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<br /> . • ' • UNIiaDRM CTOYQdAlV'ts. 80ridwtt�dd LEKd�[CbVelYt�t stld iarQe as f�liQ'ps: t�oi�O���V ,
<br /> 1. p4�jwe�t ot Pri�elMi aM[�+r��sMlr�t��� �er s h�l l prompt tY RsY��m d u e �
<br /> �� . tbe ptakipat of aad interat on tbedebt evidenctd by thr Note and u►Y P��Y�ast and Vte chirges due under the Notc. `
<br /> ° 2. Fi�t�Ttus�1i ia�rrle� 5ubjerc ts applictlite hw or co a written wuver by Lrnder.Bor�o�►er shaU ps�r
<br /> � � w La�dor�n the day owpdilY P�Y�ts are dut under tbe NotE.until the Nou is p�id in fall.a s�in i"�u�ds")�qnai to _ _
<br /> 00l�t�fMb Qfs(!�YCatIY l�Yik9 i1lQ�!'lS11fl11ts Ii�1iClt Qtiy tLt1111 al0llty•OYET 1I11S S4C��1tJ► �OStTaRlCilt. (b}YeulY .
<br /> � 1e�tehold payments or�raund naits an tbe Prcperty. if iny: tc)ywrty huar� insura�cc praniums: ma Yd) yariy _ �
<br /> ' mort�ye i�ywranoe Paminms.if auy.Ttxse itans ue calJod"escrov items."I.aider msy atimac�the Funds due an the -
<br /> b�is d�cwrent dats and t+aronsbk atimates of future escro�r items. . -
<br /> �� ` T6e Fw�tb�11 be bdd in aa institution tht depq�t�or ac�imts af�h are ii�sured or 6uar�ntad by a federil ar .
<br /> _ , ga�e ap�cy('ia�twli�j t.e�er it Laid�r is such an insriti�tion). I.ender shsll appty ebe Funds to psy the escro+iv itans.
<br /> I.mder msy not chuae for holdin�and applyin�tlse Fuads.analyzina ttu account or,verifyina the cscroW items,unless
<br /> �� • �+e�der P��rs Borra�tr inierea an the Funds a�d applicabk b�►pesmiu Lender to make such s ci�u6e.Barro�ver s.ed� .
<br /> t�endei may a�oe in�rritia`tiat intereat aha116e paid on the Funds.Unlrss sn aEreemrnt is msde ar appUabk lsw
<br /> ' req�rss intarat to bc paid,t,ender shaU�rot be requirad to pay Bocrorver any interat or eaminds on the Fu�Ms.i.ender
<br /> th�U pve ta Hoti+o�yer.�ritbout chsrae.an ann�1 accoununs of the Funds showins credits aad debits to ths Funds and tlu
<br /> . � puspoa tor�rhich qch deb+t to the Fuads�rs made.The Funds are pledaect is�dditional security far the sums satired by .
<br /> ' t�SSewtity Inttruaknt.
<br /> . 1f tbe a�nouat oP t6e Fw�d�hdd by La�der.to�tbar�vith the futurs mcnthly payma�ts ot Funds psysbk priar to
<br /> . tLe due data4 of tbe acrpw►items.sb:tl a�oeod the amount raq�qrcd to psy the acrowr items�vhen dne.the eacas�hall be.
<br /> • ac.Bosro�ver•s oprior,.dcber pron�ps�q repaid co Bonowrcr or�radiced co Boaawer on monthly paymencs of Fands.tf tbe �
<br /> . aa�ouat ot ti�e Fwids l�dd�by Lender is aot su�icient to pap tlu eacrow items whm duG Borto�ver shsll pay to Lenda any
<br /> . amount necaaary ta nWce up the deflciency in of,e or morc payments as roquirod by L.ender.
<br /> � ' Upon psynta�t in fult af d!sums secured by this Security instrummt.E.eader ahal!prasnatly refund to Bo�rmMer -
<br /> any Funds!KW by l�ender.If under pusgipb 19 the Praperty is soid or acquirod by Lrnder.Lender shall sPPty.no tater
<br /> thaa immed'utely pr�iar w the sale of the`Property or its acquisition by Lender.any Fonds held by Lender u the time of
<br /> appticatioie as a credit aµirut the sums sccured by this Security lnstrumart.
<br /> , � . . 3. A�Iiqtior ot Pa�ats. Uqles�applicabk lar�r provides otherwise.aU psyments rrca�ed hy L�ender under . .
<br /> ".,,: parsjrap6s 1 aad 2 shall be apptied:fs�st,ta ute c2�sraa dut uadet the Not�second.to prepsyment�at�a due under the
<br /> Nat�clist�.to amounts payabk un�a p�ra�nph 2;fourth.to interat dtu;and last,to principsl due. ,
<br /> . , 4. C1�r�eR Ikr. 8orra+ra stull p�y a!1 tua.asses�ments,charga.flnes tnd imposit�on�attriDaLh�e ta the
<br /> . !'toperty Mhich msy aitain prioruy,over this Sacwity Instrument, snd teasehold�paymrnts or Sraund renu. if�ny.
<br /> �ort�a�ver shall pay tlKSe abli�tti�ns in the mir►ner provided'an puaarspig 2,or it not paid in that manner.Ho=ro+ver ahall : - ,
<br /> , pRy them an time diroctty to the pesson awed pxyment.Sorrower shall promptly fumisb to Lender sU natices of unounts � '
<br /> to ce prid u�ier i`nis Wrs�rsgi►•Ii aVi'PW�E�Fil�i�it*1wiE aia�'i1'�U�ir�l�.��R�sls�!!��tly f� 1e to I.tr.� _—
<br /> reeeipss evidencin6 the payments. � . -
<br /> BorroMU.�hall pramptly diuhar6e Any tien whicb has priority aver this Security lnstrument unfess Borra�rer:(a)
<br /> Krea in�vritin j ta the p�ymrnt oi'ihe obli�tion secured by the lien in t awu�ner acceptabk to Lender;(b)contests in aood � -
<br /> f+ith t1�e lien by,ar delends taainst rnfo�cemmt ot the lien in.leaal proc�+edin�s�vhich in the Lender's opinian opente to . ; -_
<br /> ; . prevent the enfarcemeet af the tien e�forfeiture ot my part c�the Pcoptriy:or(c)secures fram the bolder of the lien an �
<br /> , asreenia�t sstisfactory to Lmder�sal�xdirtating ihe litn to this Socurity Instrument.lP Lender dctumines ihst�ny pstt oP , �:
<br /> tbe 8roperty is subjact to�lien whicb msy attain priority over thia Security Instrument.l�ender m�y give Botrower a �:
<br /> �otice identifyinE the lien.Horrower shsll astisL`�.the lien ar tatce one or more af the actions set farth a5ove within 10 dsya
<br /> o�f the�ivin�atnotice. .
<br /> S. H�srN I�et�ee. Borro�ver shail kup the improvemenu aaw eaistin�ar hersfter erectad om t!u Ymperty :
<br /> irKUrod�inst bts by Are,h�zards included within the term'•e�t�nded covense"and sny other huards far�v�tv�h Lender � _
<br /> • requires insuraace. This inwrsnce shs11 be�aantsined in thc amounts and for the prriods ih�t Lender a+�uszes. The
<br /> inwrsnce camer provitin=the insur�nce sha[L t�e chosen by BorroMer subjert to Lender's approva!which st,�ll not be
<br /> unreasonsbty R►ithbeW. ` , a
<br /> AU insursnce policie�and rarewaLs ahall be aceeptaQ�+e to Let�Aet aad shall inciude a stsndard mort�t cisust. �'::�
<br /> I.encter s1W1 hsve the riaht to hok!�,e policies and renswals.lf Lender rcqmres,8orrowsr afiall promptly 6ive to Lmder
<br /> dl receipts of prid preiniumi and rt�newal notices�.In the event of loss.Horrower shall give prompt notice to 1he insuronce
<br /> . carrier�nd t.ernler.l�t�fder msy mske proof oiL�ii�ot made promptly by Ilorrower.
<br /> , Unless Lender and Borrower othenvise agree in wntin6,insurance proceeda�hr11 be Lpplied to rtstontian or rrpair
<br /> ot the P�aperty dama�od.if the rescc;cation or repair is eeanomically feasible anA l.ender's secunty is not tessened. If the
<br /> rptontip�csr rtpair is not ecanorn:�;ally feasibte or Lemdea`s secunty wouJd be tessenod.�he insuance proceeds sAall be
<br /> a�plied tv t3te sum�secured by thi�Security Instrument.whether or not then due,w�ih any esas�p�id to 8otrower. 1f
<br /> Borr+a�ra abandons e6e praperty.ur dnes no�astsMer wilhin 30 dsys s nat�ce trom Lendu�hat cde insorance c�mer ha9
<br /> oQerod tv s�ttk s ela�m.then L.ender msy coll�:�hc insutance proce�tds,i.ender rr�sy use the proceeds ta np�it or restore
<br /> • the Propet�y ar to p�y sums sesutad by this Sc�arsly Instr�rnent,whelher or not theo due.TAe 3Q-day petu�d will begio
<br /> when the�tict is�iven.
<br /> 4nku Lender u�d 8orrowrr osherwise agrte m writtng,�ny�pplicat►on�f proceeds ta pnncipal shall not extend or
<br /> ppstpant the due datt of the monthlq p�ymtnt=,s�''trred tv in paragroyhs)anA 2 ar rh�nse�he imnunt of thr payments.IP
<br /> � tmder puasraph 191he Praperty is acquued 6�y�.enAer.Barrawtr's nght to any tnsuran¢e ppltcies and praceeds resulting
<br /> from�t�e to the Proptrty prias to the accinisition s1u1�pass to Lrnder to�he e�►tenl of�he sums secured by thi�Secunty �_ _,__
<br /> . InstrumeM immed�ately prios to chc acyuisiUon. . � ,
<br /> 6. Pre�enitlos W M�ece o/Pro�ert�r;t.taseYofdr. Banower shall not-datroy,dam�ge or suastanti�lly
<br /> chae�e tHe PtoptAy.albw the Properiy to deu-norote ar c�nmmit w�9te. If ehu 5ecunty lnstrumen� �9 on a leasehold.
<br /> ' Borrtrner ahsll caa�pb��with the pr�av�sions of tha�ase.and�f$orrower ac4mres fee tUle ta Ihe Property,thr leaseholdend
<br /> _.-- . --- teeli�skellQ���tz*�e�sL���reest��!ttm�*�er�n�+ni�ng . . _ . . . �
<br /> � 1. Protectlos ot l.tede�°s► iti�b ie tlte Pro�trty: Mnripse Insur�nee. IP Borrawcr fails tu perfarm thc
<br />- ' covenants and aEraments co�tu��n this Secunty Insttument.or lhere�s e legal praceeding tfiat may sigmfrcantty aRtct .
<br /> � l.ttfdet's riahts in thc Properly Isu�h as a prc�reed�eg in bsnkruptry,probate,f�r eandemnation dr ta enforce laws�r
<br /> re�utatians?.then t.ender mav do and psy ior wh�ttver is nece3sary tv�srotect the vafuc of thc praptrty and l.rnder's rights
<br /> iri�he Property. I.tnder's acuoe9 may�ndudt paying any sums seturcd by a lut� which has pnah�y aver th�s 5ecunty . �.
<br /> . instrument.aApear�ng in rnurt.paymg te�snnabte attbmeys fees and eatenng ctir��he Prnperty tcr make repa�r�.Al�haugh �
<br /> Lender msy take action under�h�s paragr�ph T.t,enQer does not have tu do s�r
<br /> ' �_ At��&mountc d�st�wsed b}r 1.encttr uttder tlus p�ragraph 7 shall brr�,ter adsi�trarr�t debt uf$urrnwer ieeure<!t►p�his - �:
<br /> ' Secu�nry tnsiruttient Unttss�attcs�er and Lerrder agree tc�other terms of paymem,thest amvunss�hal!t+rar�nterr«frum -
<br />' � the d�itt ci'd�sbutsement at the Note rnte and �hall t+e payabie. a�th r�tcrect, uE+vn rri�t�er irom l.en�ier tn 13��rr��wer
<br />, aquest�ng P�Yment �
<br /> • �
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