�F�4yt�i.:f.`._�pt �:,C �t-t�i'.'Ni '�+ � 1 s�- -.=7.• < `�R+\ ��i�.�� __
<br /> _��-' ��;',� A +' dt�� __ ➢f.�`Ld..'ti.`�'Ei�z;1�.dF��,�? -
<br /> _- .:teLt..=tii.'y_'..n�.:-- __-—__
<br />_ . _ . - - » �—� '_;� _ _� . _. . . . _ _—' __ . . � " ' t _- . . . _
<br /> — • . . " ' ' ' '_ " . . - . _ . . _ . ']. . .
<br /> � " . _.�—�. . f � � . , � ,. - 4 � " �
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<br /> • �} . ' - . ' � � 1 � y ' . � .
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<br /> � . , . ` �-�10�s45 ' �
<br /> ���� v��,�a,�y�;�������€�g��1���►��n`��.r�u, . � .
<br /> , _ Borrfl�rer s1�a1!psg t6e premivau requ�s+Ed to m�intain the insnr�nce ir:etfoct unat surh time�s the reqniraoeat far the �
<br /> ; � insurana cermin�trt in ac�i�c��vitb Borro�ua's aud Lender's�vri�tsn agoenieat or appticablr la�v. �
<br /> • . S. I�ttjo�. " f.ender or Ia steot�tay malce r�a�sonat�te entties npon u�d inspec[ions of tbe Proparty.I.endes '
<br /> sLatl pve Boapw��Wticeu tbetimeoforpriartoan iaspectinn specifyina rasonabkwusefos cheinspection. � .
<br /> ` ! G�i�WMe. The prccadsof sny a�rud or claim for dama�aes.dirert orron�equa�tia�in caanectioa�rith � � .
<br /> - arrY cec,demn�tion a aber�f of any pist of�tLe Propercy,or for conveyance in iieu ot c�uuson,arie(�e�by � �
<br /> ' . , aftip�ed and�U be prid to i.endec � . � . � .
<br /> � In tbt evertt of a tots!ukina of the Property.the pracerds shat!he applied to ttu sums securaf by tI�is Securicy .
<br /> Instrwnast,�w6ether or not thas d�wRCh any e�paid w Horm�rer.In the event of a puiial rakina of the Proparty.
<br /> untes 8orra�ra andl t.ender othervise�ree in�vritiing.the sw�ns secured by this Security lnstrunxnt shi115e rsduced by
<br /> Nie amoQnt of tbe praoe+edt multipliad by tl�foUo�ving fraction:(a)the tota!unount of the sums securad immediately
<br /> , 6efote tbe tatcina.divided 6y(b)the f�ir m�ricet v�lue oithe Prc�perty immediately before t}te Wcizi�.Arty 6�Isnee shall be
<br /> - pidcoBorrower. : � . �
<br /> _ If tbe Proprrty is s6andoned by 9otro�ra,ot�i�aftes aotice by Le�der to Barro.�er that tlir Qondaanos c�lfers to .
<br /> mNce�n awr�rd ar settk s cl�im!or damaga,Borrowa faits to rapond[o LendEr within 30 days after the date the notice is . .
<br /> . pvp�.I.etsder is wthb�ized to calleci and apply the pr«:oeds.at its aption.tither to restoration ot rrpais of thE Property or �
<br /> ' to tifeawnssecured 6y thisSecuntp tnstr�meni.whethrr or nat then due. � �
<br /> Unk'ss Lendsr and Borrawer othenvise agee in writeng.any applicat�a�ufpr�s to principal shall not extaid or
<br /> : patpone t1�e due date of tlk�o�nthly paymrnts refertcd co in ptragraphs f aarr���t ctunge the amount of sucb paymei�ts. "
<br /> 10. BoROwsr No(��Reteaud; Fosfeara�ce By Le�der NM • Wai�ei:,: Eatensian of the time for payment or
<br /> . modification of amoctiutioa of ifie sums securcd bq this Security Ins�rumenc grar�ted by Lender co any successor in �
<br /> ' inteteat ot Borrower at�all not operAtc to rdase the tiabitity of the Qriginal Borrovrer or Borrower's sucas,wrs in intaat.
<br /> La�det shall no1 be roquired to ca�hmence psoceedings against any succesu�r in intaes4 or rtfuse to extend ti�sse far �
<br /> g4��mrnt or othenv�ise madify amortizatian of tLe sums seeured by this Socurity Instrument by re�.wn of any demand made
<br /> �bytheorisitul 8orr,o�vtr or BorrcnvePs successor�i�a t�tarat.Any forbearanceta�Lender in e�ercisinp�any right or reme�y �
<br /> shall not be a M�iver of or precluQe tbe eaercise of���i�t or remedy- . �
<br /> : .. 11. Srt�asan aM l�srlp�$ow�/;�oht�uii Seren!Liabitity:Coai�tecs. 'f7ic cavrnants and a�reements of •
<br /> , ,tbis Security Insttumrnt shi(I biad�ind bene8t El�esucce�4o�s utd assigns af Leadet artd Borrower.�sub}ect ro the pravisions
<br /> of par�anph l�.8orrower'�coven�nts and�are�mei�u shsll be�oint and se��raf.Any$orrnwer who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instrumrnt Aut does rtot eAxute the Nau:(a)is co-signing this Secanty instrucrtenc only to m�nga¢a graot and c�nvey '
<br /> irrat Hacro�vee'ti it�tetest in tAe Property under the tetms of th�s Security Instrumen[;(61 is not pensanally obligated to pay � •
<br />. the sums secured�sy this Socurity tnstrummt; and (c)Agras tbat l.ender and any other Bonower may agree to extend.
<br /> • tnadify.forbear or matce�ny pccammoQations with «gsrd tc�t�tcrms of this Socunty Ins�rument or�he Nate without -
<br /> that Borro�vcr'scorraent. .
<br /> 1s. 1.oA�41ur�e�.:;iithe loan secured 6}•t�s 5ecur�ty IaslrnmenE is sub�ect ta a!aw whic��ets max�mam!wn ' _
<br /> ci4sr;a.�nd that bw is'�nxlTy mterprrted sn thaz the jntuest or ather t:,an chArges collected cr to be callecte� in ---
<br /> ccrnr�eetion �vith the ta�n ai�;ed the permitt�ed lianits. then: (a)any such lo�n charge shal{ be reduced by the amaunt �;=
<br /> . nieessiry te�caduce ehe chir�:c�a,tht�ermitted 6m�t:and(b)any sums already coliuted frnm Borrower which exceede�f
<br /> ', permitted tite^�[ts will be�cf,ks�ed ta ,�rraMer• kndet may choose io make th�s refund by reducing the principsl owed
<br /> css�det Ihe ti�te or by mafficuag a direet payment to Borr�wer.lf a refund re�c�s pr�ncip�l,the reduct�on wi!{be treated�s a -
<br /> • partial prep�yment without ony prepsyment cbsrge under the Nnte.
<br /> 13. i,e�Ho�AAeeti� Lepee'�Ri�lta If enactment or expuatcun �f apphcabtr laws has the el�ect af ;�
<br /> renderina�ny provisiun oYthe Nate ar th�s See�t�ity instrument unenfnrceahle ucr�rd�ng te+��s t¢rmc,t.ender,at r�s crpt�on,
<br /> , msy �equire immcdi�te payasent in full c�f a!I sum� secured by this Sccur�ty In�trumen[and may �nY�+9e any rrcr,cd�es
<br /> ' permitted by pu��nah t9.IP l.endrt e�ere�ses thii cspt�an.l.ender shall take Ihr tttp�spec�f�rd m the 4•a.1:,nnd parAgroph tri • •
<br /> par�aaph 1�. M�:.-:
<br /> , :�.,
<br /> l�. Notkt�. Any nn��ce to HnrroN�ct providtd fi�r�n this 5ecur�ty In�irument tihall he givcn��delwering�t�r hy •
<br /> m�ilia�it by fint class mad u�les�a�pie��able law requues use of anuiher rneihnd Th.� nouce�hall bt d�rected tu the
<br /> Prop�erty Addtas or any othu addres��rrnwer drs�gnuttti hy noure ec�t ender Any nr�nce�u Ler.�tr.ahall he g�ren by '
<br /> �rat Ct�,ts m�il t�Y a.endet's aQd�ess 6totrd htrun or any oihcr addrec�l.ender d�s�gnatc�;hy nutice ta&r�r�^.nwer Any nnUee
<br /> {�ovided for in ihis Setun~y insttument shal)be dcemetl to have been R��en ra�.t3r►rrower��r Lender w�r�given as prc�vrded
<br /> in this pu�nFh.
<br /> ls. �t�ia L�w;Sertylitity. Th�g 5ecunty Inctrr�:�.ent chail hr�E►verncd by federe!taw a:�d the ti��ri'�he
<br /> jutisdictior�r��rhich the Property i� t�xated.In the rvrnt that.�P�pr�ti��cu�n or clauce nf th�s Srcun�y {e�,rcr^r:..e c�the
<br /> , Note conAiat�w�th npplicaak taw,s.:�:ib canfltCt�hal!not nffeet ethtr prc��,ti,unti of rhi�Serunty In4rr�rncut c�r��:e ti�tc
<br /> whieh ean be g�vtn effect w�th�ut the confttcling ptervision 1 i�th��er�d�he;.:_w���unt uf Uns Secuney Irntrumern a-:d tl�e
<br /> Nate are decl�red t�be sevenblc.
<br /> 16. �larr�rwe�'t(;ooy. i�nrraar�shali btg��en��nc ci�nfurn�ed�����y��i the ti<ar and uf eti�s Secunty In�erument
<br /> N. "�'r�wter ot tbe Pro/rrty.a s&ne8Na1 Inttrest ie Horrawer. If aif cst aay part of�Ihc Yrupetly nr�ny
<br /> iriterat in it�s sold or ttansterrtd(ut�f a tyeneficial mtet�s�in 8urtuwer��.aJd��r lran�ferrcd and[i�ru�wer iti nF�t a nawtal
<br /> pets�nl wtthout Lender's�,�os wniten con�ent. I.ender may,at�ts aphan,r:qwre�mmed�ute p�yment�n full of ali sums
<br /> seeured by.th�s Secu��ty ��strument. Hnw�erer. th�s nptwn rhafl i�nt t+e e�erc��rd by l.rnder if eaerc�se iti proh�b�ted by ,.�•.—�_
<br /> federal taw as�f�he d�te nf this Secun�y Ins�rument. •
<br /> If i.ender exrrcises this�dtiun.(.ttt�let shall g�ve gorrr�w•er n��tice c�f ec�eterat�ur► "i�he iwtice shall prnvt�e a pern�d
<br /> of not Itss than 30days from tht d�te Iht nc�uce tq dtli�•eted c�r m�tled with�n Nhich liutroaer must pay all cums secured b}
<br /> . , i�'fia�tifffjr�ti]fft7TilCilt.���D1TirWCf{7T�Si0p'JyiIItSE4liIftS�fRtit[Gt�'{g-�(�+ffdf�iii16T1T11��►Cf1lHl.t.endcrmayinvukeany � �
<br /> remedies permitted b�r thts 5ccuntv Insttument vvqhnut turth�r neri�ct�at dea���u!Em Bt�rr�rwet �
<br /> 1S.Bott'ot�t�'s Ri�tto Reiast�tt. tf Qottc•uet mcets certa�n tc��►d�ti��nc,Harmwer shvit ha'+.e�he r��h� tr�haor �
<br /> enforeemtn/uf Ihts 5ecunty Instrument d�sccint�nuect nt pny IEnze p►t��r te,�he earl�rr nf Car 4�iays tut cuch other pencKi av
<br /> { � appftrable law m�y�specif} far te�n�ts�tetttenU Gefutt sate uf�he Prnperty pur�u�ne tn ar�� �,urr ��t wte c�un�u�ned�t�th��
<br /> �— . 5ecuflly Instfutrjent,vr(b)eatry t,ia�udgmenc en(�tcrng this 5e�unty ln«roruem �f hv�e�<<pd�tu�r�s�re Ihat NE•t�uwer '�'
<br /> (a)��ays Lend;r a1i sums v►h�rh�hen wnulcf he�due under �h�� S:.or�e. Ihtitrumtnt attd tht tirt� ha�1 nt+ accetetatu��i �`'
<br /> areu�ted:!b>cut�aov detAUlt nf aiay uthrt cc=�tn�ts aw a�trtments. {c`; �b}i a!1 ex��er�� ttccurre�! t(t tfFfl�tl3li(d ��ll�i ' �
<br /> Se:nnty Irtstrurrirnt. iri�tu�ittrg.but n�t irm�t� tn,r�5�n5L�l�3�.Gftie}s� t�es:and fdi(aics tiu�l�c►iiicifi es f.encici m�y _ _
<br /> � reas�nabty rtquue tc�U45lIf!t,tt�t tRt It[f� o!th�5 Se�:ur�ty fn��rumrn�. l.rrr�fer'ti n�thta tn thr F're��crt� anc# Ut�rsvwrr� °• �
<br /> abligattn» tts pa� ihe su�ns secuted by t►ue 4c'cut�ty•Insirument �hai! �i•n�uT�rc uficisar��;cd E��N��r Fplh4ti1fCfl�hiiS �iV
<br />` 8atrnwtr,th��Se�ur�ty In�erutne�E a►zd the��hltg�honc cerureci hrteby`fs�fl trtn:�in iuli�ef�crh�e a��f n«a«rl�tatr��n ha�t
<br />. cqcurted itc�we�er,�h�«rghttc�re�nsteteahall nc,tup�l�uti the ra<e��i,�,.,rieFUrn�s�ur,�}fr��aragrarh� !�c�; 1�
<br /> , �
<br />