'. . , - . , _ , f = � � .- --� ' °- �
<br /> � � . . . .
<br /> `� ; . , , `. ' ' ,1 . ' . .
<br /> ' • � � ' , � � , .
<br /> ; . . ; � ; � � 9�- i027�Q ' � .
<br /> � t����a����«�.c�,a��r�c�w��e�t�s��►��.
<br /> Borr'a+ve*�i1,P�Y ebe pexmi�r�quired to awntaia tbe inwruroe ia dfat,unti!wcb tame as the caquiremsac tor tbe
<br /> it�ur�aur tamiNta ia�t�ce�rith Borrowar's aed La�des's�vtittea a�aeuuat or applicsOk 1s�r. , �
<br /> - - � , �. �iweet(w. Lmder cr iM a jmt�ag u�ice neMOaabic mtria upon�ud iospesrions at tlse Pmpaty lraider , . .
<br /> � � alqUpv�Barowapn�ioeat�eti�aiedarpciostouria�pectioR�pecifyi��r�onabkcawiefoitiiein�ection.
<br /> ; ! Cw/�■rMf�i. x'5��cioee�dtaf any aw�ard or cl�im for d�ma�es.dir�ect or oomoquearial.in conmctioa�rith
<br /> � . auY cardmuWios qr of�r t�u��oi wy part of tliee P�+npatp.or fa oanveym¢e ia liar af�uodema�tion,are ber�eby � .
<br /> � � � a�ip,ed�adsla�"bepidai:e�de:. � - . .
<br /> � ' �s t1�r e�+r[t d a tout uti�oi tbe Property.tLe p�+nceeds sbatt be apptied co the wao:sacu:+ed by this Securisy ,
<br /> . �.w�ar uot t�en d�with a�F accer p�id to Homn+va.In t6e eveat af:p�rti�1 blcin j oPtLe F�+cperty. .
<br /> tn�ta�Ha�rrow�er aud 1.ender otbawne a�ee in�tl�e sum�x+cured b�i tbis Security I�t�be rrdnoed by
<br /> . • dre�t of the p�ncs�ed�mdtiPiied bS►the tolio+via;fractwa:(s)the wbl amouat cf tbe snn�m�red immediatdg
<br /> . � be�a[e t�e tattia�dirjded 6�►(b)tbt bis m�rlr�et vatoe dtLe Btvpaty immadi�tdy 6do�e the WtuetE My b�las�oe sbari be � .
<br /> , ' p�idtoBoreanrer. ��
<br /> If ti�e Piopaty�,abrodonad by Bara�ru.a if.dtsr natjc;;e by l.ender to Horro�rer tLat tlx c�ondm�or o�as to
<br /> ° s rn�kc�a��!ot settte a clanu fa dsosa�a„Bocm�ra f�7s w rexpond to l.ender w�ittun 30 dsys after tbe date tIu notice is
<br /> ti+rea;[ender is wtborized to aolkct aad app�y tbe praceed�.at ia optian.either w ratoration ar reQair of tlue Praperty or
<br /> � . Wtlieinasssawt�ad�Yth�Seauit�►ImRrama�,�vbetl�erarnottbaodt�
<br /> iTuias I.a�deraed Ho�rowa atber�raes�nee in�vriti�any spp6c�tiou of proaads to p�incipal:As11 not exteua ar
<br /> � po�tpoat t6e dae dsttdthe moatbty F�Yme�ts refetred W w�at�rap�a l and 2 or ch�ase tbe ftnouat otsucit p�ymsrts
<br />� � � �10. Brerrwer Net Relw�� FirM�ra�oe B� Lt�1ei Not r Wai•er Fa�tension of ths time for g�aaymeat or , -
<br /> ' � modi6drtioa ot rmorti:stbn of t�e tntes terured by tEas Sacurity�r�suuaknt�rantrd tiy I.aider to my smeasor ia
<br /> , . , iatecl��d8o:rwrer au11 nat opeute to sela�e tlie tfabi}ity oit�ie r�ri�inal8arrower ar Borrawrer'ssuc�saars m intercst. . .. . .
<br /> ' I.eadet s1uU not be roquired ta camnxnce�cccaedinp,spinst aay successor in iatenst or reftae tn extrnd time Por .
<br /> O�Y�=a���Y u�tiution of�+e aums secarod by this Soe�rity tastrument by rawn ofany dea�n0 made .
<br /> � by tbearipaal Borra�va a Horro�rsr's suocp�a�s in iatasst.Any[orbarance by l.ender in exacising any riaht ar remedy
<br /> � � ,. ihall not bea w�ivaofor practude tbeexerc�eofany rijht aremady.
<br /> � l i. Sus+wiw�/A��H�J�iN M�Se�er�l 1J�ilih:Co�. The caveaants and aaraenents ot' - -
<br /> � '� this Secwity Itstrumn�t shall bind and baKdit t�"te:uccessars and�stipis oPLeader and 8orrower,subject to the pr�ovisiorc� . , .
<br /> . � of para�r¢pb 17.BorroMa's coveasnu and tjreanet►u shall be joint and several.Any BorroMer�ho casitas this Securic� .
<br /> Instraa�au bnt doa not execute tbe Note:(a)is co-sipuara this 5ecurity Instrument only to mort��c snd convry �
<br /> thu�er•:intenat in the Propertq under t!�tern�s c�"this Security Instrument;(b)is not P����Y��d�o P�Y . .
<br /> the surr�s�ecurad by this Security tastrumint;snd(c)a�rexs that L.ender anA any otlKr Borro�ver may afrae to eatend. �
<br /> - � �iq.��*as sa:."..°;���tions�ricb reairai to tne cenns of tRis Socnrity Instrument ar tire AFvte«riii�ut � _-:
<br /> tlwt 8oltowee't canutn. �`. ��
<br /> �� La��e� If tt�e{an secnred by thi:Security Irtstroment is nubject to a Isrv Mhicb aets maximum tou� ' -_
<br /> chu�a. �tW tbu ItM ia AnWy usterpreted io tb�t the intaat or othtr lan cbar�a colkctod or to be collecte0 in � - -
<br /> cann�ction witb tbe lau exc�eob ihe permitted limits. then:(�)any such twn chsr�e shvl be reduced by the smaunt �`
<br /> nacaary to rafi�c+e tbe cb�r�e ta tl�e permitce�liusit;and(b)aay wms alrady co!lected fram Borro�ra.vhicb accaded �c
<br /> pecmitted Ilauu will be r�efunded to Horrmrer. Eknder rtuy choose to make this refund by rodvcing the principYl owod ��s�—
<br /> 1,�
<br /> undertbe Note or by m�kia�adirect psymmt to Horrowar.lia refund reduces prineipal.the�a�iction aill be trated as a • �
<br /> partial�eep�ynKnt�ritboutany prep�yment char�e undee�Nots.
<br /> � Iw�tla AR�ett�I.�'�pipb. , I�'�n�ctment or expiration oP applicadk l�ws ha��:�te ef[xt of
<br /> �etbetltt��ay�rovi�iaA a�tbe Note ar tUis Security lnatrument unenforceabte ucorAing to its tern�s,Lender.at its optivn, �
<br /> nuy nqvlre immedi�te pynxnt in full oE atl sums secured by this Sacunty Insuument and c�ay invoke any remedies °
<br /> ptrmittad by pt�,npb 19.If Lender eaerc�lhis option.LenOer shall take the steps apeei8ed:��the second psr�anph of
<br /> P��Ph lT. ` _
<br /> l�. Nalkw. My natiae.o Borroker pmvidod for in this Security Instrument shal}be given by delivtrinE it or by
<br /> mtplin�it by Ant c�m�il unkss applicaDle taM requira use of another method. The notice shAll be ditected to the `�
<br /> Property Addtes a any other�dQress Hortx�Nrr desipistd�y noticr to�.enAer. Any no�ice to Lender shsll be�iven�y � �
<br /> flnt e4ss msil to Lendrr's sddres�ttated herein or�ny othrr�ddress Lender deaianates by aotice cv Borruwrr.Any natic� ,
<br /> . provided for in lhis Saaurity Iestrument s1Wl be deemed to h�ve bcen�iven to Bo�rower or Lender when aivrn as proridcd
<br /> . in thisparyraph. � '
<br /> � is. GoteraM�Law;Serer�iility. This$ecurity tnstwment shal!be goYxmed by foderal law and the iaw cf the
<br /> juti�diction in�hietf the Property is focased t*�the event thu any pravisian or cl�use of this S�unty lnstnrment or�he
<br /> Note evnAiet�Mitb�pplieabk la�r,such co�ltact sha!!not alfect ader provisions of�his 5ecun�� lnstrume�t or the Nots
<br /> which csn be yven t/ect�ritito�f the conAictsna pmvision.To lhis end the proviaians of�his Se�urity Instrument and the
<br /> Note u�e declared to be srvers6k. '
<br /> � li. 9o�a�►rti Co��r. Barrowet shs11 be�iven ana confonned copy af ekc!!�c�se and c�'�his Secunty Instrumer�t.
<br /> 1?. T�a!t!e Pro�eely or a l�eAcW I�terat i�Harower. li alt ot uty part �f the Propeny or aa}
<br /> lnterat in it is so14'ar tnnsferrad(or i!a benricial interest in Borrower is sold or tranaterrcd and 8orrowtr is nat a nstur�t
<br /> persoe�)�rithout Leeder's prior�rritten canent�l.ender msy.at its op�ion.requue immediate psymeet m ful�of all sums -
<br /> securM by tAis Security instntmrnt, HaMevet.t6is oplion shsll not be exercisect 6y I.ender iP eaercise�4��hibited by
<br /> tederd tsw as of thedate ofthi�Securiry instrument. ' .-- -- _ -
<br /> I�Lender exercita this optian.Lrn�sluli pve Horranver notl�of acceferatian.'1'he notice s1Wl praride s period .
<br /> of eo�Its�than 30�ia�rs fimm tbe date the nacl+,.e i�dttivered or maikd within wh�ch�orrower must p�y a11 sums securcd by ,
<br /> Ihis Security/nununent.IP Borrower fitit�to qy these aurns pdoF to ahe exp�iat�n»of this penod,Lender msy�nvoke any
<br /> remadics pemtlttad by thi�5ecurity tnsttument writ6wt turther not�ce or demand an Horrower.
<br /> li.9amwrt'�ItyM to�ta. It gatrowet me�.'ts certain cnnditinns.8nrrower slull hsve the rig6t to have '
<br /> -� -- - enfarceirien!ofthis Security Insttument disca�r�finued a[any time priot tn the arlier of;(aj S days(or sucb oiher perind as � �
<br /> Appliabk I�w�m�y spaity for rcit�stattmrns)beforc sak of'the Praperty pursuant ta any power at sale conrained�n thig
<br /> � � 5ecurity Instrument;or(b)entry o!a jud�ment enforcin�this Seturity Instrurrimt. 7hase condii�uns ate that Botroaer:
<br /> {y p�ys l.ender all sums whicb then virould be due under this Security Insuumcnt u►0 thr Nuce had no acceteratton
<br /> _ accutted:(b)curcs any ddault o�any oihet covm�nts or�reettients:(r) p�ys all eapenses mcurrod in enfnrc�ng this !.,
<br />_ 5ecurity instrumer�t�includi��,�ut not•IimittA to,rcasonable attornrys'fees:and(d)taka sucb�c�cua as Lender may s�
<br /> rcasonibly require to tuurs thst the licn of this Stcurity Inswment. i.ender's n�ts m the Property and 8nrrower's
<br /> obliaatienr ta p�g tttt sums s�+cticeB hy ihis �earity irrstsument sh�ll cYmunuc unchan6ed- Vpan remststement by ` ,:
<br /> No�axef.fI1t5$CCUltly I11SlTURlM1 aR1I tI1C Ojfltai�iQ119 i[Ctlit�IiCttb�l 5t1aII l�(Ji81p�Il�tp�}CC�CNV�Y91�It[i�CCEICfBitQ�If� G�
<br /> tfCCUtf!!�.HOM�lYli.tWs tight totriastatt sb�ti ndt appty�n the cax crf ac�:eleratiun dnder paragraphs 13�f!T
<br /> �
<br /> , ..
<br /> ' � �„,r-� _=��-.� s � _ '- - - — — -
<br /> � � �
<br /> � `.' ... � �'��'--�T� -.sF�R. -:�._'i __ _ .__ ��.�sllllR�_�_:':3 '- '_ .. __'-_'_—.�����.. • � _
<br /> .... � . � . . _ . . . _ . _ .: . __ .
<br /> � ` ZZ•�� _,�Tid�{.�±J -i�6.�s�_-.. - -_-.- y�.�,—�_.___� ._�_ _ .`-��'�...:� T� . ._ - ... l��
<br /> � . _. . . . 'e� ' ... . .It. _ �- • _ Y`":i7" e 1. . .���. , !•tw— � - - f -. 4'.AC._i� ��._�t "tt+�'
<br /> . � - � . . 'l'� . ni .>..... .... . . . :"eA. .� .. . . ..��e1:�F . . .. � . . . .. �
<br />