__ _ ____ __ __ _ __ � . `T _ _
<br /> ' � � � i • - `--. ' �
<br /> f.C�w�Ia Aecdea�le�at ONt. . �� �����`� � .
<br /> - ' (a?Defarit.Lender euY.��Pt os tunitcd 6y re�utas�oas issued by tha SrarttuY iu the cau af paymau defauhs.reQuire <-
<br /> Lanxdiatt psymrnt ia fuII o!W sums secuted by tLts Security Iiuuua�ent i€:
<br /> �i?BprroRa defaWta by[aitit�ta p�y ia full aay manihty psgmcdt required hy this Security Instr�ment��ior to or oa '
<br /> tite due d�te ai she aext taanthlY p�►Yment.or ' . � � � , `
<br /> � � ��res def�uiia tiy tailing,for a perFad of tbury days.ta perfarm any att�er obG�tion�contained in this Seeu�ity - .
<br /> AD S�le Wiilwt Gr+eit A}pxii.leader sh�il.if peta�iutdb!►�ppiic�bte iaw aad with tfic�ios app�aval of dte Sec�*y.requite ..
<br /> , i�edi�e p�yme�t ie fuU oE��e sams seaued by thi�Seconty�mt�
<br /> ti�AO a prt of B.�e P�ope�ty is cxDawi�e ttaasfated fadses fh�by dcrl�e flr d�tcert)bY the 8o�mwer::4ad . � ' . ,: ..:
<br /> ('u�'ibe Pt�cPenS►is°at Qo�vF�d bJ►t�e P�i�r a�a�tee as his ar her pRa�ary+or se000dary resideaoe,ct the ptu�tet or , .
<br /> • gt�aex doe:eo woop�y the Ptupaty dt►us ef her cRdit fqts aot berst appnave�ia a�000ni�oe with ef�E ra¢�of de Sec�Dt�y. .
<br /> ;;�.. . . (c)N�Wai*er.If arcumstances occut thu wout4 permit Lenc��o��'.�atc pa}�.����€�:;�;:��s i�::�W 3xsiiqt . • -°,;;':
<br /> �: �e�uTct.�IIdi P�Y��:I,ender does eoi waii�;�'ights ar'tth r�'t.3�'.ttDt e4�;s�: ; : : ' - � . . .
<br /> �; ,. (t1'���t�D S�ars�:���tanees ieg�'a�ans i�,i��t°::�r�.�;.-r a��,�r�����.,�7�. .
<br /> rt ` �� ` ' t�e c���c.�its,ao raa�.�e E�e pxYa►�i"r.t€u�an�fc�..�'tY cu��,,ti�>'�s�ty,���:aes ,
<br /> ,;.. ' '� . . rtot�'�s'r"�aCr�atwn or fosx2osure iP acst pem�itted by rcgutatians���t SoaecarY: . .`
<br />;�.`,., ;.� -;,::.:;��' .,. , .. •
<br /> ' ` `�• y. R�i�1e�eN. Bartawer has� rijht to 6e reinstated if Lender has c�quired immediite payment in full because af
<br /> � °��Barro�vver`a faitare to p�y sw arauuat due under the Note ar chis Security lnstrumrnt.This djht ap�lies even aftef'fon:closurc �
<br /> �raadints are instituted.To refnstate the Securtty instrumcnt,Borrower ahal!tender in a Iump sum aii niaounts reyulred to . •
<br /> brin�SoROMer's account cunenl includina. to the extent they arc obliaatioas of Borrawer under this Secu�ity�Instrumen�.
<br /> faralosott costs �d reawaatile an0 customary attomey'a fees and a�penses properiy assaciated with �he foreclosure
<br /> ' proceedin�.Upon Feinst�t�meni�y 8orrot�er.this Savrity tnstrument aitd the obli�tion�Mu et_.ucnres shall rtmzin ineffect�s
<br /> tf l�endtr had not required irttmediate Qayment in fuU.Howeves.L.cnQer is rtot required ta permit roinstatemene iP:�i)Lender hag
<br /> accepted reinstatement aftu �he commencemrnt of forcctosure prooeedings we[hin two years immediatety pteceding the
<br /> commencement ot a tutrent foreclasure proceeding.(ii1 reinstatemrn� witt ptectude tateclasure on different grounQs in tRe .
<br /> . future.or(tii)reinstatemetst wil}Qdv¢rsety aftect the priority of tho licn created by thi�Security lnstnsment.
<br /> 11. �wer No1 RekrN: Fotrqnue �!l.tMa Kot��Ydver.Estcnsion of the time of payment or modificatinn oi
<br /> amottiutioe o![he�ums secured by tAis Security tnstcument grantect by l.eader co any surcessor in iaterest af BoROwer shall nat
<br /> aperue to release the li�bility �f the ori�inal Borrower ox Borrower'S 4uccessor in interesl. Lender shaii not be required to
<br /> � cAmmma procadIn�s a�ainst any successor in i�terest or refuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify amartization ��
<br /> of the sums secured by thls Security lnstrummt by rcason of any demand made by the or�gina! Bonawer or Bonowu's ,
<br /> , succtssan in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in ezercising any right or remedy�shail not be a waiver af or precluQe�he
<br /> exercise ot any ri�ht or remedy.
<br /> 12.S�cceso�l aN A�r�u Ro�d;Jd�t u4 9estrat Ld�Aiiity;(;o•tilpen.The covenants and agzeenunts af this Security : ..
<br /> Instrumrnt shafl bind and benefit the successots and assigns af Lender and 9urrow•er,subject to the prav�sions oi paragraph 9.b.
<br /> Bortowtr's covenants and ngrremsnt3 sttall be jaint AnQ sevtral.Any 8onower who co-signs this Security Instrument but dcxs
<br /> ' nat exe¢ute the IVote:(a►is co-signi�8 this Security Instn�ment nnly to mortgage,grant�n1 a;cvey that Rc�rraw�r's�ntcrett in . -
<br /> tAe Froperty under the tornts af this Stcurity instrument;(b►�y nm perynnalty obtig�sed to p�y t:te sum�secured by this Security :.;;
<br /> lasUUment: aad Ic1 ag.�xs thot Lrnder and any ather F3�irrawer m:�y ag�s to cxtend. modtit'Y. r;!M"rar vr make any �'��'=
<br /> • , �ccommodailons xrith re�ud to the term oP this Secssrnq in<}-ument or che�ut�without �hat Borroa��:r�ranpent. --
<br /> • U.Nolkei.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Sccur;ty initrument shalt be given by delivmrtg�.or by m �a�r.ng�t by �
<br /> Pret C1ass mai3 unless applicabte law require�use of another mr�hoA.The natice sha116e directed to the P�r�;�erty AQdress or any •
<br /> atha adQress Borrawer desi��tes by nouce co Lend,�.Any n�tice tc,!.cnder a!+al!be g�ven by firit clas�m��,:i.c.�l.endor's adOre+s
<br /> stateR herein or any a�w`tess Lende�r designates hy::s;r�ce to Ru:r�,wer.Any nc�ice provided!or in tA�s Ge:ari�:y Imaumem sh�it
<br /> ' be Qeemed to have be�givea to 8orruwer or Lc�u�cr whcn g�ven n+proviQed in this paragropb. -,f
<br /> 11,(;o�eAMj I.aw;�rert►iYq.This Sccunty ir�strument shall be governed by F�ederal;a�w and the taw of the jurisdiction m ' -'
<br /> whicis Ihe Ptopeny is tocated.in the event that any�rovisicu►r�r clause��f this Security imtrument ar t�se Nnte cunflicts with ap �
<br /> � plicabte Itw.sueh ranflict shall rtot affecti other,r;��cips��cif ihis 5_curity Instrumem us�he Note which crn be giyen eftect .
<br /> wllhout the conflirting provision. To Ihi�end [ht�4 ruv�s�om nf thit 5ecunty Instrument and the Note are declared to he ���-��
<br /> , severabk. 4���-
<br /> • 1!.l�arrawer'�Co�y.Bouowtr shal!he givrn nne coi�fv�u�ed capy ot tbis Sccunt��Instrumcnt. • '
<br /> N.AedpAtllt uf Rt�b.&�trnwer unconet�uonally ass�gnw and Itancfer�tc�1 eruter all tht rentc aad revrnua+e�f the Yr��perty.
<br /> Hot�orrer pWhon�es LenQct ar Ltndet's trgen��t��ullent che reat+nnd rovenucs and hereby d�recty each tenam uf rhe Na,t+erty
<br /> , to psy the rems to t.ender or t,�nQer's r�genlc. Howetier,prinr tc�1 ender'c nuuce u�liatrower u!"fic�trawer'v t+teaeh uf uny cr�YC•
<br /> rtartt or�ramCnt in the Security Intilrumeat,OormKer+hail cattt�l and re�:t��c el!reiicc enA rcccnue�af�hc Nrapeny a5 uuscee
<br /> for tht l+enefit ot 1:endec and Butreswtr.?hi.asaianmem ut rerit��unstitute4 un ahsoiute a«�gnmem and nEit an aca�gnment fur
<br /> ad�itiottd stcurit�anly.
<br /> ' tlLender gives notice of brr�ch tn ltorrower.lul 0l1 renta rrce�ved by U�jrrnKCr rhalt he held h�Iinrrt�aer as trustee fcn bencfit
<br /> ot Lender only.to be apptied to IAe sums securrd Dy Ihe Sccunly Imlrument:Ib11.enQer shull tx enUtte�f w calicct and receive all
<br /> of the rentq o!the Vroperty;and tc 1 eub lenant uf�ht Properly shali pay aU rcntc due ancf unpa�d�c�t.endes u►Le«der'9 agent
<br /> an l.rader's wdtten dertunQ t�Ihe tenans.
<br /> HOfCU�tT ha.9 IIAt Px!'CtIfC�Htly dfl(!1 855IgJ16Ktit Af fhC tMitg AtlfZ N�E i�.�:und ua1!unt {�erf��eru xuy tsc! thII!wuuld qtevent
<br /> Lendtr from eaercisirig i�s rights unAer ihis paragrepb i(i.
<br /> I,ender eh�ll nat ht x-�uited tatnur ulwn.lalte contn�!ot t�t n�aintaiu the Yroperty betc+re��:aftet gevu:�;nuhce ui hteaci►tu
<br /> Bortawer.Nnwe��et.1 Cndet ut n jud�cially nppo�nted rese�Yer may du cc�at any ame titere is a breach. Ar,} ippli.a�i�,�:,�3f ren�� ,_�.��_
<br /> slul)n�t e:a:tc c�r wa�re any default c�r invalidate any othes right ur rcv,�cdy��E 1 c�E�ter tfii�.a..ihnu�rnc oi rer,ts o€i::_Y�-rupert} ,
<br /> sh�li term:�lte wEten the deb� secured by ihe Scr.urity Inctrurt�ent iti c�id�n fuli
<br /> � .
<br /> p►
<br /> _ - 1Rf
<br /> }:
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<br /> �. �
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