og�avi.�. . ; ,�.�zts�.�. .�: �. .. �.. 3 'r� -,�,. •;.e��y�T�:•;zc��! _-
<br /> •.,fa.. V+rlia?i9t5 c ."-..
<br /> . ,_ .� .. . . . . . _ -� . � . . . -. . . _. - -... - _ - . � . . . , . . . , _
<br /> . ` c ' . -- _ • .
<br /> ` _,r�,� . . ` . . . � ` ` • . � t � , . , . �`.
<br /> l _ . . ��•� . . . . . . .
<br /> �, . ' � . . ' . , . . � ` ` �, � � �' .
<br /> . � 9�- 1Q27��
<br /> � � � . I�ON•t31vIPO4tM GovENAN7'S.Borroiva�oed Ltnder futthercarefia�t and agree�s faltaws: - �-- - • , .
<br /> -- - -� 1fi.A�at� �.i��ir ti�ii p�e ia�tioe to��ee�io�f.��::�f�:.� Sc+��re� �- _ - _ --
<br /> . j � MMiei��f i�y n�t e��e�t i�e tW Sf�ar�t'G�dn�t t��at�r[ar t4 sooeleratia�der pvi�nw 13 a�l7 . . _
<br /> wii�1�t�llerie itw/r�Wn'�ierwNe).'�e MoOiae�Yil�t/�rifyr:W t�e ie�t�(6)tl�e actt�a req�irei to,c�se�ttie �
<br /> �'`'� , �rhr�k)��le:a�le■t trt3�iqslY�eo t�e ile��tke i��tta;to Barrower.bY wrl�►fit ieLrit�nt tie eYta�
<br /> _ i ._ ' �(y tli��iq�re t�aie�e t�e 1e6wit ar oe relr[e i�e 4Qe 4eeiQei h t�e�otlee ss,1�+aodt ia aaalei�atio�ot�e a� �
<br /> ` , - � ` : s�euM yr e�is S�e�itf IrRnsu�t,a�i Mlt�€-�e pt�ep��.7're�otice d�l�t�l�er iiior�gqmawst ot t�e�to • � � ` �
<br /> � isi�lilE a1M���N t4 c(�t M iriis a caet tetio�to asert t��os�ex4take ot s ae[�tiit or s�Y otier �
<br /> ' � �i�ir��t sare+anr to�a�inle.Utie iefaslt is aot etrN oi or betore tie�te qedBed i�tie fotkc.i.esier �
<br /> - �t:ifs Nli���qt t+�ie�e i�iiMe/qw�R t� hll o[a�t wwa se�no��y t�ie 5eadtY I�at wiHat tiui� . � .
<br /> . � iw�taw t�r iarolre tle�es�trie a�aq M�er reseikt�it�e/h y�liaWe Iaw.I�atier�hU ie aHitit�to .
<br /> � c�t�e�t�e�rei f� pn■ii�d�e re�eik��We�b.tl�is/�r�a�ii I9, indail�irt�ot Wnit�i tof �
<br /> � r�iiraM�r�fi��ic�Watt�letriia�
<br /> U die�oRes d ak�s i��okei.7cwt�e si�Q eererd a�otlee af dehatt ir a�h camty iQ wiicti uy part 8i the
<br /> . . Pro�tl i�Ma/e�as�a1rU w�eo�es ats�lt sotia i�tie��a+arDe!iy aNiiatilr law to Bonowet�u�i to t!e , -
<br /> a�'/K��i!NI�4w Afhr t�e tt�r rr�■trai by aNlie�ik Isw,T�sia s1�all�In w�ite�otice of
<br /> �is ts t�/�or a�t�tl�e.�er�ei ti1�iia�iie taw.Tr�wit�t desni a�8ormwer.�li sell We .�
<br /> . Pr�tet�at NMie a�efb�t6 t�e�iiNerst tie tt�e aY/lue a�sader tbe hsas de�ipstei is the vottte ot�sk i� �
<br /> � �t ae rwt+�/�eeli a�i in�t!'or�t?riW�detes�.Tn�t�e�'lwt�a�e sfk otall or tiy�arcd of tie Prnrerty by
<br /> Niik�t�t tl�e Wit sri�t�ntR��e�to�F�ted�e„ 1,ader or ib desipee�say pat+tiue ttie ,
<br /> � = �r��l►�• � � _
<br /> � lT�e+eeei�t aE M�nt af t�e�rke iii.T�tee ila0�eUm to tlre�elurer Trmtee's dad oae�eyfa�ttie .
<br /> � � Pro/e�tr.'lUe tseEWs i�r tMe Tna�eds deei trh[t k/N�fade��ilewce of tlK teaN af t�e state�e�ts�ale tl�ereia
<br /> ; Tcwteit�aU sNly die�ot t�swle is!��OAawug onkr:ts)to�II pc�ema ott6e stte,i�ch�ng,bat sot Us�ittd
<br /> � to,Tr�rtet's[as as�rwittea 1Y a�lksik!aw�1 reaio�a�k�ttoneyd'tee�(b)to all spais secarid�y tbf�Secp�(ty .
<br /> � � Irtr�[sa a�(c)a�y eicas W die�enon ar/eesoas Ie�t11Y e�tttkd to i� �
<br /> , � 20 Ieeier te P.oiesie�. Upon acceletstian under paraaraph t9 or a6andan��at af the Property. t.�uder(in
<br /> • , , petscm.by agent or by jndicially appointod re�cxivet)shall be entitted to es�ter upon.tn'�possessiaa af and ma*age the �_
<br /> ; Propecty at�d to cofta�clie rents of the Praperty inel�ding thase past due.Any rents catlecaed by t,enSer or thr recxiver
<br /> shall�be apptied Rr�t ta paymtr►t of the costs af m�gemeat Qf the Praacrty and colls�=?a of rcnts,includina..�ut nat � ;
<br /> limitod to.receiver's Pees.premiums on r�occiver's 6ands u�rauonabte a►ttomeys'fea,��ic*�.shen to the sums s�usod by ��'
<br /> : this security Instruma�t. •
<br /> � . ' 21.Reoo��eyuoe.Upan payYStent of ail suar�s secured by this Socurity Instrumrnt.�.ender s�al�teqnat Trusta to � �� �''
<br /> ' . reconvey the P�openy�nd shs�ll sunenAet this Sr�sy Instrument and all notes evidencing de6t r,e,cured by ti�is Security ��:-�
<br />, � � Instrumenf to Trustee.Trustee ah�ll recoeve;►the�'�aperty withaut wuranty and wie6out charge to the persdn or persons ��.```'�
<br /> lc�slly sntitla!to it.Sach person or prrsons shall pay any roe��tion casts. � ' `_
<br /> -- -- Zi.5�i�te Tt�t�e.I.�nder,at ita option.msy fr��:me to time remeve Trustee and appaint a Successor trusta
<br /> to any Trustee appointoaL ixreuader by sn instrument recorded in the caan�j na which this Security Instrument is recorded. ,
<br /> ' ' VUithout conveyanee�iixe Propetty.the aucc.essor trustte shal!succad t�,.�;:�he tisle.power and duties conferred upon i�..
<br /> , . Trusteehudnandbyspplicabkfs��. , °�
<br /> .,_
<br /> 23.Re�e�t tat Notle�a.Botsawer ttquests thst cc�pr�w ot the notius af default and sale be sent ta Barrowu's � '°
<br /> , addras Nhicb is the Praperty Address. . 't—
<br /> � 2�.Niiett tn tjb SetQft9 I��t I��ne ar mase riders are eaecuted by�orrower�nd recorded togather with
<br /> thi3 SlCllflty I115tNi11EQt.tI1C COYCiltJ115 ipd 9$fQ�.Z.LIltS Of CiCf i SUCIf t1tICT f,hall bc�ncorparated int��md shall amend and
<br /> ' supplentent Ihe coven�r�ts and rgreements of t�ris Secunty Instrument as�f tht nder(s) were a part of this Socurity
<br /> � , testrumet:�,(eheck appticabte eox(es�J , , .
<br /> � a ,QC'„j Atctjusts�c R�te Ridet , , � Contlominium RiQer (�`j` 2-�t Family Efu�e,r ___,_ t
<br /> +
<br /> �
<br /> . ❑ (iradwtr0 �ymrnl Rider (] Planned Unit Developmrnc Rider . �
<br /> _ , � Qther(9) [spcciPYj , . .�.
<br /> BY $ICiNINO �IAVI. Bortower accepts and agrees io the terms and cavenants rontained �n this Security .
<br /> Instrumertt�nd in any rider(a)eaxuttd by Bonower�nd recarded with it. .
<br /> ��
<br /> . .......................... . . ... . .,..........,.. . . . . ...,... . • . .........��yl��.��'...:j;f.:!'�......,.,........,........ $ta1
<br /> ..... .... ..,,.. Cre�, 1�. Para . �ao��o,�a�, �
<br /> ................................................................ :..... ............... ....... ..� .. A.-.��..... ........... .. . .... .«„
<br /> ........ ..... ...... ..
<br />- Knrl� A. P�ra --.�+��
<br /> ., ' , � STATi�UF;1iIAkAtiKA. . . , . }��Ij (.'�►Unly �+, • �
<br /> ; On t;,is 18th �ay�ui M�ty .19 yb . hefure uic. �`:e under���rncd. a Nutary Yublic
<br /> , dulycamtnissioneclandqualificdforsaidcnunty.pe�svc�l:!3'rame Cruig �,. �:s�zb nud Knrin A. Pnro, .' .-_- -_
<br /> ; husband and orife . ,tn ntc kuown tc�he thc '
<br /> identi�:al perscmtsl�wtuyse n�nsets� are subscribed to the forc��ink ���-�-r,:rnent ancl ackn�►wtrdgrd the e+iccutic�n �
<br /> thtrcaf to be ttieir 4•uluntary ��ct�utd dccci. •
<br /> -- ... : Wii�t�my�ns!���t:fsu!�:s!st - €:ra�=:s�_�Ia�d ' . . � i:s;aic!r�HFS:�;:�#r - - � -
<br /> � d�te aforesai�.
<br /> . ,
<br /> ,
<br /> • � My_Cammission expicrc: 92. . . . ��� .LI�,.�... , . ...���-�►r✓. . ..
<br /> iE�. '�� . . . . ,. ,�� _
<br /> �T�L�1tA� K[:(?Ut��;t t�tiK K ONv!YA►�t �.�,.,,,:: N�:�•::. �
<br /> .� . 11lOM�EM�L1lr �
<br /> T :�.
<br /> - - .Ihe unctcrsi�;�rcd:t thr �c,tctrr«f thc nc,te f�r rtntc. •rct�rcc� �c ti��c#�c��ct c�t tiu�t. ti;i�.t r,��tc��t �«,ti•., tc,l.�tlt;�r _ " _
<br /> � ��vi�hal�athet�rectcbtednevcsez�uedhythi�l);;e�fE�( tnr4t. F�,i«(��ct�����i�inifuii 1Ft4tiltL'Ili1E'E�t :II1C�Sl'lll1��J11_Cf.���l
<br /> ncite t►t n€►te� ar�d lh�s Uctt} c�f'7tui1, KGiE'Et�ttt'\ICI14C:t•c1l�rtch;,arrsi tn rc-iititttc�, ;�ish���tt :E,+rr,irif�, �elt the�-4L�tt•
<br /> navY hcfd h� ci•ti �mder thic �)CCf�l�f �ft1�E [E+1�l1`(�Ct�t�tE Uf j�Cft����i it:kd��Y £111t1ia;}t�i�Ft•ft+
<br /> il�ts: • ... �
<br />