�::,.:,�.rt?kt�s21:E:iP;.�i�a.�: a €-c.��i�. l'�,'ri. :�.z • �rw: ...;y: .�y�;k.: " �s.�1•>•v'w�+.`a'��";n°u:•t,�� ��.�m.-r.� a ttaiij��s,�a.�; a'�n t r. . :�.4.r,xt(4�`��.:.}s-e..
<br /> - __�,. —._�__(f.Y'4�SiNiW:iEJ - TtZfi_LdR.�i*.c11i8�t�SS'e�� 6 ` ��1�AFF�`��' �`�1�:Z e�i�rr.�s�m�sv�a5�t"�7'v��ass..�.�� -- -
<br /> - - - -- --- --- + �':a�.a�
<br /> — - _. . - ` _.. . . � . . . I�,� Y -.- . '-- ..- .
<br /> �
<br /> . _ `_ — , ' ' � .�.�,-.. , ( �
<br /> , . t . . -
<br /> � , - t , ' _ ' < ,
<br /> `. UN1�1tM COYE1VAKi5. Batroaer and Leoderoavrsaatst and aga as faUows �-"�i 0 2 6 4 5 . ` .
<br /> t� Pa�Mat o�A'i�NM!sM b�PreM�sewt aii LKe tiir�es. Sorrower shalt ptamptlY-P�►Y�+hen duc ,
<br /> � . tbep�e��a!of sttd inteirst an H�edebt evidenctd by the Noteanct aaY prepa3nneRt and tate ehuges dut urder the Note. _ . .
<br /> 2. FM�treTi�w�Ir■esse� Snbject�toapplicabk taw or fa a writtrn waiver by Laida.BorroMtr sh�l pay
<br /> ' � ta Leades ae the day tnonthly pyments are d�tmder t�t NatG unti!the Note is p=id in fuli,a surt:("�ahds y equal to '
<br /> ,• aeat�fRb o�`(a}ya�y uxes u�d assaunents Nhich trisk attairt'priarity over tbis Security Insirument; (b) yarty
<br /> �. •� . tereb�id py�eats or srouad ra�as on the Prope:ty. if inY; !c)yar�y f,mra iasurance prremiums:and(d) Y�Y •
<br /> ewrt�ye ins�rance p�emiums.if any.Tbese it�s m callad••escsa�+items."Lender ma�r atia�te the Fw�ds due on the . ' .
<br /> � b�ofc�trsatd�ta�nd riasoiisbleatimata�ffututee�cirow itteu.
<br /> Tlie Funds slull be hdd iri s�insututioa tLe deposiu or accannts of whieh are insur�ar�arantoaf by a k+derai er .
<br /> , . �e a�p�y(inctudin= Lajd�er if I.ender is such an inuitution).i,er�der shalt a�1y the Funds to psy the escrow items. . .
<br /> Lmder may iwt�liarje for boidin6 aed apQtyins the Fuads,anaIyzing tbe acxount ar verifyin�thE escrow itams.untas
<br /> � �f P�Ys Bo�ro�rer inter�at on tlse Funds and appficabk ta�v perniits Leader to maice such a cbuga 8orrawra and .
<br /> _ d�a�der maq a=ree in�rriting tlnt interat ahall be paid on the Funds. Ualess an agreaneat is m�de or applicabk taw
<br /> . . nqwira interat w 6e pdd,I�endes s3�aU not be requir�to pay Borrower�ny intarat or eaminas on the Fands.L�ender .
<br /> , sh�D tive to H+xra�vet,w:ithout clpa�,an annual ucountina of t�te�unds shawing c�Pits and debits to the Funds a�rtd tht
<br /> purpote for arhich ach de6it ta tbt Funds aas made.Tde Fw�d.s ue pledgod zs addiri�t�t!se�ura�far tha sums se�urod bg
<br /> • , eAaSewricyt�urunxnc. � �
<br /> . If t!k amamt of thc Funds held by t.ender.to�eWer with tbe futute mqnth�y�ymmu af Punds psyabk priar to
<br /> t6e d�e dates of the acro�r it�n�.shall Gaceed the amonng ae�uired to p�y�he esFraw�*.ems when due.tbe eacas shall be.
<br /> st Harro�ve�'s aption�at4�er promptty apaid co Barsrnver or creditod to Dorrower or�monthly Qayments of Furtds.If the
<br /> . �t of tbe Fuadf lit�d Dy Leadts is not su�sient to psy tAe escrawE ntzms when dae.8orrower sAalt pay to Lender sny " �
<br /> �mount r�acestary to malce up the ddcirncy in one or more psymmts�s ae�guired by Lender.
<br /> . Upon p�yment in futt ot all sunu secured tiy th�s Socvnty Instrumen�L.ender ahajl promptiy refund to Bocrovrer
<br /> � any Fwrds hetd by Lender.if under parsEnph 19 the Property is sofd or a�:quired by Lender.Lender shall apply.no��ter
<br /> • tbaa fmmedistdy pr�ar ta the safe ot the Ptoperty ar its�cquisitian by[.endet.any FunQs held by Lettder at Ihe time of �
<br /> appli�ationas�credit�aiau tbe�umssocuce��this5ecurity Instrommt. '
<br />. 3. A�d Pa�we�b. Untess��plieabk law pravides otherwise,all payments c�eived by Lender undet •
<br /> � � �p�rtjraphs 1�nd 2 sludl be�pplied:fisst.tu ft��:�.:fiu�d due under the Notr.serand.to prepayment chargs due under the
<br /> Nat�t�.to amounu payabk unitez p�ra,�ra��s Z;faurtl��:�interat due:ond last�r�ca g�rincipal due.
<br /> : �. �r�11�. 8orr�wer sbal!pay al!tues;-�ssGSSmenta.chsrges.hr�s and impositions aten�able to the
<br /> Property �vhich may attain priority over thi� Sxufity Instrumeat. an�t teasehold psyments az ground rents. if sny.
<br /> �ryrESA►��b�11�►v�h�!►Dl����es�s ut!�*sl�.�_2!t t SQViQ!Y4�+e(wse��±1�as ii nn�nasi��n lheP Grian�r►>Pc�nn�vn���1� �
<br /> pay tAem on time dirQCtiy to the person owed{►symtnt.Borrawer sfuDl pramptty fum�sh to Lcnder a11 not�ces o!smounts ' �,
<br /> - to be pid under this para�rrph.ii Borrower malca these payments directly.Barrower ah�ll pramptly fumish to t.ender �
<br /> radpts evidauina the paymenu. ;
<br /> . . 8orro�ver st��ll pmmptly discP�arte an�lie�wfiiclt hu pc�ority over�his Sacurity Instrummt unkss Borrowrtr:(a) � .
<br /> � attaa in�rtitin�to�lk p+yment of th�r obliµtson secured dy ebe tien ut a enanner acceptabk ta Lusder:!b)cauat:in Soad �_'..,
<br /> . ' . faith the lien by.or detend�sa�inst entatermmt of the lirn�n,tc�al proca+dinas which m the 1.er�Ser's opinian operate[o , °-
<br /> ". prevent the rnforcement af the lien�r forfe�ture o�any pan o!the Property;ar(c�sacures from�he halder of�he lirn an � --.
<br /> , a=ree�a��aasisfactory to Lender�subordmating the lien ta r;h,;s Secunty Instrument.lf Lmder Aetemuaes that any pAq of , i --
<br /> the P1ro�erty is subjxt to a I�rn whicb msy attain priority over this Socunty Instrument. L.endtc may g�ve Borrower a
<br /> ' notioe idmtifyin�the lien.Barrowrr shall su�t;� �he l�en�r take ane or m�re of the acnans!`et Cc�sM►ve�nhin 10 dayrs
<br /> � . " , �fthepvinjottwtice. . .
<br /> S. H��ei l�ew�ce. Qorrpwer s��11 kap�he imprtsvemeatts»rnv ea�stma ot herwitcr erccted an Ihe Property :•
<br /> ' �nwrod spins►bas by fire.hsurds�ncluded w�eh�n the term"eatended ravet�ae"and any other hazards far which i.ender �
<br /> . requira insur�nce. This inw�ance shatl be maieained in the amounts And for thr�ads tt�at I.ender requ�tes. 7 hs
<br /> � inwrance�urier prov�dinj�he msuraace shsll be chosc� by BarroRer subjert to tAmder's:g�rzs��t which shail �at he
<br /> upra:onaQly wi�hheW. �►
<br /> � A!I insunnce pol�cccs ara4 ren�wst9 shall be�:aptabk tu I.ender ons sh�l)�nclude s stmd�rd mon�se clause. . �
<br /> Lends��al!have!he n�1tt to hcald the poiic�es and rencwala.lf Lender raruues,8o:rower ahal!ptomptly give to Lendet
<br /> � � all raceipts o�qid prem�umf ted renewal notices,ln the ev.tnt c�f'loss.iiorra�ver Ahsl!�ve prampt natrce co nlee insur�n�e
<br /> carrier and t�rnckr.LertQer msy m�ke praoPot tas�if not m�ade promptly hy f3arrower.
<br /> Unless 4endcrsnd Horrown olherw�se agree�n wrn�na.�nsurar.��r=.acceds shall be�ppfcall tn rostorazinn nr repa�s
<br /> � otthe Property dan���.if�he restoru�an ur rep�ir i4 econamrcally teas:�ie aad l.esider's sec�nig�s aot tessened. If thr
<br /> reftaratian or repait ts not erot�•sxm:cally feasibte or LenGe?'c secunty would be ies.�e:�ed,the�ns�trance ptc�credq sl�all be
<br /> appliod to the sums stcured 6y r:hcx Secu��ty Inslrumrnt,u�:he�her ur nut then d�.,us:ar;th any excres paid to�rrower. It
<br /> � 8a�ro�rer ab�r�dans tl�e Yr�perty,�r dot�not�nswer wuhtn 36 d�y�a�i�ure frnr.:i.endsr th��t�t m�uranet ct�rr�er!fu
<br /> • olretod to�et�k a eta�m.thrn l.ender msy callcct the�muranae proceeds.l,ender mati�uoe the�ra��reds to repair or restore
<br /> � � , the Praperty er.o p�y at�nrs aecured by�h�s Secunty Inqtr:ment.whetha or nnt thrn due= TAe 3t?�day pena0 wiU be�n
<br /> w?�m tlre ndic�e is�ivrn. .
<br /> � U;nkss Lcnclrr and Ibrrawer citherw�tie egree m wni►n8,nny apphcatu,+�c�4�r�n.�rd�tu pnnc�pa!shati nat extr.nd nr
<br /> pn�tpone iheduedsteof t�t monthly psyments referreal ta m pa��gr�phs 1 and 2 c�r:nar,gr rhr�muunt of�he payrteents.If �
<br /> undei qr:gaph 19 the Pwperty n�rywted by Ltnder,Horrowcr's ngAt to any iirsurance�fir�a and prcuetds resultmg
<br /> trom dama�e to the Prnptny pric�r tn the�cquuu�on shall pa�s ta Lender ta the eatz:�i of�he wms sec:urc+d Ay�h�s Secun�y
<br /> .•, _.�-
<br /> Instrummt immediately pnot to the acqu�s�t�on .
<br /> �. Pre�r��tlos�s1 Mat�tesaect ot Pro*er�;Les�eholm. Borrowet sha5?nat dtstrry,damage or�ubstant�ally
<br /> � ehan�the Prupefl�.a11aW the Prpp�erty tn deteriorau or com�rut we:tt. lf thi�5ecunty taufrument�s on.a teasehold. .
<br /> - - • $6irovver sTtiIIrompiy with[he ptovisinns oTihe ttase,end itBdrrawer aryuire�fet titie ti�the Proptrty,thr feasehofd and �
<br /> , ta titk shsp ncri mct�e unless i,ender asren to ehe merger�n wnt�ng
<br /> . , 1. Proltctias ot I�teder'� Ri�lb iu the Pro�erty: �farf� Insunntt. If Bnrtnwer fo�tt tu Fxrtorm Ihr C
<br /> Coventbts and a�reements conicuned�fl Ehis Sccur�t►Instrumtnt.ar thxre ts a kgai prexeed�ng that may sigtnfic�ntly aRect
<br /> L �ender's nahts in the Pruperty (such us a prrnECd�ng�n bank�uptcy, prc�ba�e. far cundemnatiar� ur ta cnf�rce Iaws ar �
<br /> re�ulation�),��en L.ender m�y do and pay fe�t whate�er��ntcessary t„prntec�th��atue esI the Pra�+erty anQ Lender's nghts �
<br /> �n tht Ptoperty. l.eesder's actrens may mclede paymg any sum!secureE!by a hen whtrh t�as prtoriiq e��er tM�5scur��� ti
<br /> . Ilul�umene.a�ppealtrngtn couri.�ay�rtg tt�suunfitcattt�rnt}-s ft�cand rntcttng cm thr 1'rn�rty tcs make re�air� Altbr�ugh �
<br />, I.�ddet ma�r fatie actcbn undei i1��spungraph 7.��fuiei dtieti n��!t�a.e ic�dt*u= - - . - �.
<br /> • � Ant�mc�unts d�sE�unt�f t+y L�nder undtr t hia�arngraph 7 shaU ts;cc�me Bdd�t�nrr;�l deht��f Ef�+rrs�arr�ecured hp this • _ .,
<br /> 5eeunty tnstrnnrer�t (tntrss 8i+rr�Ner�nd I.er�iferagrer tv e�th�r terms i�f�+ayeteent.tfirce amnurirs�chati 4�ear�nteres�fre�sn
<br />- tht datt of dis6utsemens at thr Ni�te r5;e �n�i �ha13 � payahlt. tis�th �citrrt:t. upe�n nti�tr.t (sr.ni l rntter r• ti��rri�we�
<br /> requesting paytrtrnt
<br /> �
<br />_'�T . _ � _���.__ "� _� y� -_
<br />