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<br /> 5 � THIS DEED OF TRbST fs made as cf the � day of l�Iay; 2990, by and �aong .
<br /> ' !lat�! d. BIEGFL �nd S�i f.� D. sIEGBL, husban�and wife, (TRUS'i�ORf, whose -
<br /> � • mailing'sddres� is 509 Kest Eighth street, �rand islana, Nebraska 6880� � �
<br /> � � " atid TZOOR NATIOHA� TIZ'LE IN5IJRAKCE CaltPANY ITItUSTEE). whose m�ilinq ac�3ress
<br /> � � is: g. O. Bc�r 6�T, Grand IsZattd, Kebraska 68B02; �
<br /> � and RoHERT J. K�t+IP�.R an�' 3EANFTT� S. �'.�SPER, husband and wife as jaint t�nants ,�
<br /> , ' (HEHBFICIARYj, whase mai.ing nSd:±ss _� 1II24 Cherakee Street, Denver, ' �
<br /> ° � Calorac3o 80234. , .
<br /> , . .
<br /> � FOR �t1�IBLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor�i.rr��acably txainsf��; conveys, and
<br /> � , assigas tc���istee, IN 'PR�S�, i/iTEi POUiBR OF 9FiT�, fQr the bere�� and security . ,
<br /> . af Benefic�ary, una�QS and sub$ect to the terms ana ccnciitiana af thfs �ed of '� .
<br /> � � � Trust, the �xeal pxagserty lccated in the City of Granit Tsland, County e:, : � •
<br /> , : . Kall, State of TJebraaka, and leqal ly.descrfbed� as fol;i�.v�s:. . �the "Prc�o-wY"): ... � ' ". '
<br /> . ' Lat Two (2) in ��.ack Qne Hundred `i'wettty-Z1�vo (122 f �.
<br /> Union Pacific Ra�iway Co anys S�-..ond Addition ta ���,� � � -
<br /> � City of Grand IsJ.and, Hal� County, Nebraska. �
<br /> :.��� i. � TOGE2HER �IITH all rents, ease�r�nts, appurtenances, hereditaments, � �
<br /> � � iatereSts in adfoining roads, at�eets and a.l2eys, impzovements and buildfnqa
<br /> � � . of any itfnd situate� thereon an8 all personal property that may be or - _ -
<br /> � herea£ter l�ecome an intaqral gar�t of Buch buildin�s and. improvetrte�ta. �.�
<br /> . , _ ,
<br /> : - ; The property aa3 the entire estate ar�d interest conveyed to the Trustee -
<br /> ' are referred to coZlectively as tF►e "Trust Estate".
<br />_ . _'_ . . -_.i..
<br /> a. Paylnent of fndebtedness in the tc�tal prfncipat funa�nt af ;30,OOfl.U� •
<br /> � with interest thereon, a� evidenced by tho cQrtain promissory NotE of even
<br /> d�te (the "Note") with a ntaturity date of May 15, 1993 , executed bq .
<br /> . � Trustor, which hao beer► dolivered ana fs gayable to the ordor of 8eneficiery, ;
<br /> ' and which by thic reforancQ i.� horeby mado a part here�f, c►n� any anc! all =
<br /> ' modificatiane, e.ctensicina and renewala thereof, and, -
<br /> _ � b. Payment of all ::umc adv�nced by Benoffcfary to protect the Truot
<br /> Estate, with interest �hereon.at the r.ate'�sf ten (l0) perc�nt per� annum.
<br /> " Tt1is Deed of Ttust, t,:�c Nate, and any other.instt�unant given to ovidenco
<br /> . or fur�her securo thQ pAyrnent And pertorm��nce �of Any obtic�atian �ecured herQby .
<br /> � are �eferred to collestiv�ly as tne "Loan Tnatr�ents".
<br /> � � � TO PROfiEC'I' TNE SECURITY �F' Tt�IS O�ED OF TRUST: �
<br /> !. FAYMENT OF ITlOB9T�aNES�. 'i'rv�tor sht�Il ptsy whcn dna tha prisccfpnl :'�
<br /> d£, and t;ia n orev.. an, a �.n e tednocc �videnced by tho Nota, charqes, fQes
<br /> � an.� ali other sums as pravided in tr�e�L,c�an InstrumQnt�..
<br /> 2. '�3�}iLS. Trustor c:hall �aay er�ct� mor�th at the t3.me prirteipol csnd
<br /> . interest �a�;nenfc� ere made ane-twelftt� (1/12) af t.t�e ��timatad annual real
<br /> � estnte taxes. Eioneficfary shAll then pay the reAZ estcsta t�;cas bafore tha
<br /> sema beccxn� cielfnquent and shall provade Truator wfth Qvfdpnce af poycnent c�f .
<br /> tha t�xes. Ir► th� avc+rit tt�at th� re�l �+utc�to tr�ces shr�uld inereaso, tho
<br /> mruotor agree� to maico an uddition�l payrtront cu�fficient to cove� payrt;ent of
<br /> �uch texen.
<br /> 3. INSU#tANCE ANU R�?PAIRS. mrus�tar ::ttt�ll ��y r�t rhe time principai and
<br /> . intor�st p�y�nec�re ma e Qac� �:an`.h ona twelfth 41/t2) of tha vetir�at�d
<br /> �nnual premium cosr. �'vr fire and oie�et�ded covorage ins�:rancQ, insurir.5 ±ice
<br /> . buildings, canbtit:.*_ing th� 'trus�. estata fcsr ar� �unt �:� Iesb �h�t t::e �nunt
<br /> o� the rep.acement vc�L.s�a af `?�o b�ilding::. Beneficiary ,hall r�y the premiums
<br /> � for mb�ntainfr�q suca pc�li�� �:s:�d �Ra1L prdvid� Trustdr ait.h �v:���nca af . '�:-----
<br /> � .r.�urance pecmium ���r.r,ant� �ach �r��r. 5uct: iricur8nce �:�licy ::ha11 cc:�c-s.n �t ' .
<br /> rtr_�nderd m�rtg�q� �i.�xaUe i.n fuvar �af i3ertefic3nry and a�;i.I not !�Q ca*r�;.��ble.
<br /> � � termin�Io or modi.;.ablcl w�tho�L t�:. �1�J f c�ys prior �.z�*.ea ^e�tice t� � �
<br /> --- - -- • H�ii��"f�Ya�. Ta�i �t6� �fi�I«-�i�c�i��Iy�repair, r�5inta:ri Q;id r`eg��_o ttie �T,ru�E - - - � - -
<br /> �stet� �r t�ny pbrt th�rea�' ��:� th�et, except- fvr �rdinary �reaF =���:� tedc, *he '
<br /> ' Truat �stAte.shb21 ar�t dot�:�arate. In nc� evcnt sho12 'i:e ,'�'�.a�:.'ryr. cammit �
<br /> waste hn �r tcs th� Tru�t E�state.
<br /> LIn addition Lr� ea;sualty itnsur�nc:e, Tr�stUr sh�tll �sy, �y the titt:E
<br /> pr�nci�a2 t�rtd intQrQSt pa�r:�nts �r� n�.�c�o, c=nE�-rw�l€Eh E�l11D c� tt�H ��rnu��l � �
<br /> premiur,t foc c,etnpe�hQncive I:ability i*��urun�E• cov�rit►y !t�E� pr¢:�:beb �r.ci
<br /> -� - - �i �:
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<br /> -.-.s'�f _.rf-� � _� '..�,: �-� . .�t , -�� ...... ... :7,. ° ."t. . ". �#.�' �
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