; ' . . � _ �
<br /> :�-�----- � ,
<br /> � , ., , . , . .
<br /> � . . � - . 90-- .10��g g � �, � �,
<br /> ` To HaYe AKD'To f{ol.a ttte st�me un4o the D�ortga�ee.as herein provided. Mortgagor t�Aresents to. � ,
<br /> - snd cuvenanta wath,the Mostgagee.thi�!the Mostgagor has gflod right to sell��d convep said premiscs: .
<br /> that tbey ane icee frairi encambrance.except as hereinotiserwise reeiied;that the Mortgsgor will w�rrant � -
<br /> � �� ` , snd d�fend the ssms against the tatii ful claims of a91 person�whomscever. Mortgagor f�eteby r�linqui�ltes
<br /> all righta of homeatead,ali marltat rights,ei�her in ts�w or in equity�and a!1 other cantingen4 intcreats of � ,
<br /> - � tht Mort�agor in�nd to t�e above-deacribed pre�iaes. " � ' . � -
<br /> ' ` � P�v[�u A[.w�YS,and thcsG presenta are executed ,and delirrerec! upan the faltowtng condit[oa�„to � � � _
<br /> . _...a►It: _ . _'
<br /> . � MortgAgor agrees to pay to'the Mortgage�or ordes,the aforesaid pri�cipal aum with intenat lrom date � :
<br /> ` � st the rnte of ten per centnm ( 3p %) per ananm on the unpatd b�atx n�til pxid.
<br /> The said princip�l and interest shalt t�e payabte at the affu:e of -me Equiteble Suilditig and LAan Associatian -
<br /> �- Grand '�sland, Nebraska ,or at_such other piace as the holder of the note msY deai�nste in ,
<br /> wsitin�delivered or mailed to the t4iortgagor,in monthly Installmeenta of Four H ndred Forty Four and 06/10Q
<br /> ' Ybt�ra (i 444.06 �),co�mencing on the first day'ot Suly .19�� ,snd continuin�on _
<br /> the first day of each month tbzec�ftes unt�said note is fa1ly paid�except that,i��rot Boonerp�d.the final
<br /> , puqment of principal an�i interes:shall he due and payableon the first dsp of durte 1� 2Q20 ;All •
<br /> � , accordiri�ta the terma of a rertain pramissory note o�even date herewith eaeruted by the said Mort�or.
<br /> � . .
<br /> TEte MortgAgar furth�r agrees: � ,
<br /> i: He/ihe wiU pay �e,indebtedne�+. as he�infQefore p�vided. Ptivilege is re�ved to prepsy at any
<br /> time.�vi�hout pnmium os fee, the'entire indebtedne�or any part thenot not len than the�mount ot one ,
<br /> � � infWimen� os one hundred dolla�s (:200•QO�.whic�teves is les�.Prepsyment in fuU ds�II 6e credited on 13�e � .
<br /> , date crc�ivcd. P�rti�! pnpsyment� ofher ffim on aa insteliment due date,need not De credited untll tbe �
<br /> next lallowing in;tallment du�dste oi thirty d�ya wfter such P�p�►S►ment,�ichevtr L e.azlier. � � .
<br /> � '�.;�,��..� 2. To�ether w[th,and in addition to,the rnonthty payments of prineipat and interest p�.ysble under - '
<br /> the terms ot the notc iSecured hereby,Mort�ar wili pay to Mortg�gee,aa ttuatee.(under the terms attbia :
<br /> � � trwt aa hereinsiter stated) on the flrat dsg�r.i eacli mnnth unti!sai8 note ia fuliy pnid: ' •
<br /> � (a) A aum e4�1 t�the qra�u�d rent$.i f¢:�s.�E�:G:,t°rxe. Plur the�remi,ic�as th�t wi11 next bec�me due .
<br /> � ,-.and payabl�un po1Y�?;+�w.af firc and�ther Yz�.�ard insurance coveri��� tQe mort�t�ed�3r�pesh►. ,
<br /> � plua taxeA a�u1 a�sessmc.�nta nex�c�ttc un the m�rtgaged property (all as estu�stcd by tFte Mort�
<br /> � gagee,nnd uf���hich the 1Hort�-a:�.pr is notified) less ull sums t�lready paid tF:�refor divided by _
<br /> ------ -- - �i►e numt�er of mmt�s to�tap.se��eiareane n;�,r��i� �riivr us 2�ic��Ai.c vviteIi E1IC�3 �iOIIRA TClft/� -.
<br />: � premiums. taxeg and nsses5ments��•ill become d��lenquent, such aume to be hefd by l�ort�a�ee
<br /> in truat to pay suid grr,und renta,ne�•mivans,tnxea and special aeae�smenb. _
<br /> (6) The ag�regatr of tl�e amounts payable pursuunt tc,4ubparagraph (a) And those psyable on the ..,.`
<br /> note�cr.�d hert�by.�iiali F�paid in a xingle payment c�ach month,to be applled to/�te tallow- .-,
<br /> � ,iag items�n the or�er.�tatcd: ' '�
<br /> ` � (�) ground r+�nt:.,=.:�x�g,usg�.�sanzents. CzrQ end other hazard f�:�raursnce premiuma; �ti—
<br /> . . (Ij) intet'egt Oil tiie not�securc�d hef�hy;and � ' ,
<br /> (111) amo��tization of th� �ri.�?r�ipal uf suid notc•. ;j
<br /> � Any def cic•ncy in the�mount r�f�xnY surh agRr�Bate r.i�►nthly payment ehaii,unlw made�ood � ���
<br /> ,�� by the?1lnrtga�e,r pri�,r tu!i►e due�i:�t�•��f lhc next auch guy ment,;conatitnte an event ot default ' �� �r
<br /> � ' under tl►is mi►r�EKa�Ce. At �1ortKaq�•c H ���►tian, AtartR�tgor wit�p�.y.x"late char�e"not esceed• `
<br /> �. `�ing foin• pc�r c��utum t4;%) uf.vny �i�st��ll uit�nt«•1►srii��;aid mp�e than fltteen(1L)d�ye�►tter the , � �
<br /> ��due dKt�iher��uf tu co�•c�r tl����•xtr�.•x�•��s��invohFrl i�[:arcdlingdelinquentpaymenta,but�uch � �'"'•,
<br /> ' "ls►tc r.h�u•Kc•"�:h:�ll nut I►e�►ayubl�•c,z�t of th4�r►i�ocE���ds o(any sa'.r rnade to eatiafy the iatftbted- ; .'�:
<br /> ;: nras�rc��re�l h��rrby,uiil�•cs�urh pr��ce��ds u.a�c�suflic�ent to eleach�.���theentire indebter�r�wsnd �.� �
<br /> • si!propc�r costs anc� ��xpenses secur�d th�rc�by. , �
<br /> � 4. lt tlte totai ot thr. paymcnt�maci:�by the Mortgegor under ta) o! panyr�IIk 2 pncedins shall
<br /> ' excercl the amounL ai�aymentr�actua►ity r.��de by thp Mnrt�HgE�•.xs truatec, tor grouru�renta,t�te��nd
<br /> � asseasme�nta or i�isurAnce prcmiuma.as the caae m�y he�aunc�rxcvs:�aha4D be credited by the 11�ca�t��ee
<br /> • . on aubseq�ent paym�nta to bo rc�ade by the Mortgagor for euch itc•m�or.�.0 btbrtg�gee's o�►tlan,s�truttee,
<br /> �hall be tefunded to 111orfRagor. It�hou�ever, auch monihly paymente s�all nat be aufRcient to�ay eueh
<br /> itetru when the enme ahall become Aue fln�3 pay�tbM, then U�e�fartpcagor ahali pay Lo the Mortgn�ee.as
<br /> truatm.any nmaunt necr.�ary tu m��kr. up Lf►e deficiency within"thirty (303 day�after written noticetrom
<br />� the Mort�t�ee atating the unaunt nf the def�ciencyr which natice may be�iv�n by msil. It at any time �
<br /> the Mortgagur ahall tender tc� the I�tarigaKe�, in accurdance with the prr�viaionn ot the note secured
<br /> hereby, �ull peyment of tha entirc in�3ebteAnes� reprr�ente�i thereby, the Mortgagee, an truat�e, ehall, ,
<br /> ia c�xnputin�the amount nt auch i�debicdness,credit tu the account ot tfie Mort�a�or any credit balance ,
<br /> accumutatec! under the pr�vi�lons ut (a) uf parsRraDh 2 here�t. It there ehal!be�►defsutt under any = - _ �----
<br /> � �rf the provieion+oi t.hia mortgage resuiting in�public �ale of the prcmfaes covered henby, os N the •
<br /> 3inrt=s�ec acquirea the pr�gerty atherwise attcr detnnit, the bTnrtgs�ee. aa truatee, ehall apply, at the
<br /> _ . Eiirt�-c►f E�`tC'C't)�it�Cttlt'�Yf���t �ftt �s73Cs�t#r�a�,�o�ltsc lesr� !h� �rs�-..rl; #�Q.��sri..��!t��l.t�! . . _
<br /> t�mc�unt then remainir�g to crcdit thc Mnrtgugor under (a) oi paragnph 2 precedin�.w�credit on the
<br /> „ int�rrst t�ccr�c�d vnd unp.�id und thc�bnlarsc:e tn the princips! then rhmeinina unpsid on eaid nott.
<br /> 4. The iien af this inctrumE�nt st�ali r�mnin in fufl iotce�nc!esftect,during a»y po�tponement or axten-
<br /> � si��n c►f thc timc nf v.►�m���t uf tl�c�in+ic�btf�dnr�c nr nnv onrt thereu�aerured hrreby. . . -
<br /> � S. i�c�/she will pay al! grouf�d rents, taxes. nsacssmeriv, watez r�tce, and othes govemmental or R
<br /> -- munici�at charges. tines, ot irnp�is+iti�i�is,tevi�d u�in ssid pr�miae3 and that h�lahe_w�lt pay al1 t�tte�r tevtett �
<br /> upcjn this mc►rtg��. ns the det►+ �fv-utet� thet+ebp,tugethrY ar:th uny atlre=taues ot a�aes�rotnb which sn�y► - s�
<br /> E�Ic=vied uii�er thc Inwe c�tNehroske a�amst t1�e Nlnrtqt�tee. or t�e t�gal Rolder df eaid prirtrip�l rtote, an =� ��
<br /> ;u•euur�t a!th�s incirbi��tues.a, rxti�pt when�payment tdr all surh atem�hss therelafare been rtasde under(a)
<br /> i�t�«tagr��h 2 hert�of,and hc�rshe wil!�,romptly detiver the esltirtul re�reipta theretas ta� t�� M�ttgtsgee. In
<br /> d�fautE th��tcut Lh�Alurt��E�r. mr�y��ny Ehe s�rnc.
<br /> _ �
<br /> - - -- --- -; -.
<br /> — - --.. _.; _,.
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<br /> � - - •-_., _ - _ - --- - — '"'
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<br /> � �
<br /> ./,�F.Y.. �T:'��';n4T-?ti'�`r�si� � l'•' . .._ . - �v:_ .. _1. L��a,Mp��us.�.t_i�e�p�easr+ , '_- . ...,. . , . _�. � � . . '.
<br /> �tngt .�'
<br />