_ � � ___
<br /> ` � ' ` , ' _ - .. t, - � � �
<br /> . . _ � ` � �
<br /> � - � � � � 90-- iQ2�°�� .
<br /> �.l��eN�lrt�d/1t,hte�e�l�N LNe AsRe.Borcawer shW,pay when due the prirtciD�!ot.aRd incRat og.thr debt
<br /> ' � ovi3enoeQ by tbe N+�tr ana late chsr�s dae uttda the Note„ � , •
<br /> 2.I�feMW!�d d Ti�.I�aue f1�O[iee t�r=p.Borrowa s�all taclude in ezch monxhlf+P=Y�enc.togethu�ith
<br /> ' �he O�incipd�ed ietts�at as sst farth 6i the Nate and�c►y iate chutes.aa inst�lt�ntac of anY(a)tases and sDecial assessusrnts
<br /> fe�ierid o[ia bt kwod��die ProPert�►.t�)��sehoid paymtnts at�traand rfats ass tbt PmPcrtY.aad{c)praaluats fcsr -
<br /> � � Luuraea re4uired bY Pu��ph s•
<br /> • Escb d�onthtSi inuaiiment t�itertu(a).(b)aud(c)sAsil eqwl one•twdflb of t6e annual amunnu,as reasona6ty atimated 6y
<br /> � L,aader,p1u�an amounc wtf�denc co msincain�n addirioual bal�ace oi noc morc ehao one-aia4h of thG estiquated amonnts.The • .
<br /> fug aenuil unouat[or acA item sb W lx acco�rtaLted bj►Lmda wntbin a paiod aidins one taonth bafore en item Woutd
<br /> " . . .become detioque9t.I.mder slaD 6old tLe smoaats wlktted ia mut ta pay iums t�).(b)and(c)boforc the9'a.�`�me ckiiequait.
<br /> . . . � if ar�n�r tia�e tlre total oi the paymeats hdd by I.endrr for it�(a).tb1.and(c),togecher with the fatnre a�onthiY P�Y�u �
<br /> !ot such�tans D�Yahk w E.eades pttas to the due daus of sach items.eacads by more thaa nne-�h c�e estirnated ameuat of . , �
<br /> � � . pty�penb:�oquired ta piy sucfl itans vha[dne,aad if pay�ts cn thc Nate are car�mt,thea i.enda sisall eithes cefirnd th.e
<br /> -- _ ' sacssi awdr one-sisttt oi the�im�ted psymeats ar�cIse e�ova onr�t2t af ck��ed Daymeats td��-��*
<br /> - _ pt�ts 6y 8asaries.at the option af Bnraower. If the tctat of tht pay�eats�adc!�''6�;�Stav�rr far�C�p.€FayR ta.tdc�.�. . •.. :: •,.:,�;. ,
<br /> ° - iamff�t to pay tbe item vrT�ea dut.thea Sarr�rea sh�B pay ca Leada a�amount at�ssa.y tc mr��ta�s stre�fia��c�'ur.' ::• . . ; .
<br /> `'�� � - , 6eFore�DC•�i1te thc it�hecomes d¢e. � :. ,, , ' ., �-i:�';`;�;
<br /> ,;, ;�:� :;,,.:.::
<br /> _ ,,,- .. . .. .. '� c�� ousi� a:e:�.L'iQ1d�.'��'.�� ca=i�,�:��=,.�':i;,:% _ '•'` -,
<br /> � !t`sr.�#6x't�Sscnr3ty L�st�uy Secte�rF me�as cfi� �'...r�''r,e� � S 1. , , '�'?.k� . �-�
<br /> i . �4�:�.(t1SilStaStaFS�iUi�YrglL��.S�Cre►.3ttic,i�i�tt.�.t.���'(Fa�C3�¢T-„9Rtif�z.re,�'-i_�'�.�IIdt►'Gj71��f��6�L�� ;',: ,'r .. �
<br /> � • ��-: . .
<br /> 4• ;��S��.IftisisS�mic:���mearuac+�asi��.�.:�dae��'�'�v.-.�c•�s�z�ter.�i:^c�a3���. .
<br /> - .`� , �p�rjpp�c� �#titinet�tt�insu�e�ranfii�rF,.,�.:���r5�.�am�fi[G�ma�r�.a!s�s�s�:Z3���z�"��:aniscstalfinentoi'ih�: . . ,
<br /> Aurrs�%�cs�E'.�ct Sntm►�s�.�a:�aa:s#�Y Lendar ca�c�r�'*�.,c��u)�s',��s dsscr»:�acad of.a mortaage -
<br /> �,qt��xxemium�f ihis Secoricg�r:,�rnment is Ixid by the Secraary.E�..-`h snontY,ig�i-���,�FtHe mortgyge insunnce
<br /> ' •. .: �Cmitaa�3ta11 be in w a�ount saf��em to accumulue the full�na�!mongage insu�atice premium wits Lender one montb '
<br /> � ��! „.�griar tp the date the fu!!annhal mortga�e insurance premiam is dne to the Secrctary.ar if this Stcuriry Insirument is heid by the ,
<br /> ; � Secretary.r,ach monthly chu;e st►all be in an amount cqua!to ant-twelith of one-half percent.ot�hs outstanding principal .
<br /> baLnce due on the Note. ,
<br /> � It Bonowa teaders[o l.endcr tht tul!payment of all sums secured 6y this SecuricY Irlstnuncnt.Borrawer's accaunt shall be
<br /> � credited with zhe balance remaining fot �ll installmrnt+ for i�ems �a), (b)and (cl and any martgage insurance premium
<br /> inst�llm�nt thu LettQer ht5 nat become obliyated ta pay�o the Secretary,and Lender shall pasmptty rciund anp exces9 funds to .
<br /> gorrowes. Immediatety prfar tv a foreclnsurt salt af she Propeny ar its aiqui+ition by Lertdet.Horroacr's account sh�l!be
<br /> ctedlted�rith any balance rem�ninj for�11 installments f�r itcros(a1,(b)and Icl• ` , ,
<br /> 3.A�IIM ot r��ti,Al!paytnent�'unQet para�raDhc 1 and 2 shall be ap�Ged Dy Lendee as taltuws: � �
<br /> �.to the martyye insuraltce premi�m to 8e pafd by l.ender ta ehe Secretacy ae eo�hr mamhly charge by[he Secretary
<br /> inste�W oY ihe muRthig mort�e ituurancc prctniunt.untess Battower paid the ensire mortgage insurNnce premium when this •
<br /> Security Irtstrumeni was ugned;
<br /> SEt7f)Nn,to onY t�ca.spocial assessments.lC�sehotA paymer,ts or ground rents.and fire. 11avd ana othu haurd insurance �
<br /> " premlums.m tequired: s�_-
<br /> ��j�$Q.to fnterest due ua0er the Note: : •
<br /> � �1DURTH,tp unorttzation of the principsl of the No�e: ' ��
<br /> �,to late chu�e�due under the Note.
<br /> � 1.i�tes.i'MN sNO�IQr Huulluu�tes.6csTawtr shalt insure alt imEz•�=�nent�on tht PrnDeaag.+w'���:�her now in existencc . _
<br /> or subxquently erec:sd.against any huarGs,ca°.uu:��es,anQ camingene�es,.:.-::lding fire�for which Ce^�:r requires insurancc. . �
<br /> This insuranre�h�►11 6e maimaine�f:a[he�meL:u and fe<�.'�:�cricxfs th.3t Leader requirev. RcSnoKZr ahatl atso insure ail %��
<br /> � im�r�iaar�srs on tht Praperty,v�-t�her naw in existrnce or sL'�sequrntly etected.ag�nst(acs by Itoods to thc e;tent required by � ���
<br /> tAe Sa�erary.A!1 insurance sh�li be carried w7t"�a�mpanirs approved by 1,ertQer.The insur�nce pN:.ACS bnd any tenewal+sha(1 '
<br /> be held by tender a�cL shall incfude toss payab�r.�.`<ausea in favor of, and..a torm acceptabte ta. [.cv"er.
<br /> � In tbe event of tc.s�,�onawer�h�ll pve t.cn���::rimcdiatc notice by m::4 t:ndrr may m�ks proofr�:f€�ass d aot made prnmpc- �
<br /> ly by Hanower.f�aeh insurance comaany eancemrd is hereb�a:5ostud and dir�ected to make pay�meni far sucb toss direcity 10
<br /> t.tndet.�tlftt�A 0/(A RORPwlf#11d t0 l.fndlt jDtf;fly.Ai{or a,��,�art at the irtsururtct procetd�msy be apptied by t•�:1er.at its
<br /> oplion.either(A)to the rcQuctivn at ihe mdrbtednr�s unCer tf�e Note and�his Security Instrument. first to ar., lstinquent '
<br /> amounta ayplied in the osder in Yaraaraph 3.and Ihen to prer�yment of p�incipal,�r�b)ta the restaration ot reyair of the
<br /> Qama�ed property.Any tppllc#iion af tht ptaceedv�o the principa!�halt rt:�t cxten�ur postpnne tfit dut date of the rrtontt►ty -
<br /> � paycatnta which are refe�red to in Paragtaph 2,ar change the amuunt nf Such payments.Any e�cesc insurr�nce pr�x:eeds over an � •
<br /> amount tequireA ta psy aN outst�nding indebtcdnes4 andet Ihe Notr and Ihis Securuy in5trumem vh�ll he pa�d tu thc entity tegal• �
<br /> • ly entltled thereto. � �
<br /> ln the event af foriclosute af Ihis!iecunty Insuument or ather ��ansfu ot atle ta the Proper�y that eAGnguishes Ihe in-
<br /> deDtedness.all ri�ht,dtic an�1 interesl�t&►rinwrt in and to in+utance pnlicia�n furce shali pasc tu the purchaSCr.
<br /> �. !'eexrratio� w/Mairle�a�ce of iMe �to/Kt1y. I.treAnit�• gurr�wer ,hall na� cc+mm�t weue c+r dea�roy. damage or
<br />' substanti�tliy chin�e the property ur altuw�he Propeuy ta deten��roce,re�g�+t�b3t wear and tcar e�ceptcd.Lendrr mgy mvpect
<br /> the�xopetty ii the prctperty 1�vxeartt ot abandonsd or tht loan�ti m deiault. I ender may take rea��mobte ac�ii�n t��protect uud •
<br /> piese[ve auch vacant ot�bandoned property.It this Security ln�trumetu��o�r u leasthuld.�ur ruwer.hall cumt�ly wlih Ihe pru�i•
<br /> ' sio�s n!the kase. 1/Holrawer xcQuires f�e titte to tht i'ro�erty,the teasth��ld and fee n11e shalt nni he metged unless I.ende� .
<br /> tstees to tho merter in wriNnj.
<br /> - i,f'Mr�+ts 1�Ntrswet�lN rroleetlu�ot I,eNet'�RINb Is fMr rto�trty.Hortowa shnll p�y all guvernmental ur municipa}
<br />, chutes.fines�nd 1mDo�itions thal ure not intfudcd�n i'suagrapl�2.1TUitauet�hal{pay thesc obtigations on t�me dircrtly tn the •
<br /> tntity whiCh is awrd ths payment.lf tailure tc�pay wc,u10 udve��elg aU�cE E.eadu'�interest in the Yioperty,upun t.cnder's re
<br /> quest Bortdwtt shail Qrom�Ily futnigh tn I.ertdcr rece�pts eviQencing thece payntenl9.
<br /> If 8orrawet fuls ta�make these praYmeots ar the payment4�e�u�rnl try Pei�groyh�,ar tails tv perform any uther cavenants and
<br /> egrese�e�i�cor.tained in ihi�5ecuriiy Instrument.ar Ihere is a!egni pruceedtng Ih�t mey aignificontly aflect Cender's r�ghts in __.___
<br /> . the P�r�ty lsuct�as a procadinj in bankroptcy.For cor..".t�s^,�t!sc�n��r t�en�otce laws ur cegulation�►,then l.ender r,�ay do and .---_�._._
<br /> � psy w2titever is ne�sary eu profeci the value af a�e Proprr!y�::�ti.�:d��r'i sighls�n the k'cantrty, inctudmg payment�t taies.
<br /> �. hazarQ Insur�nce�:!utAtt ittms mentione�rn Parag�n�+h 2 .
<br />_ .�.__ ..__ .
<br /> llny atnounts ci�sbu�std by fteider unQes tA,ti�P'aragraph s'tatl bec��r.:e a:�a4difionni Jeb�af Burr�,a;: and f�e se�urtd by Ehi1"" " � � �
<br /> Sr.s��tnstniment. These a.;.�.�za shaU htas:a:e:�s! ;:�r:tht ililtG U{f:19I1U15CtiACl1;,at tt►e Na�traEe,and at"^uptrs�n c�f
<br /> i.e��t:.ihall be�mai�diatelk�:�:L.ad paSaCle. �
<br /> - ?.C�fe�tiw.'the pFVCCCds c�t eny ax�N;sr cl�im for da�nages.dir:ct ar c�m�;,yue�i:,a:.:;i�_,:,^ec.tivn w�th nr:y ci,n:iLr.r �
<br /> � hdtttrA i1f olA�tl3k.17,�'Of At1y p3�!Uf lff�PiCi�c:+ty,c�r f�r cunveyance En;i:�:c nf tundem+nadun,a:e"rteby a�s�greC anr!sna;l hc
<br /> pa[�3 to lcttder ta tke c�tteflt ot the tull amouat of the indebtedness th�s r:w.:iins unna�d under tht�rt=�f��th,s Sc_uruy tn�u�.� �
<br /> • mr.a�..�.rnd:r ahait a�ply Fuch ptosee�fs ta the reduction�f the indcbaedntss undet ttt�NutC 3nt!thls Se�ut�ty Instrument.t�r�t to �+.
<br /> nny�s't:trqurnt a�unis ag�lit$in ttrr 6tdet pt�+vided in Ni�rugtBPh 3.attsl thCtt tt•Ctrerayment t�f�+r�pripal.Aii�a�sphcaUerr+c�i tp
<br /> . th�pt�s:��if3 It�tttf tnin���r.tl shaU n�►�e�tend m�osrpmre tiz�dQe dat�vf the manihiy Faymrrts.tic#rtrh air rrfcrttct t�,rrs � tA
<br /> {'mapraph 2.u�eha�rgt the:unnunt oi such payments. Any.eccess prrceeds cstier art�naunt crqv�v•rd to rav all e�:�t�tanctu�k i��� - ��:
<br /> Qet�ttdnQS�unQer Ihe Nott end triis Se:utity fnst►u.ment s1�a11 t�r�+a!�t:c�chr ea�ia�: le�allh en:�Ar� �i,rrrr�� •, -'
<br /> ' d.b'rt�.I rn�ler in.�y cnllC�f FCCi�uid rharge�authnr�le�i t�y�he 5�.re��uv
<br />. . .�... � f Js'f:l�f A ...__.�. . .^
<br /> �
<br /> ._..,_.•____.,._.
<br /> — — -_— � .� '_" .____�..
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<br /> __ -._� .-�h_-.x- . . . . . �_-..,a.,..�-.,. __ —_ __—_— —__ _—
<br /> �_:_ _- .- ._- . .._- - _ _ . _ _._ _ _ ._ .� . . . _ ._ .
<br /> � _ . . , . L.� ._• ..�_ __ ; . . . .
<br /> � �s�uarnt �u .- ` �r:- _ - — —=-- �rnsr..-'� —
<br /> .. � . -. ��� -ti _
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