_t.�._ao.s,Y�^..3�s,..ne.EC�cr�a�i.�wcur c t:s.:t{c -x�`•• ` �.Y} R .h e�}.....�`�- __
<br /> - y — = -w."'4=� � �{.eiti£fi� — ___.
<br /> --�-- -- — — --- 'z!.' ���. - — ---
<br /> .�._- .-'�.w---'------ -� -- - - --- -- - - - - - - — �--' - - - ......
<br /> � .-- � —--- -- . - --�- -- --- ��,. - -- - - --'— - -__- -- . --..
<br /> �;t' � .. ' . " . . ._ ' . ' . ..� : '
<br /> . � � _ � . ' � . . . . ' . .. . . ' .rt .. �I
<br /> � Q�.-�- 102��6 �
<br /> � 6..Jt beh�lWls to�p�y�ac►p sum or-Yeep any cover��t provided for in thic mortg�ge.`f�e Mort�e,aL ' ` �
<br /> fta ontion;msy pa,y�os�rlorm the aame.and ait esp�riditures ao made shall be added#o the prinGiW�t�um �
<br /> Q1�i�0!t�iQ itl0lfE AOtl.',st�sdl be�uc�d herebY,utti eba11 bear interest until paid at tke rate provided �
<br /> � ,�or ta tl�e PrlaciP�l Indebt�dnes�. � _ ' `
<br /> � 7. �Jpon nequat of the Mortp�tne, liort�t�or�halt�e�cecute and deliver a suppleenental note or notes = . � �
<br /> for t!�snm or sums advsnce� bq M�r�a�ee foi the sitesst�o��malernization,or improvement made at ._ �
<br /> t!►e �Iott�,wtot'a tequest;or for maintenMC�"a#,aaid prc�trise�,or for taxes or assessment�against the �
<br /> � sam� and tpr�tuy other purrose et�ewhere authorized hereluider. Said note or notes shall be secuse�
<br /> � - , btttiby oq s p�tttY with and a�tally�oi:�#the sdvance evidettccd tt�ereby «ere ieiciteded in the nott tiraE . _ • ;"�;
<br /> ;� ` dacri�bed above. SafB supptement�l�noxe or notes shsll bes►p interest�tt the rate provided for in th�pra�:- , . �'�, �
<br /> ` eip�3 indebtedness and sfixq.�e payable�in nppro�rimatelg equal monthty payments for such geriod��t� �
<br /> � � . be uc�eed upon by the Mottg�ee and Mart�ur. Faiting to a¢ree_ua tIte maturity,the uhol�oY tf���,�n
<br /> ; , or suau nw adywnced ahsltt�due an�psya6Ie thirty (SO) d�ys atter cIemand by the Martgagee. :�ri�� � .
<br /> � � event shau the�ritturity extend belnand the ulti�nstte maturity of the note firat desciribed atiove. �
<br /> , ` . $:H%be lt+ere6�9 wip�s.tr�i�aad�over t@ the Mo�t�e,to be tppli+�d taward the pa►yruent of � _
<br /> r f�e nate�tud�11 sums aecnred hgre6�in case of a d�isuit in the�perfarmance oY ai� sif the terms and candi-
<br /> tiona oi t�is mort�e vr the esud aote� all the rP.nts, revenues ar�d incame ta ti�;`de�i�e���om the mort
<br /> ,.�t�ed premi�es d�uin�svch time as the rrtart�s�e indebtedness ahaU remain.�.�aid;ati�the Mortgagee �
<br /> � shslt have porver to appoint any agg.�.t or�e�ta it may desire for the purpose c�':�+�if ing the sarne and co!- ,;: �:
<br /> - lectit►�the rtnts,revenuea and inct:me,and it msy pay aut of said incomes aU r�:tissary r.�mmissions and . .. '
<br /> eatp� ittensrtd in renting snd mansging�e eame and oi coliectin�rentals theref�+.,.�,t��:ihe balaace ' �
<br /> , . remainit�s,jf any,tQ 6e applied toward the discnarge af said mortgage indebtedness. '. ' , , ,
<br /> 9. He/the 'wIll contlnuow�► main4ln hazud in�wance. oi sucb 'type oz typee and amaunts as . � ,.
<br /> Mott�e m�+ tltnm 4me to tim.+��t+equtre, on the impsovementa now or hereafter on wid premises a�8 -
<br /> esdpt whao pqrment���sU t�Eu�temiuu�has theretolore been msde undet (c/of paragnph 2 hereo� .
<br /> �P�4►P�'�P�Y�:+���Y p��� ��tos. Upon detault i�reoi, MostRagee msy Pay the s�tae. � � .
<br /> � All ta�r�ce �hatl hr ��tied �tt �comp�nid appsoved by the MoYSgsgee sud the policies snd renewals �
<br /> � t�erso!i6dt be hdd by the Morl�te�d have atLached thereto las psyabte clanses in favot oi and in . ' _
<br /> . .fasm �a.�eptab�le to the Mo�.� etrent ot lws Mortg�gos �vili give immediate noLfce by m�il to ttse �
<br /> • Mottp�e, �ho mqr mal�e proof ot losa it not m�de promptly by Mortg�gar.and esch innirance compu�y ,
<br /> � : , conc�smecf �herehlt authorizad utd directed ta make craymrnt fo= such losa direct]y Lo the.Martgagee . . .- .-%-�
<br /> insfead oi to tbe Mortp�os uxt the Mortgagee jointJy, and the insurance proceedc, or any part Wereot. , ".
<br /> may be applied by th� Moctp�ee at ib option eitheT to the reduction at the indebtedness heteby secured -
<br /> os W ffie re�toMion os rtpair oi the properiy dimaged. ln event oi toreclasure ot fhu mortg�,or other , ,
<br /> � trsnder ot title to the most��ed property in estingui�ment ot the indebLednea�ecured hereby� aU -
<br /> � ; r�t� t�tte and interst of the Mastg�or in�rid to sny intur�r►ce palicies then in [orce rhall p�ua to the • .—
<br /> � . Qlit�di�fll 4i�Lle. . . •i�
<br /> ' � • 10. As ar,f�itiona{and collater�I�t�eurity�far thc p�y ment of thr,noGe dr�crit,c•d,z�id atl sums t��f,E'.C()J�IP.
<br /> ., • dt��ndet thf�mortgnge,the biortgagor hereby aesiAns to the Diortgagee zll l�asc fu,nusc:g. peafitR. rece• � �
<br /> nue�.myaltics,��i�ttta.and othes benefits Qccrning to the biortgagor undc�r any and aU uit and gas lea�es '
<br /> now� or da�ng tne lit� of thir mortgAge,exeeuted an saici premises.��•itt►th��•i.�ht t�,rc�ceivc�and receipt ,
<br /> . � tos!he e�me�tt��l spply them to said indebtedness as weil �}�,�forc as attet•�1c�faul�E in the conilitions ot this ;�
<br /> � murt�are. Anc� t1�e D1aMgngc�e may demand,aue inr And recuver any auch paym�nts wiien due and pay-
<br />: abte, aut�halt not be requi�•t�d sa to do. Thia assignmcrnt ia to tr.rm:7ate und 6ecc,me nult �nd vuid up�n
<br /> r�fxsaeof thia mortgt�grc�. ,����
<br /> 11. He%tte�M11not cammitor permitwute;ond ishall maintain the propert} in ag gaod condition a�at � `
<br /> pre�ent� reAeonAble �ecar and tesr excEpted. Upun t�ny tailure t�s��muiM��iu. Mnrtgage��.dt its�iption,
<br /> msy csue�e reaiwnablc n.i�,:ntenance wotk to be perfarmed at th�� cost c,P :4lortga�r. .�ny amounts ps�ic�
<br /> thertfor by 1�lurlgt+�;ee r�t.a11 ix�nr interest at thc rAte proviQtd fo�' tf� thL Urincip:�l indebtednE�ss, ahaU .
<br /> lheeeupon tx��umc a �►ari of thr. indebtednrss secured by this instrcr:�ent,r�t�bls•.u�i!un�t parity��•itt►alE
<br /> , other lnd�tm�z�es�scrureA herr�by.a�d ahapbt.� payablc'el:irty (�01 duya sft��r de�ms+nd.
<br /> � � 12. 11' the premises�or any part thereof. br conde�nned �indet• th�� i�c��+���r ��f ��mi�ient 4umAen. or
<br /> � ar�uirrd for w publie use, thr �ttma{�es ewarded. thcr pruceecla firr thf�t.ilcinu af.��r Et►r cru��i�l�•rntion f�r
<br /> euch acquiaitiu�,tu tlie ext�iit uP the tull amuunt of the mmaining u»paicl indE�btc�iu���s securc�il by this �
<br /> fnortg�ge, or hereby assigned to thc Mortgngee. an�i shnil i,e paid furtl��ti�i!h t�►ti;i��; ltiurt�;f�gc<•, to Ix
<br /> applied on ucs�uirt of U�r.l:.�st matu►•inR inatnllm�nEq af�uch iu�lf�t,t��dn���.�;.
<br /> a$. 1f the biurtgaKw� fails to make anv p�yments �yhrn duc,or to cunf���rr� !u nnc!cutnvly �citL a��y
<br /> , af the conditians ur aKr��enients cuntainrd in this mnrtgage. �r thc� n+�te�s t��htc•h it ser+irrv, t�irn th�• ,____
<br /> entire principal sum und uccrut�l intert�st shail at c�nce t�c�cc�mc� du�r�tt�i�i �r:iy;�i�f��. nt th�� E•Ic�•U�m �,t thE� .
<br /> � . Dtu7tga8rc•:anct this mr►��tgR�gr. may th�reu�wn Ue fure�•tused imtn�:di.ately fc,r ttrr•.�ti h��l��uf thc• iudc•bied-
<br /> � nc�s� hcreby ��cur�•d. ►���•lu�iiupc th�� cnsE uf extF•nding ltie :�twtract uF title fr��i�� tl►c� datc� �+[ thiy enurt-
<br /> -° - �[iii�&�cft�'�c�iii'�+c����FSt:..iift.tcitl�LL.lS�'�l�:�roY`t:4�€�i��t�°°.���f:i8�*�x f-"�'�-'32!�`�I2� c�t�ac n�il Eir� fft�. �'vtc,r�g . .
<br /> Actmini�tratiah nn nu•�,vut u!tite �uaranty ve insar.�n������f thE��e�d�•hle��ln�•s:�<�x-isiF•E� fit•��F��,•,:�i)uf tiLhict►
<br /> shali be ineluc�ed in thc►d�rre���.i[un�riustrr��.
<br /> � 1a, tf th�ind�btc�dnrss sr.curt��i h��rE�bp b�•�;c��i�•��i►trt�,! r�r trr:ts��•�) �ir,�lrt• '{'�tf�•::K, !'rr�tr•d�t:it•,.�('�"it•. .
<br /> :�urh Titic�and Ilc��ulatio»s e�a����d thE�rE�i�n�lrr;«ed in E�ff�v i,�i� tl�.,� •(:�t�•i��r,„f.h,�tt y;���•.•�rR tFt�•�..�•i,!•,. ,iut��� .
<br /> AR�I I1tiI►Iliti!'S!'ff�FP rflt'�I('��lt�=t'tl�,:Ittf�I11t� �11'!ii'Ivt!�Tt�!�f t�+!�:!�f ;�f.fi�� lhkf i t:iry+`rft��`<�+!itf•��ifi f fr1{F�F t't:��)t �
<br /> � tveUc ;:nic! indehtrdnres w�i�•h .�te•. in�•e�ns'sstt���t �viti► �ar.�1 '1'�ft�• e�i• i:c�ri�ra�iF,rs, ,�rt- i,���e•!+� :,r•n•u���•�I t�� .
<br /> �-f.nfc,�rrt tt,er�tti: - - . , . _ �*_
<br /> , `j�I1P 4'l�YEtTTiiT)tc �R-IPltE c��t�t.It�st•ti �Ftc11! trrs�d. :tnr� th�� Iir�t�� fii-.�;►i�f :: i:,itf':ik� �f���tt ft�ffl°, t••, tl . • � . _
<br />. �
<br />- `
<br />