�ble by Me "
<br /> Federal Reserve Board. The most reccnt In�lea figure av�ila6le as a!�he date 45 ds�s befare each CMn�e D�te is called � � -
<br /> ��
<br />_- ------- - -- /hC-"!'ntsrnt !nt►�r ••'• ... .._..-- ---. -.:-
<br /> If the Indes is no longer available, thG Nofe Hotder will choase a new indtx wnich iz based upon comparable
<br /> informatian. The Note Holder w�ll E�ve me nntice ot this choice.
<br /> � ICi C�k�lstia�o�Ch��a
<br /> . • &fore eacb Ch�»ae Date,e�e Nate Halder wiii catculate my new imerest tate by ud.�ia+:�....�!!4.,�!ryd..�ne,.,.�_.� �
<br /> �: ,half ., percentage �+oints (....�.,.SD:....�R► to�he Current InQes. Tha,Var Ho1Qer wil!thrn �aund ti�e '
<br /> ........................ ....
<br /> � rewte of�his additron to thc nea�est one•eigh�h otone perCCntagc po�m(0.f 2�'.�1;,.`..$ubject�o the limits stac�A in 5ectio�
<br /> 4 ":• 4![�) beiow.�his rourtdea a�.r�.at w,ll be my new interest nte unti! �Ac rtc�e����n�e Dau. '
<br /> � ; Tht Vo�e N^Ider will ehrn.detuminc the amoun� of�he mom�(y p�ymen� �hat would �be suffi'icient to rep�y tkr,� �
<br /> . ' unp�id princ�pa�etr�t I am e�t+ccted to vxc�c the Change Date�n��.�-i on'�he ma�ur�iy date at my new inte�est rate�;r °
<br /> subsizr,tiaU� equ�i paymoats The resui� a! this calculation w��1 bc the new amount of my momhly p�yment. . � •
<br /> . &t�t� I.�n�its oe IeEerest Rate CM��ea _ , .
<br /> : � �.The interest ratc 1 am rcq�ited ta pap st ehe firs�Chan�e Dats wi)lnoi be greater th�n..�.S�.,Sa.............�arless than ,,�
<br /> ( ...6s5.Q............ .'� Thercafter.�riy intcrc�e+rate will never be incrcaa�:�ur decrca�cd on any senatc Chanae d�te by more � ; J-
<br /> �han tMO petrentagc poinls 12.0"k? �rom uFx tate of inttrect 1 have T'�Cen paying for �he p►ectdina twelve monlhs. �tv ��
<br /> intetest rate will never be�rcatet than ...1.�..5a......!�. �
<br /> �. '�e► �rtKn.�n,t�or r�.�� � �
<br /> ' ;ty aew mtcres�raie will become elTec�c•e oneacb Chan�e 1)ate !will pay the amount ot my new moathty pay msr�s
<br /> beainn�na an�he�',rst monthly paymeat dste�fter tAe Changc pac_�:;md��rc amauns of my mvnthly payment ch�nE.�
<br /> again.
<br /> ' fi Ft Ndtice o[fhan�t+
<br /> • The Note l lvider N�II del�ver�r m�ul tu me a nmecc uf:tny�hanFes�n mv intrrrc�rata and t6e amount u�.�::v month!v
<br /> pa�ment 6ef�re�5��eltecuve date of;�ny chanRe. 7'he rtohcc i�ill irtc.':c.�a informatron rtyu�red�y law�o Ee ai�ren me an,�
<br /> � � atsn�he�iile and �rleph�mc number at a pe►son who w�li a�n�wcr a-_y qucstron 1 �n�y have regatdma the netice.
<br /> 8. ?RAN5itiR()F T11i PROP�ttTY OR A sEN�FtC1A1, fN�'£lIEST fN�lORROtYER '
<br /> l,n+E�.:�rn Co�e�ant Il++f tAe Secunty tnat►vment is ar��ended to�rad 3s foltow4� - "
<br /> � • Trienfer ei elbe F'roperly or a genefici�l letsrest�e BorroMt►. 8i�i{nr any patt of the Prcr,rertv vr anp rntenst�n�t.c; � __ _
<br /> . , �ald or t►anskrr�'3 lor it a t�encfic�af�r��err.�t �n qurr�wcr�s sU1J�•i transft.tred and [3orrower�s nc�t a natui�l prrsan) � . �
<br /> , a�ttsc�::t lcnder'c pnot a��uen consem,(.en:�^F inav_at�ts c�pUt�n,rcyuue immed�aie p�yment in fuil af,a:l sum�seeuted
<br /> bp�f-�q��fiutrty(nslrurrlcnl. laciuevcr.th�s c�teem shai)not be e�crci�rd by 1_endtr�f exerc�se�s proh��::c��.[edeta!I�w � .
<br /> a;oF ihc date uf lhis Sccun�p,lnstrumers.. LCndet also atiall no! cxe�ctse ttfis aption d: �al Betrnirte esuug �a!ye � _ .,:.,. .�.�
<br /> '- �� � � subrnitied"to Le.^.�,��'r t1fl�otrtl�ltOt1 rtyUltCl�4���F.Cndel(�ev�14�tC th���;.,tended transfuee as�!'a new t�an were bsmg maa: �
<br /> ' � ta tne_tr�mft�zc�snd .tb1 Lcndee rcasonably detcrm�ne9 �ha� t ct;drr's secur�ty wip not be �mpa�red by ihe toar�
<br /> assum�tion and �has��Ae ri�k ot a breach o1 any coveoaht Qr agrrr�r►ene in th;s Stcuri�y Instrument ia accep�a�fe to .
<br /> I.en�xs. - �
<br /> � � � .
<br /> . , �
<br /> • : ••Chc Incl:x ti�urr a.;iif;�btc::�of�hc d:uc a„c ii�itial intcrcyt r;itr�►:�t�i�t�rminccl l��r thiti fn7n�►;�� ...�.y�' ..... . "�. .
<br /> _ . . _ . - � - -- - - � _ - i� a
<br /> _ M;Jl,TI�tA�E�D:USTAOIE RATE q�DER--4Rltf 5•I---',•� ,+r t,,��:�;—..�ar.rsisAla� r�eaa�e�tac va:�a�m�c.*�rumenl Ferni JtF! J 85 _.,�,�
<br />. . �•t"1"?tlR::ie911�V•F .. . . .
<br />