��r y < <*' ����a;,:,�fi`a�.�nki3�?��'� �vii��r:a+��.�--. �
<br /> -.:.,;areal'La"��� �� � �_.::--� - ------_ — -- _
<br />. __-_ .-._ .�_- - - -- --- . .
<br />. _.__ - . .�.__ _ . . _---- ._ _.�- - --- - -� - -_ -_. :__j.- -- - � - ---- ---- ._..- -----'---'--- -. .. _ . . . .
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<br /> . . . . ` � . � , < . .
<br /> , . . . . ' . . � �O���i . `-
<br /> � ' grotecti�g the Trrzstar� and Beneficiary frcm all claims, demands, lawsufts and . :
<br /> - � � . � �ude�menL� t��i�fag, aut�of in jury to persons or datosge to progertX vccurrinq o� ( . - -
<br /> � � t�te propertg. 7'h� caveraqe shall be �fn an amount of not less thert �300,000
<br /> s�nqle limit far bcsdi2� in�ur� and prag�rt� damage. �he 7�fabf�.ity asuran��
<br /> . ` and �a►sualty f.nsusartce mp►y be pr�cnted in a sxngle poZicy by.the geneficiary � ,
<br /> or may be obtained dn separate policfes. In any event, Beneficia�y shall
<br /> . prqCUre autd msiAtain such polfafes and shall Rotffy Treistor annuallp of the �
<br /> . amount o€ pre�afume so that the mnnthly prinefpal. intereat, �ax and i.nsurance � �
<br /> payments xf21 %ncZude sufficient amounts to ca�er t#�e premium`or presoi�uas for , .
<br /> -- • the casual.ty an� Iiability insuzan�e. .
<br /> ` r � . 4. ACTIOHS APFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Tru�tor shall �
<br /> � any aa�ion or roce p aPP�� i� ,�nd:cantest
<br /> p g urpo q o fect ttte �ecurity hereof or the _
<br /> � rights:;or pbwers of Beneficiary ar Trustee, and shall g�ay all costs anr� �
<br /> . ex�n$es, iacludinq cast of evide�fce of tftle and attarney's fees, fn any such .
<br /> -�. ; � aCtion a� praceedirtg in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear. Sheu��
<br /> Trttato�..fai.l to make any payinent or to do any act as and in the manner
<br /> prpv�de3 fa a�ny af the �.oan Instruments, Beneficiary an8/or Tsustee, eaeh in
<br /> , ,�;,; :its own:�discretfon, witBsaut obliqatian, mag make or do the same in such �anmes
<br /> � �.i�;•:.:� � �,:and to:;,�uch ext8nt as �fther may deem neceseary to pratect the security
<br />`,;,;�:,,,�..:`,::;��_ ''�`:'hereof.� TrusCOlc._shall, f�ediately �upon demand t&�refar by BeneficiarY. PaY
<br />:��:;�%%�-i::;.::. . `:i���:::_...�all cbsfis and:_�e�p�ns+�s irscurred T�► Beneficiary i.rc�r�s�tectfan with :��te. exere:�se
<br /> �*;�� :� - �:• by Bene�fci�ry �r�. the £c���goiag riqhts, s.ncludfng, without lintitat�.�'�. za�, � . �.:
<br /> . .. of evfdence of tiitle,. '� costs, apgraisal.s, surveys art�':��torney`s fee�. ;: �-.:�.��:;
<br />. - ..-�. Any s¢�h rasis �nd� ����s not paid ritts�.n -ten (10} c]ays ss� .written.demaa�.�:�-. ;,,.;,;.-
<br /> � �- � shal� draw ict:erest at tha default rate previded �S the N�te. � " � ' '� �
<br /> : :.. �5. ��.'�IETi� DOMAIN. Should the TrusL. Esta�:,.or an� �art �he�-::�f�c�,."�� ;. , - �
<br /> ' inte_►�G.t .�.•�, e a. Z or damaged i�Z, :�.��on p�..an� puisT�?� improvettsent �r�. . . . . :'
<br /> � cot�d�=..�'���t ��',yCeedfng'�:.::�r in aay at3s�'�..�.�er ��3.u���:��.S,��d in lieu o€ :. � : � -
<br /> Conc��a�,f:�'.�_":c�ndemnats�n"). �.r .shc�uL.�:.���tc� r+�:#;��+�-'�..*�g.nctice or other. . , .:` '.,.
<br /> infot�ma`tion re��ding sucR pra�ing,�.��r:s��ar aiut::L give prompt �aritten � , .. ;'�;;
<br /> notice thereaf ta Beneficfary. L�ne€ic'sary shall 1�e entitl�d to 8.11
<br /> c�mpenaation akr�rds and other payments or relief therefor, and shall be .
<br /> . entitled to trtake any campramise or settlement in connection with such taking
<br /> � • or damaqe. All such campensatian, awarcis, damages, rfghts of actfon and `
<br /> � �receeds awarded to Trustor (the "Pcoceods") nre hereby as�igned to ;. �*
<br />. __"_ _ _ . . _.. ! !. _.�t. ..7�... .. 4..� O F ..i_.tc%'l
<br /> FfHIIBfICI$�i F�TI� i'rQS�Ot 3CJtt?HS �Q @X6C►.il,tl ts4t:it itls�s�Gi: ctabayiLc�Rkco tUS c�'i@ - . . __—
<br /> � Proceede as Hetteficiary or Trustee may require. � .,n
<br /> 6. APPOIt�TME13T dF SUCCESSOR TRUSZ'�E. BanefiGiaxy may, fram time to -
<br /> . time, by a wr en na rumen execu e an acknowledged by Beneficiary, tnailed
<br /> to Trustor and recorded fn the Caunty in which the Tru�t Bstate is loc�ted and
<br /> � by othertvfse complying with the provisions af the appliaable �iaw of the State
<br /> af Nebraska aubstitute a successor or cuccessors to the Trustee named herein
<br /> or aeting hereunder.
<br /> ?. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Uead of Trust applies to, ainureA to
<br /> ' the �enefi o an n s a par fos heroto, thefr heirn, legateea, dcvfnee9,
<br /> peraonaa repxesentatives, succes�ars and aaaigns. The term "Henefifiiary" '
<br /> shall me�n.the axner and holder af the Note, whcsther or not nemed aa
<br /> 8eaeff�fary herein.
<br /> 8. INSPECTZONS. Heneficiary, or :.� agents�, r�preaentatives or '
<br /> workmeri, pre au or zed to enter at �-�ny :easonable time upon or in ony pari of �`_:
<br /> the Trur�tc�� Estate fc�r Cha purpc:,e Uf inspect3n� �he c.ame and for the �urgo�e � � .
<br /> oP performing .3ny of the acte, it ir, �uthGrir.ed to perform undor the torms af
<br /> , eny of the Loan In�trutr.er.t3.
<br /> � 9. �VEt3TS OF U��'AULT. Any uf xhc f�llawing Eventr shatl b� deemed an
<br /> ovont of do Av. areun cr:
<br /> (a) Ttv�tar �hall h�►va frsiled ta mflka payment at' stny ir.�tallment af
<br /> intvrest, prfncipal, c�r principal c�nd intvrQ�st. or nny athc�� :.um eecured h�reby
<br /> wlien ciuo for a poriad of' �en (101 dayr.; or,
<br /> . : (b) Thero has accurred � brQach af d�fault undc�r any t�rm, covenant,
<br /> agreetnent, condition, pravibion, raprds�nt�ti�n, ar w�rr��nty cont�,inod in any
<br /> of tho Laan ir��trucrtentc.
<br /> Ia. ACCf?LERATION t��N DF.F'AUUr AlltiI�.��JNAL REMLUIL•'S. S::auld c�n event c.* - .
<br /> dofauit hc�ur, ene c.axy may c�� �r� u in e c ness s�;r.:�red he�e�y tcs :�
<br /> due a:�d peyabl�, and t�:a �;amo sh�ll thereu�an become ciue as►d p�y�bie wi�i:c�' � - - --
<br /> any gr�sentn:rnC, r�emar.�, prc�test, or nc�� i;.•e ��f uny kinc3. �hereafter �^r �
<br /> 8�not i:r,er�ry ma*,�: .
<br /> tn} El,tl�.er in parsnn or by cs�Ent. _��ith ar withb-.:t °::�::r�ging �ny °c�cti:;�.
<br /> ,-_----� - - cfr gro�caeQing:.-�r �sy � rc�cvivr3r aggoir.��Q 'ay�a-c'aurt �nd wztisout r�gara t� �i�e - . ,
<br /> � " ndequracy of ie� ���u�ity, ontor upon and tako pc�sses�sian �f thn Tr�st �stato,
<br /> . or any part.thoreof, in its c�wn nama or in the namm of 'Trc�stea, anci do any
<br /> a�ts which it deems neccss��ry r�r dn�irrab:e t� prc:,•erv�• Lhc� v��tuc,
<br /> �` m�rkertability ar rentzibil.z�y af the Tr.ust I:st�te, ac p�rt there�f c�X inter�qt
<br /> �••• , tharein, �ittere�s� the inca:r.Q Lherefrnm c�r pr.vtec;t the �•f�euri±y tier�nf, �n:i
<br /> with c�r tqiLhaut t�kisig pnssESSit�t� vt tt�e 'tru:,t Ls±:�te, sue tor vr �thErs��ise h►
<br /> . . . . .� - ;, �
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br /> �- ----- - ._ - -- — — -- -- --
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